ArcAngel ago

thegreatawakening is a nice little semite-semen-swllowing-safe-space.

it did you a favour

SearchVoatBot ago

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changz ago

Q faggots still take it seriously though. Such a shame so many retards came here from reddit and other places and still refuse the truth.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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ESOTERICshade ago

Being a Qtard automatically lowers one's IQ to nigger levels.

roflmao...Truer words never spoken.

NotHereForPizza ago

tfw you say the same thing for three years and only after people start getting banned does anyone actually fucking pay attention.

Maybe if you stupid faggots knew how to take a damn hint, we wouldn't need to constantly explain this shit to normies.

You retards spent way too much time trying to jerk me around and not enough focusing on what I was trying to point you to. I even did all of the heavy lifting and most of your retards still ignored me.

Rotteuxx ago

I've seen you around, I know you trigger a lot of fags very easily in pg & ga, heck Srayzie despises you... so you want to catch me up on the major points of what you've been saying ?

NotHereForPizza ago

I made an account solely to bitch about what the faggot mods were doing at pg.

Some of you were cool, so I stuck around. "Nothereforpizza" was originally me mocking the faggots at pg and anyone stupid enough to side with them.

This branched out when srayzie wouldn't just fucking act normal when I tried to talk to her about the whole Q thing. Next thing I knew, Crensch took over and I've been telling you guys something's fucky ever since.

I tried to tell you all about PeaceSeeker (the jesuit faggot) too. I'm now more or less vindicated.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Just goes to show. The Qtards are exactly like they left, the "shut it down" when you prove their belief system is a lie.

Would you like to add anything @crensch?

NotHereForPizza ago

Crensch represents retards only.

This is the precisely the problem with using labels.

v ago

It's a fucking Qult. I didn't understand the Q phenomenon at first, it was always really weird to me. I think I get it now. Keep people believing action will happen if all they do is believe, and have faith.

ESOTERICshade ago

Keep people believing action will happen if all they do is believe, and have faith.

Bingo. Its like a confidence game.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Fuck Q.

shillaccount3344 ago


DanaNordic ago

You didn't post "just quotes". Be honest; own what you posted. Quit crying out in pain after you strike.

VoatsNewfag ago

And what else did I post? A little bit of doubt? And that warrants censorship? No insults, no slurs, not off-topic but a direct reply to the thread's title. The only thing extra is a little bit of doubt.

Maybe you should look up what Q says about free speech and tell me if Crensch deleting my post and banning me goes along with the ideals Q upholds:

Rotteuxx ago

So what did he post besides quotes ?

Oh yeah, observations !

So commenting on your observations is a banable offense according to Q ?

Quit crying out in pain after you strike.


How did he strike out at you ?


He said the public will know soon. Well, most if not all people pretty much accept Epstein didn't kill himself. I'd say We've arrived. Just need to let it play out.

VoatsNewfag ago

He said back in 2017 that Hillary was about to be arrested and mass riots to follow.

Before President Trump went from "because you'd be in jail" to "ehhh, that was great BEFORE the election! Now we don't care!"

Wikileaks and the pizzagate movement that arrived from certain e-mails did more to cave the path for accepting pedophile elites then Q ever did. Wikileaks gave us real e-mails. Verifiable information. Truth.

Q gives us cryptic breadcrumbs.

Assange is in jail. Seth rich murdered. And QAnons take credit for their work. It's disgusting, really.


No where in all that babbling did you address anything really.

as for Trump not cracking down on Hillary anymore; this is something everyone needs to get into there thick skulls that insist it knows everything: There will be another president after Trump, and the never Trumpers will be much more likely to accept this man locking up all of their heros than Trump. Trump is literally Hitler to some people. If Trump were to lock up their heroes, the people that they heavily identify with, there would be literal chaos. They will believe the world is literally ending, because their world in a way is ending.

I could be typing all this out in vain, as most Q haters are set in their ways and won't think anything else besides what your ego tells you.

QTipping ago

Now shit is happening AFTER Trump?


I imagine It will be a slow trickle. Who truly knows how it will play out, but Q has mentioned there are plans for after Trump. It makes sense to me that the next guy will be locking up the "heros" of the world (Hollywood actors, royalty, etc).

There's already been countless number of resignations and folks in congress not going for reelection. It's asinine to claim nothing is happening.

Y'all are just coming off as elementary school kids.

ESOTERICshade ago

Now shit is happening AFTER Trump?

It would be hysterically funny if it were not so destructive to the truth movement. The Q phenom has sewed more disinfo and been more destructive to the truth movement than anything I have seen since the internet truth movement was born.

Truth needs as much accuracy as possible to survive and the Q movement is NOTHING but a nonstop disinfo bullshit distraction machine.


Explain? Last I checked Q does a pretty good job at opening the door to it all?

If it were disinfo, how come Q folks seem to be in the know just as much as y'all "enlightened" ones?

They agree pedos run the world. They agree Mossad is evil. What else is there to know?

ESOTERICshade ago

(((They))) have the Q followers stuck, mentally, in the never ending loop of left versus right which ALWAYS arrives back at the same starting place, which is nowhere. The psyop masters keep the Q people lost in a blizzard of disinformation, a hall of mirrors, that leaves them utterly confused and unable to take any action that would elicit real change.

The Q followers have no clue that BOTH republicans and democrats are reading from the SAME script, playing their parts as actors on a stage, and that the end of these temporary tales are already written into the script. The outcome is already known to the actors.

Hillary emails? They knew when they cluttered the info stream that as they dead ended that act, they would be starting the next one. Russiagate anybody? They knew that as they slid that out of the info stream they would start another one to keep the Qberts minds occupied. Ukrainegate anybody?

Both sides are in on this scam, yes and ESPECIALLY Trump. Trump is selling Zionism into the minds of the public like no President in history has ever done before. He sounds good but he just signed an executive order against "anti-semitism."

They want to keep your mind occupied, in a reactionary mode, so that you will not become proactive and come up with YOUR OWN goals, make plans and objectives to meet those goals, and actually create real change.

As a group, if you guys developed your own goals, such as maybe attack the Patriot Act in mass, in an organized manner, then THEY would be in the reactionary mode and on the defensive.

Right now they are keeping your minds occupied with a never ending series of totally fake made up bullshit that they thought up, created, and totally control. Fisa, declass, HIllary emails, Russia, Ukraine, impeach Trump, will never end and they will never do anything about any of it because they dreamed it all up.

George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton used to pretend to despise one another and fight on television, and then get in a golf cart, go drink beer, and laugh at us all. Trump and HIllary are probably good friends, believe it or not.

One name for it is "Jesuit Theatre" because they helped perfect this political acting. This video is dense and time well spent. I have watched most of Walter Veith's videos and there are few places to learn from as good as Walter Veith.

When you first start watching this and hear Walter talking about the Bible you may be tempted to think "aaaa fuck no, I ain't listening to nobody preach." He will NOT preach, he will explain "Jesuit Theatre/Drama" as it relates to modern day propaganda. The longer you watch, the more fascinating it becomes.


This response is very scripted. You had it pretyped out.

That points to this being inorganic.

All of these points made are a huge stretch.

"Trump and Hillary are PROBABLY good friends."

Give me a break. Stop clowning around lol.

This isn't even worth dismantling all of your weak points.

I will say this: We the people already have a plan, and have from the get go: They remove our president from office, it's time to take action. Or they remove our guns (no they're not already doing this, people are buying guns left and right), it's time to take action.

Hillary was [their] endgame. I don't see the end in sight anymore.

ESOTERICshade ago

This response is very scripted. You had it pretyped out.

I just typed it from scratch. I type fast, and I try to teach this message to people with the aptitude to learn it. Wouldn't matter if I had pretyped it, I mean exactly what I said.

"Trump and Hillary are PROBABLY good friends."

Give me a break. Stop clowning around lol.

So George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton can pull it off but nobody else? Thats the way the Freemasonic Fraternity in D.C. works bro. How much do you know about how Freemasons operate? It is against the Freemasonic code to harm another fraternal brother. Why do you think they so seldom EVER go to jail?

Trump is a freemason. If you don't believe it do an image search for "Trump masonic hand signs" and start watching his hands. You will notice he repeats the same gestures over and over. This is not an accident. That man can throw more masonic hand gestures in one speech than just about anybody I know.

We the people already have a plan, and have from the get go:

No you don't. Your plan is to be led by the nose by their narrative, which they collude on, TOGETHER. Thats all your doing is following them wherever they lead you and want you to go.

They remove our president from office, it's time to take action.

He is the best friend the Zionist ever had. He has been a shabbos goy all his life. How do you think he got where he is? Wilbur Ross, ace financier for the Rothschilds bought him out of bankruptcy years ago. They own his ass and can bankrupt him with the stroke a key.

Hillary was [their] endgame.

Hillary was never the endgame. She is just another actor on the stage. As long as people stay between those fences, of left and right, you are exactly where they need you to be. Trump, HIllary, Obama, etc...are scared shitless of their bosses. They have very little real free power.

You seem like a nice person but you have a lot to learn.


What happened to North Korea? What happened to ISIS? Why are there world wide protests? Why was the economy headed towards the shitter with Obama, and now we're getting 500k jobs added in just one month? Rampant resignations from high up positions. Many folks in congress not running for reelection.

The narrative and course of history is changing before our eyes.

Your best argument is "So George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton can pull it off but nobody else"

I'm done here. The public is awake, and there's no way this would be the case if Trump was who you say he is.

Conveniently dodging the fact that we have our guns.

You are a clown.

ESOTERICshade ago

What happened to North Korea?

Still there last time I looked. The problem with North Korea is that like Iran, and possibly Cuba, its about one of the few countries left without a Rothschild bank. Thats why the pester the shit out of North Korea and Iran.

What happened to ISIS?

ISIS was created by the CIA/Mossad faction. They created it to destabilize the Middle East. You can't believe one single word that comes from Washington D.C. about ISIS. Those are mercenaries paid for by Western powers, probably with drug money.

Why was the economy headed towards the shitter with Obama, and now we're getting 500k jobs added in just one month?

I have been doing this for over 20 years and I have never seen government numbers that can be believed under ANY Presidential administration. None. Believe it or not our economy is no better since Trump took office, only worse, but its not his fault because he has virtually no control over it. The number of homeless and hungry and homeless people are on the rise. Nothing has improved, unless you believe gov. numbers.

Rampant resignations from high up positions.

As compared to what other numbers? Important people resign every day in this country, its just that yall didn't pay attention until Qanon told you to, and now you attribute all the resignations to Qanon's "prophecy." Nothing odd about resignations.

Many folks in congress not running for reelection.

Thats not totally unusual either. I do suspect some of them may have resigned early because Trump is notoriously hard to work for and he will fire a mother fucker in a minute. BUT, I don't know how much you know about the swamp rats he drafted into his cabinet/administration, notorious swamp rats, ALL. Barr was the lead man in the Iran Contra gun and drug running scheme with Bill Clinton, and thats just the tip of the iceberg with that criminal fucker. He also arranged to let Epstein skate the first time Epstein got busted. Trump stacked his deck full of Goldman Sachs bankers. Details count bro.

The narrative and course of history is changing before our eyes.

You got that right. We have been thrown deeper in the Zionist than ever before. If you don't believe it, listen to him say it in his own words. Unless you think Zionism is what we need? The knowledge and proof is all around us, it takes bravery to absorb it.

This is Trump pandering to his bosses, his own words.

The Truth About Trump's Anti-Semitism Executive Order |

Your best argument is "So George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton can pull it off but nobody else"

Not hardly. I have already given you more information in this short conversation that you are willing to investigate. If you want to reduce it to that, that is your decision. The human mind has an amazing ability to dismiss what it prefers not to believe.

The public is awake

Not hardly but there are more people awake right now than in the past. I will agree to that. That started happening way before Trump.

and there's no way this would be the case if Trump was who you say he is.

Woke up to what though? That we need Zionism and Israel? You have to remember that the vast majority of the "public" does not run in the circles me and you run in and don't know jack shit of any real value.

Conveniently dodging the fact that we have our guns.

We didn't discuss that but i'm glad our citizens are armed. Its one of the only things that keeps them from totally steamrolling the fuck out of us. But if it comes down to that, they will bring the military in here and blow shit up until nothing is left. They will cut off the ATM machines, drain the banks, let the grocery store shelves run dry, cut off the electricity, and stomp a fucking mudhole in our ass. Guns are cool but nothing compared to what DARPA has.

You are a clown.

I suspect you are young, or maybe not, and just got into this truth business since Trump took office which means you are not woke yet. I don't mind, I have been called worse. I tried, and thats all that matters to me.

Have a good day bro.


Literally no sources provided.

Here, let me sum it up: "you just gotta believe me here"


ESOTERICshade ago

You don't have to believe me. But you will learn it for your self if you hang out long enough.


I've been here since 2016. This is an alt account of mine. What I've learned is it's easier to manipulate this website than it is to manipulate reddit. I never take anything at face value here, you know, like what your doing.

ESOTERICshade ago

If you have an intellectual and curious mind you will watch those two videos I gave you. If you are just a superficial internet skipper you won't watch them and you won't learn anything.

Either way, it won't have an impact on my life. I can lead a horse to water but I can't make him drink.


You've been distracting, sidestepping, and pulling all sorts of tricks to manipulate me this whole time. You've lost my trust, and can't gain it back. Learn from your mistakes.

ESOTERICshade ago

roflmao. Keep believing in your two party system and Qanon. Its what you deserve. (facepalm)


Lol i love it when they eventually give up.

You know everything I've said is right.

Why is China in so much trouble? There 500k jobs added in November alone. Your narrative is lazy.

ESOTERICshade ago

Your willingness to watch two simple videos I gave you is also pretty lazy. You are a newbie. I understand your confusion.


I've been here for years bro. I'm not a newbie. You just smell super fishy. I don't have 3 hours to sit and watch a guy sit in front of a webcam and talk fringe conspiracies. You don't even pass the smell test.

Why are you even bothering anymore? You're making me dig my feet in harder the more you push. Let someone else, or one of your alts do the red-pilling. You have failed.

ESOTERICshade ago

Why are you even bothering anymore?

You approached me. I did not approach you.

fringe conspiracies

Ok. The holocaust is real and JFK was shot by a lone nut. Got it.


Lol now you're just putting words in my mouth.

I can't believe you think this actually works.

You're literally pushing me to believe the opposite of what you say out of spite. You don't get out much do you?

ESOTERICshade ago

You don't get out much do you?

Not anymore. I was in the "business" for a long time. Its how I know all the stuff I know.


Well, make it easier to digest. You say it's meat, but all I see is shit. I'm not eating it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Ok. don't learn. I don't care.


I am, and my findings show you're most likely full of it.

ESOTERICshade ago

As fast as you Qberts move goalposts I bet they wear out quickly huh?


It's like talking to a broken record player.

I've always stood by the belief that Trump is setting the stage, and the next guy drops the hammer.

VoatsNewfag ago

I adressed that Qanons can not take credit for the works and sacrifices of Assange and Seth Rich.


That has nothing to do with anything here though. You just sound bitter.

VoatsNewfag ago

It has to do with the post I originally replied to.


How should I know that? No where in this post did you say that. I'm talking about this post, you know, like how posts and threads normally work.

VoatsNewfag ago

Your original post brought up Epstein and that the public knows about it - as in Q's prophecy came true and it's thanks to Q.

My argument is this isn't thanks to Q but mostly because of wikileaks. The wikileaks e-mails about pizza related handkerchiefs and children waiting in a pool for further entertainment are what to my knowledge started pizzagate.

Pizzagate then found the instagram of this comet guy with children duct-taped to tables and lots of comments about buying children, art of spanked children and other creepy stuff. This is also what gave this movement it's name. Guy owns a pizzeria in washington DC and was friends with many politicians if I recall correctly.

To be fair QAnons certainly helped spread pizzagate findings around. But Q only gave us cryptic sentences and hope, he didn't add anything. Wikileaks gave us the foundation that allowed all of this to uncover. Hard truth. No broken promises or dissinfo.

And QAnons didn't make it big. Pizzagate made national news before Q. And the Trump reddit constantly made posts about remembering Seth Rich (who most certainly leaked to wikileaks as assange heavily implied in an interview).

I believe even alex jones frequently talked about Epstein and the lolita-express long before both pizzagate and Q!

As I see it Q doesn't deserve credit for Epstein.


Never credited Q for anything. You implied I was. All I've said is he said public will know, and the meme in itself implies the public is at least ready to be awakened. Q doesn't really prove anything besides his proximity to the president, and provides perspective to the events happening. Not to mention the countless times Q has predicted future events.

Pizzagate was the beginning for many of us. When Q came into play, there were many parallels, then the q proofs kept piling up. Now there are too many to count. It's almost illogical to not think Q is working directly with the president, so this begs the next question: Is our president truly a patriot working to save the USA and planet? The fact that he hasn't been assassinated yet is the biggest reason to say no, he is the same slimy politician as the rest. If you look at literally anything else surrounding our president, it suggests he is working for us. You can't deny the media has gone above and beyond loony since he was elected. The social media attacks are constant, and inorganic. There is no reason for the constant and persistent attacks on our president. The narrative is constantly being adjusted. Remember North Korea? During Obama, the narrative suggested we were going to have a nuclear war and North Korea was the enemy. North Korea is all but a non-threat now. ISIS? They were growing growing growing, and our president took them out in like a month! NAFTA? Southern Border? Jobs, jobs, jobs. China is going in the shitter. All over Europe there are yellow vest protests. Hong Kong there are protests.The list goes on and on. You can choose to ignore/ not believe anything is happening, but this is incredible how much things are changing even on the surface.

Q is but one tool used to dismantle all of this. Is Q the be all, and end all? Heavens no. Q is used to help shed light on the darkness in the background, among other things. How much truth is there to it all? Time should tell.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Maybe q has a copyright to his jewish antics?

Paradude ago

You dumb fucks don’t understand strategy - good thing you aren’t in charge. “Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary.” Indeed it is. Look how many pitfalls the democrats have fallen in every single time they are threatened with ball busting. They are spending precious ammunition with every instance and we are getting closer to election in which timing of drops will be exponentially more impactful. Think with your brain, not your emotions.

ESOTERICshade ago

Think with your brain, not your emotions.

As time passes it will slowly dawn on you that the Republicans and Democrats are reading from the same script, and each playing their part in this totally fake manufactured drama. The only thing they really squabble over are the best positions at the taxpayer money trough because whoever gets the most elbow room gets to steal the most money.

The high level players, in both political parties, are all so guilty they can't afford to prosecute each other. If they did it would start a domino effect and bring them all down on both sides. They won't risk that. This is all a mirage.

VoatsNewfag ago

You can't have a truth movement, a great awakening along with "disinfo is necessary". Truth and Lies are exclusive to one another.

Furthermore it's once again worthwhile to point out that this whole movement started with the claim in 2017 that hillary is about to be arrested. Donald Trump went from "because you'd be in jail" to "ehhh, that was great BEFORE the election! Now we don't care!"

I think people have the right to get impatient.

Furthermore Research includes researching Q-posts that didn't turn out true. And they most certainly shouldn't be censored.

But most importantly Q himself states that:

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

@Crensch is acting against this. My post contained no slurs, no insults. Wasn't off-topic but a direct reply to the thread's title. And censorship goes against the ideals of Q, according to Q's own words.

Rotteuxx ago

Think with your brain, not your emotions.

You're in a cult where any dissenting voices are shut down either by censorship or by attacking the dissenter as a non-believer (shill).

Q is a psyop that targets disenfranchised folks who want nothing more but to believe in something bigger than themselves while being passive.

The fervor of Qtards when faced with opposing opinions is quite telling.

Crensch ago

TIL graduating high school = success at life.


Phantom42 ago

Back to your containment, soon to be removed.

Crensch ago

I'm sure this comment will age well.

Phantom42 ago

If your opinion is wanted, it will be given to you.

Crensch ago

I'm guessing you really dislike my comment about high school. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Yes continue to shit on everyone jew. Show us that aryan hate you have all pent up.

Crensch ago

Apparently laughing about high school being some litmus test for success at life = shitting on everyone.

Are you that attacked to your high school diploma? Are you one of those guys stuck in high school that goes to every reunion because you're scarred by what bullies did to you back then?

This is kinda funny.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Yeah let it all out kike. Tell me more about how much you hate us.

Crensch ago

I'm sorry mr. Special man, you seem to have reading comprehension issues. Please have someone smarter than you read my comments and explain them to you.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Oh insulting my intelligence?? How jewish of you.

Got any tit pics lately?

Crensch ago

I did nothing more than state the obvious.

CantDentTheBrent ago

So you think what makes you smart? Kissing up to some jew and getting a piece of paper for it?

Crensch ago

You're really having trouble comprehending my words, aren't you?

CantDentTheBrent ago

I got everything I needed.

If I need anymore, I'll ask @srayzie

Crensch ago

I'm pretty sure you need a remedial course in reading comprehension.

CantDentTheBrent ago

I'm pretty sure you're a vegetable.

Crensch ago

I'm so hurt. Please take it back. I can't handle the pain of being called a vegetable!


holy shit. they really doxxed you didn't they?

thirdright ago

Something weird happened. Many years ago, @Crensch had all the documented material that changed me from suspecting jews were a problem (me coming from reddit) to knowing the jews are a problem. He was a major convincer for me. Now it seems all he does is hide in odd subvoats(?). Did someone buy his account?

NotHereForPizza ago

They aren't "Jews". They're Canaanites.

People that don't know the difference well enough to clearly define them and why it's important to understand these differences aren't worth your time.

Did you know most "nazi" larp faggots are literally just "Jews"?

thirdright ago

Where does Ashkenazi kikes fit in?

Did you know most "nazi" larp faggots are literally just "Jews"?

Why is "Nazi" lowercase and "jews" capitalized twice?

Do you at least sympathize with National Socialists?

NotHereForPizza ago

I don't really do "tests".

I've answered this question endlessly here.

For the record, I recently sort of changed my mind a little more about Hitler. The people he worked with had extensive connections to 322, S&Bs.

With that being said, there's a reason there's so many stories of Ibez and vimana. The "nazis" knew shit.

BannedTruth19 ago

What is “In the land of Canaan”?

Why was it made in Racine?

What is the connection to George Bush, 1000 points of light and Teen Mania?

What happened with Lions Gate and Rio Rancho, New Mexico?

What is Carthage?

What is the 8th Wonder of the World and what does it enable?

What is Unitarianism?

What is the Synagogue of Satan?

What is Satan’s Ability?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know and Why?

NotHereForPizza ago

Hopefully I get to keep my account here after saying this, but you're doing a great job. A gift:


ESOTERICshade ago

The modern incarnation of these people you speak of are the Sabbatean Frankists also known as the Donme. They have carried on the principles of inversion, turning all things backwards. Turning men into women and women into men. Turning good into evil. Turning things wholesome into things perverted, etc...

Their public front is the Chabad Lubavitch group and the Freemasonic goys answer to Chabad.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm very well convinced it's not just isolated down to particular groups. There's a long-standing oral tradition, sometimes multitudes, that pervades many sects of Judaism, even going so far as to use crypto-jewry. I'll admit, though, I'm not as well read as I should be here.

As far as I remember, we're tracking the lineage of Cain. I'm told something about particular blood is of grave importance.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have almost 100 gigabytes of old rare books, videos on satanism, etc...In one of the books written by Eustace Mullins, "The Curse Of Cain", I ran across what is known as "The Will Of Cain." The instructions he gave to his children. Its rare to find it published in any of the old books because it got scrubbed probably hundreds of years ago.

Its short. Probably only about four sentences or so. I can't remember it verbatim but it goes something like this..."Hate your master, love lewdness, never tell the truth...." etc...

NotHereForPizza ago

Pretty much, yeah.

Funny how people tried to say we were each other for a while...

ESOTERICshade ago

Funny how people tried to say we were each other for a while...

I'm their "go to" boogie man. When people stand up to them and hold their ground, and their endless hairsplitting and goalpost moving is not effective, they punt and accuse the person of being "ESO." If they can't win on logic they just declare the person my alt.

NotHereForPizza ago

Believe me, I certainly know.

Ina_Pickle ago

Crensch has been a censoring asshole the entire time. Just hid it under the guise of protecting Voat.

thirdright ago

Maybe. Never noticed. All I know is he was the solid one that opened my almost half-open eyes fully awake. Either that, or I became negatively brainwashed. Sometimes, I wonder which.

VoatsNewfag ago

Yeah, I remember the Crensch who posted infrodumps on jews. Or the @Crensch who cheered on puttitout for not deleting comments. It's in fact one of his highest rated submissions:

Did someone buy his account?

Seems kinda like it. Or maybe srayzie blackmailed him. Or maybe he was just trying to build up trust until he can establish himself as a failed reddit-style powermod.

Or he's a true Q-believer and damn fucking salty about submissions of mine like this and my comments in QRV (which are still mostly polite despite it being an anonymous free for all...) and this is the only sub were he can punish me, even if I didn't break a rule in his sub.

In reddit you will also get banned from half the website if you comment in the wrong sub. Doesn't even matter what you comment.

ESOTERICshade ago

Or maybe srayzie blackmailed him.

She tried to pry lots of personal info out of me such as my real name, where I lived, my phone number, etc....Smartest move I ever made was refusing to give even one little scrap of identifiable info to her. She doesn't even know what state I really live in.

Whoaforreal85 ago

You have to realize the vast majority of "known" people here have long histories on different forums. You're only getting a very small peek at how they act and think, and mostly you're only going to interact with them on the default/quasi-default verses. Some people have been around this sphere for 20 some odd years at this point, but their image here is built on basically a few snippets of text in a public setting.

Don't be surprised when your idols turn on you. Very few have built a reputation by their good behavior.

VoatsNewfag ago

You're only getting a very small peek at how they act and think, and mostly you're only going to interact with them on the default/quasi-default verses.

True. I believe I've seen part of what you might be talking about when putt banned some users for vote manipulation and I looked at their comments. Outside the popular subs most of them engaged in plenty of childish, barely coherent bickering, pinging each other and making accusations. Somewhat difficult to follow or make sense of. It got much worse after the srayzie debacle.

Some of it kinda made me regret siding against putt on this but it didn't help that shortly prior he made it publicly known that he looks up on who up- and downvotes him and was so out of touch that he thought this was a good idea. And putt is weird and elusive on his own with closing voat and then opening it after stating that voat must now be ridden of estrobois when originally it was said to protect voat. Or this:

I stopped trying to make sense of the behind the scenes stuff and take voat for what it is and for how long it may last.

Rotteuxx ago

Long term con.

Establish yourself, get a following then go full shill.

thirdright ago

I don't know. He sent me a long PM over this. He seems rational to me. I don't go into his subverses, so the PM has been the last I've heard from him in a long time.

Rotteuxx ago


If you look into his posts there, he's anything but rational.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Yeah hes not even trying to hide it anymore. Is he really a wheelchair???

QTipping ago

With a Jew academic advisor.

irelandLost ago

The Church used to excommunicate people for questioning their dogma too. Religions are always pulling this shit.

pepeshadilay ago

Well, gosh, you know what Barr just dropped recently? Fifty-three of those indictments that you said you were waiting for.

So, yeah, Q said there would be indictments and there have been indictments. Are you going to say you were wrong? No? Why am I not surprised?

ESOTERICshade ago

Well, gosh, you know what Barr just dropped recently? Fifty-three of those indictments that you said you were waiting for.

So, yeah, Q said there would be indictments and there have been indictments. Are you going to say you were wrong? No? Why am I not surprised?

Run of the mill financial crimes. People have been getting indicted for these types of crimes for many decades. What exactly does this have to do with Q? Not a damn thing.

VoatsNewfag ago

against the CEO of an online payment processing company

People were likely hoping of hillary or obama. You know, the first Q Post? Were hillary was about to be jailed and mass riots to follow?

When people changed "lock her up"? When president Trump said "because you'd be in jail"?

Before he said "that was great BEFORE the election"? (whole video is worth watching imo).

ESOTERICshade ago

Behind the scenes Trump and Hillary are probably still big buddies. Clinton and Bush used to get on TV and pretend to fight each other, and then jump in a golf cart, drink beer, and laugh about it.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

I thought they only issues fines for the first 2 non-compliances with The Plan.

Is this your third offence, Patriot?

VoatsNewfag ago

I think that's a joke or reference I miss but in all seriousness: Apparently @crensch never replied to one of my comments in the past.

sryzie replied to some of mine.

But nothing negative.

I replied to two of Crensch comments in the past.

In one I pointed out that as horrible as the verbal abuse that srayzie received might've been, if she could get doxxed with a simple google search of her username then perhaps she isn't fit to lead a movement designed to take on the deep state and powerful connected pedophiles were people might do much worse to her than some assholes on voat.

Which wouldn't surprise me if it pissed him off but didn't warrant a warning or ban and was in my opinion entirely accurate.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

Patriot, that's too many instances of not trusting The Plan and it's best for everyone if you are banned.

Wonder_Boy ago

FOH w/Q, faggot.

version7 ago

"Someday" never comes.

ALIENS2222 ago

VoatsNewfag ago

I don't want to harass him in real life.

If that's even him and not just someone with a similar name.

Crensch ago

Look around the comments of your submission. Do you like the company you're keeping? I wouldn't.

This is what they do. They already doxxed one owner of /GA off the site.

Who uses these kinds of tactics?

You're welcome.

QTipping ago

You tell him Wheels! Don't take his shit.

VoatsNewfag ago

Like let's take this thread: "George Soros and his family should be executed publicly." 188 upvotes.

That's more upvotes than this thread has comments in total.

Someone calls for the murder of george sorros and his family. How far does "family" go? All of his 4 sons? His daughter? His ex-wives? Grandchildren? Aunts? Nephews? Siblings? Cousins?

Isn't there a single one who could be be innocent? Would you want to get punished for the crimes of your family members? I wouldn't. What about innocent until proven guilty? I understand it's difficult with people who are so powerful they are above the law... but if someone murders his daughter and ex-wife would you cheer on it?

Again, this company argument goes both ways. Do you like the company you're keeping?

Crensch ago

Someone calls for the murder of george sorros and his family. How far does "family" go? All of his 4 sons? His daughter? His ex-wives? Grandchildren? Aunts? Nephews? Siblings? Cousins?

Global genocide-waging criminals, profiting off war criminals, groomed to be the global genocide-waging criminals...

Tell me something. If you knew your family would become fabulously wealthy and never want for another thing in their lives, all you had to do was be a massive bad guy and be responsible for many millions of deaths, then all it would take is YOUR death to pay that price, would you do it?

Some men starve to get 50,000 bucks for their families after they die.

How do you deter that behaviour? Historically, you wipe them the fuck out.

But hey, QRV isn't mine, so nobody gives a fuck.

Again, this company argument goes both ways. Do you like the company you're keeping?

It doesn't, and you very much miss the point. The answer to why I am the way I am is in my words. I really don't care if you figure it out or not.

VoatsNewfag ago

Why bring up my company if you don't care about company?

Crensch ago

Why bring up my company if you don't care about company?

Do you read the words you type before posting them?

VoatsNewfag ago

"Do you like the company you're keeping? I wouldn't."

Crensch ago

When you figure out why my words are different than yours throwing them back at me, let me know.

VoatsNewfag ago

This doesn't justify my ban. Certainly not anymore than reddit would be justified in banning QAnon for being a terrorist threat!

My comment was nothing but two Q-quotes and a link to an older thread while noting how old those are. That's it.

And out of 170 comments in this thread you have to scroll quite far down to find an asshole trying to doxx you.

Other than that lots of insults and calling your movement a jewish psyop etc. But if I'd worry about that I wouldn't be on voat or have a username that is clearly a reference to the chans (where Q himself resides! Not exactly nice company over there!) and I don't believe you are the person who is justified getting offended over it. Over the doxx attempt yes, but certainly not the insults or jew-calling.

If you want to establish that I should take responsibility or feel ashamed for the comments of my company then arguably it follows that you are responsible for violent imagery posted in your community (like the thread I commented in) and any false flags, threats or real violence that can be attributed to the Q-community. And I'm not even a moderator with power over those people. You can't have it both ways.

Crensch ago

This doesn't justify my ban.

I don't care.

My comment was nothing but two Q-quotes and a link to an older thread while noting how old those are. That's it.


And out of 170 comments in this thread you have to scroll quite far down to find an asshole trying to doxx you.


And I'm not even a moderator with power over those people.

I don't have power over people. I remove horseshit and help people that don't want to be there and participate in what the sub is meant for find the exit.

You can't have it both ways.

As suggested above, you're missing the point. Maybe some day it'll dawn on you what I'm trying to convey.

VoatsNewfag ago

Maybe some day it'll dawn on you what I'm trying to convey.

It dawns on me that you are a giant hypocrite. One who avoided talking to me directly in this thread (I wonder why) or even attempted to justify his decision on banning me over quotes and made it very clear that he doesn't care about free speech or what Q thinks about free speech.

I don't care.

I'm certain the rest of voat cares about censorship. I believe even most of QAnons care about censorship.

""Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. " - Q

Crensch ago

It dawns on me that you are a giant hypocrite. One who avoided talking to me directly in this thread (I wonder why)

Because you were never going to understand.

or even attempted to justify his decision on banning me over quotes and made it very clear that he doesn't care about free speech or what Q thinks about free speech.

I don't care about what you think is free speech. You don't get to dictate what Q means when he says it.

I'm certain the rest of voat cares about censorship. I believe even most of QAnons care about censorship.

Sure, censorship is bad.

""Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. " - Q

Ok, I have no problem with this.

Do you know what the right to assemble is?

Do you know what a nationalist state is?

Do you know what a subverse is?

On the other end:

Do you know what a globalist is?

Do you know what a globalist does to nationalist states?

Do you know what they do with the right to assemble for those they don't like?

Do I need to make the connection with subverses for you?

VoatsNewfag ago

Do you have authority in your subverse?

Crensch ago

Low effort. Try again.

VoatsNewfag ago

That's evasion on your part. Q says we shouldn't use authority to stifle free speech.

Do you have authority in your subverse? Did you use said authority to take away my ability to speak in your subverse?

Crensch ago

This seems to have hurt you deeply. Do you want to talk about it?

VoatsNewfag ago

Not as much as I will hurt the credibility of your "awakening" movement.

Crensch ago

You're the only one that seems to be having a problem. Let's talk about it.


Many people have problems with you Crensch. @voatsnewfag

It has come to my attention that my presence here has had a silencing effect on many of the users of this sub. Many of you refused to participate in rule changes out of fear of being banned by me.

You banned me from pizzagate, then stepped down because other people were afraid to speak freely.

let's talk about it.

Crensch ago

You sound butthurt. Thank you for reminding me that you exist, and letting me read some of your gnashing of the teeth.


You're the only one that seems to be having THE problem ;)

Crensch ago

Gnashing of teeth.


Gnashing of teeth.

your post claiming a google search is a dox?

In the comments, multiple users seem to enjoy posts claiming to be doxxing info on me. THIS COULD VERY EASILY GET VOAT DEPLATFORMED with the absence of putt,

Putt's absence is clearly the problem, yet you blame Voat Users?

virge ago

He banned me for having the audacity to log in. Zero participation in GA. Fancy that.

Whoever this is, it's not Crensch. I remember Crensch, and that's not him.

VoatsNewfag ago

Dude, if you had no problem with me you hadn't banned me.

And I already told you I'm no longer interested in convincing you.

Crensch ago

Why would I have problems with a swatted fly?

You've been taking about me constantly since this began. If you hadn't I'd have forgotten all about you.

VoatsNewfag ago

If this fly still annoys you it stands to reason that you suck at swatting.

Crensch ago

Swat one in your home, there are still billions outside that cant wait to announce their existence to you by buzzing all around.

Buzz buzz

VoatsNewfag ago

I told you I'm interested in convincing by bystanders and that you will feel it.

Crensch ago


VoatsNewfag ago

Are you struggling to fall asleep with a mosquito buzzing somewhere?

Out of curiosity are you active in v/qrv and did you deduce that I post there? Perhaps even argued with me over there? Did that influence your decision in banning me?

If so you know that I'm stubborn and relentless.

Crensch ago

Wouldn't that mean I did what I did because of that fact?

VoatsNewfag ago

To motivate me further?

Also being stubborn and relentless doesn't mean I'm wrong or did anything wrong.

m_1 ago


ALIENS2222 ago

Probably is just a similar name. Just tossing it out there for visability. More of a warning to all about how Anonymity is valuable... simple as that.

slwsnowman40 ago

Yeah, they don't like that.

smokratez ago

I call Melania a tranny and don't get banned. Oh well, good riddance to jew trash in this case.

VoatsNewfag ago

That's probably not as bad as calling srayzie a tranny would've been.

BrennKommando ago

Or shit in the diaper face. Who knows.

fuspezza ago

Soon @gem777 will be avenged

BannedTruth20 ago

What was her last post @Jem777?

Why did George Webb Sweigert claim to have met Jesus Christ in Racine?

Who proved that George was Untrustworthy to @Jem777 and how?

Why did George suddenly move out of the hotel he stayed at for nearly a year after Jenny’s passing?

Why did George’s brother get so upset about the meeting in Racine, and why did George’s brother tell him to move out of the hotel immediately?

We know more than Everyone here combined.

ExtraDouble ago

Its already happening. Over 300k being prosecuted. I looked up one of the cases, it was child/bestiality porn case. And now they are moving for federal death penalty?

ESOTERICshade ago

Its already happening. Over 300k being prosecuted. I looked up one of the cases, it was child/bestiality porn case. And now they are moving for federal death penalty?

Are you under the impression that there were not already indictments in this country before Q came along? Q didn't invent the sealed indictment. Also these "sealed indictments" people kept talking about were not all "indictments" they are DOCUMENTS that pertain to allllllllllll sorts of different types of cases. One single Federal case can have thousands of documents. This whole sealed indictment thing, as it relates to Q, is pure fabricated disinfo.

300K DOCUMENTS may only boil down to a few hundred or few thousand cases. And the percentage of those documents that actually pertain to indictments will be pretty small.

ExtraDouble ago

Except no...I took the extraordinary step of actually checking cases. Impossible I know. You see there is this thing called the "information superhighway". Anyways yep checked a few cases in SoCal and pedo/bestiality photos. Imagine the sheer numbers of cases, usually the prosecute a few thousand cases a year.

TheGrandMaster ago

Fucking exactly spot on

BrennKommando ago

Is that.. Plausibly him? If so that head rest lol..

heygeorge ago

The head rest looks like he’s confined to a chair, which also makes a lot of sense

BrennKommando ago

Hawkins without a brain!

TestForScience ago

President Trump misspelled a word on Twitter yesterday (or whenever it was) and there was a bunch of them in the comments tagging each other, saying, “See!? SEE!?!?” And others were in their comment threads saying, “What does it mean? Who do we watch? THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT! THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS!”

I went down a rabbit hole reading those comments for like, a solid five minutes. It felt like I was sitting next to people speaking a foreign language. Sometimes I could get the gist of what they were saying, but for the most part, I had no fucking clue what was going on.

VoatsNewfag ago

It's amazing. First Q post is about hillary getting jailed and mass riots.

Years later people gawk over misspellings on twitter.

ESOTERICshade ago

It's amazing. First Q post is about hillary getting jailed and mass riots.

Years later people gawk over misspellings on twitter.

That pretty much sums it up. Oh, and some bible quotes because grifters gotta grift.

NotaQjackass ago

Q is for jaQass.

NotHereForPizza ago

Crensch is a faggot. This is universally known.

TheGrandMaster ago

He's a fucking SRS kike

NotHereForPizza ago

Weird how he got put in charge of multiple big waves from Reddit to Voat...

Weird how he's also a mod at Reddit's "Conspiracy" playpen.


Weird how he's also a mod at Reddit's "Conspiracy" playpen

which mod?

ESOTERICshade ago

Weird how he's also a mod at Reddit's "Conspiracy" playpen.

Huh? Really? Still a Redditt mod now?

NotHereForPizza ago

Of course he is...

TheGrandMaster ago

So strange how that works.

knightwarrior41 ago

its an internet QULT simple as that

Empire_of_the_mind ago

None of us care

smokratez ago

the jew incel has to get all his mossad inbred faggots together in a thread to make it look organic

BrennKommando ago

I'm 99% certain @crensch likes cock. Those failed attempts to appear as "hyper" masculine combined with carrying grudges like a bitch really is a dead giveaway.

It was fucking humorous reading the thread where he tried to separate philosophy from "real" science though. I wonder what the Ph in Ph.D stands for? I wonder if he fucking know anything about anything??

IAMthePie ago

Phd = piled high and deep 💩

ESOTERICshade ago

It was fucking humorous reading the thread where he tried to separate philosophy from "real" science though.

ROFLMAO...I read that. As usual he got absolutely slaughtered. Lots of nigger tier lolcow entertainment coming from that homo.

BrennKommando ago

I think they could have gone harsher on him, but I didn't want to dog pile so I let things run it's course.

aGameCalledCountries ago

Is Q still making predictions? I have all those subs blocked, and haven't seen anything relevant in regular news channels in a long time.

spaceman84 ago

No, just cryptic bullshit for retards to pretend to figure out the meaning of. Also "disinfo is necessary"

ESOTERICshade ago

Is Q still making predictions?

Last I saw Super Secret Intel Agent Qanon was quoting Bible Verses and parroting the mainstream news. I don't know whats on the psyop charts right now. The Q phenom slowly started making less and less predictions over time because the predictions were either always wrong or never happened. Its basically just ground itself into a subverse of people circle jerking mainstream news and calling each other "Patriot."

Most of the die hard regular posters are probably sitting in a cubicle in Israel working for Unit 8200. The Zionist Lobby is enamored with current events and absolutely loves Trump.

Whatever is left of the real Qberts, well, they think because the people leading the charge in D.C. to "impeach" Trump are Jews, they believe that makes this impeachment charade real. They don't realize its all fake and that both Republicans and Democrats are reading from the same script and playing their part in this fake drama.

fightknightHERO ago

why would anyone go to the most Qiked sub on voat??

(((Crensh))) can wallow in his own eco-chamber though i wonder why putt didn't throw his ass back to reddit

VicariousJambi ago

Whether or not you believe Q, anyone can see that @crensch is not an agent for "truth" because he censors. Argue, debate, but don't censor.

Q drop #3038

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

undertheshills ago

The only thing that should be censored is promotion of faggotry or pedophilia and telling people massive third world immigration is good.

chirogonemd ago

I'm just blown away at this point that anyone still participates in anything to do with Q. Fucking seriously?

At least make it somewhat less boring and start another letter name. Possibly T. Make it a black man conducting secret intel operations as an undercover gangster rapper infiltrating Jewish music labels. Every T-Drop is a rap song.

blumen4alles ago

Lots of interesting connections with 'Q' for me. Cue, queue. First letter on keyboards (QWERTY). Most common word that starts with Q is probably 'question'. As in questioning reality (are we in a simulation). Q in Star Trek was an "extra-dimensional being of unknown origin who possesses immeasurable power over normal human notions of time, space, the laws of physics, and reality itself" and very much linked to the Borg, The Black Cube (of Saturn).

I could go on and on but that letter was chosen or given for a very specific reason. Perhaps to activate or "power on" a group of minds.

nathanrosegoldberg ago

I'm not even a qtard and I know that the letter was picked because Q is the level above top secret.

blumen4alles ago

I didn't know there was such a thing, thank you.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Is that what you tell yourself now that you and the rest of the Qcumbers have given up 5 years of progress?

ThorsIbanez ago

He is clearly fucking around you retarded faggot. Shit was funny too but your too much of a dumb shit.

blumen4alles ago

blumen4alles is not a Qcumber

ALIENS2222 ago

R was already taken...

ExpertShitposter ago

imagine jews not infiltrating the most anti-jew website on the internet.

not even mossad is that sloppy. they were here from the start.

Ina_Pickle ago

It was you all along.

ExpertShitposter ago

what do you mean?

ps, we will have to revitalize shitty ms paint.

Ina_Pickle ago

Together we will be the bane of Voat.

Sitnikoff ago

This is why everybody hates you, @Crensch


Crensch ago

Happy to be hated by Beta faggots like you.

QTipping ago

Now now, what would Eli say? If he were to see this site, would he recognize your writing style?

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Beta faggots like you

Nice meme.

Betas are actually desireable and often sought after by women.

Deltas are the common working man. You're most likely thinking of Gammas, who, generally, turn out doing alright for themselves, finding a wife, having children, etc..

Sitnikoff ago

talks to himself in public

Having fun there talking you yourself, CIA beta faggot slave? Ω64

Nosfewratsjews ago

Why was the OP banned?

Crensch ago

Why not?

Nosfewratsjews ago

Just to be clear, your banning criteria is no more complicated than "because I feel like it"?

I would be disappointed, but ultimately not surprised.

VoatsNewfag ago

If we ignore all ethical reasons and ignore you cheering on puttitout for not deleting comments in the past: (your highest rated submission)

Then there would still be strategical reasons.

Like avoiding being seen as a hypocrite who doesn't follow the ideals Q proposes:

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

Not further antagonizing and validating the guy who makes submissions like this on a weekend: and who will now be twice as motivated to make similar posts.

Or last but not least avoiding the streisand effect that lead to a comment being turned into a submission that reached the front of v/all.

Your censorship amplified my message.

Crensch ago

Good for you.

I reject your answers as irrelevant.

i_hate_sodomites ago

You sound like a fucking kike. Are you a fucking kike?

Crensch ago

You sound like a 1 month old sock puppet account with 1scp and 61ccp. Are you a sock puppet account?

i_hate_sodomites ago

Yep, either a kike or someone who loves to gobble kike cock.

Crensch ago

You sound like a 1 month old sock puppet account with 1scp and 61ccp. Are you a sock puppet account?­

VoatsNewfag ago

97 people didn't deem them irrelevant.

And I don't care about convincing you, which will be a joyless game I cannot win as your ego is at stake. In a public debate I always argue to win over bystanders, who will not feel hurt for siding either way and who's opinion matters more.

And if I can win them over with truth you will feel the change.

Crensch ago

Thanks for the speech, faggot.

VoatsNewfag ago

You're welcome!

Rotteuxx ago

So fun to see you kill any remnants of credibility some might think you still held.

So besides playing lifeguard with the retards in the sandbox and taking trolls seriously, do you do anything else on here nowadays ?

Crensch ago

You sound salty.

Rotteuxx ago

Put some effort into it, change the tape.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

did crensch sell his account at some point? i remember he made shekelverse which is full of holocaust red pills

Rotteuxx ago

Meh... sometimes I just hope @Crensch got his Incel mind penetrated so badly by a manipulative bitch that he can't snap out of it, too much ego.

That I could understand, all this reeeeing & banning of people is just sad, it exposes a lot of weakness.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Are you actually a vegetable?? That would be perfect

irelandLost ago

Massive faggot defends faggotry. More at 11 on this breaking story.

70times7 ago

A jew banned you from a jew psyop sub.


CantDentTheBrent ago

He should have sent @Crensch some flappy tit pics

QualityShitposter ago

Do an image search for @crensch, and you’ll see that she is a hook nosed Instagram fame fag named Connor Rensch. Every 28 days or so she goes on a banning spree as her biological clock ticks down ever further, and she resigns herself to being a bitter old hairdresser from Omaha.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#84470) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@QualityShitposter: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)


It has come to my attention that my presence here has had a silencing effect on many of the users of this sub. Many of you refused to participate in rule changes out of fear of being banned by me.

I was directly responsible for some of you staying silent when you should have felt free to speak your minds.

If you want to know what a subverse can be... what it can feel like, I recommend looking at /v/GreatAwakening. I did there 4 months ago what Vin and I did here - started the party without the users. I banned and removed shit that simply didn't belong, and I quoted no rules in doing so. I asked for forgiveness.

I won't ask you for your forgiveness for what I did.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#78533) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@QualityShitposter: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

NotHereForPizza ago


VoatsNewfag ago

No spam either. I sometimes spam QRV with Q-Quotes. (Not unlike those who spam it with "Trust the plan"...) but not /v/greatawakening were my last comment was over a week old and I made very few total. You can use searchvoat to check for yourself and tell me if I behaved in any way indecent or impolite in crensch's subverse.

Somehow QAnons get really pissed if you quote Q or them especially when the posts are over a year old.

I hope this gets the streisand effect.

BoomerHater1488er ago

They could just as easily say, "No dissent" and then not have to worry about banning dissenters through extremely broad interpretations of the rules lol

tokui ago

Same faggot banned me for complimenting Pelosi's milkers.

spaceman84 ago

She's got some big jugs. I'd motorboat em.

tokui ago

Don't write that on GrateAwokening, crunch will ban.

TwoNiggersandaHonky ago

With a chainsaw.

Barfin ago

too close to the truth