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Aksarben1 ago

Clearly VOAT is a front for jew haters. Not something one would expect from Q. Either that or the site is being trolled by leftists who want to smear the site and Q movement as racist by their disinformation.

I see nothing worth my time here. This site is a sewer of hate.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Clearly VOAT is a front for jew haters.

Wow. How unfortunate. When I saw your username a few days ago, I thought to myself, "HEY! Nice! Look! Someone on Voat from Nebraska! I wonder where they're from, let me keep an eye on them in a few days". You're trying to pretend to be Conservative? That's rich.

Then you say something so incredibly close-minded and ignorant as this and I shake my head sand say, "Well.. found the Nebraskan from Omaha..", because Omaha Liberal faggots actually think they're conservative, and you're a prime example of this inbred idiocy.

Probably some fuckin' piece of shit brainwashed Dimocrat cat lady motherfucker with how fast you showed your true colors. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out, but if you ever decide to grow a pair or balls then read this tread and come back for a real discussion after you've educated yourself with a cold hard dose of reality.

If you can read and come back and phrase a coherent argument for your opinion that isn't so obviously coming from a brainwashed dumbfuck we can talk. Right now you're embarrassing your entire state.

Aksarben1 ago

Fuck you.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Yeah, it's extremely productive to get mad at me when you act like an imbecile.

You basically proved my point for me, when you had a perfect opportunity to actually demonstrate I was wrong. Thanks for changing my mind.

freespeechwarrior ago

This fag is from Lincoln. Guarantee it. Omaha's got a few but Lincoln is the real (((nest))).

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Is that a modern thing? Lincoln always seemed to tow the line between the Liberals in Omaha and the Conservatives in the rest of the state (since Nebraska only has two cities and the rest is farmland).

freespeechwarrior ago

I haven't been there since the early 90's but back then, there were skinhead gangs and niggers in Omaha and huge pride parades in Lincoln. The whole scene was going to shit when I moved away though. All I have to say about nebraska is fuck ice storms....and gangbanger niggers.