i live 20 miles from gary, indiana. tens of millions of tax payers' $ have been given to the city. and still it looks apocalyptic. part of the reason is it never improves is the corrupt democrat politicians keep some of the $. but mostly, the reason is ghetto african americans are uncivilized.
most b.l.m. people aren't smart enough to understand that they're being exploited by zionists. don't take the zionists' bait of racial conflict. people of color aren't the enemy. zionists are the enemy.
You're absolutely right that it's never enough for these clowns - which is why I don't even bother trying to appease them and will actively make these fuckwits' lives a living hell. They already hate me, I might as well make it worthwhile and hopefully push them into apoplexy in the process.
They will keep pushing the bill until they have destroyed society and committed genocide against whites. So much for wanting to build a more just and peaceful world, as they claim to want. They end up committing worse crimes than our ancestors ever committed against them and they will never apologize for such wrongs because they feel justified vis a vis a non-reality.
These people are a MASSIVE drain on your entire country. What is the solution? They are preventing you from reaching new technological heights -- and for what, to apease some low IQ no impulse control niggers. I'm tired of it.
What about our ancestors that died to create this country? Or the ones who fought and died in the Civil War for their freedom? Or the Christian crusades against the evil Muslims well known for having slaves and cutting the dicks and balls off their slaves to make them more docile?
Fuck niggers. The only payment we owe you is in lead.
"Sins of the Fathers" is Abrahamic desert-savage Sky-Daddy bullshit, courtesy of the same Torah-true 'deity' that gave us:
1. "Chosen" people.
2. collective 'guilt' and punishments.
3. 'Holy' genocide.
If you claim one part of it, you're on the hook for all of it.
I'll be happy to pay them back, 1 round at a time.
fuck off niggers. try raising your kids and you'd be surprised how quickly 'systemic racism' as even a thought disappears, because then everyone will see niggers are stupid, feral creatures. nuff said.
YOUR ancestors SOLD you to BRITISH slavers. The rest of US had NOTHING to DO WITH THAT. YOU WERE THE LOSER. How are ALL white people on the "hook" for YOU BEING A LOSER YOU PARASITIC NIGGER PIECES OF GARBAGE???? Worldwide for millenia BTW.
This is completely idiotic. No one should be held as a criminal because of their ancestors because guess what, everyone has bad ancestors. Go back far enough and everyone likely has someone that was a slaver, a rapist, a murderer.
the biggest crime was that southern aristocrats preferred cheap nigger labor to slightly less cheap but far more effective and socially advantageous white labor, very similar to today's situation with illegals.
And you know this same worthless shit for skin would stomp a mudhole in his nigger girlfriend for a chance to hook up with any blue eyed, blonde haired oppressor. What a joke.
I can just see the fat green haired "allies" pulling nervously at their collars and going "I-I-I undersssstand we s-s-s-still have work to do" as the sweat starts dripping down their foreheads...
The loss of jobs, the billions in taxes spent on jails, failed schools, more police, all the money spent on security systems, weapons, loss of property values, nevermind the victims of crimes; the murders, robberies, muggings...yeah I think we're more than even.
If jews are persecuted why do they have so mich power? If whites are in charge why do they keep getting railroaded in every single nation in which they are the majority?
Posted automatically (#116676) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@JohnGaltApproves: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)
what crimes? the 2% of the population that owned slaves? so 98% of us had nothing at all to do with any of these supposed crimes? how many slaves stayed on the plantations after they were freed? if even 10% stayed how bad was it really
There are no crimes. Niggers just grasp at any excuse for free shit. Whites need to stop being doormats and placating them. They offer nothing of value to society. Whites are paying for them to degrade it.
Avoid the groid is some of the best advice I've ever heard.
actually you do have the right to choose who cares for you. Im a retired nurse. White guy. I'll never forget the 300 lb tatted up dyke that started screaming when I walked into her room.
Actually, isn't inheritable debt illegal in this country? I think that means that I don't have to pay for any crimes my ancestors may have committed...
Its not producing little to nothing, every black has a NEGATIVE value to the economy, its something like negative 15 grand per black per year. When you take into account how many shitskins are diversity employed regardless of competence it really puts things into perspective. I wish I could find the official statistics again, but since all statistics are now racist and hate speech, they seem to be scrubbed off the internet.
Someone needs to check his privilege or do a mental health check on that dude. This is gonna end badly when they have enough of these freaks massed up against normal people.
What about the crimes of your ancestors in Africa fat boy? The history of Africa is one of warfare, slavery, genocide, and all matter of thuggery. They need to shut up if they’re going to play that card. Africans need to apologize for 1000s of years savagery and genocide.
Bantus literally raped and murdered their way from West Africa across to the east and down to the southern tip. Everything south of the Sahara was laid waste by Bantu savages. Not once, but TWICE. They wiped out countless tribes, many of which were not Negroids, but separate races we'll never know about and various Capoids similar to the non-Negroid Khoisan of South Africa. This is why Africa is such a shithole, not because of European colonization.
Bantus still to this day rape, cannibalize, and enslave Pygmy tribes. Who the hell would even have any negative actions against fucking Pygmies? They literally dindu nuffin and they're being wiped out. Hell, the KhoiKhoi and San are lucky to be alive after they butchered their way across the continent but they still think themselves "natives" to South Africa. Horseshit.
What % of whites in the US had ancestors that had slaves? Both sides of my family came over in the early 1900s, couldn't have owned slaves. Meanwhile blacks sold eachother into slavery to jews. Brilliant
What % of blacks take advantage of welfare pr some other systemic advantage given to them by the jews in power at the expense of whites? Sounds to me like white people have no representation.
It's a downside, sure, but I always explain it away as, "oh my great great grandpappy must've owned their great great grandpa, back in the day. Poor thing." And said with a smirk.
Ol pappy drka was a real mean sob from what I hear.
They're aren't getting shit from me. Half my family was in a French colony in Maine (no slaves), and the other half didn't leave Europe until the 50's Eat shit, niggers.
I had to tell you this, but you're already paying reparations.
* Every black student who gets entrance into a University because of "holistic" entrance requirements delays entry of a Asian or European who had to be held back to make room even though academically they our performed the black applicant. That delay results in less earnings for them and more earnings for blacks...reparations.
* Title IV guarantees financial assistance for blacks, not whites....reparations.
* Equal Opportunity Employment (aka Affirmative Action) provides up to $15,000 in tax credits for each black employee....reparations.
* The small business association has grants and loans that only blacks have access to....reparations.
* The government and public corporations provide contracts that only blacks have access to....reparations.
Just being in the vicinity of niggers lower IQ and that has a chain effect that hurts us all. We have to stop babying the retard and speak to the retard like an adult.
BW-414 ago
i live 20 miles from gary, indiana. tens of millions of tax payers' $ have been given to the city. and still it looks apocalyptic. part of the reason is it never improves is the corrupt democrat politicians keep some of the $. but mostly, the reason is ghetto african americans are uncivilized.
most b.l.m. people aren't smart enough to understand that they're being exploited by zionists. don't take the zionists' bait of racial conflict. people of color aren't the enemy. zionists are the enemy.
PsychicRussiaSpy ago
I watered my tomatoes with Gatorade today
Logansrun ago
it's got electrolytes
nullifyNWO ago
No, instead, introduce a special tax for blacks to pay for the excessive use of prison capacity by their race.
boekanier ago
What are those poor white liberals going to do now, commit collective suicide, to be redeemed of the horrible crimes of their ancestors?
AntiMason ago
Intrixina ago
You're absolutely right that it's never enough for these clowns - which is why I don't even bother trying to appease them and will actively make these fuckwits' lives a living hell. They already hate me, I might as well make it worthwhile and hopefully push them into apoplexy in the process.
BackAsswards ago
The slaves were purchased from Africans quite often. So they were complicit. Not only that Africans are still enslaving other Africans to this day.
1_Islander ago
They will keep pushing the bill until they have destroyed society and committed genocide against whites. So much for wanting to build a more just and peaceful world, as they claim to want. They end up committing worse crimes than our ancestors ever committed against them and they will never apologize for such wrongs because they feel justified vis a vis a non-reality.
jules_voight ago
Gibs me dat!
mdextremos ago
These people are a MASSIVE drain on your entire country. What is the solution? They are preventing you from reaching new technological heights -- and for what, to apease some low IQ no impulse control niggers. I'm tired of it.
We freed their ancestors. Who were originally sold by their fellow Africans.
They should be thanking us. My great uncle died fighting for the union to free their ungrateful asses. Where's my reparations huh?
magameme ago
Nothing will ever be enough because their low IQ and criminality prevent them from advancing as far as whites have. They will never be equal to us.
BroccoliTit ago
What about our ancestors that died to create this country? Or the ones who fought and died in the Civil War for their freedom? Or the Christian crusades against the evil Muslims well known for having slaves and cutting the dicks and balls off their slaves to make them more docile?
Fuck niggers. The only payment we owe you is in lead.
aefibes99 ago
Honestly this is one of their better arguments and is harder to refute.
binrobinro ago
No, we don't. Get a job.
Ilisyer ago
Right, because you can never atone for a crime you didn't commit.
winners_history ago
"Sins of the Fathers" is Abrahamic desert-savage Sky-Daddy bullshit, courtesy of the same Torah-true 'deity' that gave us:
1. "Chosen" people.
2. collective 'guilt' and punishments.
3. 'Holy' genocide.
If you claim one part of it, you're on the hook for all of it.
stray502 ago
Judging by the looks of him I would say we paid a thousand times over for his welfare checks. Who the fuck does the ass hole thinks pay for that.
How's about suckling shit through a straw rather than shoveling excretion into your mouth by hand you stupid pathetic mud monkey.
FirstLine ago
It will never be enough until... Americans start massive deportation programs.
areyoumygaffer ago
I'll be happy to pay them back, 1 round at a time.
fuck off niggers. try raising your kids and you'd be surprised how quickly 'systemic racism' as even a thought disappears, because then everyone will see niggers are stupid, feral creatures. nuff said.
foltaisaprovenshill ago
The only crimes my ancestors committing against blacks was not murdering them all.
Tobeatherhead ago
Your ancestors committed crimes too fucktard!
maaaxheadroom ago
I’d rather die in a fire than help one nigger.
veteran88 ago
Fuck niggers.
Exterminating them and the jews who own them is preferable to paying reperations.
superspathi ago
MuzzieJuice ago
We are paying for it right now by having to live with niggers, spics, and muslims in our cities
fnbs010 ago
Even if my ancestors had slaves i aint about to give shit to any stupid nigger
shitface9000 ago
Appeasement is not an option
recon_johnny ago
Crimes of my ancestors?
Pay for your CURRENT crimes, nigger.
thebearfromstartrack ago
YOUR ancestors SOLD you to BRITISH slavers. The rest of US had NOTHING to DO WITH THAT. YOU WERE THE LOSER. How are ALL white people on the "hook" for YOU BEING A LOSER YOU PARASITIC NIGGER PIECES OF GARBAGE???? Worldwide for millenia BTW.
Catfishbelly ago
I pick option Zyklon B
an_account_hello ago
right-o, let's get to work on getting them back where they clearly want to be, they don't like it over here away from mother africa.
superspathi ago
Fuck that I want them all dead.
suckcoke ago
So what are you going to do about it?
nubyplays ago
This is completely idiotic. No one should be held as a criminal because of their ancestors because guess what, everyone has bad ancestors. Go back far enough and everyone likely has someone that was a slaver, a rapist, a murderer.
toobaditworks ago
I blame the actions of my ancestors on blacks and jews and other retards.
Alhambra ago
the biggest crime was that southern aristocrats preferred cheap nigger labor to slightly less cheap but far more effective and socially advantageous white labor, very similar to today's situation with illegals.
peacegnome ago
Nit thankful for the wonderful first-world life we paid for? Maybe we should just cut them off.
rivera23usmc ago
tax hollywoof
eatorganic_gasemetic ago
And you know this same worthless shit for skin would stomp a mudhole in his nigger girlfriend for a chance to hook up with any blue eyed, blonde haired oppressor. What a joke.
Pissed_Off_Vet ago
We need to fix the mistakes of our ancestors, namely not eradicating these fucking worthless animals.
American-Patriot ago
No, NIGGER, someone has to pay for the crimes of yours!
arsefaggot ago
Dear nigger, fuck you for marching, and you still have to pay for your own crimes.
RoryBellowsLives ago
And yet nobody ever asks them to pay for the sins of their progeny....assuming they even know them.
GhostBalls ago
I can just see the fat green haired "allies" pulling nervously at their collars and going "I-I-I undersssstand we s-s-s-still have work to do" as the sweat starts dripping down their foreheads...
DohBoy ago
Stop giving things to niggers.
Mr President, that means you, too. Tell them no. Tell them to shut up and sit down. Enough out of you, NIGGER.
bingo-bango-bongo ago
I don't owe this tubby savage a fucking thing.
CheeBooga ago
Should all niggers be held accountable for all crimes against whites?
MoreShit ago
Mo Money!...Mo Money!...Mo Money!...
TwoNiggersandaHonky ago
Give me my bike back and I might consider entertaining your idea.
BoraxTheFungarian ago
Fucking hell... Dear black people, you're still enslaved if that's what you think.
86USSLiberty ago
I’ll pay my toll in lead and twine
DamonAxemaker ago
The loss of jobs, the billions in taxes spent on jails, failed schools, more police, all the money spent on security systems, weapons, loss of property values, nevermind the victims of crimes; the murders, robberies, muggings...yeah I think we're more than even.
mattsixteen24 ago
Someone goin pay for deez keedzzz.
Whiskey_Tango ago
Wish I could go after their ancestors for welfare fraud.
ninjajunkie ago
So who's going to pay for your crimes, boy?
LarryWhiteContrary ago
We got here too late to own slaves, but we did catch the whole sharecropper thing. Apparently they were just as dumb then as now.
facepaint ago
Who will pay for the crimes of his ancestors?
ArielQflip ago
His shirt says he will.
jrpeterson ago
what a loser
Pickle_Rick ago
Its cute when they try to write English words.
Scyber ago
Okay nig nog. Go dig up some slave owner's grave and kill him some more.
These people don't realize how fucking good they have it compared to their ancestors.
fightknightHERO ago
Dear Nigger
our people didn't enslave you, your (((liberators))) did
sold you for fucking rum, and shipped you like a fucking farm animal on a long voyage to a foreign land
instead of being thankful, the negro is taught that "whitey enslaved" him while in reality Whites set him free
LibertarianForChrist ago
If jews are persecuted why do they have so mich power? If whites are in charge why do they keep getting railroaded in every single nation in which they are the majority?
fightknightHERO ago
Tis truly a (((mystery)))
LibertarianForChrist ago
They are on the write side of history because they wrote the history books
shillaccount3344 ago
They should be grateful someone bought them... otherwise they would have ended up being turned into cannibal chow.
500five ago
You need to find that book and preserve it.
fightknightHERO ago
I spoke with a based Brazillian jew on Disqus on OAG (now it has been shoah'ed)
he claimed that this very specific book is banned everywhere and no library may contain it
i found it extremely hard to track down a digital copy of it, but in the end my autism proved fruitful
here you wonderful niggerfaggot
IsaacJan ago
Make this it’s own post it what you’re saying is true
fightknightHERO ago
Someone already did 2 months ago
but you're free to repost with the book link, i care little for upvotes
only for truth
JohnGaltApproves ago
You first, Tyrone. I want my car stereo and my guitar back. Let me know when you have the cash.
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this anonymous v/RaceWars comment.
Posted automatically (#116676) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@JohnGaltApproves: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)
AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago
Fucking Niggers
Fat ass, you've been paid, with free food, housing, school, medical....
It's not our fault you ate it all up you fat ass!
Doglegwarrior ago
what crimes? the 2% of the population that owned slaves? so 98% of us had nothing at all to do with any of these supposed crimes? how many slaves stayed on the plantations after they were freed? if even 10% stayed how bad was it really
PHXSunlight ago
There are no crimes. Niggers just grasp at any excuse for free shit. Whites need to stop being doormats and placating them. They offer nothing of value to society. Whites are paying for them to degrade it.
Avoid the groid is some of the best advice I've ever heard.
con77 ago
fat boy never met anyone who ever met a slave. Its been 160 years. Its not my fault hes stupid and lazy
weezkitty ago
Niggers have more access to education here than they ever did in Africa yet the majority of them are failures
con77 ago
i was in nursing school and had RN instructors with masters degrees that couldnt do math or spell.
aefibes99 ago
Its really that bad. We dont get to choose the color of,our healthcare workers but the payment is going to them all the same.
con77 ago
actually you do have the right to choose who cares for you. Im a retired nurse. White guy. I'll never forget the 300 lb tatted up dyke that started screaming when I walked into her room.
kmojo ago
Go on....
SpottyMatt ago
Actually, isn't inheritable debt illegal in this country? I think that means that I don't have to pay for any crimes my ancestors may have committed...
CrackerSlant ago
We're living in opposite world where laws are interpreted backwards unless you're a clown.
Ken_bingo2 ago
I am going to reasonably assume that some kike wrote that sign for him.
superspathi ago
It's one of those things explicitly banned in the Constitution: writs of attainder.
AmericanJew2 ago
Dear Niggers,
Thanks for being on welfare and producing little to nothing for the rest of our nation,
Has to pay for your disproportionately raping, robbing and murdering everyone for decades.
BeingReplaced ago
Their execution doesn't sound like money wasted?
Monstrum ago
Its not producing little to nothing, every black has a NEGATIVE value to the economy, its something like negative 15 grand per black per year. When you take into account how many shitskins are diversity employed regardless of competence it really puts things into perspective. I wish I could find the official statistics again, but since all statistics are now racist and hate speech, they seem to be scrubbed off the internet.
gazillions ago
They paid. The entire fucking country of Liberia was given to them for reparations.
The were paid in full.
They aren't even supposed to be in the United States, They all have dual citizenship. Every last one of them.
Phantom42 ago
Since they are dual citizens doesn't that mean they can't hold office?
gazillions ago
Damned well should and does.
shillaccount3344 ago
Someone needs to check his privilege or do a mental health check on that dude. This is gonna end badly when they have enough of these freaks massed up against normal people.
Heathcliff ago
Feel from the sacrifice the white marchers for the crimes of our ancestors and we can call it even.
Porterman ago
What about the crimes of your ancestors in Africa fat boy? The history of Africa is one of warfare, slavery, genocide, and all matter of thuggery. They need to shut up if they’re going to play that card. Africans need to apologize for 1000s of years savagery and genocide.
Monstrum ago
Apologize? Theyre still at it in 2020
The_Moistiest_Jew ago
Bantus literally raped and murdered their way from West Africa across to the east and down to the southern tip. Everything south of the Sahara was laid waste by Bantu savages. Not once, but TWICE. They wiped out countless tribes, many of which were not Negroids, but separate races we'll never know about and various Capoids similar to the non-Negroid Khoisan of South Africa. This is why Africa is such a shithole, not because of European colonization.
WD_Pelley ago
Bantus still to this day rape, cannibalize, and enslave Pygmy tribes. Who the hell would even have any negative actions against fucking Pygmies? They literally dindu nuffin and they're being wiped out. Hell, the KhoiKhoi and San are lucky to be alive after they butchered their way across the continent but they still think themselves "natives" to South Africa. Horseshit.
LibertarianForChrist ago
Bantus are good at 1 thing: violence. That is it. Not relative to Europeans either, just to other African tribes.
Logansrun ago
we don’t have to look at their ancestors for today’s problems
LegitimatePen ago
What % of whites in the US had ancestors that had slaves? Both sides of my family came over in the early 1900s, couldn't have owned slaves. Meanwhile blacks sold eachother into slavery to jews. Brilliant
Monstrum ago
They dont care about logic, they only care about destruction and looting.
LibertarianForChrist ago
What % of blacks take advantage of welfare pr some other systemic advantage given to them by the jews in power at the expense of whites? Sounds to me like white people have no representation.
whatisbestinlife ago
blacks still do. do you want a black slave? In libya they are 300 US dollars. 400 post op
whatisbestinlife ago
Tbneer967 ago
Completely ungrateful to have been freed in the first place. Smh.
LibertarianForChrist ago
The first race to universally ban slavery and this is what we get.
DishingShitLikeA ago
I've had this thought so many times. When I voice it the NPC's blue screen. No good deed goes unpunished in clown world.
MrDarkWater ago
There are a bunch of niggers walking around with my last name.
That's the only downside to your ancestors owning slaves
Drkadrka ago
It's a downside, sure, but I always explain it away as, "oh my great great grandpappy must've owned their great great grandpa, back in the day. Poor thing." And said with a smirk.
Ol pappy drka was a real mean sob from what I hear.
MrDarkWater ago
I explain it away as my ancestors wouldn't have whipped their slaves ... unless they reeeaaaally deserved it, or if they couldn't get their name right
Monstrum ago
The famous Niggar family
DohBoy ago
Darkwater Johnson?
MrDarkWater ago
The same
ianadba ago
MrDarkWater ago
Lol, maybe
Shlarb123 ago
Ah, hello Mr. Williams.
MrDarkWater ago
That's not what DarkWater means
toobaditworks ago
Ah, hello Mr. High Concentration of Phytoplankton.
The_Moistiest_Jew ago
They're aren't getting shit from me. Half my family was in a French colony in Maine (no slaves), and the other half didn't leave Europe until the 50's Eat shit, niggers.
Planetoftheclown ago
I had to tell you this, but you're already paying reparations.
* Every black student who gets entrance into a University because of "holistic" entrance requirements delays entry of a Asian or European who had to be held back to make room even though academically they our performed the black applicant. That delay results in less earnings for them and more earnings for blacks...reparations.
* Title IV guarantees financial assistance for blacks, not whites....reparations.
* Equal Opportunity Employment (aka Affirmative Action) provides up to $15,000 in tax credits for each black employee....reparations.
* The small business association has grants and loans that only blacks have access to....reparations.
* The government and public corporations provide contracts that only blacks have access to....reparations.
aefibes99 ago
Just being in the vicinity of niggers lower IQ and that has a chain effect that hurts us all. We have to stop babying the retard and speak to the retard like an adult.
The_Moistiest_Jew ago
True enough.