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LegitimatePen ago

What % of whites in the US had ancestors that had slaves? Both sides of my family came over in the early 1900s, couldn't have owned slaves. Meanwhile blacks sold eachother into slavery to jews. Brilliant

Monstrum ago

They dont care about logic, they only care about destruction and looting.

LibertarianForChrist ago

What % of blacks take advantage of welfare pr some other systemic advantage given to them by the jews in power at the expense of whites? Sounds to me like white people have no representation.

whatisbestinlife ago

blacks still do. do you want a black slave? In libya they are 300 US dollars. 400 post op

Tbneer967 ago

Completely ungrateful to have been freed in the first place. Smh.

LibertarianForChrist ago

The first race to universally ban slavery and this is what we get.

DishingShitLikeA ago

I've had this thought so many times. When I voice it the NPC's blue screen. No good deed goes unpunished in clown world.

MrDarkWater ago

There are a bunch of niggers walking around with my last name.

That's the only downside to your ancestors owning slaves

Drkadrka ago

It's a downside, sure, but I always explain it away as, "oh my great great grandpappy must've owned their great great grandpa, back in the day. Poor thing." And said with a smirk.

Ol pappy drka was a real mean sob from what I hear.

MrDarkWater ago

I explain it away as my ancestors wouldn't have whipped their slaves ... unless they reeeaaaally deserved it, or if they couldn't get their name right

Monstrum ago

The famous Niggar family

DohBoy ago

Darkwater Johnson?

MrDarkWater ago

The same

ianadba ago


MrDarkWater ago

Lol, maybe

Shlarb123 ago

Ah, hello Mr. Williams.

MrDarkWater ago

That's not what DarkWater means

toobaditworks ago

Ah, hello Mr. High Concentration of Phytoplankton.

The_Moistiest_Jew ago

They're aren't getting shit from me. Half my family was in a French colony in Maine (no slaves), and the other half didn't leave Europe until the 50's Eat shit, niggers.

Planetoftheclown ago

I had to tell you this, but you're already paying reparations.

* Every black student who gets entrance into a University because of "holistic" entrance requirements delays entry of a Asian or European who had to be held back to make room even though academically they our performed the black applicant. That delay results in less earnings for them and more earnings for blacks...reparations.

* Title IV guarantees financial assistance for blacks, not whites....reparations.

* Equal Opportunity Employment (aka Affirmative Action) provides up to $15,000 in tax credits for each black employee....reparations.

* The small business association has grants and loans that only blacks have access to....reparations.

* The government and public corporations provide contracts that only blacks have access to....reparations.

aefibes99 ago

Just being in the vicinity of niggers lower IQ and that has a chain effect that hurts us all. We have to stop babying the retard and speak to the retard like an adult.

The_Moistiest_Jew ago

True enough.