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Meanwhile 66% of slave owners in America were black.
I know a few slave owners were black but I'm going to need to see a source on that 66% figure as anybody with any common sense or knowledge of history knows there was in no way a majority of slave owners where were black. That would mean the Confederacy fought for black slave owners for their right to own slaves.
In 1830, the year most carefully studied by Carter G. Woodson, about 13.7 percent (319,599) of the black population was free. Of these, 3,776 free Negroes owned 12,907 slaves, out of a total of 2,009,043 slaves owned in the entire United States, so the numbers of slaves owned by black people over all was quite small by comparison with the number owned by white people.
I didn't say that 66% of slaves were owned by blacks, I said 66% of slave owners were black. And the data is from the 1860 US census, which you can find and examine here.
Doesn't there have to be intent for there to be sin? Mens rea, there has to be intent for a crime. Or does that not matter with God? Are you supposed to know the scriptures well enough that you don't sin?
Something like 60%-80% of the white people who came to North America before the Revolutionary War had been transported there in chains and indentured upon arrival.
And the first one in North America to outright own a nigger permanently was himself a nigger.
Nigger don't want to disagree with the joos. The joos present themselves to the nigger as hating the white man. Therefore the nigger is going to side with the joo. If only the nigger knew the truth.
SearchVoatBot ago
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RM-Goetbbels ago
You could make a picture book. One that has those pop ups, they love that sheeeeit.
StinkyNegro ago
thebearfromstartrack ago
They CAN hear. Just tell them the TRUTH.
ScottMAGA ago
How is the rest of this book? Is it something that I should buy?
RM-Goetbbels ago
Read the paragraph after the highlighted section and I bet you can get an idea of what it's like.
voatuser1128 ago
Jews may have sold niggers but it was lazy ass whites who bought them.
Nosferatjew ago
Meanwhile, 66% of slave owners in America were black.
voatuser1128 ago
I know a few slave owners were black but I'm going to need to see a source on that 66% figure as anybody with any common sense or knowledge of history knows there was in no way a majority of slave owners where were black. That would mean the Confederacy fought for black slave owners for their right to own slaves.
Nosferatjew ago
I didn't say that 66% of slaves were owned by blacks, I said 66% of slave owners were black. And the data is from the 1860 US census, which you can find and examine here.
SirNiggsalot ago
The sins of the father's are visited on the sons to the forth generation.
Forefathers got some crop pickers, now we pay for it.
White_Collar_Crimnal ago
Doesn't there have to be intent for there to be sin? Mens rea, there has to be intent for a crime. Or does that not matter with God? Are you supposed to know the scriptures well enough that you don't sin?
SchwoogNite96 ago
The Joos ingenious, hand rubbing idea of the perfect distribution system for their satanic shit-golems
anticlutch ago
FYI [to anyone unaware];
The slaves that built this nation were ethnic Europeans.
FridayJones ago
Something like 60%-80% of the white people who came to North America before the Revolutionary War had been transported there in chains and indentured upon arrival.
And the first one in North America to outright own a nigger permanently was himself a nigger.
vito55 ago
Nigger don't want to disagree with the joos. The joos present themselves to the nigger as hating the white man. Therefore the nigger is going to side with the joo. If only the nigger knew the truth.
Stubbabubba ago
I would love to try rum made from molasses! Did I get the wrong message?
i_scream_trucks ago
oy vey