Rainy-Day-Dream ago

@crensch @GetWithThePogrom

I think this is the finished version now, thoughts?

GetWithThePogrom ago

Top tier, man.

Crensch ago

No complaints here; really well done.

GetWithThePogrom ago

I'll check it out in the next hour or so and report back. First impressions look great.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

@Trigglypuff @kevdude @Arotaes_Forgehammer @Empress @gabara

revised this a bit further, it gives a system error if I try to add more

VogaLodamee ago

Wait wait, you're inconsistent. You say that the holocaust never happened, but you say jews have to die and its the only way.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

how is that inconsistent? it didn't happen yet, but I think it should happen as soon as possible. Just because no holocaust took place during WW2 it doesn't mean I can't want one to occur now

VogaLodamee ago

but you hype up the holocaust didn't happen as this great thing, "hitler did nothing wrong, don't you fucking go after him for that shit you dumb liberals"

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I don't follow, "it didn't happen, but it should" where's the contradiction? Hitler was a great man who tried to do the right thing for the german people. It's honestly too bad he didn't become the monster the kikes made him out to be, the one they deserved

VogaLodamee ago

well okay then

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yeah, tbh I wish the guy was hitler but he's much less antigay and hates niggers a lot less than hillary did. He even got the Ellis Island award for promoting inner city youth the same time rosa parks and mohammed ali won it. I'm actually in favor of national socialism and unapologetic racism but most people on the right certainly aren't. The left take it even farther and say that milo and peter thiel "aren't really gay people" because they are right wing, you can have sex with other men these days and not be gay imagine my shock. It's not like I want all the gay people to be killed I'm not suicidal, but I think it'd be a good thing if society at large leaned more towards that opinion. There'd still be gay people, as there always have been, but they'd stay out of the public eye and away from children. Basically I think russia's approach to the LGBT is fine, they have gays there and gay bars and clubs but they don't let you talk about it in public especially near children. My main issue with the "LGBT community" is that they're a political group but pretend to be a social group, the same with feminists really, they say they support LGBT people but they hate milo and others like him and won't let the gays for trump people participate in their events etc. people can have political views I disagree with but when they pretend like they don't to be conniving and push a narrative I take issue.

I'll think about the flairs, ty for sharing

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

maybe, actually I might as well ask your opinion on this; I was actually thinking of changing my flair, it'd be dishonest to hide the fact but I'm also thinking it's not a good idea to associate Trump and right wing politics in general with LGBT stuff. I understand the basic tactical advantage of turning identity politics against the left, but miring ourselves in identity politics still seems like a bad idea.

tl;dr; so my question is this, can you explain why you want such a flair? like your reasoning for bringing it up?

foolscatalyst ago

Saved! Great post!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

tell your friends ;)

freedomite ago

Today, OP was a faggot, but the good kind who likes Hitler and wants to gas the jews.

addie89 ago

I tried to share this with someone and they wouldn't bother to read more than the first few lines. It is like they are programmed to shut off and shut out any info that conflicts with their worldview.

ExpertShitposter ago

Wow, you are a dangerous faggot!

Keep at it!

Yakatonn ago

Zoe Quinn is an actual soft core porn star. Anita and the rest are Soros funded Feminists as well they're hosted by Anglo-American institutions that are overtly corrupt, ie the UN. Gamergate is such a fucking joke, anyone not red pilled by that can only be retarded.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

a lot of people probably just didn't bother to learn about it

10326994? ago

You are, indeed, a Dangerous Faggot.

I like you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i like you.

lol what you you, gay or something?

RoBatten ago

Excellent! Great work.

survey_girl ago

Soros is planning a "democracy spring", much like the other color revolutions he has conducted overseas. This will be set off by the alt-left's upcoming march on 11/4.

This is Soros' plan to shut down our government and overthrow Trump.... he is funding both sides to insight a race war in America.

Great post OP. I have not gotten a chance to read everything yet, but I wanted to say what a great list of information you have gathered!

We also need to address the issue with the UN and the "global warming" b.s. narrative they are using to force us all into big city areas where they can control every aspect of our lives all in the name of "muh environment". Research Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, ICLEI and how they have already taken over our central planning on a local level. They are making it nearly impossible for land owners to do anything on their own property.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

useful info, thank you

freedomite ago

what can men do against such audacious kikery?

survey_girl ago

Do your research and red pill as many people as you can... run for public office (run on a platform of more freedom for property owners), vote out the commie globalists. Make more people aware of what is going on right under our noses. There are some amazing videos on youtube about UN Agenda 21 (and 2030) and how much it has affected our lives already on many different levels. here is a great video about UN Agenda 21 & Common Core education

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Next time you post you should update this whole post with a pedogate portion.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm trying not to condescend to "the average person" too much but basically I need pedogate infographics that are extremely easy to understand. Preferably colorful with pictures and numbers when possible and if they're text heavy it needs to be told like a story in order to hold their attention. Also I understand the nature of the information, but try to make it sound as little as possible like a conspiracy theory as a theoretically random person needs to accept the information basically at face value.

Aynswer2 ago

I think showing stills of Elsagate (esp. the one with the creepy witch lady in the mask) will red pill normies once they realize youtube does nothing to curb these disgusting, brainwashing videos camouflaged as child entertainment.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'd like to but I don't have a lot of extensive knowledge on that one myself, I know some of the symbols and codewords and a bit on podesta but not much more than that. Also I don't really have many infographics on the topic especially not comprehensive ones that are approachable to someone with no real prior knowledge or context. The images at the top generally are very well explained and cited but for example something like this might seem difficult to understand or approach to any normies fresh off the boat and also a bit difficult for them to verify if they actually bother to look it up. Not that this one is bad in and of itself for spreading information, but it'd be a hard time if it was your introduction to the idea. If I could get one with the symbols and language that dumbs it down so they could get introduced and eased in before reading this one I could add both to the post now.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the bottom part is mostly a rehash of the old one, but I wanted to get all the info in one place and update it with stuff I seem to need to explain a lot over and over again like hitler's definition of socialism in national socialism the "muh horseshoe" theory nazism is leftist idea seems popular lately

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Best way to fight would be to do everything in your power to find property in a rural area and become as self-suffcient and technologically capable as possible. Grow as much food as possible arm yourself to the tooth. You cant control the tides of humanity and you cant control the elites. The most powerful thing you can do is to become self-suffcient, make lots of babies, and own a shit-ton of guns and ammunition. Seriously, don't make the mistake of going to the battlefield, that will only beget your genocide further. Become untouchable by society the way it is, it is the most powerful thing you can do.

Aynswer2 ago

Find a mate then move?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

that's certainly not a bad idea, but we are in the information age, the best way to fight is to learn as much truth as you can and spread it as much as you can. Knowledge is strength, information is warfare.


Now if about 100 of us take turns posting this work of art to r/the_donald.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

post the QR code, it might take them a sec to figure out what it is, post it in the comments at the end of reply chains and make it hard to find

VogaLodamee ago

pls convert to link so us pc users can use.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the QR code just links to this post https://voat.co/v/TheDonald/2092975

VogaLodamee ago

oh okee dokee thanks.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Post any and all info to /v/trueconspiracys

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

feel free to post a link to this there

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Will do

whatisbestinlife ago

great job!

Ziggystrife ago

This needs some Myron Fagan and Benjamin Friedman. Those two opened up my eyes big time.

542345 ago

Yep, of course this post is down voted. It mentions myron fagan who foretold all of this 50 years ago. I will look up Benjamin Friedman but this whole thread looks like an illuminati trap so the Jews/Rothschilds/illuminate/Lucifer can once again start a world war by sacrificing their own Jews which they won't hesitate to do. In order to create a public world enemy like the Nazis. Millions will die in the war. This is calling for all Jews, women and children included, to be killed which CNN will gladly report as the most terrible thing in the world, they'd even stage it themselves, in order to show the world how evil white America is. Babies in incubators caused the gulf war, this will be child's play in comparison. Ask op what happens to half breeds like half jap third generational American citizens, he wants them dead or deported to Hawaii because he doesn't think whites will ever be able to live in peace with them. I really hope this movement takes off so we can nip this in the bud and sort ourselves out. I'm not opposed to fixing society and trying to stop Lucifer but i am against total catastrophic failure which is the only way this will end and exactly what Lucifer wants. The enemy is Satan, there's no way this alt right fake ass Richard Kessler approved plan to kill all non whites and Jews will work. This is asking America to break every Geneva convention and goad the world into intervening in order to kick off ww3. As much as i want Armageddon to occur so Christ can come back once again and deliver us from evil, this is a fucking terrible plan and our Creator will surely be ashamed of anyone for following the great Deceiver.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

is it sane/amalek again? it's pretty incoherent whatever he's trying to say

avgwhtguy1 ago

Hitler was a shillberg. Large central gov't tends to become a business, a monopolistic monster that attracts the worst kind of people.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


avgwhtguy1 ago

Proof? Do you expect me to pass you primary sources over the Internet? Just consider it, look into it, where his funding came from, that nose, his family tree, etc.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Do you expect me to pass you primary sources over the Internet?

yes. non-primary is fine as long as it's reasonably verifiable.

avgwhtguy1 ago

Ok i guess you don't understand what a primary source is (like what youd find in a museum). This is the Internet -- it's all hearsay. Maybe a digitallly signed file or live stream would be a primary source you could pass over the web, but still fakeable, and not an option for Hitler

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I said non-primary was fine, I also said "reasonably verifiable." Learn to read

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I've gotten comments here from people that seem to hate you, as an "SRS shill" I don't really want to get involved, but what do they mean? because they won't tell me themselves

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

just try to share this with as many people as you can and then they can upvoat this

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

should I not have told him?

JohnJones ago

Climent Change

The fact is the earths water cycle collapsed about 50 years ago, and to keep it going they artificially create storms by released water vapor (steam) into the air via power plants. https://youtu.be/sZyVnrmcZSY?t=8m16s

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you got me worried that I misspelled climate, also the water and carbon cycles still occur naturally as far as I'm aware but I'll watch that video in a sec

JohnJones ago

Its a great interview/ QnA I encourage everyone to watch it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

pinging @cancel-cat-facts are we the same person? we're not, but how do I prove it? and did you make catbox.moe?

10320156? ago


Holy crap. All good stuff, but this really caught my attention. Thanks for posting all this.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the study it's from is a good read, the link should be in there

bdmthrfkr ago

At least I got 10 out of 10 on the quiz!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


10319950? ago

After learning all of this, I resolved to stay a centrist and try and help achieve a balance. It did impact my ability to enjoy certain music and film, though.

This is an excellent post - thank you for the hard work.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're free to hold whatever political ideology you want, however if you're a centrist do try to avoid this fallacy and the whole "muh horseshoe" theory thing I understand the underlying point of it but not all authoritarian political ideologies are the same; National Socialism even differs from Fascism without bringing up how far it is from Communism or Marxian Socialism

8Ball ago

Here's another iron pill worth mentioning: Trump was blackmailed by Mossad and now works for them as controlled opposition. His administration is populated by globalists and bankers. And the reason the republicans can't get anything done is because they are on one side of a Zionist coin, along with the democrats on the other.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


8Ball ago



Texe Marrs is questionable since he's also controlled opposition, but I'm citing this article is simply for reference. He spread disinformation that Planet X was going to crash into earth, which he now denies ever having said so.


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm aware that both parties are controlled, but they also both opposed trump during the election and currently for the most part he's not really a republican. I'm aware of the stuff with kushner and Genie Energy LTd. stuff, and of course he's met and has ties to some influential kikes, he's a new york businessman it'd be more surprising if he didn't, but I meant proof that he's controlled by them. For example the Syrian ceasefire, and our involvement with helping Hezbollah in lebanon recently, or the fact that he's trying not to go to war with Iran despite all the kevitching, or the fact he called out antifa and "the alt left" a lot of things he does don't seem to favor them, I'm not saying he or his administration is completely clean but he's obviously less controlled than Hillary, or any of the republican candidates, and Glassberg was literally a jew himself.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he made catbox.moe? I didn't actually know that are you sure?

romainvicta ago

There exists a redpill in the form of a Flintstones chewable and isnt that hard to swallow on Race

The documentary Empire of Dust which is available for free on youtube. A Chinese guy that is doing work in Africa and gets frustrated because, in his own words, Africans are lazy and couldnt up keep what the Europeans left them

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ah I remember that one, the nigger gets so viably mad while the chink just shits on them something to the effect of "look at your railroads in the mines high technology that you had earlier than us, but the lines are all fucked up"

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


OhRutherfordBehave ago

On that note, are you NakedApe? Do you have a transcript for the "Why Women Ruin Everything" video???

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

darn I'm a lot of people today, in just this comment section I've been asked if I was @Cancel-Cat-Facts, Milo Yiannopoulos, and now naked ape. I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm only myself


Man its almost like your some sort of journalist or something...

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if only journalists would report the truth


Can't argue that.

Lemongarb ago

I know historically neanderthals were considered stupid, but the newest evidence seems to be suggesting otherwise. I haven't heard anyone make the connection, but who built Gobleki Tepi?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

based on the data I've seen of their cranial structures they actually should've had larger brains than the homosapians

Le_Squish ago

They did. There is also some suppressed research that suggest they were more prone to interpersonal violence and cannibalism.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

more so than africans?

Le_Squish ago

Cannibalism in H. Sapiens is much more modern phenomena. When we look at pre-african exodus populations, we see obsidian and Flint being traded over thousands of miles suggesting human groups mostly had peaceful encounters to exchange goods and probably mates as well.

When study H. Neanderthalis pre H. Sapiens contact, we find sites where entire families were killed, carved up and cooked in their caves. We don't see the extensive trade networks or evidence of Neanderthals living in anything larger than a family group. They may have been high IQ (the cultural artifacts they left behind suggest as much) but prone to sociopathic/psychopathic behavior much more than humans and were never able to organize into proper tribes. Africans tend towards violence because of poor impulse control and not because they are particularly anti-social.

SJWs have thoroughly tainted anthropology though, so unless you can get original inventory of a sites excavation, it's hard to trust even a peer reviewed source.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

just like they've tainted everything else, it's not even widely known that the asian descended red skinned natives we know now were not the original natives of north america but that their were european descended (probably indo-european) natives living here first with white skin and blonde hair, and that the "native americans" killed and raped them out of existence and stole their land. At least when we displaced the "natives" we left some of them alive to complain about it.

Mr_Dusk ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I was pretty salty when I put this together but here you go

Mr_Dusk ago

Thanks. didnt read all of them but what I did read was interesting to be sure. Itll be good to see if we can access any underwater relics to gain more archeological evidence of it. Until then I'll remain skeptical. As I am with everything these days.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

just keep reading and researching, the truth is out there and it fears no investigation

Mr_Dusk ago

I know im slowly piecing together the world. Read that one explaining fascisms economic and social principles and while I can see creating money and injecting it into the economy interest free is a great idea, I cant agree with the government heavily restricting art and literature to foster a proper mindset. Just seems highly orwellian to me.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

learn more about modern art, cubes are a reference to saturn how many cities have a cube type sculpture? know what this is? it might be hard to accept be the people using art and literature to subvert us know more about it than the average person and that's dangerous

Mr_Dusk ago

Wait so cubes and Minotaurs are the issue with modern art??? A geometric shape???

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yes and no, these are just the examples I have on hand. In a word the problem is symbolism. The shapes, themes, and symbols common in modern art have meaning on a subconscious level, and a spiritual one as well if you believe in that sort of thing. Many of these (((artists))) know what they're conveying and communicating with their work, but the average person has no idea. Think of how much shows like Archie Bunker pushed the idea that racism was unacceptable? and did you notice that furies became much more prominent when the kids who grew up watching disney movies like the lion king and beauty and the beast hit their 20s? what you see affects you in all sorts of ways that any random person hasn't the time or interest to understand.

Mr_Dusk ago

yeah symbolism in art is a big thing. but that doesnt mean it should be controlled to inspire loyalty and positive affectations to the symbology a government wants them too.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I was talking about the opposite, there's a much easier case to be made for it to be regulated to prevent negative effects rather than to enforce positive ones.

Mr_Dusk ago

negative or positive the regulation of art is denial of free speech. that might be something a group might not mind until it happens to them but none the less its not a good thing. Isn't that why all of us came to Voat in the first place was because we can speak freely here?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

this may be something of a point of contention, I understand and have read the writings of the founding fathers so I get where your coming from, but I personally I think it's not too bad of an idea to protect people from themselves because I don't believe in free will. It's a perversion of what Richard Dawkins described in his book the Selfish Gene, but a person is merely made up of their genes and memes; Who they are and what they know, their biology and the information they've compiled over a lifetime. Free will is originally a concept from the bible and has never been proven and is not really backed by any evidence, if we go by the facts we can verify humans are simply animals and you have no grander control over your destiny than say a beaver. You might have an aversion to this at first as your "self" seeks to protect itself, but ask; Do you really have free will? is there such a thing as volition? are there any real choices? All of your actions are based on your inherent feelings, principals, values, etc. any number of things you have no free control over. Even if you argue that you might've considered doing something different, consider string theory; at the "choice" in question the worldlines split a parallel world is generated and there's just as much evidence to assert that the one you ended up on is a product of random chance rather than "agency." Don't you act differently around different people, don't we all lie constantly? The sense of self a person feels is little more than a mask we construct to hide behind. It's fine if you disagree, but I'd recommend you read Straw Dogs by John Grey.

Le_Squish ago

Indo Europeans are a people adapted for arid climate. A small change in nostril shape allows the Indo-European nose to function well in cold climates. This was an advantage during periods of glaciation so it is expected that Indo-European would be found in these climates. Also, Asians have a unique dentition called shovel shaped dentition allowing for easy visual identification of all Asian remains. Scientists bullshit us all the time.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

that's why it's so important that people do their own research, but so many do so little

Tor1 ago


They have kinky hair.

They are the apex of apes.

Just seems a good explanation for their non-european behavior.

Not even mediterranean even.

Their intelligence is of a savage variety really.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if only our education system wasn't so pozzed

10319314? ago

The Internet is the new education system.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

unfortunately for most people that means facebook, twitter, and reddit.

DrPenguin ago


We could compile this and other redpills and physically leave these around town on busses, in bars, etc...

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

interesting idea, careful of fingerprints getting you in trouble for "hate speech"

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's all stuff saved to my computer, I just wanted to have it all together and somewhat organized

masterrex ago

Great post. Needs to be converted into a PDF that can be distributed as a pamphlet. I'd be willing to start dropping these all over the place.

10322105? ago

Wonderful idea

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm not sure how to get the pictures and videos into a pdf though

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Can you fags quit playing up you fudge packing prostate obsessive sexual predilections...? There's you, @CANCEL-CAT-FACTS.... Just a flaming......

I swear, had I realized, I wouldn't have went with a 3-word-name.......

And I mean I really don't want to kill the homos, just that one who tried to rape me back in the late 90's, and that other one who told a female coworker I had the hots for; "I'm certain he's gay he just doesn't know it yet!!!"....

You guise do have your good sides, often organized beyond all human reason, OCD as fuck often in a good way, but the general 24/7 mania a lot a fags tend to have, that's fucking scary, I always see the mania but never the depression, it's not natural...

Anyway, it's a free-speech site and all, but you guise got the whole internet to promote butt-fuckery on, where it's 1,000% welcome, why for peddle that ass here?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

quit playing up you fudge packing prostate obsessive sexual predilections

...promote butt-fuckery

am I doing so? can you provide an example so I can properly address your complaint?

Mr_Sir ago

Use QCR codes

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

good Idea can you check if this works? if so I'll make it a bit more stylish in photoshop like these: https://files.catbox.moe/ou6e7k.png https://files.catbox.moe/dpoeif.png https://files.catbox.moe/4q5ojy.png https://files.catbox.moe/mvflyp.png

Mr_Sir ago

The link isn't working, on mobile at least. Love the other ones, though I can't most people would scoff at them and move on because the titles are too direct and honest. People can't handle the truth.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I messed up typing it, try to now, and we're not trying to reach the Lemmings as Dr.Pierce called them just the few independent thinkers out there. the Lemmings will follow the culture as those who think independently slowly change it

Mr_Sir ago

Yeah, it's working now. Looks good

masterrex ago

The pictures are easy, and though I've never done it video can be embedded in PDFs. I highly suggest backing up the YouTube videos ASAP.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I use this I have these saved already

1moar ago

That's the easy part. I might take a crack tomorrow at work.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

share it here if you do so we can spread it around

1moar ago

Absolutely, will do m8.

heygeorge ago

Whoa, Rainy! Amazing compilation.

Of course, it's 100% negated because you pinged the above users. and now I commented, so you are 100% shill.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what's wrong with the above users? another guy said that but what's the problem? Empress is delightful and I've never had an issue with Arotaes_Forgehammer, stop all this cryptic team shit and just tell me the issue

heygeorge ago

That guy is a dweller (not basement, just regular dweller as they don't have those in TX) and you're wasting your own time if you attempt to have reasonable discussion with him or his army of alts.

I was jk on the pings, I think all those people are great and I see a good bit of quality content from you as well!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm sorta lost

heygeorge ago

Ok, will be more clear.

  • Amazing post!

  • It seems you and I talk to some of the same users.

  • The guy calling you a fag and discrediting you for no reason is severely mentally ill and despises Voat, so talking to him (or his many, many alts) is a waste of your precious time on this earth.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

thanks, neat, is it amalek/sanegoat?

heygeorge ago

There are many convincing arguments that he (MightyYet Gentle) is ammy/insane.

I am not sure, and lean on the side of not the same, but there is certainly a common thread of mental illness.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's probably just been amalek the whole time to be honest

heygeorge ago

Yeah, that is just as likely. Although as many people mention, you could actually talk to Amalek. Then again, you could sort of talk to SGIS at first, too. So if we follow the trail of declining mental state, it does also make sense that it's just the same person or "group" as Putts referred to.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I did talk to amalek, with and without his meds and it certainly was interesting. He was a bit different from Sane and this new guy but the broad strokes of the behavior seem the same to me, plus people change over time even wackos

heygeorge ago

Yes, the broad strokes are similar. Also the insane amount of time spent on this site, and this is coming from someone, probably both of us who spend a lot of time here.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I think he actually really likes this site, he's just insane.

heygeorge ago

I read your discussion with him. Whadaya think? If it quacks like an Ammy...

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

pretty much, either way it seems to really bother him to get called amalek

heygeorge ago

Then it looks like that's the answer.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

you ping all the SRS shills.

And you are a fag.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm literally a fag so I'm not sure that's still an insult, what do you mean by SRS Shills?

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

i wasnt using it as an insult. Your opinion is discarded.

You literally pinged the top shills on this site. None of them are Trump supporters and have effectively divided multiple communities revolved around redpills.

heygeorge ago

This is why you don't have friends.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

i got plenty homies. I don't make friends with faggot nerds and kikes like you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ey yo, hol up. So u be sayin we wuz homies an sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeit?

heygeorge ago


Yes, I am sure you have plenty of "homies"

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

one of the people I pinged is literally one of the other mods on this subverse, are you sure about this? how do you define "trump supporter"? what's wrong with redpills and having multiple communities?

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

I know, shills have mod positions in a lot of subs.

how do you define "trump supporter"?

Honesty. All those folks lack integrity.

what's wrong with redpills and having multiple communities?

Nothing. You can thank your friends for ruining some of those previously all across voat and reddit.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

can you just explain what you're trying to say? I honestly don't get what you're on about. Which users specifically and what's the problem with them?

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Those people have actively disrupted trump's support base on voat and reddit since nov 8. The appearance that they are legitimate is fake.

And as for you pinging them it doesnt surprise me. Radical homosexuals stick together. I told you this before when you tried to justify that jew fag Milo. Controlled opposition.

You aren't on our side morally or wholeheartedly. You are just an attention whoring mentally ill degenerate who wants to be part of the winning side. Kill your gay ass you fag, the quick way, not slowly through spreading anal sex.

Filthy_Khajiit ago

Are you just jealous he is a faggot doing more work than you to hand out redpills? Faggot.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

this isnt OC

Filthy_Khajiit ago

okay, where have you seen this post before?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you keep saying that but can you be more specific? I was never too big of a milo supporter but I got redpilled on a lot of stuff during the election so my views have probably changed somewhat during the last couple of years or so. What even are the sides? I'm still unclear as to what exactly you're talking about, which side are you on? and which side do you think I'm on? also stop doing the fucking reddit spacing thing it's annoying

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

you are not on our side faggot

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

which side is that?

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

The side that got Trump into office. The honest people. People you wont really find on voat except few and far between. Everyone that you ping and you included is the cancer to the next 3 years of online Trump support garnering.

We know your plan and we are watching it unfold poorly. This sub won't be relevant for the next election, and reddit will eliminate all trump support by then. All of you shills are trying to establish yourself in the right-side conservative movement.

Just like a tranny is running /v/TraditionalWives. It's not going to work.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Sanegoat doesn't have conversations.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're him aren't you? idk if you remember we've been talking since you went by amalek, I kinda miss all your sperging out but it gets annoying quick

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

I'm neither amalek nor sanegoat, who are two entirely different voaters.

Good distraction though you mentally ill cock sucker.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

good old amalek, it's been too long how've you been? did you forget to fill your prescriptions again?

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

I couldn't take credit for all the shit amalek stirred up but nice try. Are we sure you aren't Milo?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

don't be so modest amalek, or is this like a method acting type of thing? or DID maybe? you really ought to fill those presciptions. Wouldn't I not hate kikes and niggers if I was? or wouldn't I at least be promoting his book? nearly 700 people have already seen this that's a lot of advertising to miss out on.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Wouldn't I not hate kikes and niggers if I was?

Lots of jews use words online to fit in.

Alright you aren't Milo but you are definitely a shill faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

definitely a shill


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

this is not proofs, I am disappoint

10319449? ago

Woah- so I posted it over at gab and a huge personality over there picked it up from @Kek_Fashy and reposted it! YAY!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nice! can I get a link to the posts?

10319548? ago

Let me try to figure out how to do that. It's been posted separately as well.. this is very good news. Edit: Here's the one I posted and it was re-gabbed by @JohnRivers and here's the one from @KekFashy https://gab.ai/KekFashy. Both seem to be getting a good start and I hope it spreads like wildfire. The more the merrier!

10319227? ago

It's really, really excellent. Great work!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

there's plenty more that could go in, but I think it gives a good overview of everything. Now if only we could spread it around more

MrLaw ago

Please more

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

@crensh provides a lot in his comments it's also always good to do your own research

10319315? ago

We need to get goats to link it on Gab. @KekFashy may be able to help- he has a solid following over there.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I haven't actually tried gab yet, I never used twitter either but maybe I should give it a go

10319047? ago

Pinging @Le_Squish. I'm reading through it now and so far it's very good.

Le_Squish ago

Oh, I shall save for later when I'm back on my computer.

Tor1 ago

Jews are Africans.

Keep their Egyptian border open, this will keep them busy.