It will NEVER be Enough (
submitted 4.7 years ago by Logansrun
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fightknightHERO 4.7 years ago
Dear Nigger
our people didn't enslave you, your (((liberators))) did
sold you for fucking rum, and shipped you like a fucking farm animal on a long voyage to a foreign land
instead of being thankful, the negro is taught that "whitey enslaved" him while in reality Whites set him free
500five 4.7 years ago
You need to find that book and preserve it.
I spoke with a based Brazillian jew on Disqus on OAG (now it has been shoah'ed)
he claimed that this very specific book is banned everywhere and no library may contain it
i found it extremely hard to track down a digital copy of it, but in the end my autism proved fruitful
here you wonderful niggerfaggot
IsaacJan 4.7 years ago
Make this it’s own post it what you’re saying is true
Someone already did 2 months ago
but you're free to repost with the book link, i care little for upvotes
only for truth
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fightknightHERO ago
Dear Nigger
our people didn't enslave you, your (((liberators))) did
sold you for fucking rum, and shipped you like a fucking farm animal on a long voyage to a foreign land
instead of being thankful, the negro is taught that "whitey enslaved" him while in reality Whites set him free
500five ago
You need to find that book and preserve it.
fightknightHERO ago
I spoke with a based Brazillian jew on Disqus on OAG (now it has been shoah'ed)
he claimed that this very specific book is banned everywhere and no library may contain it
i found it extremely hard to track down a digital copy of it, but in the end my autism proved fruitful
here you wonderful niggerfaggot
IsaacJan ago
Make this it’s own post it what you’re saying is true
fightknightHERO ago
Someone already did 2 months ago
but you're free to repost with the book link, i care little for upvotes
only for truth