apathy_meh ago

Can we get a side-by-side of him & Feinstein doing this?

UnknownAlias365 ago

God bless Rand Paul.

Pilot670 ago

Funny he didn’t run for re-election? Research people .

blob_bob ago

Don't turn yourself into a Qcumber. He's probably not anti-semitic. Just sane.

JohnySmack ago

its' all crazy

Merlynn ago

They're not clever,we're just really lazy.

ogres_did_911 ago

Based and redpilled

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Oy vey!!!! He's spreading anti-semitic tropes!!!

ProgNaziGator ago

Jews are not the only dirty deceptive fuckers screwing us. They just are the ones doing it while we think they are our friends.

JopharVorin ago

Jews are the ones in control. all others are their golem slaves.

Gopherurself ago


GoyimNose ago

Wtf I love rand paul

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

When did Rand Paul suddenly become based?

freespeechwarrior ago

Laughing so hard right now that the neighbors probably think I'm crazy.

john-from-wisconsin ago

What do you think he meant?

con77 ago

Holy shit! He's all but naming the Jew

Aksarben1 ago

Clearly VOAT is a front for jew haters. Not something one would expect from Q. Either that or the site is being trolled by leftists who want to smear the site and Q movement as racist by their disinformation.

I see nothing worth my time here. This site is a sewer of hate.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Clearly VOAT is a front for jew haters.

Wow. How unfortunate. When I saw your username a few days ago, I thought to myself, "HEY! Nice! Look! Someone on Voat from Nebraska! I wonder where they're from, let me keep an eye on them in a few days". You're trying to pretend to be Conservative? That's rich.

Then you say something so incredibly close-minded and ignorant as this and I shake my head sand say, "Well.. found the Nebraskan from Omaha..", because Omaha Liberal faggots actually think they're conservative, and you're a prime example of this inbred idiocy.

Probably some fuckin' piece of shit brainwashed Dimocrat cat lady motherfucker with how fast you showed your true colors. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out, but if you ever decide to grow a pair or balls then read this tread and come back for a real discussion after you've educated yourself with a cold hard dose of reality.

If you can read and come back and phrase a coherent argument for your opinion that isn't so obviously coming from a brainwashed dumbfuck we can talk. Right now you're embarrassing your entire state.

Aksarben1 ago

Fuck you.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Yeah, it's extremely productive to get mad at me when you act like an imbecile.

You basically proved my point for me, when you had a perfect opportunity to actually demonstrate I was wrong. Thanks for changing my mind.

freespeechwarrior ago

This fag is from Lincoln. Guarantee it. Omaha's got a few but Lincoln is the real (((nest))).

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Is that a modern thing? Lincoln always seemed to tow the line between the Liberals in Omaha and the Conservatives in the rest of the state (since Nebraska only has two cities and the rest is farmland).

freespeechwarrior ago

I haven't been there since the early 90's but back then, there were skinhead gangs and niggers in Omaha and huge pride parades in Lincoln. The whole scene was going to shit when I moved away though. All I have to say about nebraska is fuck ice storms....and gangbanger niggers.

jnola2 ago

Haven't you heard? Truth is hate speech. It's not Voat's fault that nearly everything going on in the world that is against the west is disproportionately backed and represented by Jews. Take off your blinders and look at the world with an open mind.

Reverse-Flash ago

eat shit kike

con77 ago

Found the fukn jew

Shitladyliberty ago

Voat has nothing to do with Q other than allowing them to come here when they realize that reddit is shit.

Doglegwarrior ago

We hate that jews are behind everything trying to destroy this country and white people.. name one good reason we should be giving jews 38 billion dollars? 43 percent of american billionairs are fucking jews. Let those dual citizen traitors give their fellow jews some money.

markrod420 ago

boy. thats dangerously close to naming the jew. i still will never forget the look feinstein gave when trump said take the guns and worry about the constitution later. she literally did the dirty jew hand rub. the brazen lack of self awareness in these kikes is often amazing.

Granite_Pill ago

That was a watershed moment for me as well. Meme magic is real.

1F4A9 ago

Nah he was trying to pull a Musk and have the jews name themselves in response to a vague implication of which he can easily deny it refers to jews.

Schreiber ago

The hand rub thing only became a meme because jews actually do that irl.

Volksgemeinschaft ago

Most memes and stereotypes exist for a reason

Jaegerjaques ago

J e w s




JopharVorin ago


Iburnfossilfuels ago

I get the big "Fuck You" we sent to DC by electing Trump, it was way over due and really, probably far too mild.

I do hope to see someone like Paul in there next though. I don't understand why he doesn't get more support. The guy is all about The Constitution and founding principle, far more than all those other clowns that ran in '16, near as I can tell.

WMFrizzle666 ago

They won't get any MSM coverage because they offer actual change that would disrupt the deep state/Israel's control on the government, who are also in control of what the media focuses on.

If you want Rand Paul's message/influence to spread, you gotta do it the old fashion/grassroot way...you cannot solely rely on the internet because they have the means of suppressing/burying anything of real importance.

Heimdallr ago

He'd be great for a homogeneous White country, but he'd be terrible in the multicult wasteland that is the modern US.

You can't have a guy who's rule-of-law when your opponents don't give a fuck about subverting the law any chance they get. Unless Rand is willing to get his hands dirty, suspend any laws necessary to lock these people up indefinitely or hang them for sedition, he's doomed to fail.

Schreiber ago


The thing about Rand is that he is not really anti-semitic, the whole happy merchant meme and handrubbing is also used by right-wing zios to attack jewish globalist bankers. Remember when Yair Netanyahu used happy merchant to attack Soros?

Pretty sure that Rand will not be the one to deport or gas jews.

ForTheUltimate ago

he ran for presidency

in a nation of plebs

big mistake

EarlPoncho ago

he's too short and beta. if he acted like trump he would do well

Iburnfossilfuels ago

I'm sure that gay ass hairdo he was sporting during the race didn't help.

ForTheUltimate ago

got to appeal to the plebs. I think kim karadashain will be their next vote

EarlPoncho ago

his dad was at his best when he was alpha too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi1nxu-Sy-w

Skyrock ago

Chris Christie, when he was 30 years and 100lb younger.

fhaqyu ago

ummmm, trump is literally the DC swamp there mate. he is the single greatest promoter of Israel that this country has ever seen. so explain where the Fuck You to dc is at?

  • why did trump define anti-semitism?
  • why did trump remove dark money in political elections from being reported?
  • why has the war in the middle east not just stopped, but accelerated?
  • why does israel get more and more funding as well as the saudi's?

Redpilleveryone ago

Sure thing rabbi.

Iburnfossilfuels ago

I didn't say it was an effective 'fuck you', but still that is what many, probably most were saying with their vote.

JopharVorin ago

Trumps first order of business as president was to cut the largest weapons deal in history with Saudi Arabia, then he went there and put his hands on their glowing orb and smiled. Then he bombed Syria and spoke oh so great about israel. He kept with the anti-russia/anti-Iran narrative. It was all a slap in the face. Now no wall no nothing.

fhaqyu ago

There's a wall, just in Israel lol. Send more shekels!!!

XSS1337 ago

why did trump define anti-semitism?

Because it can be used for any demographic and not just Jews , this is foundation setting for future modification.

why did trump remove dark money in political elections from being reported ?

Because now it is a honeypot

why has the war in the middle east not just stopped, but accelerated?

Because now we are seeing Israel being the aggressor, Syria is over, Saudi Arabia just cleaned house, the greater Israel project is at a crossroads , the UN is going the way of The League of Nations , Diversity crime being exposed, Financiers are being identified

why does israel get more and more funding as well as the saudi's?

Because those in power have had the reigns for far too long but with the shifting of political tides, be it events or father time, the next 2 years are going to be interesting to say the least. I would bet Trump made a deal with the Saudi's post Israel / post Europe with Brexit / societal collapse.

fhaqyu ago

This is the sorriest set of excuses I've ever seen.

  1. He defined it so speaking out against the jews becomes illegal. Example, Bill HR 1911
  2. Knowing that soros is funding half the politicians is a honey pot? Sure thing
  3. Wow, literally wow. Your rabbi would be proud
  4. Because trump is a jew you dumb fuck

XSS1337 ago

You have proved yourself to be short sighted.

  1. Could future legislation not be created using the same terminology ? And when the Jews cry foul about said ant-(insert race) legislation they will have shown their hand to the world. Protection for me but none for thee.

  2. Soros in just the front man ,The Rothschilds, Morgans, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Kuhn Loebs, Lazards, Goldman Sachs and the Lehmans for starters.

  3. Your answer was a slide. ( the things Jews do )

  4. Trump is a Jew, but that doesn't mean he aligns with Zionists , which is the same as saying that not all Christians are Catholic , take Lutherans or any other subset. Trump as also stated that Allies can change. If Israel hangs itself, then those who control power IE the Federal Reserve IE Jews , then where will they invest their future ? (looks the decay of Europe)

fhaqyu ago

you proved to be a jew in normal human clothes.

XSS1337 ago

Sliding the man over the content .... again Jews do this ... It is called projection.

Accusing your enemy of what you yourself are actually doing. . . .

The Jew cries out in pain as HE strikes YOU.

The Jew will tell you he was beaten, but not WHY he was beaten.

blob_bob ago

^ mental gymnastics

XSS1337 ago

Nice way to refute what I said.... Must be a liberal. Must be a 16 day old account.

hatecrime ago

he is 100% ownd by jews.

llegendary ago

Who owns George Soros and his minions then?

Yanx ago

There are factions of Jews. Imo he is owned by the less dangerous faction. Still owned by Jews tho, but hey, it could be worse for sure.

100011 ago

Trump got elected because he was already a famous person that all american knew and he was charismatic and could make people laugh with jokes. Rand Paul and his Dad are not famous or charismatic therefore they don't get the attention they deserve. Man i wish Dr Ron Paul would have became president .

hatecrime ago

and because he is controlled by the bankers

Rellik88 ago

Umm Ron Paul is a rock star.

CTCZ ago

Dr. Ron Paul is a long time red pill merchant, exemplary American and lover of Liberty, and his son Sen. Rand will be President if we’re in the right timeline

tendiesonfloor ago

unironically believes Trump won because TV show and jokes

t. brainlet

Neinlife ago

If you doubt for a second kim Kardashian would win if she ran you are an idiot. Of course trump was boosted by being a charismatic tv kind of guy. It helped that he ran against the most unlikable cunt in history who ONLY got votes because she rigged EVERYTHING and was female.

Schreiber ago

Hillary is actually a really weak opposition in the sense that more libertarians and swing voters view Bernie as the more competent choice than Hillary.

College kids would mostly vote for Bernie, and many did not like Hillary.

Skyrock ago

It wasn't all, but it was a big factor. Trump was too entertaining and drove up viewer rates. The media couldn't just ignore him without affecting their own profits, unlike Ron Paul.

NiklausTheNaked ago

You think it wasn't a largely contributing factor?

Datgoyoverthere ago

Looks like you hurt some feelings with that comment

tendiesonfloor ago

Because the DNC and RNC were in cahoots to get Trump the nomination to assure Hillary's win. Don't, even for a moment, think that the DNC was the only one that fixed their primary in 2016.

llegendary ago

The RNC fixed their primary against Ron Paul. For sure. No doubts.

shitstartercarter ago


SexMachine ago

It was in the leaked DNC strategy memo. They wanted to use their influence in the media to push either Jeb! or Trump to the front of the GOP primaries. They ended up pushing Trump forward because they thought they had this cat in the bag with the "grab them by the pussy" tape.

Vo1ce0fr3ason ago

I disagree. Anyone that has a clue about politics knows that Trump was made president by design. History is the best example of this. Almost every time there has been a democrat or republican president for 8 consequtive years and the opposing party will win. Pretty much every time there are two popular candidates (Sanders and hillary) from the same party it will mean that the opposing party will win. Also, electorial college. This is not rocket science.

pby1000 ago

DNC and RNC are both NWO.

MrShekelstein ago

They never thought she would lose.

Qfan2020 ago

Ummm Damn I didn’t think of that.

ProgNaziGator ago

Actually we far righties and far lefties could start helping each other get our non establishment, principled people into the nominations.

They could help us get rand Paul, we could help them get Kucinich types. Even Bernie would have been superior to hillary.

Skyrock ago

Even Bernie would have been superior to hillary.

The homeless tramp down the street who dances for a quarter and speaks to lightbulbs would have been superior to Hillary.

Schreiber ago

We should seek help from the far lefties, and get rid of them once they outlived their usefulness.

Socialist/communist ideology is extremely dangerous and should not be covered under free speech/civil liberty laws.

heretolearn ago

now you're talking sense.

Skyrock ago

I'm still sure that TPTB wanted Jeb Bush as the RNC nominee. No matter if Hillary or Jeb would have been elected, they would have enacted the right core policies of more immigration, more diversity and a constant bombing spree for the good of the military-industrial complex, with some shallow pandering to the left or the right to make it seem like there is an actual difference between red and blue.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Trump has done nothing to stem the tide of "legal" immigration, which is the really existential threat to the USA. It is probably too late, though.

con77 ago

Boy did that back fire on them

Ken_bingo2 ago

Did it really? The jews still got a puppet, its just the jews have different factions that disagree on how best to exterminate whites to achieve global domination. Trump had and still has major jewish support.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Bullshit. Trump was propped up by AIPAC.

He's ZOG

Iburnfossilfuels ago

I don't doubt it, but I was actually referring to the citizens lack of support for him.

tendiesonfloor ago

And my point is, the support was there, it was simply masked, artificially, by the RNC and MSM, to usher in Trump as the nominee.

Iburnfossilfuels ago

I don't know about that. In real life I know just one guy who supported Paul. No one else seemed to care, as long as it wasn't the Dems.

70times7 ago

Rip Rand.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I'm so sick of these memes.

"Oh he spoke out, guess he's going to get 'suicided'"

Shut the fuck up.

100011 ago

Ha! When was this? Like this month? I wonder if its his great old dad that told him this.

Skyrock ago

tendiesonfloor ago

Early Feb, 2018.