libman ago

IPFS has been mentioned on /v/IdeasForVoat in the past, 3 years ago.

I was very excited about IPFS originally, but it's been pretty disappointing so far. I can't seem to grok it in practice, especially with storing everything in zillions of tiny interlinked files. Plus their support of NN really pissed me off...

theoldones ago

if this file type can be read, posted and scanned by voat, this could make for an automated evidence catching tool for users to back their shit up

libman ago

You mean like / Those are great tools for taking snapshots of your posts (assuming JS rendering doesn't screw it up), but no one entity should be trusted with the preservation of history. Especially, given their left-wing political bent...

I'm talking about archiving of all posts en masse. Look at the Wikipedia or StackExchange ZIM examples. ZIM dumps of Voat can be hosted on BitTorrent and never disappear. This is used by endangered sites like WikiLeaks.