Monstrum ago

Why is voat labelled far right?? There is no csnsorship as far as I am aware, libs and lefties are free to post anything they like? So its just free speech

krockery ago


in case you’re wondering how jewish my family is, here’s the sefer torah that my dad just donated to our local synogauge. eagle eyed tweeters will, indeed, see that my name is on it (along with my brothers)

vitreousphantasm420 ago

Echo Chamber. I miss the wild card aspect of lurking boat and reaching new allies

BordelonLoop ago

tick tock the game is locked

nobody else can play.

Rockfish1000 ago

Au Revoir, Shoshana!

Justwhiteofcenter ago

Most Canadians I know want the first and second amendment more than they want to be Canadian.

PygmyGoat ago

They have a funny way of showing it by putting Trudeau in office.

toobaditworks ago

NWO, SJWs, socialists, marxists, commies have a funny way of rigging elections.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Good, fuck those Marxists and their bullshit lies.

The coming civil war will be the death of all of them.

Blompf ago

How can we bring in new users? Does each of us get an invite code we can share or something? There's constant user turn-over, and we need to have them on board.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago


SomeRandomeUser2017 ago

Free speech is for everyone. Restricting the site does more harm than good because it is one less opposing opinion to MSM. Ideally there is a solution to the ddos so the site restrictions can be lifted. Keeping the site on lock down turns it into an echo chamber no better than Reddit.

krockery ago

Restricting the site does more harm than good

No; read /u/puttitout's post. If he didn't have it restricted the site would be totally offline due to coordinated attacks.

SomeRandomeUser2017 ago

For the interim restricting it is a solution but that kind of defeats the purpose of Voat being a free speech platform if it's user base can no longer grow. Long term it turns into an echo chamber. An option I saw mentioned elsewhere was to mirror content and host elsewhere read only which at least makes the content publically available. I have seen a few other options to mitigate the attacks and have it be unrestricted again by decentralizing the site or follow a p2p format but that makes accessibility too complex for the average user.

Lavender7 ago

keep it tight

bareknuckledragon ago

Fuck off. We're full.

Leroy_Antoine ago

AU REVOIR SHOSHANA. (Inglorious Bastards).

slowcrash101 ago

Far right, lmao, stupid bitch thinks we're dumb enough to fall for binary politics and not see the real puppet masters.

ArcherMcTaco ago

  • came here cause Ellen Pao turned reddit into dog shit and wanted to have an account on an alternative site.
  • Stayed cause I don't cry when people say naughty nono words and I find it funny to make fun of low effort fed posters pulling the ol' Hal Turner "how goes it fellow nazi's" routine
  • Probably ended up on a watch list because the media decided that if only the El Paso shooter would not of been able to post on 8 chan he would of never committed a mass shooting and now every site that isn't a normie site must be a terrorist strong hold.

It was weird when 8chan got taken down, bit seeing voat and kiwifarms get steady DDOS attacks is really suspicious.

Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago

Looks like I stopped lurking just in time

PygmyGoat ago

Cholula is waaaay better than Tapatío.

cursedcrusader ago

This man is right. Tapatio is for children.

RM-Goetbbels ago

"Shoshana" -JEW


pimplepeter ago

Maybe it should never be opened back up to the public honestly.

Yuke ago

It's a good job "Being wrong" isn't an event at the Olympics because leftists would clean up every time.

wwwwww ago

Damn let them in we brought q here fuck it.

metricisokay ago

Charge $10 for entry

Bhalz ago

Thank fuck I saved my PW, We all know this train ride will end someday but god dam if I'm not going to enjoy it till the end.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Then fuck off back to reddit you stupid retard.

Shotinthedark ago


Whatsamannar ago

We’re here forever

Gorillion ago

Amazing algo. It knew she was a jew.

Optional_Reading ago

Brilliant! Please don’t let them in. Walls work

Mr_Wolf ago

was asking this last night

Crackrocknigga ago

It's a good time to find and identify JIDF scum.

I found one who fails the glow nigger test:

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

uses the term Nazi

calls other people JIDF

Something something pot kettle black.

Crackrocknigga ago

I was pissed that he was pushing the hitler gun control myth and didn't feel like spelling out "National Socialists Workers Party". Fuckhead

smokratez ago

The test was if people don't answer.

wokeasfook ago

Here's the thing. I have no less than 4 friends who were lurkers here. This place had helped show me a huge change in their behaviour.

Now they are all calling me wondering if they can use my login. They are like junkies for this place and now they are lost. I live that they feel lost without voat but how long until we lose them. How many more lurkers will we lose.

These guys were lurkers here because I told them there is honor in lurking. They were lurkers here so not contributing but they were contributing to my attempts to red pill our other mates. They were helping in the real world.

Now they are strung out. They are desperate for some more of those red pills. They need the pills mang.

krockery ago

I suggested to Putt that he look at providing an invite feature, but it may be programmatically complex.

Gimmethelolz ago

When they get a chance register and lurk. Also buy ammo

wokeasfook ago

Of course. Thing is these guys have been lurking here for 18months or more. Just never registered accounts. They could read the posts. Now they can't. I can't help but wonder how many more like them.

We want our message spreading. I just fear we are way too closed off now and a total echo chamber. No new users, locked out lurkers etc isn't going to help our long term goals.

Iornukrum ago

Capsized? More like Captain Putts has closed down the hatches, submerged and we're on silent running.

StudSupreme ago

On the Red Boards, anonymous (dot) posting is a tradition.

It has its good and bad points.

Some post as dots so they can OCD troll and post disgusting images - kiddie porn, gore, penii, etc... it's difficult for red board admins to completely block, because there are enough of these OCD psychos around with coding/IT skills that they can work around the blocks given time.

However, red board dots can also post hilarious stuff.

It's a double edged sword.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Real goat’s eyes are evil looking, that’s why Satan is often depicted with slotted goat’s eyes.

Pro tip: never look a goat in the eye, we consider it a threat....., I mean they...

SecurityReasons ago

Haha, very interesting! I didnt know we were closed off to the public.

475677 ago

I wanna invite a couple of frens though. I get it, fuck off we're full, but those mates of mine hate niggers, everything being multicultied, etc. and when the site got taken down they took an interest in expanding their feelings towards having their hatred based in knowledge instead of just goddamn niggers and not knowing why. Those cunts will fit right in here.

Give us all an invite based on our fake internet points and keep the borders otherwise closed!

Shotinthedark ago

So a 5 month old account want to keep other out? Go kvetch elsewhere kikenstien.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Wouldn't want a shoshana wodinsky to be allowed here either.

Shotinthedark ago

Put some random symbols on the goat add some bible verses. We can claim voat as a religion and then (((they))) have to leave us alone. We deserve religious freedom just like all the shitskins and shekel rubbers!

serjsbeard ago

The normies have had their chance. I dont give a shit anymore if you werent on here before you dont deserve to be here. And this kike post proves exactly why.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Sorta, I'm waiting to make an alt for to shitpost @ gabara.

jdecentralized ago

umm, why has there been no talk of trying to decentralize the server systems of these sites. Apparenly 8chan was "moved" to zeronet but the admins of 8chan said they werent behind such a move. Given there is more tech out there based on user operated nodes, would it not make sense to offload that infrastructure away from centralized system so websites arent susceptable of being taken down or have their services cut by companies like cloudfare. It seems like such a logical next step yet i see so few sites trying to accomplish this.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

That backup on zeronet was set up by an anon specifically because he didn't trust the 8ch owner and admin to make serious steps towards decentralization, despite the userbase frequently asking for it.

Why don't you be that guy for Voat? You point out the problem, offer a solution, but then expect someone else to do it.

lord_nougat ago

Plenty of them already got in. Blocking this vile parasite was good, but it is not aware of the infestation already here.

okimaracist ago

nothing to see here move along to the left , and stay out ...should be an invite only!

what pisses me off is that my account only shows me as a month or two old , ive been here for a couple of years at least as Obama_sin_laden but lost my friggin pw

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

This isn't a private yacht club, it's a public forum

Vc83 ago

No jews allowed.

shmuklidooha ago

Wtf are you talking about. Jews are welcome!

We have full-service facilities, group showers and pizza ovens included.

cursedcrusader ago

What about roller coasters, do you have roller coasters? I tell my mom daily if she doesn't stop acting like the Jewess she is, that she's going to have to throw her arms up as she rides into the oven. True story.

shmuklidooha ago

Yes we have a roller coaster, it's filled with holograms of famous Jewish figures. We call it the Holo-Coaster.

PygmyGoat ago

Is that where @NosebergShekelman has been? I haven’t seen him comment on anything in quite a while.

wigson ago

Voat is now like Israel, but with jews on the outside.

Actually nevermind, this place is full of kikes and zionist shills.

ChimpStenographer ago

lets work on fixing that

RumpRangerRick ago

That shapeshifting ability of theirs makes the challenge more difficult.

ChimpStenographer ago

fuck yea!!


But isn't 23andme a kike op?

RumpRangerRick ago

Probably is an (((op))), but either way, we know that one polluted our bloodline, when he impregnated, then abandoned my great grandmother back in the old country, so...

insanitea ago

lets ask them about their nukes

Vc83 ago

They cant help but infiltrate everywhere

toobaditworks ago

You owe me a penny for your thoughts?

dassaer ago

Shekel for your virtue ?? ....

ViperCarbz ago

We leave other platforms due to censorship, but it still isn't good enough for these far-left faggots who needs to control everything.

Gorillion ago

"If you don't like it, build your own!"

"Waugh!!! They built their own!! Shut it down!!"

Little do they realize, we're also building our own "shut it down"....

celestial-skylord ago

And the our own we're building can't be shut down. At least without shutting down all of internet.

mightnotbearobot ago

The irony being that Voat doesn't have free speech. Unless you say the right things it is incredibly limited.

HopeForSale ago

First time I've ever heard that you can say wrong things here, people might tell you to fuck off but you're free to say whatever the fuck you want nigger, just don't expect people to agree with everything, just like, you know, real life if you're not surrounded by pussies.

IslamicStatePatriot ago

Surely you can find common ground with people here on some subject? Talk about more mundane things for a bit get a few upboats and enjoy.

Podd ago

What are the wrong things to say?

smokratez ago

Can't go to space. All porn stars and hollywood actors are trannies. Earth is flat. Atheism is a religious cult ran by satanists. Jerking off turns you into a faggot. Evolution is a religious fairy tale. No such thing as gravity.

theoldguy2 ago

Can't go to space. All porn stars and hollywood actors are trannies. Earth is flat. Atheism is a religious cult ran by satanists. Jerking off turns you into a faggot. Evolution is a religious fairy tale. No such thing as gravity.

2 + 2 = 6 gorillion. Black is white. Smokratez is intellegent. These are also quite wrong.

Podd ago

Well I'll be damned...

oneinchterror ago

"They want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny."

Of course they're not going to stop at banning subreddits and YouTube channels.

sLnTsRvC ago

Im happy about it.

HardCandies ago

Its unfortunate this situation exists. I am just glad I had an account.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Glad I got in before the stop

Warnos44 ago

Unfortunately have seen people offering accounts to others on alternate sites before They'll still get in under an "old account." Good thing their behavior usually flags them.

SexMachine ago

At least until the heat dies down.

armday2day ago

I'll sell my alt

I used it for downvote farming when Voat was a little slower. They'd be fucked hahaha

TopTierCIAShill ago

Lmao sell it, then make a post stating that you sold the account and the username so they get blacklisted and you stole their money.

armday2day ago




toobaditworks ago

Fuck a wall. The US of A should invade Mexico and Canada. Then we'll not only have free healthcare but also free tacos.

Vc83 ago

only actually for real not a fence

Ken_bingo2 ago

The Wall of China was built 3000 years ago. So with CAT, the new one should be several times that size with fucking lasers and automatic turrets.

cursedcrusader ago

But the current AI on the torrent may have problems recognizing melanin and just open fire!

gonight ago

and in the US this time too

serjsbeard ago

underrated comment

TopTierCIAShill ago

Not Israel.

MurkSquatch ago

Do registrations just open periodically Then? I suppose I was lucky they were open when Cringeanarchy was shoa'd.

Merchant_Menace ago

During periods of voat not being under attack by ddos etc

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Wait... no one can see this place? Whhaaaas

SIayfire122 ago

Yup. Try opening Voat in incognito mode and all you get is a login screen.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

i can access it fine from the mobile app, without logging in.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

Fuck off we're full you kike fag

whatever_12345 ago

And the same goes for those aliens: 4chan funny

ChimpStenographer ago

What do we do about the ones already in here running a muck?

turtlesareNotevil ago

They adapt or leave eventually.

ChimpStenographer ago

Seems like they're trying to infest and takeover. I hope you're right.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Doesn't to me. I didn't come here through someone I knew, I try very hard to limit exposure to like minded people to just a quiet nod.

The people that you will get will be shills and qtards sending invites to their facebook friends.

ScreechingTranny ago

Fuck off. We're full.

I lurked for quite a while before registration opened back up. Saw what folks were saying and decided I wanted to stick around. This is not exactly the place for 'passers-by' and randoms, in my opinion.

GoatFree ago

I lurked for a few months too I’m glad I registered before all this took place. The only bad thing I foresee is that lurkers cannot see what is going on. Most people that browse aren’t running back to reddit to post on how terrible it is here. This place gets you to think and think about how most of the crap you have been taught is wrong. More people need this awakening.

Wonder_Boy ago

Shoshanna is a wej. They can't resist coming in here and trying to corrupt Voat. It's a compulsion that they can't resist.

Broc_Lia ago

White ethnic jew?

Wonder_Boy ago

Just a jew

Broc_Lia ago

What is a wej though?

belrial ago

Jew backwards.

Broc_Lia ago


Ken_bingo2 ago

I did too. Then I think it took me 9 months to get a hundred CCP.

AphexTim ago

Took me 5 years

QualityShitposter ago

Pussy. I can rack that up in a day or two with a new alt.

All it takes is a few quality shitposts.

Racial_Maddow ago

Why would anyone expect quality shit posts from you?

Reddit_refugee_1488 ago

Be a dick and it will be taken away, though.

gazillions ago

I'd rather see the entire website copied and pasted on a thousand other web sites so people can lurk and see what the talk really is. The ddos attacks are accomplishing exactly what they're designed to accomplish; keep the normies from reading those comments and getting the facts. They might start asking why their education was so heavily censored.


Remember that South Park episode where Cartman closes his amusement park and everybody wants in?

Closing Voat to outsiders will have the same effect, even more people will want to know what's inside.

toobaditworks ago

Maybe @puttitout could auto-post one highest rating post for the day from /v/news or some other sub on the do not disturb page. But it would be nice to have a full read-only mirror.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

You can screen grab the whole page and print it as a PDF. Then just send the pdf to people. I did that yesterday to show someone the Epstein/NVIXM thread

dorferino ago

Weaving threads on parchment, what madness!

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Well yes, you can use the print option to "print" as a PDF. That's what I meant

invisiblephrend ago

the <6-month old newfags are already not adjusting well. anytime someone is acting like a little bitch, i just click their profile and surpriiiise.

celestial-skylord ago

Might be because all the not-complete-morons saw the writing on the wall ages ago and left for new homes aka voat.

drj2 ago

Literally the only ones that migrated seamlessly was the MDE group

Gigglestick ago


Sburban_Shitposter ago

/v/milliondollarextreme, an old leddit sub and comedy troupe.

known for stupid inside jokes about old users, stupid inside jokes about sam hyde, and gassing the jews epic style (((in minecraft)))

concernedpikachu ago

the cringeanarchy peeps were alright too

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Cringeanarchy got banned? I know TD got quarantined, but I'm quickly losing track of reddit drama. Voat has filled the void without all of the vacuous nonsense that reddit has. So more efficiently, in effect. People talking about real shit and not just posting fucking cat pics and circle jerking the MSM talking points. Fuck I'm growing to hate that place.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

banned along with all the spinoffs... clownworldwar, frenworld...

concernedpikachu ago

got banned months ago, around the same time as brenton tarrant happened. it was the beginning of reddits total downfall.

frankenmine ago

MDE is Voat on TV if you think about it.

MDE_Refugee ago

God I miss it, both Sam and Charls's content are both behind paywalls now. I get that they gotta eat, but it's just sad.

Trasheconomy ago

Thank you sir

Shotinthedark ago

I'm a fairly young goat and I have noticed the same.

TopTierCIAShill ago

Hey shut the fuck up ive been here longer than you have you stupid twat kike. 100 years and kickin

IslamicStatePatriot ago


shmuklidooha ago

Found the Jew

Ken_bingo2 ago

That's impressive, but I was here before the electron had been discovered.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Discovered? I was the one who made it

TopTierCIAShill ago

nah man, my employer told me to tell everyone it was the russians

SmokeyMeadow ago

He knows they aren't supposed to be here. Goats don't like invaders, they get the horns.

ianadba ago

I read her name as shoahshana wodinsky and chortled

Shotinthedark ago

I did also.

Vc83 ago

kek top chortled m8

SmokeyMeadow ago

That's right, libs. We're dead, so fuck off. I love that they showed the disapproving goat.

ForTheUltimate ago

did 8 chan have a commie gathering?

SmokeyMeadow ago

Yes, /leftypol/.

toobaditworks ago

We're full! You have to go back!

recon_johnny ago



Gigglestick ago

Space nigger.

You can go crash on gab if you want.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Say what you want, but I know a high goat when I see one and that's not just a Billy goat. That guy is looking like Willie Goat Nelson

Splooge ago

"Feels good, ma-HHhH-HH-Hhhh-n."