It will NEVER be Enough (
submitted 4.7 years ago by Logansrun
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SpottyMatt 4.7 years ago
Actually, isn't inheritable debt illegal in this country? I think that means that I don't have to pay for any crimes my ancestors may have committed...
AmericanJew2 4.7 years ago
Dear Niggers,
Thanks for being on welfare and producing little to nothing for the rest of our nation,
Has to pay for your disproportionately raping, robbing and murdering everyone for decades.
BeingReplaced 4.7 years ago
Their execution doesn't sound like money wasted?
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SpottyMatt ago
Actually, isn't inheritable debt illegal in this country? I think that means that I don't have to pay for any crimes my ancestors may have committed...
AmericanJew2 ago
Dear Niggers,
Thanks for being on welfare and producing little to nothing for the rest of our nation,
Has to pay for your disproportionately raping, robbing and murdering everyone for decades.
BeingReplaced ago
Their execution doesn't sound like money wasted?