For the noobs: Hitler did nothing wrong. (
submitted 6.2 years ago by antiliberalsociety
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antiliberalsociety 6.2 years ago
Holocaust is fake
Israel was their goal all along
Muh Warmongering Hitlerrr!
Watcha doin there, Rabbi?
Anon asks good, logical questions
Why 6 million?
Muh death camps!
No documented orders to exterminate jews
Oy Vey! Look how victim we are!
The real problem
Almost like Jews were up to something
Just as Hitler said
SearchVoatBot 6.1 years ago
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antiliberalsociety ago
Holocaust is fake
Israel was their goal all along
Muh Warmongering Hitlerrr!
Watcha doin there, Rabbi?
Anon asks good, logical questions
Why 6 million?
Muh death camps!
No documented orders to exterminate jews
Oy Vey! Look how victim we are!
The real problem
Almost like Jews were up to something
Just as Hitler said
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/AskVoat comment by @neogag.
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