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neogag ago

Disclaimer: I have not personally verified all of this material.

  • Check out the Talmud

  • They confess that they feel they are entitled to destroying us. There are dozens of articles and other kinds of material that support this (hang around on voat, you will be exposed to it over time) More More More

  • The Jews declared war on Germany in 1933 source.

  • The Jews were behind Communism and the Holodomor, but don't want you to compare the Holodomor to the Holocaust source.

  • They have already been caught lying about the Holocaust several times (it's not even contested) yet you are imprisoned for not believing it source source

  • Many things don't make sense about the accepted narrative of the Holocaust source. source. You'll be sent to prison if you try to have this discussion though.

  • Jews always scheme against their host nations. source. Jewish holidays Hannukah and Purim are celebrations of some of their successful schemes.

  • Jews are vindictive against Europeans and Christians.

  • Jews want destructive things for you but not for them source

Thanks to @Crensch @KosherHiveKicker @Kalgon @CheeseboogersGhost and others.

KosherHiveKicker ago

8 )

Nice presentation! TYVM.