@KosherHiveKicker's JQ links (voat.co)
submitted 6.9 years ago by Crensch
KosherHiveKicker 6.8 years ago
The list proving planned "7 Wars For Greater Israel"
The Zio-Kikes have planned to use Syria to force the United States into war with Iran. John Bolton is following it verbatim.
The Oded Yinon Plan - The Jewish Plan For The Middle East
"Bringing Real Muscle To Bear Against Syria" - 1983 CIA Document Proves It's Has Planned A U.S. Lead War In Syria FOR THE BENEFIT OF ISRAEL. - (.PDF)
In 2001 The ((( Office Of Special Plans ))) Within "The Pentagon Planned Wars With Iraq; Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Finish Off With Iran." - General Wesley Clark.
Karen Kwiatkowski: Inside the Pentagon's "Office of Special Plans"
.... Enter John Bolton
Leaked Document Confirms John Bolton's "Think Tank" Security Studies Group ( SSG ) Has Planned Regime Change in Iran.
UN Amb. John Bolton Would Tip Off Israel's Govt. To Any "Unfriendly To Israel" Actions The State Dept. Under Condoleezza Rice Was Considering ... So They Could Pressure Bush To Stop It.
John Bolton Awarded "Guardian of Zion" By ((( Ingeborg Rennert ))) Center For Jerusalem Studies.
John Bolton, Celebrating speaking to the MEK Iranian Resistance in 2017 - Promises Regime Change In Iran "The Mullahs Life Expectancy Is Very Short Indeed".
John "Guardian Of Zion" Bolton Promised Regime Change In Iran Before 2019
Rudy Giuliani Leads MEK "Regime Change In Iran By 2019" Chant
April 9th - Trump Appoints New National Security Adviser .... John "Israel First" Bolton
March 29th Trump says the US is leaving Syria 'very soon': 'Let the other people take care of it'
April 7th Syria poison gas attack kills at least 40, activists and medics say
Netanyahu: "The West Should Treat Iran The Same Way It Treated Syria."
Staged Chemical Attack in Syria: Provoking Irreversible Conflict
Zero Outrage From The United Nations, Or International Community After Israeli's Attack In Syria Without Proof, And Intentionally Attempt To Start Another Middle-East War?
Russia Blames Israel For Syria Air Base Attack After Pentagon Denial Of U.S. Involvement
Congressman ((( Eliot Engel ))) Admits Long Term Operations Inside Syria Have Been Planned, And Then Insults President Trump For Jeopardizing Syria Reconstruction Money and Contracts To Be Granted.
No Funding For Trump's Wall .... Yet Omnibus Spending Bill Authorizes Funding "to enhance the border security of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Tunisia"
Jews Pushing ((( Multiculturalism ))).
((( Heidi Beirich ))) openly admits that the SPLC is plotting against White Americans, and their culture.
"Planned Demographic Displacement" - Anti-White ((( SPLC ))) Meeting
Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda
((( Eric Kaufmann ))) Whiteshift: Marketing the Acceptance of White Genocide
Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies
Jews Push For Immigration And Multiculturalism
Russian Jewish politician admits Jews are behind the migrant crisis in Europe back in 2004!
Jewish Hypocrisy - Flooding Europe with Immigrants
((( Anetta Kahane ))) wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration.
((( Anetta Kahane ))) advocates for Germans who make racist anti-migrant posts could have their children snatched by the state and be fired from their jobs.
Support Refugees - An Army of Jewish NGO's Conspiring Against White Europeans.
Norway is TOO WHITE! According to the President of the Jewish Community in Oslo
((( Soraya Viola Heléna Post ))) Calls for Banning Political Parties that Criticize Immigration
((( Ken Roth ))) uses the "fellow white people" trick on Australian public - urging Australia to open its doors to more Muslims
BBC ((( Journalist ))) Attempts To Push Multiculturalism In Interview With South African Boer Leader.
"Our whiteness - a democracy problem" -- Irena Pozar, Social Media Manager at Bonnier Magazines.
EU Minister: “Europe WILL be diverse!”, “there is not going to be” a White Europe in the future.
Ronald Barazon - “Austrian” Media Jew Calls To End White Europe
The Kalergi Plan - White Genocide?
Red Ice Live - Israeli NGO Helping Migrant Boats Reach Europe's Shores, Instructs Them Where to Go
The Oded Yinon Plan - Greater Israel - The Jewish Plan for the Middle East,
In ((( Their ))) Own Words
( Links Below Compiled By, And Credited To @The_Tinamou)
1,500 rabbis sign letter calling on Trump administration to support refugees
1,000 American rabbis sign letter welcoming Syrian refugees
184 US synagogues pledge to welcome, support refugees
More Than 40 Texas Rabbis Sign Letter Decrying Governor's Stance On Refugee Resettlement
15 Jewish groups call to open doors for refugees
Cleveland Rabbis fight for Syrian refugees in letter to President Trump
With Jewish help, Muslims win right to build Basking Ridge mosque
Rabbi: Jews are fighting alongside their Muslim brothers against Old Europe
Seattle Jews rally for refugees: 'We are not going back to the 1930s'
Chief Rabbi condemns Trumps Muslim ban as totally unacceptable
South Orange synagogues welcome refugee family
Jewish Groups Slam Trump's Draft Order Barring Muslim Refugees
American Rabbis to Congress: Let the Syrian Refugees In
Cambridge synagogue pledges to open arms to refugees - The Boston Globe
Let Refugees In: Beachwood Rabbi Signs Letter Urging Trump To Welcome Refugees
Bay Area Jews join SFO protest against Trumps immigration ban
Rabbis urge David Cameron to speed up refugee scheme
Canadian Jews and Muslims unite to help Syrian refugees
Moved by moral imperative, Canadian synagogues sponsor Syrian refugees
Jewish activist vows solidarity with Muslims in the US
Jewish rights leader to register as Muslim if Trump launches a Muslim registry
White Jews Have A Duty To Stand With Muslims And People Of Color
Protesting on behalf of refugees
Our synagogue is a home for Syrian refugees | Euronews
On refugees, we American Jews will not be bystanders
Jewish groups say government must do more to house refugee families
Jewish community seeks to aid Muslim refugees
Singing salaam, synagogue hosts a welcome dinner for Syrian refugees
Yes, Jews are making bold, lifesaving efforts to help the refugees - Opinion
Scottsdale rabbi hosts family of Syrian refugees
In Berlin: German Jews, Israelis aid Mideast refugees
As allies of Martin Luther King, Jews must fight for the civil rights of Muslims
Jews with Soviet background protest Trump's ban on Muslim refugees
Jews stand together with Muslim neighbours at Montreal mosque
In the US, we need a Muslim-Jewish alliance ...
Muslim Jewish Advisory Council meets with Trump administration officials
Activist Phoenix rabbi hosts Syrian refugee family for Thanksgiving
US rabbis envy Canadian counterparts chance to welcome refugees
Q&A: Jewish rabbi battles Islamophobia in the US
Minister Rabbi Deri Advances Plan to Take In Syrian Refugees
Rabbis back refugees - The Australian Jewish News
Rabbis retirement gift is home for refugees
Here is my list on the ((( SPLC ))) !!!
Who Controls The Southern Poverty Law Center - ((( SPLC )))
Pentagon has officially severed all ties to the Southern Poverty Law Center ((( SPLC ))). Removes all their contributions to training materials on extremism.
John Birch Society Exposes the Southern Poverty Law Center ((( SPLC )))
((( SPLC ))) ‘Hate Map’ Targets Christians, Pro-Family Groups
((( Southern Poverty Law Center ))) Defends It's Attacks On Christians
The Hate Machine: How the ((( Southern Poverty Law Center ))) Is Cashing in by Bashing Christians
The "Anti-Hate" Group That Is a Hate Group
Southern Poverty Law Center Is a Hate Group
Hate, Inc.: The ((( SPLC ))) Is a Hyper-Partisan Scam
The Southern Poverty Law Center Scam
5 Reasons ((( The Southern Poverty Law Center ))) Is A Hate-Mongering Scam Which Poisons Public Discourse For Profit.
((( SPLC ))) transferring millions to offshore tax havens: Report
The Southern Poverty Law Center Has $69 Million Parked Overseas
The SPLC's Heidi Beirich specifically advocates and approves of "Whites A Minority By 2050" again in the following.
"Planned Demographic Displacement By 2050" Anti-White ((( SPLC ))) Meeting.
Europe's Overseer of White Genocide Via ((( Multiculturalism ))) also cites this 2050 date repeatedly here...
The Jews Attacking Your Right To Free Speech Under The First Amendment."
U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Boycotts Of Israel, Israeli Goods.
45 Senators support bill that makes boycotting Israel a crime
Free Speech being intentionally violated in at least 24 States
ACLU sues over Kansas law that targets Israel boycotts
ACLU sues Arizona over law barring boycotts of Israel
((( Sen. Ben Cardin ))) Proposes Changes To Controversial Bill On Israel Boycotts - Changes Are Still Unconstitutional
AIPAC Bars Press from Panel on Press Freedom
World Jewish Congress CEO Wants Internet Censorship - Jews Worldwide Conspiring To Shutdown Free Speech !!!
Youtube Calls on ((( ADL ))) to Censor Video Content
Youtube removes video tribute to Yaser Murtaja and other Gaza victims as ‘sensational’ incitement
((( Facebook ))) Takes Down Event Page for Anti-Caravan Protest
Philadelphia Jewish groups try to stop publication of article critical of Israel, insist on BDS training for Inquirer editors
South Carolina Senate Passes Bill That Makes Criticism Of Israel A Criminal Act.
KosherHiveKicker 6.9 years ago
Here is my list on ...
Jews attacking The Second Amendment
((( Bret Stephens ))) - "Repeal The Second Amendment"
((( John Paul Stevens's ))) Supremely Unhelpful Call To Repeal The Second Amendment
((( Debbie Wasserman-Schultz ))) Introduces Legislation Requiring Background Checks On Ammunition Buyers
NYC Mayor Bloomberg, Gun Control, Assault Weapons Ban, 2nd Amendment
"Everytown For Gun Safety" and Hollywood Launch New Campaign Against Pro-gun Legislation
March For Our Lives is being organized by ((( Michael Bloomberg ))) ''Everytown for Gun Safety''. They are directly funded by ''ActBlue''.
Dianne Feinstein says gun control is only for other people
Feinstein Admits Gun Grabbing Plan, " Waiting Until Timing is Right "
Broward County Sheriff ((( Scott Israel ))) Threatens Politicians That They 'Will not Get Re-Elected' If Assault Weapons Aren't Banned.
((( Mark Kelly ))): How would government confiscate 350M guns?
Florida - Prominent Republican Donor ((( Al Hoffman Jr. ))) Issues Ultimatum To Republican Leadership To Ban Assault Weapons.
((( Michael Savage ))) Calls For Assault Weapons Ban
((( Michael Ian Black ))): "The Solution Is to Repeal and Replace the Second Amendment"
((( David Cicilline ))) Introduce Bill Prohibiting Sale Of ALL Semi-Automatic Weapons
YouTube CEO ((( Susan Wojcicki ))) Blocks ALL Videos On firearms Tutorial, Assembly, Reviews, Promotion, And Sales.
((( Kurt Eichenwald ))) - "Lets Repeal the Second Amendment"
KosherHiveKicker ago
The list proving planned "7 Wars For Greater Israel"
The Zio-Kikes have planned to use Syria to force the United States into war with Iran. John Bolton is following it verbatim.
The Oded Yinon Plan - The Jewish Plan For The Middle East
"Bringing Real Muscle To Bear Against Syria" - 1983 CIA Document Proves It's Has Planned A U.S. Lead War In Syria FOR THE BENEFIT OF ISRAEL. - (.PDF)
In 2001 The ((( Office Of Special Plans ))) Within "The Pentagon Planned Wars With Iraq; Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Finish Off With Iran." - General Wesley Clark.
Karen Kwiatkowski: Inside the Pentagon's "Office of Special Plans"
.... Enter John Bolton
Leaked Document Confirms John Bolton's "Think Tank" Security Studies Group ( SSG ) Has Planned Regime Change in Iran.
UN Amb. John Bolton Would Tip Off Israel's Govt. To Any "Unfriendly To Israel" Actions The State Dept. Under Condoleezza Rice Was Considering ... So They Could Pressure Bush To Stop It.
John Bolton Awarded "Guardian of Zion" By ((( Ingeborg Rennert ))) Center For Jerusalem Studies.
John Bolton, Celebrating speaking to the MEK Iranian Resistance in 2017 - Promises Regime Change In Iran "The Mullahs Life Expectancy Is Very Short Indeed".
John "Guardian Of Zion" Bolton Promised Regime Change In Iran Before 2019
Rudy Giuliani Leads MEK "Regime Change In Iran By 2019" Chant
April 9th - Trump Appoints New National Security Adviser .... John "Israel First" Bolton
March 29th Trump says the US is leaving Syria 'very soon': 'Let the other people take care of it'
April 7th Syria poison gas attack kills at least 40, activists and medics say
Netanyahu: "The West Should Treat Iran The Same Way It Treated Syria."
Staged Chemical Attack in Syria: Provoking Irreversible Conflict
Zero Outrage From The United Nations, Or International Community After Israeli's Attack In Syria Without Proof, And Intentionally Attempt To Start Another Middle-East War?
Russia Blames Israel For Syria Air Base Attack After Pentagon Denial Of U.S. Involvement
Congressman ((( Eliot Engel ))) Admits Long Term Operations Inside Syria Have Been Planned, And Then Insults President Trump For Jeopardizing Syria Reconstruction Money and Contracts To Be Granted.
No Funding For Trump's Wall .... Yet Omnibus Spending Bill Authorizes Funding "to enhance the border security of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Tunisia"
KosherHiveKicker ago
Jews Pushing ((( Multiculturalism ))).
((( Heidi Beirich ))) openly admits that the SPLC is plotting against White Americans, and their culture.
"Planned Demographic Displacement" - Anti-White ((( SPLC ))) Meeting
Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda
((( Eric Kaufmann ))) Whiteshift: Marketing the Acceptance of White Genocide
Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies
Jews Push For Immigration And Multiculturalism
Russian Jewish politician admits Jews are behind the migrant crisis in Europe back in 2004!
Jewish Hypocrisy - Flooding Europe with Immigrants
((( Anetta Kahane ))) wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration.
((( Anetta Kahane ))) advocates for Germans who make racist anti-migrant posts could have their children snatched by the state and be fired from their jobs.
Support Refugees - An Army of Jewish NGO's Conspiring Against White Europeans.
Norway is TOO WHITE! According to the President of the Jewish Community in Oslo
((( Soraya Viola Heléna Post ))) Calls for Banning Political Parties that Criticize Immigration
((( Ken Roth ))) uses the "fellow white people" trick on Australian public - urging Australia to open its doors to more Muslims
BBC ((( Journalist ))) Attempts To Push Multiculturalism In Interview With South African Boer Leader.
"Our whiteness - a democracy problem" -- Irena Pozar, Social Media Manager at Bonnier Magazines.
EU Minister: “Europe WILL be diverse!”, “there is not going to be” a White Europe in the future.
Ronald Barazon - “Austrian” Media Jew Calls To End White Europe
The Kalergi Plan - White Genocide?
Red Ice Live - Israeli NGO Helping Migrant Boats Reach Europe's Shores, Instructs Them Where to Go
The Oded Yinon Plan - Greater Israel - The Jewish Plan for the Middle East,
In ((( Their ))) Own Words
KosherHiveKicker ago
( Links Below Compiled By, And Credited To @The_Tinamou)
1,500 rabbis sign letter calling on Trump administration to support refugees
1,000 American rabbis sign letter welcoming Syrian refugees
184 US synagogues pledge to welcome, support refugees
More Than 40 Texas Rabbis Sign Letter Decrying Governor's Stance On Refugee Resettlement
15 Jewish groups call to open doors for refugees
Cleveland Rabbis fight for Syrian refugees in letter to President Trump
With Jewish help, Muslims win right to build Basking Ridge mosque
Rabbi: Jews are fighting alongside their Muslim brothers against Old Europe
Seattle Jews rally for refugees: 'We are not going back to the 1930s'
Chief Rabbi condemns Trumps Muslim ban as totally unacceptable
South Orange synagogues welcome refugee family
Jewish Groups Slam Trump's Draft Order Barring Muslim Refugees
American Rabbis to Congress: Let the Syrian Refugees In
Cambridge synagogue pledges to open arms to refugees - The Boston Globe
Let Refugees In: Beachwood Rabbi Signs Letter Urging Trump To Welcome Refugees
Bay Area Jews join SFO protest against Trumps immigration ban
Rabbis urge David Cameron to speed up refugee scheme
Canadian Jews and Muslims unite to help Syrian refugees
Moved by moral imperative, Canadian synagogues sponsor Syrian refugees
Jewish activist vows solidarity with Muslims in the US
Jewish rights leader to register as Muslim if Trump launches a Muslim registry
White Jews Have A Duty To Stand With Muslims And People Of Color
Protesting on behalf of refugees
Our synagogue is a home for Syrian refugees | Euronews
On refugees, we American Jews will not be bystanders
Jewish groups say government must do more to house refugee families
Jewish community seeks to aid Muslim refugees
Singing salaam, synagogue hosts a welcome dinner for Syrian refugees
Yes, Jews are making bold, lifesaving efforts to help the refugees - Opinion
Scottsdale rabbi hosts family of Syrian refugees
In Berlin: German Jews, Israelis aid Mideast refugees
As allies of Martin Luther King, Jews must fight for the civil rights of Muslims
Jews with Soviet background protest Trump's ban on Muslim refugees
Jews stand together with Muslim neighbours at Montreal mosque
In the US, we need a Muslim-Jewish alliance ...
Muslim Jewish Advisory Council meets with Trump administration officials
Activist Phoenix rabbi hosts Syrian refugee family for Thanksgiving
US rabbis envy Canadian counterparts chance to welcome refugees
Q&A: Jewish rabbi battles Islamophobia in the US
Minister Rabbi Deri Advances Plan to Take In Syrian Refugees
Rabbis back refugees - The Australian Jewish News
Rabbis retirement gift is home for refugees
KosherHiveKicker ago
Here is my list on the ((( SPLC ))) !!!
Who Controls The Southern Poverty Law Center - ((( SPLC )))
Pentagon has officially severed all ties to the Southern Poverty Law Center ((( SPLC ))). Removes all their contributions to training materials on extremism.
John Birch Society Exposes the Southern Poverty Law Center ((( SPLC )))
((( Heidi Beirich ))) openly admits that the SPLC is plotting against White Americans, and their culture.
((( SPLC ))) ‘Hate Map’ Targets Christians, Pro-Family Groups
((( Southern Poverty Law Center ))) Defends It's Attacks On Christians
The Hate Machine: How the ((( Southern Poverty Law Center ))) Is Cashing in by Bashing Christians
The "Anti-Hate" Group That Is a Hate Group
Southern Poverty Law Center Is a Hate Group
Hate, Inc.: The ((( SPLC ))) Is a Hyper-Partisan Scam
The Southern Poverty Law Center Scam
5 Reasons ((( The Southern Poverty Law Center ))) Is A Hate-Mongering Scam Which Poisons Public Discourse For Profit.
((( SPLC ))) transferring millions to offshore tax havens: Report
The Southern Poverty Law Center Has $69 Million Parked Overseas
The SPLC's Heidi Beirich specifically advocates and approves of "Whites A Minority By 2050" again in the following.
((( Heidi Beirich ))) openly admits that the SPLC is plotting against White Americans, and their culture.
"Planned Demographic Displacement By 2050" Anti-White ((( SPLC ))) Meeting.
Europe's Overseer of White Genocide Via ((( Multiculturalism ))) also cites this 2050 date repeatedly here...
KosherHiveKicker ago
The Jews Attacking Your Right To Free Speech Under The First Amendment."
U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Boycotts Of Israel, Israeli Goods.
45 Senators support bill that makes boycotting Israel a crime
Free Speech being intentionally violated in at least 24 States
ACLU sues over Kansas law that targets Israel boycotts
ACLU sues Arizona over law barring boycotts of Israel
((( Sen. Ben Cardin ))) Proposes Changes To Controversial Bill On Israel Boycotts - Changes Are Still Unconstitutional
AIPAC Bars Press from Panel on Press Freedom
World Jewish Congress CEO Wants Internet Censorship - Jews Worldwide Conspiring To Shutdown Free Speech !!!
Youtube Calls on ((( ADL ))) to Censor Video Content
Youtube removes video tribute to Yaser Murtaja and other Gaza victims as ‘sensational’ incitement
((( Facebook ))) Takes Down Event Page for Anti-Caravan Protest
Philadelphia Jewish groups try to stop publication of article critical of Israel, insist on BDS training for Inquirer editors
South Carolina Senate Passes Bill That Makes Criticism Of Israel A Criminal Act.
KosherHiveKicker ago
Here is my list on ...
Jews attacking The Second Amendment
((( Bret Stephens ))) - "Repeal The Second Amendment"
((( John Paul Stevens's ))) Supremely Unhelpful Call To Repeal The Second Amendment
((( Debbie Wasserman-Schultz ))) Introduces Legislation Requiring Background Checks On Ammunition Buyers
NYC Mayor Bloomberg, Gun Control, Assault Weapons Ban, 2nd Amendment
"Everytown For Gun Safety" and Hollywood Launch New Campaign Against Pro-gun Legislation
March For Our Lives is being organized by ((( Michael Bloomberg ))) ''Everytown for Gun Safety''. They are directly funded by ''ActBlue''.
Dianne Feinstein says gun control is only for other people
Feinstein Admits Gun Grabbing Plan, " Waiting Until Timing is Right "
Broward County Sheriff ((( Scott Israel ))) Threatens Politicians That They 'Will not Get Re-Elected' If Assault Weapons Aren't Banned.
((( Mark Kelly ))): How would government confiscate 350M guns?
Florida - Prominent Republican Donor ((( Al Hoffman Jr. ))) Issues Ultimatum To Republican Leadership To Ban Assault Weapons.
((( Michael Savage ))) Calls For Assault Weapons Ban
((( Michael Ian Black ))): "The Solution Is to Repeal and Replace the Second Amendment"
((( David Cicilline ))) Introduce Bill Prohibiting Sale Of ALL Semi-Automatic Weapons
YouTube CEO ((( Susan Wojcicki ))) Blocks ALL Videos On firearms Tutorial, Assembly, Reviews, Promotion, And Sales.
((( Kurt Eichenwald ))) - "Lets Repeal the Second Amendment"