crankypants15 ago

The American Indians had their own wars with other tribes. But most tribes didn't have a written language. It was part of their oral history, and these war stories were never taught in schools.

Le_Squish ago

Interestingly, the native American side of my family never taught me that their weren't white folks in North America. They said they lived far in the north, past Maine and there is ample archaeological evidence in the form of remains to support this.

Most peoples history is enshrined in myths and legends. Some times even in art. Then there are places like new Zealand where native Indo Europeans still live and modern academia just refused to believe who they were.

avian_buddha ago

We wuz Native American

Krugarr ago

Yeah, we all know that the early Atlanteans were white. Dunno why this needed an effortpost by itself.

That anyone would actually make the "muh native Americans" argument is silly. The better counter-argument to the "America for Whites only" is to point out that the original founding fathers were almost entirely A) Batshit crazy and bloodthirsty revolutionaries that believed the revolution must never cease, or B) filthy rich landowners that had failed the political process of the crown, followed by the logical conclusion to the line so many people tout out(something I saw earlier as well), "Non whites stole white lands in America and claimed them as their own. They have to go back."

By this same logic, all non-British immigrants to America need to be sent back to their respective countries. Meaning Italians, Germans, Irish, Poles, Frenchies, anyone who isn't British, needs to go, and all the land needs to be returned to the crown, since it was all stolen by proto-communists and greedy businessmen that sought to expand their own wealth.

Just a thought. Probably gonna get downvoted. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Malthrax ago

and, just like these ancient white people let the red-skinned immigrants walk all over them, today's Caucasian race is letting the Coloreds do it all over again.

do white men just not have balls in their ballsacks?

Empire_of_the_mind ago

This is a surprisingly good post considering the intro

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I was salty from a bunch shit in another thread

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Have you read "1491" and "1493" by Charles C. Mann? It's not natsoc, but is a great history that treats the subject much, much more honestly and fairly than is typically found. He's not pushing an agenda, just delivering information that is very well established yet largely unknown to the general public. I bet you'd really like these books. 1491, for example, spends some time discussing the native politics at time of Plymouth Rock landing and how their various back-stabbing and alliances resulted in what came next.

crankypants15 ago

Is this perhaps available free online? Or not too expensive? I'm not looking for white supremacist stuff. I'm looking for an ebook. EPUB preferred, or MOBI.

EDIT: Sometimes this stuff goes public domain.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

try a used bookstore. or torrent sites.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Is this perhaps available free online?

technically everything is

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'll look into it :)