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Rotteuxx ago

Thanks should go to @OhRutherfordBehave, @VicariousJambi & @Rainy-Day-Dream for compiling these.

I'm just the faggot who keeps these links handy.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I actually have to get around to updating that a lot of the links are dead

mad_saxon ago

Amazing source of information - well done. If you get those updated, I'd love to see the new version. I can get this out to different site owners to spread the word.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Hey man, still planning on doing this with you, trying to get to this within the week. Will be updating the list with more memes.

mad_saxon ago

Thanks brother, I appreciate that. I'm currently backup and saving lots of various memes from other 'red pill' posts as well to be used on various sites.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ok I will keep your word to that. I will do an update over christmas break, and I will tag you.

mad_saxon ago


fuckmyreddit ago

Yes, most of us would prefer to read relevant thoughts tailored to a specific conversation. What's up with all these walls of copypasta?

You aren't going to convert anyone to your views when you come across as a bot with a generic, rehashed, pre-submitted comment. Act like a human.

Rotteuxx ago

I noticed a few, if you think about it let me know when it's done... I have an idea for a winter evenings project compiling "The Big JQ Book" in pdf from all the material I can gather on here.

mad_saxon ago

Wow, that would be awesome.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I have a few running lists on multiple topics..

Rotteuxx ago


MadWorld ago

Would you like to have @KosherHiveKicker's comments? I archive his stuff to preserve the sources. He makes use of extensive references to the jewish problems. I think this would be helpful for your reference. But it may also be a bit overwhelming, in terms of categorizing the sources.

:-) Have fun!

Rotteuxx ago

That's be a nice bit of data to go through !

That wil be one of the overwhelming parts indeed, cataloging memes & authenticating them will be another. I don't want to compile anything that can be debunked.

MadWorld ago

I don't want to compile anything that can be debunked.

Then accuracy is the most important focus here. In this case, I think it is better to start with what you have and known to be good sources. Then compile and accumulate on additional data after you verify newer sources.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I have a few running lists going here.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

thatd be amazing. if you can make a .onion site of it also. so itll exist forever

Rotteuxx ago

I'm no IT guy, someone else would have to take that part on.

My idea is a thick ass printable document people can have on their nightstands :)

OhRutherfordBehave ago

A lot of my imgoat links died.

Rotteuxx ago

You don't mean imgtc ?

The admin fucked up a lot when he played with the database a while back & I lost some shit.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

No imgoat got shut down for a while, and I think that's when all the links were lost, those links you posted, I'm not even sure if the imgoat links work anymore, will be working on an update when christmas break rolls around.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago has been reliable but hooktube got kiked