hankylanky ago

So... I'm the "private retard actual"?

Miralian ago

Speaking of Nazis... it's "whom."

wonderfuldonut ago

Yes he did, He LOST, History is written by the Victors and not by the Losers,

GetaClue ago

Germany then, like now, needed fuel. Oil. Russian reserves had plenty. Germany, none. Thousand Year Reich's gotta have go juice for the war machine donchaknow?

Hitler did do something wrong. Terribly wrong. Moscow in the winter with his logistic chain? L'Audace, l'audace, toujours L'Audace! Madness! (It almost worked, true... almost... ask Napoleon how well that worked. Never mind. SSDD)

Killin' Commie bastards is a Gift... to God. Thus Mankind.

But don't try to invade Russia with an eye to Moscow unless you brought your longjohns and a shit ton of antifreeze for your vehicles.

Normenkunde ago

Did Hitler fight the deep state? I found a very interesting book from 1924 and read it in German:

Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin

It made me speechless. As Germans after the World War II we were educated in school to never criticize Jews or Israel. But I have noticed that something is going wrong in Germany and after I woke up through the Q anon, there is no going back. I caught an English translation as PDF file and a video in which the 1st chapter is read out in English language. Here are the links: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMETgdUhnUM]


Normenkunde ago

Did Hitler fight the deep state? I found a very interesting book from 1924 and read it in German: Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin It made me speechless. As Germans after the World War II we were educated in school to never criticize Jews or Israel. But I have noticed that something is going wrong in Germany and after I woke up through the Q anon, there is no going back. I caught an English translation as PDF file and a video in which the 1st chapter is read out in English language. Here are the links:

xpat ago

How about cash ? Nothing easier than to stick a few bills into an envelope and mail them to wherever. 100% anonymous.

Anson ago

Economic sanctions are indeed a declaration of war, and grounds to attack the perpetrator

@alopix come at me bro

IDintDoNuthin ago

Who was pulling Hitlers strings though?

CaptainChurch ago


olinneserpona ago

Here are some great pdf collections from Pol on MegaDownload It's not just politics, lots of different categories.

The uploader now has a website on the Tor network. The Incorrect Library.

Rawrination ago

THanks for the info I'll try to remember to look into it when I'm mroe awake

Whitemail ago

If Latvia declared war on the United States, we would just laugh at them. We're talking about a country with less people, shitty weaponry, and hardly a shred of economic might. If Jews weren't powerful, wouldn't declaring war on Germany just be a big joke?

olinneserpona ago

You can use this knowledge to ridicule people: when someone says they hate nazism ask them what part of the national socialist doctrine they are against. If they ask what is national socialism just laugh.

olinneserpona ago

Did you not know 'Nazi' is short/derogatory for National Socialist? The social democrats were called 'Sozi' so they called the NatSoc 'Naczi'(meaning a foolish person, village idiot. Derived from 'ignatz')

Nationalsozialist + Naczi = Nazi

Whenever I read 'Nazi' in a context that is supposed to be serious by the people(media, academia, politics) I immediately know they are either clueless or aiding the enemy: we never see them use the word 'Commie', but 'Nazi' somehow a legitimate term.

WilliamCutting ago

Sign me up for #FascistFacts

Seeiously though good breakdown

olinneserpona ago

FascistFacts: Mussolini did in fact drain the swamps in Rome. Malaria disappeared and crops are grown there today.

WilliamCutting ago

Make this a sub, It would be great to see stuff like this with sources.

olinneserpona ago

I have never run a sub before, mostly because I don't want to.

https://voat.co/v/fascistfacts/ I will try to make fascistfact meme no1 tomorrow

Fagtardicus ago

no, make it a bot that posts in newfag verses

WilliamCutting ago

Agreed, beyond my skills though

jnola2 ago

Yeah, I know. It was more of an observation of the times rather than a complaint about Bitcoin.

Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and all the other transaction-based services can fuck right off with their Jewish agenda.

AlbitEinstein ago

What about Hitler's involvement with the occult and secret societies?

What about the evil Bush family's ties to Hitler?

Don't get me wrong - there's something fucky with Jews in this story. But it's not black and white. They both could be the bad guys fighting each other.

Charilko ago

Some people around here can’t seem to accept the idea that both sides in a conflict can be shitty. Was what happened to Germany after WWI terrible? Yes. Was euthanizing mental patients, invading Poland, kidnapping blonde children from Norway, or supporting Japan in their genocidal conquest of East Asia noble? I submit it wasn’t.

antiliberalsociety ago

Japan's conquest of east Asia was only after the US embargo on oil. We cut off 80% of their oil which is an act of war, we didn't have good reason to do that other than to provoke them into war. They had to utilize resources in the Phillipines to fend off China and before they could do that they had to hit Pearl Harbor to ensure we wouldn't respond with full force. Funny how they keep calling it a surprise attack when the local papers predicted the attack would happen on Sunday.

Funny further is how we knew to keep the bulk of our fleet away from Pearl even though it was peace time....

AdelaisNjall ago

Hitler's goal was not "just" Bolshevism if he wanted to do just that he would liberate the Slavic nations not try to destroy them completely to create "Lebensraum".. and he would have WON the war with the help of the Slavs. I guess he got exactly what he deserved(or wanted)

jnola2 ago

I hate that the only way you can purchase the DVDs is to use Bitcoin. I would like to support the effort to get the truth out.

hankylanky ago

Every time I wonder how Trump can have a base -- small as it is -- all I have to do is come to Voat to be reminded how many stupid, angry, fearful, racist dumbfucks are out there.

antiliberalsociety ago

Jews are racist against whites and prejudiced against non Jews.

FuckredditKenobi ago

Someone's delusional today

jnola2 ago

It isn't racism to say an illegal alien entered the country illegally, nor is it Islamaphobia to say that foreign nationals entering the country should be vetted to determine if they are dangerous to Americans. You are free to have your opinion, but a blanket statement like the one you just made has a lot to do with how Trump won the election.

Be a little more open-minded about history, and you might learn something.

hankylanky ago

I don't agree with anything you said, but my reply applied directly to the ridiculous statement, "Hitler did nothing wrong."

jnola2 ago

It isn't ridiculous. Learn some history about what really happened from 1914 to 1945.

hankylanky ago

I guarantee I know more about real, well-documented, scientifically verified history than any of you neo-nazi idiots. I'll admit, you probably know a lot more than I do about half-baked, gullible, hate-inspired conspiracy theories.

jnola2 ago

Of course you do.

Fagtardicus ago

"i dont wanna learn, i wanna be livestock"

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Must be why he lost the election.

22trilionAsecond ago

what was the treaty of versailles

Glory_Beckons ago

The Treaty of Versailles was signed at the end of WW1, long before Hitler came to power. Most of Hitler's political career was focused on undoing the damage done by that treaty, and reclaiming what was lost.

In fact, one of Hitler's most iconic achievements was forcing the French to sign their surrender to the Reich in exactly the same place, in exactly the same train wagon, where they had signed the Treaty of Versailles.

antiliberalsociety ago

It was that treaty that got Hitler elected

skywalker7777 ago

That's one ugly site.

TheyLie ago

What about Dr Josef Mengele and project paperclip?

WilliamCutting ago

Most of the Mengele horror stories were post war propaganda that was an attempt to justify the near genocide and brutal treatment of the Germans at the latter end of the war. Look at where the stories and facts are coming from.

totes_magotes ago

Of course he did. He lost. If he had done everything right, he would have won. Instead, he was fighting a war on multiple fronts and facing economic sanctions while trying to build an empire. You can't do all of those at the same time.

Charilko ago

He might have done good for Germany had he not tried to expand their political control of Central Europe. Stay in your own country, fix your broken shit, make sure your neighbors stop shitting on you but don’t try to invade them. It’s pretty easy. But Hitler didn’t do that, did he?

Fagtardicus ago

the land that hitler invaded in central europe was stolen from germany by the allies at the conclusion of WW1.

HermitXChoice ago

Also counting the fact that he was ultimately a (((puppet))). $Vrill Society$ ((Die Glock)) Project Paperclip MIC takeover

AdelaisNjall ago

He tried to destroy the most white people on the planet - the Slavs!

6Catfish-Ninja9 ago

slavs are not white... they are slavic... the useless masses that subjected to COMMUNISM of course... he wasn't taking about slavs he meant communists.....

vladtep ago

I think you'll find that's not the case. lol