It will NEVER be Enough (
submitted 4.7 years ago by Logansrun
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LegitimatePen 4.7 years ago
What % of whites in the US had ancestors that had slaves? Both sides of my family came over in the early 1900s, couldn't have owned slaves. Meanwhile blacks sold eachother into slavery to jews. Brilliant
whatisbestinlife 4.7 years ago
blacks still do. do you want a black slave? In libya they are 300 US dollars. 400 post op
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LegitimatePen ago
What % of whites in the US had ancestors that had slaves? Both sides of my family came over in the early 1900s, couldn't have owned slaves. Meanwhile blacks sold eachother into slavery to jews. Brilliant
whatisbestinlife ago
blacks still do. do you want a black slave? In libya they are 300 US dollars. 400 post op
whatisbestinlife ago