21683725? ago

King-Kike soros & fam needs to be impailed, then burnt on the stake

21683690? ago

Who is Soros' master? Who does he answer to on Earth?

21672436? ago

After a fair trial of course! We are after all trying to MAGA here.

21672286? ago

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21672194? ago

This is the most reasonable post I've read in a long time.

21671986? ago

You know they are just looking for an excuse to justify getting rid of people. Trump has stacked the courts with hopefully a better justice system. Even Soros deserves due process.

Calls to violence? Not sure if that's a smart move....yet.

21671975? ago

No violence on our part. Any attempt to paint us as such will fail

21671398? ago

They all should. There needs to be an example made for the world. The world needs to know we have our country back and that we won't be the bully anymore.

21671240? ago

He'll do it himself before he can face justice, the piece of shit scumbag!

21671182? ago

Nope disagree, we want stockades then cockleshells. Medevil on these pukes.

21670991? ago

Rothschilds’ too! The whole lot of them.

21671404? ago

Their name is Rothschild. It’s not plural.

21673247? ago

Gtfoh forum sliding faggot.

21673226? ago

Well I meant more than one, all of them.

21671371? ago

Do you copy that MIKE ROTHSCHILD the Skeptoid NPC bot?

That idiot said in a interview on YT by some creepy dude that looks like a fucking pedo too "there are pedos in Hollywood, but not the ones we are looking at."

Hey MIKE, we are coming for you and Denver DUMB is CLOSED & wont save you, Make sure to forward this message to your fucktoy Fredrick Brennan too Niggerfaggot.

21670804? ago

....or we fix the entire problem and just glass Israel. shrugs

21670749? ago

Take his money and the family money and trusts first, or it's all for nothing. They don't care about people, another puppet would just be put into place.

21670738? ago

I’m actually shocked the wrinkly demon troll Soros hasn’t been indicted and arrested yet or handed over to Russia or Hungary for his evil philanthropic meddling in sovereign countries affairs. Sounds like his offspring will be carrying his torch of darkness once he takes a dirt nap unfortunately. I remember Glen Beck introducing “spooky dude” on the chalkboard years ago. That stuck with me and I’ve been watching his path of destruction ever since. If nobody’s gotten him by now, I’m not sure they ever will.

21670106? ago

Its most jews, not just George. He's just a grain of sand.

21670009? ago

He's damned near 90. Walk up behind him and pop a paper bag!

Poof. He keels over.

21670149? ago

reminds me of a courtroom scene with a guy in a neck brace, someone drops a book behind him and he spins his head around -- oops

21669991? ago

Put them in a car, strapped in, and roll them out of a cargo plane at 10,000 feet over the desert. Cameras all over and livestream them as they plummet to earth, run it live on CSPAN. We could watch the last few minutes of their life play out in real time, give them just a taste of what they have dished out for their whole lives. And the splat would be great too. Leave them for the buzzards, nothing left to remember them by.

21669914? ago

This is shilling at its finest. Calls for violence freely posted against public figures is ALL THE MOTIVE IN THE WORLD for ICANN, Cloudflare, and every other internet authority to delist and deplatform Voat. Then this entire forum will be gone and we will have no way to communicate.

And Q has to win using the Rule of Law, not a vigilante Lynch mob, otherwise Patriots haven't won at all. The demorats are openly breaking the rule of law and acting on an arbitrary basis. Patriots know that a USA without due process and Rule of Law isn't the USA at all.

21675471? ago

Patriots know that a USA without due process and Rule of Law isn't the USA at all.

People with functional intelligence know that a USA full of non-Whites is a corrupted USA that WILL fall.

21674395? ago

Calling for justice isn’t the same as lynching or random violence.

21673175? ago

These “public figures” are committing crimes against humanity and you’re trying to make ppl not talk about it? Fuck you, NPC! The fucking deeper problem is icann, cloudfare, and the other “authorities”, they need to be straightened out and they should’ve already been in Congress, having a hearing on the shooter last week who posted his manifesto on twitter just prior to the attack.

Or we can all be pussys and we can all not talk about any of the real problems because we are afraid that folks will shut us down? Also, what’s so bad about wanting them prosecuted and punished? The punishment just happens to be violent? And the perp just happens to be a “public figure”? So what? Fuck them, it’s time to fight.

21675314? ago

Now I'm saying maybe this guy who talked about "the cube farm" aka his office, to not lead the conversation with fantasies of publicly torturing Hillary Clinton. Of course we should be talking about it, but in terms the normies can digest.

21673142? ago

Quit being a pussy.

21673039? ago

Agreed anon this is a bunch of idiocy

21672949? ago

Non violence is not the same for demands of justice, but the government. Stop your idiocy.

21672499? ago

Whatever schlomo. Public trial. Public execution. We know what he did. He is guilty of the most heinous crimes on earth, and he deserves every bit of that punishment.

You cannot stop what is coming.

21675583? ago


I just downloaded and read this last night. Couldn't stop reading once I started. These "rape my wife if it's legal" creatures played a prominent role in the book, and thankfully were finally exterminated like the scum they are.

21670622? ago

You’re no fun.

21674233? ago

POTUS is YOUR president!!

Dems are embarrassing themselves

Trump has the POWER and is winning bigly!!!

21675696? ago

Of course he is my president. He seems to be doing a decent job, other than sucking Israel’s cock. I’m hoping “saving Israel for last” means he’s putting on a performance.

21671852? ago

Doing work for the greater good isn't about satiating our emotions or our base instincts. That is what liberals do: reason with feeling. Logic is cold, justice is blind, and the greater good often is very not-fun. Hell often the high road is tedious and boring. But what do we want, a society of Justice and Law, or an arbitrary lynch mob ruled by animal emotions where blood flows in the streets with the who is getting murdered changing as often as the weather? We already have a virtual lynch mob now, look at Twitter, they are murdering people reputations on the flip of a dime, no evidence, no due process, no order. Its just emotional chaos. its only a matter of time before this liberal pack of emotional animals progresses to actually ending lives.

We have to right the ship, and the American Way has always been Rule of Law and Due Process. Besides, you can still take pleasure in watching them to the perp walk in handcuffs.

21675517? ago

Once the blacks, jews, and other disgusting critters can rape your family legally, you'd have no complaints at all. You'd probably even take pleasure in seeing them exercise their legal rights to your family.

In fact, race traitors like you will get the bullet in the face like the rest of your scum.

21670843? ago

reality tends to be that way

21669714? ago

I think we should have a real life version of the movie The Running Man

21673203? ago

Let’s arrest Arnold and let him be the first contestant.

21669771? ago

I love the reference!

21669444? ago

Fools calling for public violence give the shill bosses reason to yell: "Shut it down!!"

21675761? ago

"Be very subservient, patriots! We must obey our masters!"

21673227? ago

Anon, u don’t think they are attempting to shut this down even when we don’t talk that way?

21669745? ago

Patriots calling to execute traitors and seditious conspirators who are destroying our republic and causing death and mayhem every day with their false narratives isn't exactly calling for random public violence, simply justice.

21669526? ago

Not public. Law enforcement. This is not a vigilante site. Our law enforcement can legally shoot those who resist arrest or attack the officers of the law. I am simply advocating for a relaxation of the threshold for resistance in the case of Soros demons.

21673235? ago

Anon, have u looked at the fbi or doj lately? What happens when LE doesn’t provide equal justice anymore but instead work for the bloodline families? Then what?

21671208? ago

But we should not forget they had death camps for those the fema camps couldnt re program.

21671395? ago

800 (camps) reasons on why we shouldn't forget.

4.5 (DHS hollow point rounds) billion reasons we shouldn't forget

30,000 (guillotines) more reasons on why we shouldn't NEVER FORGET EVER,

21670125? ago

Yeah unlike that fucking asshole in HK who shot the 21-year-old point-blank with his fucking gun in the guy's chest. And he keeps his job, that's just un-fucking-real. And the snipers in Iran.

Trap doors incoming.

21669123? ago

No. It isn't good for us to execute people. We do need to render them powerless to do more harm in this life.

21671406? ago

Nope not happening, all it takes is the dems to win and everything accomplished will be for nothing.

Death penalty executions cannot be reversed/undone.

21681204? ago

You are the first that gets to the heart of the argument. It’s not what we can afford, not what’s cheapest, not the only way to prevent someone from doing more harm. Yours is the key. We want our will to be permanent. But our will does not deserve to be permanent. It’s better. It’s just not that good.

21684891? ago

To add onto argument, President Trump just pardoned a soldier in Fort Leavenworth on year 6 of 19 doing his job, see back story, but point is, he got him out when the Kenyan wanted to waste his life away.

21684795? ago

I used to think that way to the person I replied too. I thought anything butnice loooong sentence until death would be torture, then someone told me what I told that person, makes a ton of sense despite what "I wanted."

They can start their sentence in hell and that will be eternity with no expiration date. 👍

21688228? ago

You believe that a sinner dies, goes to hell and is of no further consequence on the rest of us. I don't believe that. I believe that we all reincarnate until we grow up including Soros and me and the millions. We are both logical based on our beliefs and we have compatible goals. I am Christian. I know not much is made of purgatory (bardo world) in protestant varieties but I would say that eternity in hell or heaven doesn't actually mean forever.

21670112? ago

Not downvoting because the responses should be seen. But man. What better way to render an actor "powerless to do more harm" than to remove his ability to act! Your words lead directly into the consequence that you are trying to avoid. Weird, you!

21681164? ago

I agree with removing his ability to act. I don’t agree with executing him. It’s not like that’s the only way, killing.

21681581? ago

If you leave him alive, then, you leave him "with ability to act." I'm not sure you're fully grokking this conversation.

21683281? ago

Oh I assure you I am with you. There are ways to limit the effects of bad behavior so that the action options that remain do not unduly influence anyone else anymore. Incarceration is classic in the modern mind and it is an option. Are you concerned that the tides would turn again, he would win his freedom and resume bad behavior? It is a reasonable concern and I share that concern. What I am saying is that there is a better way to handle that concern. Winning isn't killing the bad guys. Winning is rendering them harmless and adapting so they cannot complete the same behavior again. George got the drop on us. But he requires our confusion and working against ourselves in order to succeed. We require immunity from him and any other similar coming along or waiting in the wings.

It is for our own good even in this life that we do not execute in order to render harmless. We must know that we remain immune.

But we are also on the verge of an ascension opportunity and, even for what some might consider unworthy people, it is a dick move and just creates more work in the future to kill someone within a couple of decades of the big moment. When they die, they'll probably be reincarnated as amoeba or just lithium, they are going to be busted back so far. Then we will just have to cook them up in the next batch of ascended spirit.

There is no other. You and I are one. You and I and George Soros are one. We can kill each other but it ends nothing. It just starts something over again having wasted a turn.

Everyone alive today was born with a winning lottery ticket. You can transform from savage to seer more easily now than ever.

Now... are you telling me that, hypothetically, if you were sure that he would never escape, you couldn't think of a punishment made of natural and logical consequences (not including execution) that would be worse for an evil person than execution? Use your creativity, oh quoter of the great Heinlein. Heinlein would have relished the challenge.

21692638? ago

Why do you think "we" should not kill those who would kill us?

My coding comes from Scripture. Scripture describes instances where killing is justified.

Each soul is a shard of God, which has (intentionally) forgotten its origin. I don't think recycling happens; it's not described in Scripture. Some souls reappear -- Jesus did; and some do not die (like Enoch).

I see no need to figure out a way to render them powerless but alive. Removing body parts, perhaps. But that just seems cruel and unusual. Any other option can be reversed. (And I suppose body part removal could be as well...)

If you have a better idea, like Ross Perot in the 1992 debates, "I'm all ears."

21669754? ago

Resources are limited, a bullet is cheaper than imprisoning them forever at our expense.

The original punishment for treason must be brought back if we are to save the Republic.

21678433? ago

I must acknowledge that we spend insane amounts on incarceration and it does arguably little good except if it prevents a future victimization. Even then, usually it’s impossible to know that a crime has been prevented. The Quakers who invented the modern prison system regret it and consider it a mistake. Well, at least it should be painful on the collective to imprison the few so the collective doesn’t get out of control as it is now. 1/3 of home appliances still assembled by US prisoners in private prisons. Ie slaves. So I’m less than thrilled with incarceration.

However, we CAN afford to incarcerate the guilty among the elite and deep state. There are fewer of them than people in jail for tax fraud or weed.

21684237? ago

Incarceration = alternative "education" track in many many instances.

21684752? ago

Yes. We are clearly doing it wrong. Like public education, the prison system was conceived in iniquity. There is no baby in the bathwater. Throw it out. Stop pretending we know anything at all about rehabilitating people. Acknowledge that the only point is to protect other people but do get out of the way of sincere efforts among the incarcerated to do anything not-illegal from within their context. They are not paying a debt to society. Society just doesn't want them around until their time runs out or there is a good spot for them.

Many civilizations have risen and fallen again without mass incarceration of their citizens and denizens. There has been and still is a lot of slavery which is related, of course. If you are doing slavery, then there is an available supervisor. But there are and have been places where there is no slavery and no prison and they are still able to handle criminals. They generally improvise a sort of enslavement to someone with the ability to control them. Maybe they have to stoke the fire for the blacksmith all day from now on. Maybe they are the assistant tea maker under a strict czar of teas. But, yes sometimes, there is no one to help and the criminal is either banished or killed.

It's not that citizens having firearms is helpful. What's helpful is citizens who feel responsible to keep order with minimal interference in their general vicinity and among their people. That is a lot of deterrence right here right now, not later after a lot of legal proceedings.

One problem is that banishment isn't so bad anymore. There are lots of places to go. There are a few with free health care.

If we incarcerate at the average world rate instead of the crazy rate we do now, there will be a lot less of that educating of people who should never be incarcerated for victimless issues and minor infractions.

21692498? ago

A world that wasn't foundationally set up to work against basic human nature and make people crazy and glorify corruption and criminality would go a long way toward fixing these issues.

21669149? ago

How the fuck does your statement make any sense at all? Dead people can do nothing in this life.

21681144? ago

That’s mostly true. However there is more to things than this life.

21668822? ago

Those found guilty from the upcoming military tribunals should ALL be executed in public. This will assure at least 50 years void of DS dip shits and their globalist agendas.

21668701? ago

I have long stated (no one cares in cube farm) that Hillary should be hung up in public, on IV drip for nourishment with a dash of adrenaline for longevity ... and everyone in town gets to throw two or three small stones at her, kids from 5 feet, adults from 8, women from 6 ... it would be like a traveling tour, going state to state. Me and my kids go down and get our stones, and take our shot. We’d see our friends, have a good time

21671879? ago

You do realize that saying shit like this blue-pills normies right?

You want to help the cause of real patriots, not bloodthirsty animals? Remind people how in any other time, in any other place, what these democrats are doing is high treason. But also that EVEN TRAITORs get their day in trial, because due process is the American way, the rule of law, the triumph of reason over barbarism and tyranny.

21675712? ago

they will go tell all their friends how Q anon are bloody thirsty pysopaths.

Before they go, I'd tell them that the membership in the cult of "Q" are pathetic faggots who believe the USA should be a nigger country run by the jews who pass laws making their oppression of Whites LEGAL. And as long as it's legal, Q-cucks won't mind if gangs of niggers rape their whole families.

"They're doing it legally... So I have to accept they're exercising their legal rights."

21673216? ago

Gtfoh faggot. There aren’t any fucking normies here and if they are here, they have an open mind and aren’t npc faggots like you.

21674007? ago

Thanks buddy ... he was a little gay, but some of his points are valid ...

21671418? ago

A few mock executions should be done before anyone arrives to get their personal chrome pumping.

21669964? ago

Make it a pilgrimage like the haj

21669118? ago

Like a traveling slow execution circus? That’s bad ass

21668783? ago


21668680? ago

Avoiding a clone download would be a good result

21668540? ago

That one sentence is enough to get you banned from Twatter. They don't like you taking shit about shitty people.

21668521? ago

This should be on the 2020 ballot. His kids are just as bad as he is.

21668773? ago

I don’t understand why Soros and his spawn have been ignored.

21668353? ago

Water board the bastard and find out who his puppet masters are.

21671901? ago

Soros is his own puppet master. He is the head of the snake with billions in assets and hundreds of puppet NGOs, activists, and charities answering him, and perhaps thousands of agents in every facet of the Western world.. But he does have peers and allies, and those snakes need taken down as well.

The true nightmwere is that this war is a war of many fronts. Its less James Bond and Specter, and far more Game of Throngs and the Great Houses.

21671346? ago

they are known:


21668792? ago

Right. I'm for intense interrogation to destruction. When we're done, they'll beg to die.

21672038? ago

Be careful not to become like those you fight.

21675734? ago

I'm unlikely to become non-White...

21674053? ago

Fair Trials, Fair hangings.

21668769? ago

No need, it's the council of 13.

21668323? ago

Never gonna happen. When they start to close in on him, Soros will take his own life.

21669942? ago

By popping ups bubble wrap?

21668956? ago

He's 89 years old. He will take his own life by living just a little longer.

21668754? ago

I'm ok with that so long as he does his son first.

21668585? ago

What the fuck ever. He’s almost 100 now and powerful enough to skate long enough to avoid justice the handful of years at most before dying naturally.

21668559? ago

He'll go full Goebbels

21668452? ago

for sure

21668290? ago


21670074? ago

"Ook" is a language similar to brainfuck, which I just recently posted about in another article. Wildly funny reading!

21667991? ago

Publicly? No ASAP ~!!! All triggers green ! Fire at will. Must video and live stream.

21668079? ago

Legally. The sheriffs will shoot to kill if they bat an eye. Hell, just shoot them as enemies of the state! Heroes!

21668856? ago

And they reside in new York some how.

21667776? ago

I hate Soros as much as anyone, but this post is kind of retarded preaching-to-the-choir.

21671401? ago

Yes, targeted... like every other post here.

21668480? ago

i agree, but if my vote counts i want public justice, whether jail or hanging. I may or may not watch but i want open source proof of what happened.

21671436? ago

Agreed, no bullshit "we buried them at sea" like that nigger Ex-potus once said.

21670068? ago

kek, Soros and his Open Society / Open Source / Open Soros and find the evil

21667729? ago

Skulls for the skull throne

21667481? ago

YES!!! It's time to do the obvious!!!! Way past time actually!!!

21667539? ago

Arrest Alex, and then shoot him for resisting arrest! Then, when George comes to court, arrest and shoot him too for the same thing.

21667735? ago

"Ignore posts calling for violence"

21667896? ago

Good goy, here, take a snake.

21670060? ago

really wanted a badger, or a mushroom

21667809? ago

Fine. Ignore your wife and children being raped. Before it gets to that point though, wouldn’t you have done something, possibly violent?

21673266? ago

My god, if these npc pussies were around at the end of the 1700’s we would all still be bowing to a pedolphile royal family.

21671442? ago

I knew it! Peter Fonda did fake his death!

21668476? ago

I want conservative kids raped and the ideology liquidated. It’s happening slowly

21668571? ago

You will meet your horrible end at the hands of a patriot. I only hope it is painful and extended.

21668593? ago

Can you say mandatory abortions for every women from a county with less than 100,000 people.

21667300? ago


So who’s going to do it?

Get 10,000 people together (not THAT hard) and go do it.

You start the movement and I’ll join in.

I’m good to go. Let’s do it.

21670534? ago

lol no you're not

21670145? ago

You start the movement and I’ll join in.

There's your problem

21670133? ago


21669094? ago

I’m in

21669913? ago

I'm down

21668703? ago

I'm in if we also storm DC and give traitors their justice.

21668775? ago

We’d need more than 10,000. Maybe 100,000 or more to take down the whole city.

21671340? ago

you'll be surprised...

count down the isis numbers they conquered countries and cities

DC will not use USM and LEO against patriots.

Well organized militia with well established intentions marching towards DC

armed and organized ... will increase the speed of things with decision makers.

21669811? ago

The more the merrier I don't care either way. Let's just get it done. burn the whole corrupt motherfucker to the ground and send them all straight to hell.

21669324? ago

You need 5 well trained and coordinated men. That’s it.

21669362? ago

I’m listening. How would one pull it off with five men?

21669718? ago

If we told you, we'd have to kill you ;-P

21669875? ago

So you don’t know. That’s fine. Maybe somebody else does.

21669851? ago

My standard response, and, can be yours as well!

"Well then, please don't tell me. Because I would hate to have to kill you in self-defense!"

21668774? ago

I'm in. Soros is the top on the list. Count me in. I'll get donors so I can travel. If we can't get arrests, we make citizen's arrest and hold for Marines.

21675629? ago

The Marines work for the jews who control our government.

21670938? ago

not waiting for the marines

21667233? ago

Soros was a Nazi.

He made a fortune selling the belongings of holocaust victims.

21667937? ago

He wasn't a Nazi you faggot, he was a Nazi.

21668400? ago

Still is a nazi. It’s like once a marine always a marine.

21668001? ago

Gold teeth funded soros, And licking Nazi balls

Abused turned abuser

Soros is a scumbag buggerer

21666934? ago

Is Jews control your news. WE control your entertainment. WE control your banks. And WE control your Congress thru dual citizenship. Dumbasses.