TheBuddha ago

This might actually be the dumbest thing written on voat, at least this hour. Congratulations on being number one!

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Thanks man. I think the jews also may have orchestrated the extinction of the dinosaurs but I need to do more research on it first. I'll keep you posted.

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure you shouldn't encourage them. There are people who will believe the Jews sunk the Titanic. They don't need things like evidence and think that 'connect the dots' is a valid form of study.

Oh, who am I kidding? You might as well encourage them.

The dinosaurs were actually killed by (((aliens))) to make way for the human species. We're a genetic experiment and an (((alien))) laboratory. They seeded the Earth with genetic material and helped the evolutionary process out by manipulating the environment in order to cause us to evolve. They aren't finished and we aren't done evolving. They're currently warming the planet to make us evolve to be sustainable life forms as slaves back on their own planet. So, global climate change is a myth, but not like most intelligent people think, it's really happening but it's being caused by the (((aliens))).

gosso920 ago

Iceberg, Goldberg - what's the difference?

Newmemba ago

I think it's time we dropped "the jews" and use "some jews" or "certain jews" or "the jew Rothschild". Using "the jews" when only a couple of kikes were involved smacks of anti-jewishness.

Morbo ago

(((They))) never use "some whites" or "certain whites" when attacking whites. Non-joos are all goyim so they make no distinctions. They deserve to be collectively judged because they act as one tribe.

Newmemba ago

Makes sense, momentary relapse on my part

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Even if not all jews were directly involved, they all support the same destructive ideologies and condone the lies and trickery performed by other jews. They're all at fault.

Newmemba ago

good argument as well

derram ago :

JP Morgan Sunk Titanic To Form the Federal Reserve - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Oh crap, sorry about that. Used jewtube...

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

I knew the jews planned 9/11, but I only recently found out that they also planned the sinking of the Titanic.

The jews made sure that all rich/powerful men directly opposed to the Federal Reserve were on the ship. The US jewish Reserve was set up the year after it sank.

golgotham ago

Very few people are aware that the Titanic was, in fact, a slave ship.