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slwsnowman40 ago

That started it for me. Another is how the Forbes richest people list leaves off the Rothchilds, but I don't have that one saved and can't find it. I think I've seen it posted here someplace.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Pulverizor ago

Looks like OP came to the right place. Best. Comments. Ever.

markrod420 ago

so im curious. did it work? theres a lot of really good explanations here. have you been convinced? for me it was looking up the heritage of those who spout anti-white anti-nationalist propaganda and realizing its like 80% jews. that and the time me and some friends traced back the banking families as far as we could and they all come out of a jewish town in germany in the 1400s, already as wealthy as nations.

Pattern_Blind ago

Part of the problem you are espousing is that people are posting red pills on kikes everywhere. You are choosing to ignore them and forcing people to repost and waste their time. Jews/Trolls use this strategy constantly to make Goyim waste their time.

The only good argument to the people who spend so much time red-pilling on the jews is that you never know who is reading these red pills for the first time and needs them. Versus wasting your time on a troll or posting something that will ultimately be removed.

cheesedog ago

(1) They have an executive branch, formerly known as the Sanhedrin, which today is called the heads of the major jewish organisation. These are the Big Jews who help operationalize money for programs on behalf of other big jews.

(2) Individual Jews like George Soros embody the revolutionary Jewish Spirit of trying to constantly shit on European culture and promote 'pluralism' and pushing the idea that the correct boundaries are not between nations, that nation states cannot guarantee liberty, and instead we should pursue forms of organization which allow access for the big jews to supervene upon congress or the American multinationals who do not salute the American flag. Basically, big jews making it so that it doesnt matter what kind of society we have, so long as the jews are in charge. This is diametrically opposed to our goals, which do have specific outcomes, including disempowering jews and empowering the church to be the arbiter of moral law, instead of politicians. If politicians are the spiritual leaders (see Barack Obamas enchantment on the average SWPL) then it is that much easier to exploit the de-ethnicized christian people by appealing to their sense of moral outrage et cetera. So the second point is not only that Jews are in charge, but that by maintaining their control they are destroying our communities mental health.

(3) Driving points 1 & 2 is the fact that the Jew is a theological construct, if they converted to Christianity they would no longer be a jew. A jew is diametrically opposed to Christian Society, see the Talmud, which came after the bible in the middle ages and was discovered by the Pope and labeled correctly as a heresy. As such the Jews are the natural allies of other traitors like homosexuals and foreigners, who can be pealed off from 'normal people' to create, from our perspective, a coalition of the fringes which is truly satanic in its patterns.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I've never believed in Jewish international cabals or what-have-you but I find it disturbing that some significant people do i.e. Malaysia's Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

Jews created marxism, communism, and are the forefathers of internationalism and the modern left.

Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky were all Jews. The Bolsheviks that usurped power from the Russian monarchy in a violent civil war were almost all Jews. The communist uprisings that followed throughout all of Europe, even leading to a civil war in Spain, were all funded and promoted by leftist Jews. Most of the papers in each of those nations were owned and controlled by Jews and ignored the communist terrorism and promoted anti-nationalist shaming. Most of the banks in that period were owned or influenced by Jews. The Rothchilds, who own the bank of England and stole Palestine from the Palestinians, are Jews. Jews are now over represented in positions of power in the West, and continue to be the primary promoters of internationalism (multiculturalism). Antifa is a communist group that came to be when Stalin created an eastern black bloc group to violently protect the interests of the KDP, german communist democratic party. This is what created the Nazis, who were reacting to the violence of the communists and trying to prevent a Jewish usurpation of the Weimar government.

KikeSkinLampsForSale ago

They make the finest lampshades known to man.

kalchaya ago

Damn dude, you hit the motherlode! When I asked for this months ago, all I got was flak. That's okay. I'll archive this thread, and use it.

lanre ago

Ok, so I know this is a comedy sketch and all, but here's something you probably never heard Jon Stewart talk about on the daily show.

Anti-white stuff starts about 1:30

Simonsaysgoat ago

Dr. Kevin macdonald, dr. David duke, red ice radio, radio aryan. These are some good sources for info and dr macdonald has written extensively on jewish behavior.

sunshine702 ago

Think about any issue The united States is dealing with as gracefully as they can: immigration, inter racial relationships, children's paternity, citizenship, Transgender, porn. War with neighbor countries, war prisoners.

Then honestly research how Isreal deals with it for themselves. Versus what they push is for us to accept.

*fun starter - did you know porn is banned in Isreal. Did you know you can call a telepho e number to report "inter faith/racial relationships!

goatboy ago

Because we're being exterminated and we have a right to self defense. Jews are not 100% responsible for this. However, the overwhelming number of Jews involved at the highest levels of the extermination plan is daunting.

That being true, Jews have as much to fear from the Cabal as everyone else. Jews historically have experienced a disproportionate amount of suffering and brutality at the hands of the parasite that lurks inside Jewish institutions. The number of Jewish trauma victims who suffer from the Cabal is a great tragedy.

However, the Cabal is spread wide in many races, ethnicities, faiths, and creeds. When faced with such an overwhelming enemy who has penetrated so deeply into every aspect of people's lives- it is easy to start simplifying who the enemy is. For many that means claiming Jews are the greatest evil of the world, even when overwhelming evidence shows the enemy comes in every color, shape, religion, and governmental organization.

The reality is the Jews who stand for liberty and self determination are as great a threat to the mission of the Cabal as any goyim, and because they're Jews, they risk an even greater hardships when standing up for us. These are the ones we should be allying with against our common enemy.

SearchVoatBot ago

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I_Always_Lie ago

Viruses don't know of other viruses or there intentions yet they act in coordination to sicken the host.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

The first step is discovering the "new world order", "illuminati", secret societies controlling government and agencies which are above the law (cia doesn't answer to the president, etc.). Right now this is being called "deep state".

Look into how wars in the past were used to destabilize, and devalue nations to be bought up. Then look into how the wars started and who benefited.

Communist Jews in Germany and Russia. What Hitler was trying to end. The victim status that came from their victory. How Israel now controls the Western nations and threatens with the Samson option for non compliance or to prevent any attacks.

Then we get into media used as propaganda. Media used to degenerate the population. The owners of the media.

Dual citizenship of Israel in Congress always vote for what benefits Israel above the us. It's an infiltration and take over from within.

When the people here say "Jews", they mean Israel as a nation, which happens to be strictly Jews only.

DopamineDumpster ago

Anti Semitism had become so irrelevant that it almost didn't exist, and yet they are undeniably trying to kill off white christian identity. They can't help themselves, and that is unacceptable. Their destructive desire kills off the ones that are closest to them quickest. They will be left with rational free thinking individuals that are witness to their blood thirsty destructive ways. Not gonna end well.... They might be staring down the barrel of global great awakening? The jewish lay people pay the heaviest price, sad really.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

There are many good replies here, read through them as they are very informative. The post by obvious throwaway1 is chock full of info based on facts. Also Holocaust deniers, such as myself, have gotten nothing but grief from those who continue to push the narrative and re-write history. I have known some elderly people from Germany that lived during that time and there have been major lies pushed to deceive the planet because most alive today were never there, or even in Germany at the time. Also there were horrible little Nazis who ran amock. Surprise surprise that those who were complete assholes were, in fact, Jewish. They abuse power like nothing else. There are a lot of toxic people on the planet, and statistically, almost always coming from the Jewish DNA strand. In truth, they are what is known as the Kharzarian Mob. They call themselves Jews. But as for the bloodline, they are of their father, the devil, who was a liar and murderer from the beginning. Bad seed. Bad blood. Evil. Straight up evil. Cain the first murderer. That's where they begin. If you wanted to go deep to anceint history. Follow the bloodline. The tree won't deceive.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Israel did 9/11.

Israel ran and owned the US slave trade. (Blaming whites)

Israel did The Holodomor.

Israel did communism (killed 100 Million)

capnflummox ago

And I swear if I get more vague, hate-filled answers with no basis I'll continue to be skeptical of it, as I am now.

So... what are you saying? Do we have to do things your way? Naw, dude.

We aren't going to convince you. You have to find it yourself. Otherwise, you'll just be believing what others say. And that can just be changed over time, or you'll latch on to the next popular/unpopular thing.

Be your own fucking moth, dude...

Chimaira92 ago

This is the only correct answer in the thread.

voatoan ago

OP is either a shill or a sheep. He's not actually looking for the truth (yet?), but still looking to abdicate his free will to a new ideology. He perhaps senses that the old worldview or belief system isnt quite right in some undefinable way that make him uncomfortable and wants to follow something else that gives him existential comfort.

An honest desire for truth motivates you to seek out and test your old beliefs and axioms and is highly uncomfortable, humbling and uncertain by nature.

It is the supreme desire to be free of those things that subvert your will.

There is a distinction to be made between anti jewism as an ideology vs based on relevant, discernable facts and reality. You could Venn diagram it, there's an overlap but they arent the same thing. With all these influxes to voat and corresponding drop in avg IQ there's been a definite swing to towards the ideological side. There is a plethora of sources posted regularly from actual truth seeking thinkers for OP to examine himself, but that would require self determined effort ...

Chimaira92 ago

High quality post.

NeoGoat ago

ptr55 ago

Just watch every single one of our politicians literally campaign TO ISRAEL. Israel doesn't have jack shit population wise. Why aren't they campaigning to Tajikistan? It has about the same number of people.

Politicians only campaign to power and money. That is why they campaign to Israel. Israel controls the US.

All our politicians will spend countless hours every year discussing Israel.

heroinwinsagain ago

they knew about jews long ago.

a prominent forensic analysis was done on the gas chambers by an american expert in gas chamber facilities. they tried to destroy his life. the reoccurring theme is that anyone who presents credible evidence to the contrary is not credible and in some countries jailed for questioning history.

of the 6 million 4 million were killed in poland. poland reduce their number from 4 to 1.5 million. 6 million was talked about in papers predating the war by more than 30 years. i tried, fucking censorship

thebearfromstartrack ago

I don't get it. I don't hate Jews. They have contributed significantly to civilization. SURE there are EVIL Jews. Just like EVERY other group. I mean, hating niggers for being parasites (FACT) is okay, but Jews? NO WAY!

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

If you really want to be red-pilled when it comes to Jews the best thing to do is look into the Russian-Jewish relationship/history documented in "200 Years Together" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. You'll see that Jews are and have remained fundamentally the same all throughout history. They've never been through any kind of reformation; in fact they respond to reformation (even if it's merely suggested) with contempt, violence, slander, false accusations, bribery of governmental officials, etc..

Here's an excerpt from 200 Years Together that really points out how Jews are the same today as the were in 1800s:

Joe_McCarthy ago

Probably about 95% of what is said about Jews by anti-Semites is bullshit or unimportant. Of the 5% that is of concern - mostly Jewish liberalism in an American context - it should not be overstated. I would say American Jews are a problem in the aggregate but the issue simply isn't worth all the time people around here spend on it.

You are definitely right that those who criticize the Jewish conspiracy thesis though are met with something appearing like insanity. Dunno how these plebs expect to turn people by brigading and calling people Jew shills. More likely is that any self-respecting educated white man will observe this and write them off as white trash.

Chimaira92 ago

You are definitely right that those who criticize the Jewish conspiracy thesis though are met with something appearing like insanity.

That goes both ways.

whysosensitive ago

You've really outed yourself here.

Joe_McCarthy ago

And here we are. You disagree with me so you're a Jew.

Very convincing argument.

Ya know, the funny thing is that most Jews would regard my comments about American Jews as anti-Semitic. You lunatics are over the horizon kook fringe though so even a stance mildly critical of Jews is unacceptable to you lot.

Don't you have a trailer to hitch up?

whysosensitive ago

You didn't even make an argument you retard. "95% of what is said about Jews by anti-Semites is bullshit or unimportant. Of the 5% that is of concern" says you.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I said it, yes. I am correct in saying so.

whysosensitive ago


Joe_McCarthy ago


whysosensitive ago


Joe_McCarthy ago

I offer an opinion - which necessarily involves enough familiarity with the subject to offer it and your response is to ask for a 'source'.

So yeah, just go back to calling me a Jew.

whysosensitive ago

You have the option to provide sources to back up your claims which you haven't and never will. If you want me and others to take you seriously then provide something thats legitimate and I will read it.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm not going to compile what would amount to a book's worth of sources in one forum post. It would take forever and I'm not that concerned with persuading people whose idea of argumentation is to call people Jews.

So what you are asking for now is unreasonable. This is a very involved topic.

But I've offered my opinion. That is enough.

whysosensitive ago

Thanks for your worthless opinion. Typical kike tactics. Given the opportunity to proves themselves and nothing.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I've demonstrated the essential stupidity of Jew obsession countless times on Voat albeit in smaller installments. I don't need to prove myself.

whysosensitive ago

If you have then theres proof so then link something.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Following the link to another thread takes us to some comments I made on Jews and US immigration policy for example.

dspfoisdafodsi ago

Despite the efforts of the leading side to have us believe otherwise, the religion war was never over. Christianity is re-interpretation of Judaism by Jesus-Christ (and later Islam is a re-interpretation by Mohammad). What was changed? A few key things come to mind:

  1. Christianity introduces internal control. In Judaism, god speaks through an elite that then passes down the message, this is external control, you get your orders and information from someone else, the outside. In Christianity, God is within you, no middlemen. That's not going to stop middlemen from existing (the pope...) but it's still a powerful intellectual technology at a societal level, it frees the ones that understand it as the freedom it is: if you have an idea, god gave it to you and you should run with it, certainly not hand it in to the elite. Islam also has internal control but is also fucked to fuck by middlemen and other power structures at this point (like say monarchies...)

  2. Christianity gets rid of interest rates on debt. So does Islam.

  3. Christianity introduces universalism, a non Christian is worth a Christian, whereas a non Jew is definitely not worth a Jew, it's closer to a cow or a dog. Islam also has universalism but some interpretation lead down a bloody path if you don't want to convert.

There are certainly more changes (forgiveness, etc.), but these are the key ones, they directly attack the tools Jews use to assert power, and so Jews and Christians (and everyone really) are at war. Jews completely dominate at this point because via interests and financial mastery, they took over politics/media/academics to enforce external control (to an extent they are middlemen in other religions as well, everybody needs the money...), and the reason they got to the top easily is because their rules don't apply to non Jews since we're animals, so they can lie to us, kill us, etc... from their standpoint it's not really immoral, their lack of universalism enables them if you will (as long as they don't get caught up in our justice system, which they increasingly control as well unfortunately).

This being said, people adhere to their religions to various extents and with an infinite amount of subtleties... some Jews interpret the Torah more like the Christ did, and some go Talmud all the way, some are billionaires, some work below you and me... Furthermore, they are subject to external control as well. So it would be unfair to cast a wide net, but i will say this to answer your question: Wall street/The City is not dominated by Christians or Muslims, yet it certainly rules the world through a wide array of mechanisms (federal reserve/us army/nato/international dollar/coups/propaganda). If you want a safe bet, bet on many more Christian vs Muslims wars in our lifetime, despite Christians and Muslims having more in common than Jews with either. There is also a Muslims vs Buddhists war in the work in China, we'll see how that goes (hopefully not far).

I'm agnostic btw, but i used to think religion was heritage so i learned about it (not like a priest would as you can tell), and then it dawned on me, the religion war is not over at all, in fact nothing explains the world better than it being well alive and kicking with Jews at the top completely crushing their old foes (to the point where they think the war is over!), with a couple pockets of resistance (from Russia, Iran, Syria, North Korea... "Eastasia" aka nations that didn't give away their money creation and thus still own themselves instead of some international financial market... Wall street/The City).

I must say i don't have any hate or animosity, history is a long sequence of kings exploiting people and pushing ideologies to that goal, there isn't much one can do about it, eventually through an unforeseeable sequence of events a new king will take over, and people will be pissed at him and his followers instead, perhaps some new AI religion, perhaps the Chinese, whatever, and the era of Jewish banking domination will be over. And then de-conditioned people, on the rare website that tolerates their de-condition, will constantly have to justify to conditioned people why they even believe their enemy is in power, despite it being very obvious, but only to those that broke their conditioning...

WhiteflowerPower ago

I think my answer may be something like you are asking for OP,

For me it's no more a "cabal" than whites favouring whites up until the post WW2 era. Humans are wired to be ethnocentric and only a vast propaganda system can stifle that instinct.

I'd argue the main position is simply that most Jews look out for their own and for Jewish ethnic interests. They are ethnocentrists, Israel is an ethnostate. There is corruption amoungst all cultures to varying degrees, it seems there is a lot of corruption in Jewish society. Jews have for thousands of years been surrounded by other cultures, some of those people ended up mixing with with the local populations converting and their line diluted, the only Jewish people who remain are those who's ancestors for thousands of years did not mix with the rest of wider society and bred with other Jews. They've been selected to have strong group interests, those that didn't share this by definition left. There are many sayings in Jewish culture about picking the pious Jew at Temple as a buisness partner. (Few if any about doing so with the gentiles)

My wider believe is that all multi-ethnic systems will become caste systems due to biological and cultural differences. Including different levels of IQ's and the strong in group preferences, family ties, religious and class affiliation most peoples have that modern whites do not understand. In Latin America whites are a succesful rich minority, in the Philipines almost all the wealth is owned by dynasties with part Spanish blood, though that's being erroded, not by Filipinos but ethnic Chinese.. In much of Asia there are Chinese minority groups that form an elite, in Indonesia the 3% of the population who were Chinese owned 70% of the wealth. The Chinese too are very ethnocentric the disparity and resentment led to riots and genocide. Is Chinese success the result of a cabal? I would say not at all it was nepotism and ethnocentrism and an IQ gap? Yes.

I do not think any IQ gap between Jews and whites expains the disparity, there are more white americans with an IQ of 140 than there are Jews.. Jews are many times more represented than IQ alone could explain. The global average Ashkenazi IQ in is 103, in America it's been reported as 110, it's likely that a disproportionate amount of above average Jews migrated to America.

There are proud Jews who recognise that the relationship between Jews and Whites must change. Jewish interests in some key areas run counter to the interests of the white majority. Jews fundamentally identify as a group historically opressed by host nations, all the way back to the story of Moses, to the Persians, Assyrians, Romans.. It's part of their identity still in modern times, more Jews identify the Holocauste as part of Jewish identity than the Torah, they do not identify with the persicutor group, I'd argue thier cultural self identification as victims is part of a cycle. In which Jewish and their hosts interests as clash.

I would argue, Jews own vast stakes in the media, law, financial and banking, central banking, lobbying, for Jewish interests alongside their industry specific interests. I'm not just talking about AIPAC, Goldman Sachs is the single biggest political doner in the U.S and encourages strong support in the U.S for Israel. Isreal was created with intervention from financial elites with the Balfour Declaration promising a Jewish homeland being addressed by the Britsh Government to the Lord Rotheschild himself. Ultimately this relies on co-operation by the majority, if we are being taken advantage of it's largely white elites to blame, also blame lies on the wider population for not being vigilant against being used.

Ultimately writing that it struck me, Egypt, Rome, Persia these Empires are dead the Jews are still here, they've achieved the miracle of regaining a terrirory the lost 2000 years ago. The mere fact they remain as in intact group is remarkable and shows the the power of Jewish self interest and however they achieve thier goals. They are clearly not a people to be under-estimated.

OZDigger ago

Be careful with this topic.

A subversion group is paying jews to stir up anti-semitism... WHY?

This jew was busted for this very thing. It came out he was part of a network of people working on stirring up anti semitism.

He was being paid to do this?? What the hell is going on?


Gorillion ago

Read up on the Kalergi Plan for a solid plan of intent that they weren't shy about. This rhetoric is still in play in the corridors of the EU. (search term: End of Whiteness")

or just all Jews in general act a certain way leading to shit going down?

Mostly this though. Anyone pushing the idea of the "great cabal" is coming at this from the wrong angle. Being jewish is as much a pathology as it is an ethnicity or race or whatever. Rather than having a grand plan for world domination, it's more a collective drive being expressed. It's a grouping of similarly minded and opportunistic individuals who network through a common thread of some kind and decide to see what they can get done using their collective resources. And being that the collective carries the same general traits and bias towards being dishonest and manipulative, their "projects" tend to be destructive and "classic evil movie villain" in nature.

Cabals or criminal organizations happen everywhere in all races and at all levels of society - a muslim rape gang is a cabal of sorts. But with Jews it's kind of a pathology or deep driving instinct to group together like that. Circumcision is shown to traumatize the child's brain, creating the classic neurotic jewish personality type. The sense of shapeless anxiety, but also anger. This is reinforced by all the bullshit oppression narratives. Muh Nazis, muh anti-antisemitism, alongside narcissism-inducing myths about being the chosen people (Again, that sociopath-creating mix of being highly insecure while also being convinced of your own superiority).

This is how cabals can come to be formed organically, rather than something abstractly being thought up on a drawing board somewhere then put into action through dedicated and targeted recruitment. Yes, shit like the Kalergi Plan also happens. But that's likely because he knew he had the resources of his jewish network to call on and implement it before he shaped it into something solid.

Essentially, the cabal didn't form to run the Kalergi Plan. The Plan was something created to take advantage of the particular network of connected people he was part of, driven by a desire to service the deeper conflict within himself between his anxiety and his anger. And this likely resonated with the other members of the network, and so they agreed to focus their pre-existing network's resources on achieving this plan's outcome.

Jews are not individuals in the sense that westerners understand it. They are born and raised to form and be part of these distributed resource-gathering networks. These cabals.

Whether there's jew infighting, or jews being fucked over by other jews etc, is irrelevant. The religious aspects, the plans, the philosophies and cultural mythologies are irrelevant too. All that matters is that as a populational rule, they always establish these parasitical networks and attack/subvert/degenerate their host nation. This is a guarantee and it's been repeated for at least 3000 years that we know of.

They're chased out not because they're "jews" or whatever. They're chased out because they're are parasites, and their hosts eventually want them gone. The occasional "good jew" has no effect on that group behavior.

Just remove all the emotive language and framing, and just see it as a form of natural selection in action. An opportunistic organism attaches itself to a host. It is successful in this survival strategy, for a time. But the host eventually develops antibodies that drives the parasite out. That these antibodies are cultural, political, religious or whatever, doesn't matter. They always appear once the host realizes it's in danger if it doesn't cleanse itself of this hostile alien in it's body.

Same deal with blacks. Do they get together and decide to be criminal shitbags, or is it an expression of their group pathologies and inherent traits?

Is this hateful and racist to illustrate the problem like this? Is it hateful and bigoted for an organism to rally it's immune system in order to purge such a debilitating parasite or disease from it's body?

Mustard_Monkey ago

The original 12 tribes of Israel has been scattered for generations. Those squatters in Israel are not Jews, and most 2 have returned who are the real deal. Oh fun fact the Vatican owns the land of Israel.

lucabrasi ago

YouTube Benjamin Freedman speech and give it a listen.

riffwraff ago

There doesn't need to be a secret cabal. All Jews live in Jew-only communities, read Jewish newspapers, and write or edit all non-Jewish news. As a result they all tend to share the same goals and move in the same direction. Perhaps you could argue they're shepherded by their elite.

Maximum50 ago

The Greatest Story Never Told

SharpRight ago

How about that most professors that spew anti white shit or ask their students to conduct studies that are anti white are usually jews. How they fuck does that happen at roughly the same time despite being nation wide?

People dont just wake up and say ya know what? I think jews are conspiring and i hate them. Jews have been kicked out of countries multiple times throughout history for thousands of years. Fpr reasons of satanic rituals involving childeren, subversion of the nation or empire and many other reasons.

Black lives matter, feminism, antifa and other organization like it is udually funded by atleast one jew. Even the migrant caravan now was funded, isreal sent trucks to pick these migrans up and drove them closer to the boarder.

Speaking for myself by jews i dont mean the jew that owns the bagel shop in a street corner. What i mean is the jew supremacist/zionists in power right now. (Yeah, people talk aboit white supremacist as if its the only thing that exsist)

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ok. I am going to redpill you on the kikes. I am going to give you the big picture, the theory, that will let you understand Jewish behavior in any context. To understand why the Jews are bad, whether left or right, republican or democrat, you have to understand the jew's actions as an evolutionary strategy of the jewish people. All actions are a part of an evolutionary strategy, ultimately. The things we call "religion" and "culture" are really just evolutionary strategies, or a reflection thereof.

Now, the Jews have a very rich history. They have been kicked out of every place they have ever resided in, up until the end of WW2. The have been kicked out of 109 countries, 358 times. Why is this? Well, it's something that the Jews are doing, every time, the jews behave in a way which warrants their expulsion.

Now, to understand the epitome of the jewish mindset and jewish supremacism, you have to look at their actions in each of these countries. The epitome of jewish behavior is the mindset that their place on earth is to control resources (essentially be middle men). All resources must pass through their hands, before they get to someone else. All the while these resources are passing through the hands of the Jew, they are not really adding any value, energy, or labor to society, they are merely parasitizing the resources that the workers created. So, this is the core of the jewish mindset, they never work, they believe their job is to control the resources and labor of others. And in today's world, this behavior has become extremely amplified with so many opportunities to do something, without ever actually having to work. Such as the media and going to university. So, you want to understand kikes, you need to understand the core of their behavior, which is, they do not work and see themselves as entitled to control others' resources.

Read Two Hundred Years Together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, then Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald for a good case study of the Jews in Russia.

Schreiber ago

This is actually a good post.

Too bad voat is full of noise (eg. reee all jew pedophile all satanist nuke israel) that makes conservatives look retarded instead of giving proper redpill..

friendshipistragic ago

I’m sure someone else has said this here, but I came here with similar thoughts. The start for me was that someone told me to research the 1918 Revolution in Germany. The majority of its leaders were Polish Jews. A lot of antisemitism in Germany arose because of this. It became clear to many that while not every Jew was out to get them, a lot of people out to get them were Jews. So I started looking up other organizations I felt were reprehensible and who founded them or was currently leading them. Jews 8 of 10 times roughly. And then I realized that Jews are less than 2% of the population. Well that’s well past the margin of error in probability. So then it became a thought exercise of not whether there was something going on with Jews, but what was going on with the Jews. I’ve come to the conclusion that the Jews we deal with aren’t the Jews from the Bible. These aren’t the people of Jesus. They use that lie to give themselves cover. So who are they??

DeadBeatNigger ago

Look up A Clean Break; the New Strategy For Securing the Realm. It's the actual blueprint, written in 1996, as to why 9/11 happened. 9/11 was carried out by Saudi Arabia, but known about by Israel will in advance. Its goal was to get the US to uproot Arab nations surrounding Israel to fulfill the "Greater Israel Project" and create Eurabia. Just look up general Wesley Clark's "seven countries in ten years" and read A Clean Break for yourself. Also look up Ahmad Shah Massoud. He was a pro western taliban fighter who had a 50k man army that would have fought for actual Afghan stability. He warned the EU parliament about 9/11 and was killed two days before 9/11, to keep from stabilizing Afghanistan.

Edit: oh yeah, and their countries history is mostly fiction. Actual Jews don't exist anymore, and were bred out of existence, or destroyed. Modern Jews are just inbred Europeans, Arabs, or whatever nation they hail from, with a little bit of Ashkenazi admixture, which is Turkic, not Semitic.

But because of the above mentioned, Israel destroys the history of surrounding nations, thinking it will make them "non existent" so to speak. They've changed sul the real names of Palestinian cities to old biblical Hebrew ones, whether those cities ever actually existed or not, because they're LARPers.

Also, read this awesome book. It's called *By Way of Deception" and it's about a warm-hearted former Mossad agent from Canada who was appalled at how Jews were behaving. He was never able to fit in in Israel because he genuinely wanted peace with his Arab neighbors, so he got burned by the Mossad, and wrote a book about all the fucked up, heinous shit they do. A lot of people say it's fake, but the book came out around 1990 and he had information on Carlos the Jackal that wouldn't come out for several more years. As well, an Israeli official tried getting a US judge to ban it, but he couldn't because it's free speech. Ostrovsky it's still alive and kicking it in Phoenix, AZ, running an art gallery, and I definitely intend on meeting him and buying some of his art.

Whitemail ago

Let me clarify that only idiots believe that all of the elites and their puppets are Jewish and only idiots believe all Jews are on board with the agenda. The Rothschilds are the main servants of Satan, and they are Jewish. The Star of David is really the Rothschild star, something King David probably never saw in his life.

The way things work is a sort of grooming and recruitment process. This is why Jews are let into elite universities at an unfair and abnormally high rate. They also have a relatively high failure rate, but it's all about making sure several Jews get to try. Ultimately, these universities work as recruitment farms for the overall Jewish/Satanic agenda. A lot of puppets are caught in a blackmail trap. A lot of politicians have done despicable things like kiddy fucking, and a lot of the talking heads don't want to trade their nice, cozy, well-paying job for political persecution and poverty. So they keep on keeping on serving their Jewish masters.

Ultimately, the Jewish people are being used to create a criminal base of operations in a racist, genocidal place called Israel. The elite Jews don't care if common Jews are harmed or killed, because they are Satanic sociopaths. If the devil has a use for you, you might get benefits while you're being used, but ultimately, he doesn't care about you. You're just being used. The Jewish people get to be strong and ethnocentric and growing in the state of Israel in order to maintain the Rothschild criminal base of operations.

Rotteuxx ago

Thanks should go to @OhRutherfordBehave, @VicariousJambi & @Rainy-Day-Dream for compiling these.

I'm just the faggot who keeps these links handy.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I actually have to get around to updating that a lot of the links are dead

mad_saxon ago

Amazing source of information - well done. If you get those updated, I'd love to see the new version. I can get this out to different site owners to spread the word.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Hey man, still planning on doing this with you, trying to get to this within the week. Will be updating the list with more memes.

mad_saxon ago

Thanks brother, I appreciate that. I'm currently backup and saving lots of various memes from other 'red pill' posts as well to be used on various sites.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ok I will keep your word to that. I will do an update over christmas break, and I will tag you.

mad_saxon ago


fuckmyreddit ago

Yes, most of us would prefer to read relevant thoughts tailored to a specific conversation. What's up with all these walls of copypasta?

You aren't going to convert anyone to your views when you come across as a bot with a generic, rehashed, pre-submitted comment. Act like a human.

Rotteuxx ago

I noticed a few, if you think about it let me know when it's done... I have an idea for a winter evenings project compiling "The Big JQ Book" in pdf from all the material I can gather on here.

mad_saxon ago

Wow, that would be awesome.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I have a few running lists on multiple topics..

Rotteuxx ago


MadWorld ago

Would you like to have @KosherHiveKicker's comments? I archive his stuff to preserve the sources. He makes use of extensive references to the jewish problems. I think this would be helpful for your reference. But it may also be a bit overwhelming, in terms of categorizing the sources.

:-) Have fun!

Rotteuxx ago

That's be a nice bit of data to go through !

That wil be one of the overwhelming parts indeed, cataloging memes & authenticating them will be another. I don't want to compile anything that can be debunked.

MadWorld ago

I don't want to compile anything that can be debunked.

Then accuracy is the most important focus here. In this case, I think it is better to start with what you have and known to be good sources. Then compile and accumulate on additional data after you verify newer sources.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I have a few running lists going here.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

thatd be amazing. if you can make a .onion site of it also. so itll exist forever

Rotteuxx ago

I'm no IT guy, someone else would have to take that part on.

My idea is a thick ass printable document people can have on their nightstands :)

OhRutherfordBehave ago

A lot of my imgoat links died.

Rotteuxx ago

You don't mean imgtc ?

The admin fucked up a lot when he played with the database a while back & I lost some shit.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

No imgoat got shut down for a while, and I think that's when all the links were lost, those links you posted, I'm not even sure if the imgoat links work anymore, will be working on an update when christmas break rolls around.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago has been reliable but hooktube got kiked

Dougal_McHaggis ago

They evolved over thousands of years as parasitic nomadic gypsies scamming people until they got found out and then moving to the next host. The most cunning, deceiptful and degenerate ones had the most kids. They made a living doing stuff no morally healthy person would think to do. Its in their DNA. The rest they encoded in to their religious books. They are literal parasites.

A jew is always looking for a degenerate "angle" to exploit. Their brains are wired completely different.

Pablolove ago

Think when people say Jews they actually mean zionists ie extremists.

kalgon ago

What's a zionist? Someone who is for the creation and maintain of a nation state for jews in israel (not necessarily a jew btw, you have christian zionists, see the story of the scofield bible and this last sentence... )

That's what a zionist is

Show me one jew who isn't for that

Very few you'll find

neogag ago

Show me one jew who isn't for that

Those few are globalists, who think the entire world should be Zion/Israel and not just a state in the Middle East, so they are vocal about supporting Palestine.

kalgon ago

I'll just leave this here

Prof. MacDonald has discovered that implausible arguments about diversity being a quintessentially American strength have been made by Jews for a long time. He reports that in 1948 the American Jewish Committee was urging Congress to believe that “Americanism is the spirit behind the welcome that America has traditionally extended to people of all races, all religions, all nationalities.” Of course, there had never been such a tradition. In 1952, the American Jewish Congress argued in hearings on immigration that “our national experience has confirmed beyond a doubt that our very strength lies in the diversity of our peoples.” This, too, was at a time when U.S. immigration law was still explicitly designed to maintain a white majority.

It is often said that when the old immigration policy was scrapped in 1965, scarcely anyone knew, and no one predicted, that the new law would change the racial makeup of the country. Prof. MacDonald disputes this, arguing that this had been the objective of Jewish groups from the beginning.

Prof. MacDonald finds that Jews have been the foremost advocates of immigration in England, France, and Canada, and that Jewish groups were the most vocal opponents of independence for Quebec. Australian Jews led the effort to dismantle the “white Australia” policy, one reason for which was cited in an editorial in the Australian Jewish Democrat: “The strengthening of multi-cultural or diverse Australia is also our most effective insurance policy against anti-Semitism. The day Australia has a Chinese Australian Governor General I would feel more confident of my freedom to live as a Jewish Australian.” Like Earl Raab writing about the United States, this Australian Jew is prepared to sacrifice the traditional culture, people, and identity of Australia to specifically Jewish interests. It would not be surprising if such an openly expressed objective did not have the opposite effect from the intended, and increase anti-Jewish sentiment.


Also, probably one of the most important interview of all times, hit pause as much as you need, worth 12 mins of your time

When he referes to "rabbinical judaism", he refers to mainstream judaism, legacy's of pharisees judaism (talmud based)

What else?

Ah yeah...

moarzor ago

I hope OP reports back after a few days of research and consideration. Maybe a new thread?

100011 ago

I'll tell you but i need some Shekels first!

Antiseed117 ago

It's no coincidence that the Jews are 2% of the population yet control 97% of media.

edgelord666 ago

Seems like they're really, smart?

OhRutherfordBehave ago

It's because Jews don't work but see themselves as entitled to report on your society and get payed for judging it. The kikes are the worst and they literally have the lowest opinion of us, they think we're niggers.

JopharVorin ago

Read Talmudic quotes They think all non-jews are stupid animals.

Then look at this:

neogag ago

Disclaimer: I have not personally verified all of this material.

  • Check out the Talmud

  • They confess that they feel they are entitled to destroying us. There are dozens of articles and other kinds of material that support this (hang around on voat, you will be exposed to it over time) More More More

  • The Jews declared war on Germany in 1933 source.

  • The Jews were behind Communism and the Holodomor, but don't want you to compare the Holodomor to the Holocaust source.

  • They have already been caught lying about the Holocaust several times (it's not even contested) yet you are imprisoned for not believing it source source

  • Many things don't make sense about the accepted narrative of the Holocaust source. source. You'll be sent to prison if you try to have this discussion though.

  • Jews always scheme against their host nations. source. Jewish holidays Hannukah and Purim are celebrations of some of their successful schemes.

  • Jews are vindictive against Europeans and Christians.

  • Jews want destructive things for you but not for them source

Thanks to @Crensch @KosherHiveKicker @Kalgon @CheeseboogersGhost and others.

KosherHiveKicker ago

8 )

Nice presentation! TYVM.

sguevar ago

What research have you made on the subject?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

TL;DR: Jews are over-represented in every position of public facing recognition, power, or privilege that you can identify. This has no good explanation other than a targeted effort by those in power and privilege to hire other Jews. Go plug the term "Jew Over-representation" into any search engine and begin your own due diligence if you don't want to read any further.

This is somewhat of a case where when someone says JEWS, they actually mean JEW SUPREMACISTS (or Jewish Mafia if you're a room temperature IQ NPC and your brain turns off because you associate the term supremacists with Patrick Little). The Jews in power who only hire, promote, and further empower other Jews. It's not every Jewish person, obviously, and the useful idiots who roam around twitter saying meme-worthy shit like "Fellow White People" are not the target of this outrage, but once again the JEW SUPREMACISTS or JEWISH MAFIA in power.

I'll happily start throwing out data, but the general consensus is that society is really run by Politics, Banking, and Media - and when you go look at every Politician, all large Media conglomerates, the educational system, the Worldwide Banking cartel, and every large company CEO, you may be surprised at how consistently they appear to almost all be Jewish (at the top levels in control, C-suite, executive, especially). Why are the majority of people in power and politicians Jewish (often dual citizens?).

When we live in a world of affirmative action and diversity hires, why are Jews (who only make up 1.7% of the population in the US, for example) so over-represented in positions of power?

Probably the most striking and easiest to see because we already have systems in place to handle this are how the Jews are over-represented in American top-tier education. In a system which uses Affirmative Action, the only realistic explanation for an over-representation of Jews over both whites and ethno-minorities is Jews in power in Academia letting Jewish people in even over the more traditional diversity hires. Same applies to corporate culture that is predominately Jewish, such as 97% of the employees of Worldwide Media conglomerates, owned by Jewish Rothschild's.

Essentially, the entire Western World's power levers appear to be hidden behind a third tier of Jewish Mafia Affirmative Action that specifically hires/promotes Jews over whites and the other traditional diversity hires (women, ethno-minorities, etc). Until we are honest with ourselves about this reality then we cannot begin to face the real enemy - Jewish Supremacists.

We just need a better name, because room temperature IQ NPC's hear "Jews" and their brains shut off because they just hear racists who hate all Jewish people, when that's legitimately not the case overall.

Final note: I personally think this is just the result. The disease is the Mossad-infiltrated and now run CIA blackmailing and controlling US politicians (giving Israel de facto control over the US Government). This is really the only logical explanation as to why "Israel Is America's Greatest Ally" when we get NOTHING FROM THEM AT ALL, yet yearly give away Military equipment (which they sell in the global market), cutting edge technology (which they sell on the global market), and gobs of money (which they use to lobby Governments and further buy Politicians, Academia, and Corporate C-Suite Executives).

The entire Western World are literally Jew Supremacist (Jewish Mafia) slaves and 99.99% do not even realize it. Change my mind.

antistatist ago

Isn't it a (((coincidence))) that in 2018, the countries that don't have a Jewish owned Central Bank are Cuba, North Korea, and Iran?

Don't forget to mention that every other country that didn't have a central bank in the last 20 years was invaded - Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc.

Swallowdaredpill ago

I was going to give it a shot but you pretty much nailed it.

curiouserdude ago

The good explanation is Ashkenazi Jews are just smarter than most other racial groups. That's why they're at the top of everything. It's like blacks in South Africa complaining that whites own everything even though they're only a tiny portion of the population. Ashkenazi have a much higher rate of Nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, etc. vs. all other racial groups and if they're not on your side in a war or economic conflict you will probably lose because they are really good at figuring shit out.

The cabal probably likes it that the people who are against them don't like any Jews because that means they go over to their side and they are good at shit and can figure out how to win even when massively outnumbered. Also, Trump not rejecting all Jews is one of the things that gives him a better chance at winning against them.

bob813 ago

Jewish behaviour is laid out right there in the Book of Genesis, when Joseph hoarded the assets of Egpyt and waited for a famine (sound familiar?), also in Jacob's treachery in deceiving his own father. They value cunning over strength, and have cultivated that trait over the last 1000 years, notice I said cunning and not intelligence ;-)

IQueue ago

If a Jewish Suprmecy is truly pulling the strings of modern western society then kudos to them, they deserve to be supreme. It’s ok, before you know it AI will let you experience the reality you want where it’s you in a boardroom full of people who look exactly like you creating whatever world you want, just keep feeding Google and Apple all your thoughts

mralexson ago

What about the iq thing? I’ve heard people use this as the defense

obvious_throwaway1 ago

In relation to school admissions? I don't have access to the data, but I once saw a paper literally written by the Harvard Jewish Association complaining about a higher than normal (I think over 50%) failure/dropout rate for Jewish attendees.

If they're so smart, why do they have to forcefully hijack affirmative action due to how many of the people they put in front of the line failing and dropping out?

Timmy2 ago

That is a fabulous and accurate response that I'm going to copy steal and paste elsewhere as needed. You get all the credit for compiling this wonderfully pithy summary.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I've decided to coin the phrase "Jewish Mafia" and will use that going forward, since calling them Jewish Supremacists caused all the room temperature IQ liberals brains to shut down due to their Patrick Little boners, which played right into the Jewish Mafia's hands.

SirLongSchlongLXIX ago

Really excellent post, however it must be said that Jewish Mafia is by no means a new term. You really hit the nail on the head.

ThoseFeels ago

Great comment, but you're wrong about something....

MOST "regular" Jews are not exempt from having their nature examined and how it impacts society. Just because a Jew doesn't own a bank, doesn't mean he's not predominantly voting democrat, marching in the streets because something something white man, ripping off gentiles who are none the wiser and pushing/promoting degeneracy at every turn.

Jewish supremacists IN POWER is our #1 problem.

Jews in general are also a huge problem!

Jews are a race of people who generally consider all other races their rightful slaves. I know a shit ton of them in my real, day to day life and have had some all but admit this to me.

KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID: Jews are the problem. If you split hairs and focusing only on Jews in power (supremacists?) all you're doing is opening up vacancies for Jews not in power to take power.

Norseman ago

Imagine a jewish mafia pyramid with...

The Rothschilds (and possibly a handful of other families like them) on the top as "Dons"

Jews like Soros as "Underbosses"

The jews in charge (political, media, banking, etc etc) in the middle as "Capos"

And your average street jew as an unknowingly controlled "Soldier"

Soldier's are unknowingly controlled from birth by their family raising and culture and, for the more religious ones, by the Rabbi. They are growing up in indoctrination and goyim hate. Much like how niggers are too now that i think about it.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I like this. Have an upvoat.

Highonfire ago

Agreed. Anyone who follows the jewish faith does so with the belief that jews are superior to all others and are complict in the atrocities that follow, including the holocaust, which was a mirroring of ethnic hatred the jews have codified and worshipped for thousands of years.

I_Always_Lie ago

Lol, atrocities like the holohoax? Yeah right.

Highonfire ago


obvious_throwaway1 ago

Since room temperature IQ liberal brains turn off at the word SUPREMACIST (which is accurate), we might as well just start calling it the Jewish Mafia (equally accurate).

ThoseFeels ago


What I'm saying is most jews are supremacists and even the common Jew is the problem because they work the agenda from the bottom up, so I don't see the benefit of splitting hairs when the problem is Judea at large.

"Fellow White People" are not the target of this outrage, but once again the JEW SUPREMACISTS in power.

You make it sound like I didn't understand what you're saying, when your point here is very clear.

I disagree.

90% of Jews in all walks of life are furthering the collapse of society as they always have in every country forever. You don't need to call them anything other than Jews.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

My argument is that it's pointless if you don't start at the top. We're well past the point where the problem can be tackled appropriately (or realistically) by focusing on the 90% you mention.

Start at the 1% and move on from there, is my stance.

ThoseFeels ago

I see.


I disagree with that. Hitler would have also. Jews in al walks of life have done way more damage in the US than they ever did to Germany.

jodieann ago

Excellent response!

PresidentSkroob ago

The sad part is, this happens several times a year. If you're here long enough, this seems like a repost.

WeenieSniffer ago

Thank you for this well-thought out answer, I appreciate you taking the time to type this out and cite sources for me. I will read your links and do further research on this. So in your opinion though, it's not one secret cabal, but more like a "secret brotherhood" or pact between fellow Jews to highly favor other Jews? This makes more sense to be honest.

Dortex ago

Ashkenazim Jews have a standard deviation higher intelligence than the white population. Ever notice how it's always people a standard deviation lower IQ always suspect their betters? Niggers have "white supremacy". Whites have "Jewish conspiracy".

ptr55 ago

By sheer volume alone there are far more white geniuses than Jewish geniuses. By sheer volume alone, there should be far more white graduate students at Ivy League schools. Math refutes your claim. Statistically even assuming the average jew is higher on the bell curve, just the quantity of whites will ensure far more whites on the higher end of the bell curve than jews.

There was an infographic passed around here in the past that showed this clearly.

Dortex ago

And there are. If you look at this you'll notice they outnumber Jews 2 to 1. The only people over-represented in the graph are niggers and spics, who are are, on average, a full 30 points lower on the IQ scale than your average Jew yet somehow manage to make it to college in the first place.

ptr55 ago

Your math is WAY off buddy. Whites should FAR, FAR outnumber jews. This is beyond the pale absurd. I mean WAY BEYOND THE PALE ABSURD. I didn't even know it was that high. Holy shit these kikes have got us just licked. I can't believe even they would let the numbers get that blatant.

My gut tells me it won't be much longer until they openly say they own us.

Perhaps you don't realize they are just 1.8 percent of the population.

Dortex ago

Non-Hispanic whites only make up 60% of the population, and only something like 1 in 10 match the average Jew's intelligence what with the standard deviation thing. So really they outnumber Jews 3 to 1. But I've recently started pointing out niggers and spics when this comes up yet nobody wants to address that. You know literal sub-humans are taking up spaces anyone else could, right? Why is nobody throwing a shit fit over the real issue? These levels of representation can't possibly be justified due to their low intelligence.

ptr55 ago

Your math is off. You're conflating two things. You can't say 1 in 10 match the average Jew's intelligence and come to the conclusion that they outnumber Jews 3 to 1 based on that. Imagine that there was only 1 jew and you'll understand why more intuitively. It's all about quantities and the statistical fact is there are far, far, far more white geniuses than Jew geniuses.

As for blacks, why should we care as much. They are used as weapons against us. They aren't smart enough to make a statistical impact to harm us.

The truth is you're using kike tactics so I suspect that's what you truly are or you're a Q-tard boomer.

You don't focus on the weapon, you focus on the person pulling the trigger. Jews are the ones importing massive amounts of non-whites and who push white hatred. Blacks are their weapons.

fuckmyreddit ago

Ptr55, while I agree that Jews are over-repesented, you are overlooking one of the primary reasons Jews would automatically help other Jews get into an Ivy League school. In earlier times, Jews were locked out of prestigious universities through strict quotas. I'm not sure if there was an explicit quota or a backroom agreement, but Jews would definitely try to compensate for past discrimination.

I'm on a phone, but I'll try to find a source.

ptr55 ago

They were never discriminated against! They were called out for their bullshit previously. The numbers are beyond too high. We need to call them out again. It's a form of extreme nepotism.

It's almost like you think they weren't doing that in the past. It's just our forefathers had the balls to say no more.

Every time you read about jews being discriminated against, you can usually follow it back to a jew pushing the article. I haven't read this one but I would bet good money a Jew wrote it, or had it published.

National_Socialism ago

It's not a case of there being this one-single Synagogue on a mountainside where these mastermind villains plot their schemes like it's the fucking Legion of Doom;- it's a broader case of Nepotism, jews help jews help jews. They favour their own against others. Bear in mind that as far as I'm concerned this is a completely natural and rational human way of thinking, I want my race to do the same. You put your family above other families, and your people above other people.

You don't have to hate other families to want the best for your own, the issue is that because of their destructive parasitic nature, they do.

Gopherurself ago


fuckmyreddit ago

Moslems are not a religious tribe? TIL.

Gopherurself ago

Worse* than musslims idiot*

AR47 ago

They stick to helping their own. More so by status in socail aspects as to other Jews. You will see them socialize with one another more often than with other races.

It isn't secret anymore like it used to be. The internet really got more people aware with memes believe it or not. Some are exaggerated, but still have truth in them. It got people wondering about it like you are now.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

So in your opinion though, it's not one secret cabal, but more like a "secret brotherhood" or pact between fellow Jews to highly favor other Jews?

Close. It's probably more organic. The entire Globalized world is run by London Banking Cartels and Jewish Business moguls - Soros, Rothschilds, etc. These people are so rich they can keep themselves off every list of richest men on the planet. Let that sink in.

It's my opinion based on the information I can see that because (((they))) are Jewish, it appears to have just been natural for them to promote other ethno Jews to form a race-based bond. Keeping it "in the family", so to speak (mafia/mob style). It's probably more simple to look at it as the very top Jewish monied interests who only hire other Jews and it just keeps trickling down from there because it's an extremely effective method for containment and control based on bloodlines (historically, extremely effective for secrecy and conformity).

Israel is a convenient Worldwide Government for the above monied interests to leverage on the Globalized world stage to keep themselves out of the spotlight and to draw any ire from the rest of the Globalized world. This is also an extremely important thing to look at closely given how Israel seems to have completely usurped control of the US Government.

As I said before, I suspect through the astronomical amount of power and blackmail leverage potential a Mossad-run and infiltrated CIA would have, it's literally "off the books" by it's very nature to begin with so truly flushing out the truth here would likely be near impossible without abolishing the CIA entirely. This is probably why Kennedy was killed - he directly threatened both the Globalist Bankers (through the Federal Reserve) and the Mossad-infiltrated CIA. That was suicidal, as history shows.

Just my two cents.

I_Always_Lie ago

Awesome post and I believe spot on.

fuckmyreddit ago

Throwaway, I think it's organic, at least it is at the level I see. I've also seen an up-close version of a Mormon "owned" corporation that hired mostly Mormon managers. It seems natural to trust ones own.

I agree with the rest of your comment as well.

friendshipistragic ago

Very good answer.

NonTransBender ago

For anybody who doesn't already know: Rothschild is a name created by Mayer Amschel Bauer. He was from Germany, and in Germany at the time the name Bauer was associated with being Jewish. Hence he needed to cover up his identity before creating the international banking empire we know of today.

fuckmyreddit ago

Bender, if I remember correctly, the Rothschilds had a different name prior to Bauer. It was probably some Khazerian name from which they were trying to break free in order to stay under the radar. I have only read a little on this, but we all know families who Americanized their names for naturalization. And the Bauer's original name would have been something using a Cyrillic alphabet (I'm guessing).

NonTransBender ago

You are probably correct, though I haven't come across any information to verify them by any other name. I do know that the Bauers—like 90% of the people who call themselves Jews—are Khazars and they originate from what is now called Georgia.

They like to call themselves AshkeNAZI Jews.

Rothschild = Bauer = Jew = Ashkenazi = Germany = Nazi party

Antiseed117 ago

Fuck yea. Let em know!

AmericanJew2 ago

As an actual Jew just let me add that the "useful idiot" quotient is extremely high in American Jewry. I had to disconnect from many friends from the last election because apparently I became a White supremacists nationalist aryan nazi for supporting Trump according to the libtard Jews that I used to consider friends.

Jews in America were programmed just like the rest of White America to think of Whites as less than them and worthy of disdain because they are goyim or because they are the same as the Germans from WWII (which makes no sense because many Whites from America fought against the Germans, etc), but it is an easy trope to brainwash sheeple with.

The masses got a huge dose of mind rape from the MSM and the powers that be, many of whom are in league with Jews, are Jews, or are part of a group of globalist Whites who do not care about enslaving their own people too. American Whites, Jews, etc., all got brain raped by the feminist globalist communist messaging that the CIA and deep state programmed at us through media and education. This was orchestrated by Jews and Whites.

You see, on the whole Jews are very intelligent, and if they use that intelligence for evil and control, it turns out quite fucked up. Whites are not innocent of the evil, but on whole many Jews became part of this machine, whether willingly or unwillingly.

It is important to understand that I disagree fundamentally with Voat hive mind crap about all Jews being bad and being irredeemable, I do not believe that. I have redpilled many, and more and more Jews are coming around and becoming "racists" and believers in truth (bell curve, Jew responsibility to wake up, Male genital mutilation evil, nigger genes meaning they are pavement ape dirt dwellers, etc).

Everyone (Jew and White) needs to wake the fuck up and realize that we are all slaves to this cabal of globalist fucktardage that is run by many Jews and also Whites as well. Free your mind, see beyond the MSM media programming, read more and disbelieve everything they tell you.

Marriage and fidelity and family and celibacy without marriage and community are all good. Feminist sex degeneracy and miscegnation and faggotry and pedo fuckery is all evil.

We do not need any more street shitting mud hut dwelling sand/bean/rice niggers here. We need to end/deport all mulitcultural shit garbage, jail and execute nig criminals, and end welfare. Robots can and will replace the nig, we no longer need or want them here. Fuck the demorats and RINOs. Traitors and Communists are the evil. Stand strong and believe in redeeming the Whites and the Jews that are brainwashed.

fuckmyreddit ago

Fabulous response American Jew. I stand with you on this. You just said what I try to say every day. The Jews are jam packed in the useful idiot department. Fortunately, the Jews in my family are fiscal conservatives who vote Republican because the alternative is worse. Unfortunately, the Jews in my family vote Republican because they are not wealthy uber-Jews. But that's ok because they aren't part of the satanic rothschild cabal.

You are one of the only people here who will speak the truth on this issue. And you said it in a more eloquent way than I. Thanks for explaining the situation. We should try to redpill SJW Jews who are so entrenched in J culture they can't see outside their programming.

AmericanJew2 ago

Thank you, it’s nice to get some positive feedback for a change.

fuckmyreddit ago

Keep up the good work. It will help people understand Jews. Just be open and honest. Most gentiles will recognize honesty when they see it.

I come from a family that's half Jewish and half Christian so I am more of an outlier. On the other hand, I have seen both forums up close and personal, with many of the veneers stripped away.

I was not taught that gentiles were lower than Jews, but my background is not the same as yours. I always knew that Jews do business with Jews, Jews socialize with Jews, and Jews marry Jews, but it was never anything like Jews should use gentiles as slaves.

I look forward to hearing your opinions in future.

AmericanJew2 ago


Simonsaysgoat ago

Fuck jews. Your here to lie. Anyone truly pilled knows not to trust a single one of you,slimy,fucks. Get fucked and fall off a cliff kike

AmericanJew2 ago

It’s “you’re”, and ffs learn how to use a comma and the space bar, you write like a nigger.

fuckmyreddit ago

Jews do not need to out themselves as Jews. There is no reason for any Jew to bring religion up unless he/she is trying to establish credibility. It would be easy to embellish a pro-tribe argument from the standpoint of a fictitious Christian or atheist or anything similar that people might trust more due to relatability.

People who do themselves as Jews on Voat are usually trying to explain what they perceive to be the truth. After you've been on this earth for a while you will be better at discriminating between honesty and con-jobs.

Simonsaysgoat ago

It doesnt matter. they are all the same. Dna testing for white america. Fuck every one elses safety. I want my people to continue to lead and build humanity. If there were good jews they would,speak out against,it. Instead, just as youve stated, they give us "thier perspective". There is no my opinion, your opinion. It is a FACT, the white race is being made to disappear. Genocide. It,is,constantly linked to jews and is,never covered by,jew owned media. We are constant targets in our own countries and we never had a choice and still have no voice. Our elections are heavily manipulated by the very party that receives insane amount,of,miney,from jews. The trilateral commission, the un, the bilderburgs, all jews. When you bring,any if this,up to a jew you get excuses. There are no good jews or they would stand with me instead of giving me thier take on it. Nice try,but,maybe,the,jdif should send smarter shills for us. And fuck,off i,know about the commas

tastelessinvective ago

I had to disconnect from many friends from the last election because apparently I became a White supremacists nationalist aryan nazi for supporting Trump according to the libtard Jews that I used to consider friends.

I'm sorry you lost friends. What happens if you tell them you don't want Muslims in the country because they hate Jews so much? I mean can't liberal Jews figure out that they're safer around white Evangelical Israel lovers than super anti-jewish Arabs?

AmericanJew2 ago

It's like liberalism became a mental disorder. Seriously, they have become mentally impervious to logic and reason.

Schreiber ago

TFW actual jew has 1.2k CCP and redditors go REEEEEEEEEE voat racist.

If voat racist this guy would have -10000 ccp.

jewsbadnews ago


I_Always_Lie ago

That's a really good post and I appreciate the perspective. Having said that can you explain why it is you identify as a jew? It's pretty clearly not a blood tie to the other jews as the Ashkenazis are not and never have been "jewish" from a DNA standpoint. What does jew even mean beyond let's call ourselves a tribe and stick together? I'm Italian/Scottish American but I don't identify as such and I definitely am not giving favor to other Americans of Italian or Scottish background. Why do you call yourself an American Jew? Do you see why people might wonder about your allegiances when you identify first as a jew and then an American? Despite a well thought out post you're still in the "us" vs "them" victim mindset that jews are notorious for harboring.

AmericanJew2 ago

My parents are Jewish, I was born in America. I am American, and I am Jewish. I grabbed that handle because I wanted to be upfront about it and not be labeled a shill or whatever (even though I am half the time anyway).

I identify as both an American and a Jew. I also identify as a spiritual person, an intellectual and a seeker. I was never satisfied with topical explanations for things in Judaism or in secular life either. I believe in God, and that also means my direct connection is through myself to my Creator - not through a book or another man. Books and other men (and some special women) have knowledge and value, but none can replace my own connection through my own heart, mind and consciousness.

Once you wake up to that fact, you start to question everything. It does not change my DNA or my heritage, but it darn sure changes where I make each next step. I do not blindly believe in anything a "religious" person tells me, but seek the truth of all things from within.

A good example of this for me is genital mutilation. I cannot find a rational logical explanation for why I would violently assault my own baby, whether they are male or female. Ask any Jew this, and they will stammer with nonsense like "it's healthier" or "it prevents STDs" or some other brainwashed bs they were fed without ever having researched it and seen for themselves it is a barbaric ritual that has no basis in science. Sorry if I am rambling lol

I_Always_Lie ago

All good but why identify as a jew? The hebrews of the bible have been displaced and bred out of existence. If you're Ashkenazi, you have zero jewish blood in you. Your eastern european ancestors adopted Judaism as a means of placating Muslims and Christians. So how are you jewish? Tradition? I was born and raised Protestant but I don't call myself a Protestant. Why? Because I don't practice Protestantism. Since you don't practice Judaism by your own admission, you're not a jew. But you keep calling yourself a jew so it's important to you to identify as such. Jews don't know whether they are a religion, tribe or ethnicity. The only thing holding jews together is their shared delusion of being "jewish".

Plant_Boy ago

I appreciate that you would red-pill your colleagues, it shows you might have some insight into the harm that current politics is doing.

However I still hold a high distrust towards Jews because as the ones being over represented in politics, media, and banks, they have some pretty strong sway. If they want to take the reigns of western culture then they have to listen to the people. If they are higher in IQ then they should know of their accountability to their responsibility.

Frankly their performance in Hollywood, News, Politics, and Banking leads me to believe that, although they may have the IQ going on they are still lacking upstairs.

The likes of Ben Shapiro, I think he sounds smart because he talks fast. He may say some talking points that I agree with but I think his mouth runs faster than he thinks.

I would be willing to believe there are a few good smart Jews who are red-pilled and believe trump is trying to make America great again, but in order to fully earn my trust the Jews would have sacrifice Hollywood, the Porn industry, The World Bank, and their positions in US Politics, and Intelligence Agencies. Instead become doctors, scientists, or something. They would also have to admit to their wrongs with the USS Liberty and stop all the fabrication of lies. Appreciate the true number of the Holocaust.

Then I would begin to think they're trying to change. Otherwise I severely scrutinize every Jew I meet.

SubhumanTorch ago

Then give us a blueprint on how you developed a conscience. Why are whites not goyims but blacks are? Aren't you mad that we murdered 6 bazillion jews?

AmericanJew2 ago

How I developed a conscious - I read, I prayed (alone, at temples, at churches, at ashrams, many places), I fasted, I did yoga and meditated, I looked within and made a commitment to evolve as a human being. I recommend that everyone do the same.

"We murdered" - were you alive then? Were you there? I don't think you were, so I don't believe in the sins of the father bs. It sucks if the nazis killed a million or two people or they died in war, and there was probably some horrible shit that happened including gassing Jews - the evidence seems to counter the 6 gorrilion number. Either way, it is a bad story and I would like us all to find forgiveness in it for each other.

Cossaks, Russians, pogroms, nazis, yeah "White's" were pretty shitty to my ancestors, so what? Past is the past.

I don't care about this goyim bs. Genetics are genetics. Blacks are nignogs because instead of choosing en mass to elevate and evolve they remain barely one step removed from mud dwelling savages. Just look at Chicongo or Baltimore.

Whites are not as smart as Jews on the whole, but they are close enough but also creative and loyal and honorable (as a general rule). Those are redeeming qualities worthy of praise and nurturing. I cannot for the life of me think of nignog qualities that are the same. Change my mind.

SubhumanTorch ago

Lol that's pretty much what I expected.

Cossaks, Russians, pogroms, nazis, yeah "White's" were pretty shitty to my ancestors, so what? Past is the past.

Yeah it's a real coincidence that jews have been treated poorly in every country they show up in. Must be that everyone was really racist in the past, especially against the jews, right? Surely. But the past is the past, no reason anything like that would ever happen again.

Whites are not as smart as Jews on the whole, but they are close enough but also creative and loyal and honorable (as a general rule).

Yeah at a time when most whites were just trying to survive for the day or the best of them were building empires. Jews were poisoning wells and debasing coins, integrating themselves into already functioning nations and destroying them from within. Stupid whitey didn't understand how the world worked.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

Whites are not as smart as Jews on the whole

...even when you're trying to pretend to be a friend to my people, you're still a condescending asshole about it.

Fuck off, kike.

AmericanJew2 ago

I am just stating my view of the world from my personal experience. This is backed up by bell curve statistical research. I could be wrong but my experience in life has been that the average jew is usually intellectually “book” smarter than average White.

I don’t see why stating that is being condescending. Facts don’t have feelings. Also, that isn’t a value judgment - book smart is not necessarily of more inherent value than Street smart, loyal, creative or other characteristics that we value in society.

Tallest_Skil ago

as an actual jew

Suicide bomb a synagogue.

AmericanJew2 ago

Eat a bag of dicks, JIDF shill faggot.

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a jew because you want jews exterminated

Get a better schtick, moishe.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

I can't trust you. If everything goes sideways you'll just run off to Israel.
And no shit you support Trump he puts the wants and needs of Israel before his own country.

If it weren't for Whites (predominately Christian Whites of European descent) Israel wouldn't even exist. We're the only thing stopping all those who (justifiably) want to destroy you from destroying you. Jews owe every White nation their lives.
We have sacrificed so much for you and you turn around and spit in our face! Our sacrfice has been met with nothing but contempt!

Maybe we should flip the Jewish Way of Life on it's head and come to the resolution that Jews are forever indebted to Whites. And that Jews should dedicate their lives to us in servitude. And if they refuse we will make them suffer - not becuase we hate Jews (in stark contrast to how Jews feel about us) but becuase they are as defiant as a stubborn ass.
Personally I think you've had more than enough time to reform but yet no effort to reform has ever been made by Jews themeselves. It's coming to a point in time were we need to wage war against Jews to force reformation.
And once your people are reformed (truly fundamentally reformed) you can get to work on reforming your Muslim brothers; your partners in crime.

I'm fed up with this shit. The time must come soon. It must be here and it must be in our lifetime.
Jews have proven themselves to be nothing more than enemies.

Listen no longer to their appeals.

slickleg64 ago

Yeah pretty much this. We build their businesses, fight for their country. And how do they repay us?

AmericanJew2 ago

“They” - give me a break. Did you personally build a business for Jewish employers? Did you serve in the military? You didn’t do shit personally.

I don’t disagree with ending foreign aid to every country and stopping all non defensive wars, but your statement is simpleton nonsense. If I am not part of “they” even though I’m Jewish, than your “they” is a bunch of bs. Try to elevate your thinking.

HenryCabotLodge ago

This is one of the most interesting Jew Responses I have read. I am getting older and teach about Israel at a protestant church. You are rolling over laughing, I know. Goyim here. The archaeology for the Bible - All Hebrew (except Daniel which has 4 Aramaic chapters) is rock solid. Even the 27 Koine Greek books about that uppity nazarine are rock solid in terms of not being changed over the last 1,800 years. I digress. Jews have fascinated me over a lifetime - and as goyim - and professional - I have been hired by them many times - but never treated as an equal. There is Jews to Jews and Goyim to Goyim. Sorry, Son, you are not part of the Tribe. //// There are many things that promote jewish success. Jewish mother's guilt on their sons. Intense intense scholarship and I think natural IQ. The highest mean grouping IQ ever measures for a population is (I forget then name) the Jews in Spain. It is 115. Next is East Asians Korea / Japan / East China. 109. It keeps going down, but you hit white Europeans at about 103. .... . down and down and you get to sub sahara at -- get this -- 69. Geebus. ....

Datgoyoverthere ago

It’s really not all that interesting of a response if you know anything about kikes, the kikes are well aware that the gentiles are waking up to their blantant manipulation of our world and are trying to do damage control. Here we have this fucking heeb pretending to be one of us talking about how more Jews are “waking up to race realism” and how you’re our ally for voting trump, a president who has done nothing to give control of our government back to American citizens, has increased support and aide to Israel compared to the Obama administration, and has done nothing to protect the white American population from the impending demographic minority that’s waiting for us a few years down the line. And I hope to god you aren’t teaching anybody about anything with how uninformed you clearly are, jews do not have an Average IQ of 115, that came from a study that used cherry picked American Jews from wealthy college educated families NOT the average international jew, the worldwide IQ average for Jews is actually around 100-105. Fucking Christcuck brainlet

HenryCabotLodge ago

Thank you. :)

bob813 ago


NeoGoat ago

Granted, there is something fascinating about the tribe. Yiddish is extremely expressive and has psychology built in. I have read counter arguments about your claim of higher IQ. The most predominant in my mind is the well established presence of dozens of genetic disease, many of which directly affect the nervous system.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Goyim here

You think of yourself to be no differnt than cattle?
You are a disgrace.

antistatist ago

We could could lay claim to the word as our own, like how niggers call each other 'niggas' and use it as an excuse to lose their shit when someone else says it. If we all started calling ourselves and each other goyim it would bring attention to the Jews and they couldn't call it racist because we're referring to ourselves, not them.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Just be like niggers and do what they do

No. The best thing to do is to view the Jews as they view you. Jews are the goyim.
Jews owe Whites their lives. We're the reason Israel exists and we're the ones protecting them, preventing their destruction. Jews owe us their existence.
We'll make them suffer for not being our servants as their lives are indebted to us.
We'll rule the goyim as God intended.

Plant_Boy ago

At least cattle cattle can give milk and till fields. Jews are no better than rats, parasitic to the working class and spread pestilence.

GlamourSpork ago

I grew up in an area that was about 1/4+ Jewish and 1/2ish Catholic and then a mixture of everything else to make up the rest. It was an interesting contrast.

I had some super close friends that were Jewish and they'd invite me to their homes. My closest friend even took me to temple with her a couple of times. The regular, everyday Jews seem to be really nice people. Her dad would even teach me along with her when he was showing her stuff. Their families encourage education and pass down knowledge about money that a lot of people like me (white trash) don't usually learn. My mom wanted me educated and worked in an accounting firm for a while, so I learned the basics.

Also, I think of it like this. You are hiring people. Sure there are rules, but they are kinda gray and flexible. You have two equally qualified candidates. You will likely hire the one that you can most relate to and get along with. So in Jewish cases, that would be the Jew. Kinda like Skull & Bones, although they take an oath to go out of their way to help one another. But in general, I believe a lot of it is just hiring someone like yourself and then group think starts to become involved. If you think differently you will be outcast, so go along with it and it perpetuates.

Yes, I do believe there is a grand conspiracy out there. I think Zionists are nuts. Yes, there are Jews that are out to watch the world burn and bring it about, but there are your "everyday" Jews that are wonderful people.

I try to take people on an individual basis. I don't really trust people until I get to really know them, no matter how much I want to believe in a decent human nature.

fuckmyreddit ago

Glam, thanks for chiming in. Most people here have never met a Jew in real life. If they have, it's their doctor or lawyer and never someone with which they have become friends. I really think a lot of what you say would be confirmed by even the most hating of goats if they ever had an opportunity to hang out with an everyday Jew.

Is it the fault of Jews who hang out with their own in small enclaves? Yes. Should more Jews reach out to the gentile population? Absolutely. Are most Jews wary of gentiles? I think so. Jews actually believe all gentiles are out to lynch Jews? The ones I know where taught this, but it's a very subliminal message.

GlamourSpork ago

I have very, very few friends anymore and none of them happen to be Jewish. My best friends are a white nationalist and an Hispanic. And no, they will never meet and it's okay.

I no longer have Jewish friends, once we got out of college (different colleges and that's another weirdness lol), we kinda went our own separate ways and I'm horrible at keeping in touch with people. It's been 20 years. I don't know what kind of programming they are currently getting. I know that where I grew up they still live in their own town. I'm sure my friend's parents still live there. I find it odd that they are allowed to have their own towns and not let outsiders in. That could never happen in my neighborhood where I live now.

I've moved probably two dozen times since living near the Jewish community and have never really come across anything like it. I'm sure that's a good way to promote hate/distrust of non-Jews.

I'm not trying to make excuses for them. I just see where it comes from. I wish it were different.

I actually just brought it up with my mom (a true libtard, so I always have to be careful lol) and she said she liked that I hung out with my friend because I got to see what a real father was like. He was actually living in the house, didn't abuse his daughters, and was actively engaged with them. So that's a whole other perspective.

fuckmyreddit ago

I am sorry to hear you grew up without a father. Most Jews marry for life, but a lot of them divorce these days as they are victims of the current brainwashing as well as gentiles. I am divorced twice and married thrice, so I'm one of the victims of divorce in my own way.

I have a feeling you would still get along with your J friend if you were able to find her. I am like you. I have moved a lot and I can't find friends who've taken new names. Like you, I have friends who would not get along if they met. Thanks again for contributing your experience to the convo.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Your the reason we have,no more identity as whites. We are conquerers and builders and shepards of the world. Fuck you and your kikes, go to israel if,you love them so much

AmericanJew2 ago

I didn’t do anything to you. Your response is indicative of your intelligence, which appears lower than average.

Schreiber ago

It is the jewish elites responsibility to ensure the continued prosperity in less anti-semitic pro-Israel countries, such as central/eastern europe and asia. If jews wanted to destroy antisemitism then they need to be proactive in shielding these "still conservative" areas from globalist libtardation.

It is not enough just to say "fuck soros," more concrete actions must be taken to stop the libtard tikkun olam and preserve these gentile cultures from the enroaching savages.

Israelis are responsible for electing the right-wing parties, which in turn must support the right-wing parties in other countries.

fuckmyreddit ago

Schreiber, I agree that Jews should do more for gentiles who don't proclaim outright hostility towards the tribe. Jews are taught or shown by example that it is wrong to assimilate, and I think Jews take that to mean more than it should. Jews are taught to marry other Jews and it has been extrapolated to mean don't have gentile friends. This is wrong and stupid. Jews also make conversion very difficult and time consuming because of some edict from some European king who didn't want to see mass conversions. It all leads to two parallel universes. In my opinion, it will lead to fear and loathing on both sides of the divide.

Once a Jew is your friend, they are your friend for life. Same with an enemy. Jews are not taught to turn the other cheek.

Schreiber ago

Jews are taught to marry other Jews

A significant amount of them ignores that. Heck, even back in ww 2 there were already a fuck ton of mischlinges.

hels ago

It's the whole "Not all blacks are murderers" argument. You could ask the jew family, who would they save if it was you (a known friend) or a random jew (who they only know is a true jewish person). It isn't until people give up their faith and decide to be agnostic that they can start to become unbiased. I am there? Nope. I was brought up Protestant and if all I know about that death train was a Catholic or a Jew..... well I'm taking the Catholic 100%

AmericanJew2 ago

I think the better analogy to consider is whether you would save the Jew that is your friend that you know, or the Catholic stranger.

If the answer is the latter, then you are exactly the same as those which you profess to condemn.

antistatist ago

Consider this: If you're a good person but you're Jew, and you want to have kids, do you adopt white kids, or do you create another Jew? Spreading your evil Jew DNA would be better for the Tribe, but providing a loving home to a child who needs it would be better for the world.

hels ago

We are talking about the Jew, not me. Maybe you should answer the example I provided.

GoyimNose ago

Never trust a fox on his green heath and never a jew on his oath!

Datgoyoverthere ago

Oh but he voted for Trumpstein! So based and redpilled #MAGA

cantaloupe6 ago

A lot of what's divisive on a free speech site is from shills hoping to shut it down. They want fighting in the streets for new laws. A global government would be extremely corrupt and the consequent rebellion would usher in a new dark age. Where would one run to with one government? Look how China carries out warfare and what steps they are taking, which group will end up in power?

madmardigan ago

It's power politics. Black, white, Jew, Christian, men, women. It's based on upbringing. We see this in many "minority" groups. They are raised to believe the oppressor/oppressed dicotome. This leads them to narcissistic and sociopathic behavior where they dehumaninze and feel zero empathy in destroying "others".

Bottom line, don't raise your kids with hate, but don't safe space them from the reality of sick people.

fhaqyu ago

2 month old account, upvoated by 2.1 hour account and 3 day old account.

OP is proving yet again to be a faggot jew

DinduNothins ago

There are accounts here who have been here for years who shill for jews and trump and anyone who disagrees with them is a jew shill to them.

There are lots of ignorant faggot jews here voat is infested with them.

Probably been here since the begining.

DinduNothins ago

Its all a conspiracy to hate jews by ignorant goyim they are good people who would ever do anything evil

Pattern_Blind ago

Name of poster is Legit, Video is legit too. What fucking kike down voated you?

SyriansFuckGoats ago

The jews sunk the titanic

Tallest_Skil ago

Titanic buff here. [citation needed]

wakkablam ago


BlackGrapeDrank ago

The jew who did it was named Ice Berg, A Jewish supremacist known for being cold and merciless.

Antiseed117 ago

This is a tough one to understand but knowing who was on that ship when it went down and who had power transferred to them after the deaths is becoming.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Titanic 1912.
The Fed 1913.

WeenieSniffer ago

Shit nigga, it all makes sense now!

rektumsempra ago

holy shit.