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Porterman ago

What about the crimes of your ancestors in Africa fat boy? The history of Africa is one of warfare, slavery, genocide, and all matter of thuggery. They need to shut up if they’re going to play that card. Africans need to apologize for 1000s of years savagery and genocide.

The_Moistiest_Jew ago

Bantus literally raped and murdered their way from West Africa across to the east and down to the southern tip. Everything south of the Sahara was laid waste by Bantu savages. Not once, but TWICE. They wiped out countless tribes, many of which were not Negroids, but separate races we'll never know about and various Capoids similar to the non-Negroid Khoisan of South Africa. This is why Africa is such a shithole, not because of European colonization.

WD_Pelley ago

Bantus still to this day rape, cannibalize, and enslave Pygmy tribes. Who the hell would even have any negative actions against fucking Pygmies? They literally dindu nuffin and they're being wiped out. Hell, the KhoiKhoi and San are lucky to be alive after they butchered their way across the continent but they still think themselves "natives" to South Africa. Horseshit.