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22028131? ago

I’ll leave this here:

Online trolling is the practice of behaving in a deceptive, destructive, or disruptive manner in a social setting on the Internet with no apparent instrumental purpose. From a lay-perspective, Internet trolls share many characteristics of the classic Joker vil- lain: a modern variant of the Trickster archetype from ancient folk- lore. Much like the Joker, trolls operate as agents of chaos on the Internet, exploiting ‘‘hot-button issues’’ to make users appear overly emotional or foolish in some manner. If an unfortu- nate person falls into their trap, trolling intensifies for further, mer- ciless amusement. This is why novice Internet users are routinely admonished, ‘‘Do not feed the trolls!’’.

Crensch ago

Still defending pedophiles.

Sick fuck.

22028884? ago

I am not and your name calling means nothing just shows your ignorance on the matter.

@sandhog @madworld @vindicator

Am I in the wrong for pointing out Zyklons behavior here? In turn Crensch has become a troll in his actions, seriously guys how do we turn this mess around for the sake of Voat?

Vindicator ago

It might not be your intention, Nadesh, but yes, IMO your responding to documentation of Zyklon's fuckery with a definition of trolling as if it is some innocent "archetypal" fun is actually wrong, as is your characterization of @Crensch's continued exposure of it as equivalent "trolling".

I agree with @Sandhog: Zyklon went far beyond trolling.

Trolling implies mere hi-jinx, a detachment from direct gain (other than simple amusement) from the destruction of the target. It minimizes the evident facts of what Zyklon and behind the scenes, Kev, did. In essence, it says "Crensch is the bad guy here because he's making a mountain out of molehill."

Justice is rendering to each his due. Zyklon, Kev and all who helped them need to have their behavior fully exposed and condemned. Those who participated who have not shut down their accounts need to take responsibility for doing so and apologize. Those who exposed it, need to be recognized as having been correct instead of being scapegoated as the problem.

If you want peace, work for justice.

Crensch ago

I bet the upvotes she's getting make her feel better about herself.

22032156? ago

I gave you one, feel better?

Crensch ago

Nice deflection.

We all know my morale isn't tied to your group's voting bloc.

22032375? ago

Dude, it made me smile, have another, I genuinely hope you feel better soon. I am sorry there are those who doxxed your personal information, I had no idea.

Do you know who did it?

Crensch ago

Again, not the point.

The first three there are a small portion of what was actually posted and directed at me, if I'm the wheelchair guy.

A lot has been deleted (evidenced by the first and third actually being deleted on Voat), some were more thorough and deleted from searchvoat, too.

In that link, @heygeorge talks to triggly like nothing is wrong after she makes a joke about who she thinks is me.

Whether or not the guy in the wheelchair is me, his entire identity was doxxed on /anon, and his professor alerted to his possible connection with this username.

All jokes? All fun? Some guy that can't walk has his Jew professor breathing down his neck over being associated with this account now? And for any argument "what's he doing in JewSchool anyway? What the fuck else is a cripple going to do?

As for the instagram woman, it appears you all scrubbed that very nicely, but it was all over the place for months. Here's one @QualityShitposter forgot to remove:

QualityShitposter ago

Didn't forget. Just don't give a shit.

If you're the instagram thot, you deserve whatever google image search of your "oh so highly coveted online @crensch identity" you get. If you're larping as the instagram thot, you're both responsible for what she gets. Her for being a famefag, and you for being a miserable cunt to people while using her name.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

No way is Crensch a woman. The writing and personality is not a match to a female.

QualityShitposter ago

Have you noticed the verbosity? No man I know jabbers that much.

Crensch ago

We "deserve" to be doxxed.

@nadesh @heygeorge @sandhog @madworld

Never once seen this user admonished for trying to link this username to a real world identity. Not by any SBBH user.

QualityShitposter ago

Doxxing is releasing personal information. I linked you to a twatter handle that's the same as your name here. Grow a set of balls, or maybe take some midol.

SandHog ago

I always thought you being labeled as the instagram fatty was just a lazy potshot. I had no idea that someone seriously thought that lol. Can we all just take a deep breath and ignore the resident retard and try to navigate a way out of this mess? Please?