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22028131? ago

I’ll leave this here:

Online trolling is the practice of behaving in a deceptive, destructive, or disruptive manner in a social setting on the Internet with no apparent instrumental purpose. From a lay-perspective, Internet trolls share many characteristics of the classic Joker vil- lain: a modern variant of the Trickster archetype from ancient folk- lore. Much like the Joker, trolls operate as agents of chaos on the Internet, exploiting ‘‘hot-button issues’’ to make users appear overly emotional or foolish in some manner. If an unfortu- nate person falls into their trap, trolling intensifies for further, mer- ciless amusement. This is why novice Internet users are routinely admonished, ‘‘Do not feed the trolls!’’.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/disabled comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#84626) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Nadesh: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Crensch ago

Still defending pedophiles.

Sick fuck.

22028884? ago

I am not and your name calling means nothing just shows your ignorance on the matter.

@sandhog @madworld @vindicator

Am I in the wrong for pointing out Zyklons behavior here? In turn Crensch has become a troll in his actions, seriously guys how do we turn this mess around for the sake of Voat?

Vindicator ago

It might not be your intention, Nadesh, but yes, IMO your responding to documentation of Zyklon's fuckery with a definition of trolling as if it is some innocent "archetypal" fun is actually wrong, as is your characterization of @Crensch's continued exposure of it as equivalent "trolling".

I agree with @Sandhog: Zyklon went far beyond trolling.

Trolling implies mere hi-jinx, a detachment from direct gain (other than simple amusement) from the destruction of the target. It minimizes the evident facts of what Zyklon and behind the scenes, Kev, did. In essence, it says "Crensch is the bad guy here because he's making a mountain out of molehill."

Justice is rendering to each his due. Zyklon, Kev and all who helped them need to have their behavior fully exposed and condemned. Those who participated who have not shut down their accounts need to take responsibility for doing so and apologize. Those who exposed it, need to be recognized as having been correct instead of being scapegoated as the problem.

If you want peace, work for justice.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Leave all this shit shit alone. Its just side drama away from the main mission of protecting pizzagate. you are doing a good job protecting pizzagate. i have been the heat shield to protect you guys for the last year. i fought hard for you in in past times. my time was well invested because you do a good job. pizzagate is sacred and i help protect it. the occult is very esoteric. thank you for being a good person.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

FINE. Pedophilia is a serious crime. This shit show is wayyy out of Hand. Since crensch wont report THESE LITERAL PEDOPHILES HE HAS PERSONAL knowledge of to the police should we call the police and report crensch? NO becase its all just words on on a page and crensch is full of shit.

The tittie pics that destroyed a Free Speech Platform. Fuck THIS im gonna go get a drink. ALLL yalll disgust me.

SandHog ago

Since crensch wont report THESE LITERAL PEDOPHILES HE HAS PERSONAL knowledge of to the police should we call the police and report crensch?

What are you referring to here? Please explain.

Crensch ago

These idiots seem to think that for someone to be a pedophile, they have to actually have sex with children.

They don't realize that words have meaning, like the word "pederast".

DanglingGoatBalls ago

These idiots seem to think that for someone to be a pedophile, they have to actually have sex with children.

They don't realize that words have meaning, like the word "pederast".

well no shit Sherlock. I never saw anybody shit up a place like you have shit up this place. If you are such a badass warrior, find a cause, and work on it. Right now all you are doing is disturbing the peace and everybody is fed up to their eyeballs with it. You are a farrrr cry from the old crensch i used to know.

SandHog ago

I seem to be missing something here. What do you mean?

Crensch ago

Sorry, Clam decided to try and force me to prove zyklon had sex with children - suggesting that he didn't realize the word "pedophile" is simply the attraction to minors, instead of actually having done something.

DGB is taking that torch and running with it, since clam put a lot of effort into pushing that narrative, and DGB thought it stuck decently.

DGB is saying if I know zyklon had sex with children, why do I not go to the police?

SandHog ago

Ah, I gotcha. DGB being? Sorry, I am drawing a blank with the initials. There is so much confusion and emotion that it is impossible to see clearly unless we set that emotion aside and deal with the facts in a logical manner. People are just reacting instinctively right now and have been for a while. I do think that we all want to arrive at the truth. We can get there if we combine our knowledge. I am certain of it.

Crensch ago


As for the rest of it, @Nadesh arrived at the truth.

Crensch ago

Oh, look at that! I complimented @Nadesh!

Finally, you're about to do something right for a change. Or something really stupid like just pretending to leave without actually leaving, thus being shown to be such a weak woman that you won't follow through with your decisions because a man is mean to you.

SandHog ago

No no no. We've all been fucking had.

Crensch ago


Sounds suspiciously like the stuff I hear from the Poal people.

SandHog ago

It ties into ES and possibly WoS although I suspect he was a victim of the gaslighting just as much as everyone else. Definitely ES though and probably other people.

Vindicator ago

I agree. Evidence suggests DGB is ES's new sockpuppet, too, by the way.

Crensch ago

It ties into ES and possibly WoS although I suspect he was a victim of the gaslighting just as much as everyone else.

Gonna need some heavy info regarding that.

Everyone else? Me?


Need even more info there.

SandHog ago

sent info

Crensch ago

@nadesh I noticed you didn't respond to this. Must've really hurt your feelings.

22033263? ago

I keep meaning to, I just got distracted.

No feelings hurt from @Vindicator comment. I am just not sure how those involved will ever apologize for what they have done. So once again a stalemate. The doxxing has to stop.

Vindicator ago

I agree with you. There should be zero tolerance for doxing, and a clear definition of what qualifies as doxing. Do we have a bias of protecting each other? Or one of exploiting people's mistakes?

I think that is the heart of the problem, here. The obsession with the most extreme freedom of speech that was the norm under Kevdude when I came here three years ago created a bias for exploiting people's mistakes. It became so whacked, @Crensch's conscience kicked in and he saw Voat "culture" from a whole new light. He's been standing up and grousing about it like an OT prophet berating the Jews ever since.

What I find fascinating is how a bunch of woke folks who truly value Constitutional rights, particularly the 1A, can so easily be led into subverting their own supposed values. Why do goats want to silence Q research(ers) instead of letting it compete freely in the marketplace of ideas? Why target any user's account for destruction if you truly value free speech?

IMO goats don't truly value free speech for all. The culture was false and therefore collapsed.

As always in human communities, whoever succeeds in building something people enjoy and value from the rubble will create the new culture. I think Crensch is trying to do that in v/GA. I think the Friday guitar thread did that. Time will tell.

Crensch ago

I bet the upvotes she's getting make her feel better about herself.

22032156? ago

I gave you one, feel better?

Crensch ago

Nice deflection.

We all know my morale isn't tied to your group's voting bloc.

22032375? ago

Dude, it made me smile, have another, I genuinely hope you feel better soon. I am sorry there are those who doxxed your personal information, I had no idea.

Do you know who did it?

heygeorge ago

I agree with @sandhog and @vindicator that zyklon went way off the rails, and I know you do, too, @nadesh.

I genuinely do not take the @Crensch wheelchair dox seriously, and maybe that’s something I could give some more thought to. Concurrently, I also wonder why someone who so clearly espouses their unorthodox (for lack of a better term) views would use their first initial and last name on this website? This leads me back to not taking it very seriously, which I could perhaps mediate on.

his professor alerted to his possible connection with this username.

How does Crensch know this?

A long while ago some folks were trying to dox me, PMing me poison links. One of them is still active.

SandHog ago

That doxing stuff is cancer. Once it gets started it will only escalate. That's the only outcome that can happen. Posting some poor innocent sap's real information here and associating it with a Voat account they know nothing about is bad. Posting someone's real identity and threatening them with the sole intent to drive them off the platform is even worse.

I just want all this stuff to stop. Everyone should if they really give a shit about Voat. Look what it has done to this place. Nobody trusts anyone enough to even speak to each other without slathering it with vitriol. Nobody wants to generate any real content or even comment and get some good discussion going. It's all just Q, or bitching about Q or this person did this or that person did that and it really fucking sucks. If that effort was channeled by all the people complaining about shit, myself included, into generating interesting content or discussion Voat, things would be 1000x better. We can't undo what has happened. Perhaps there are amends that can be made and perhaps not. I don't know. What I do know is that people need to start talking in earnest and try to set aside all the emotion and figure out a path forward and a way that we can make sure something like this doesn't happen again.

As far as the shitstorm itself, there were several moving parts involved in as near as I can determine. Zyklon aside, some of it was shitposters doing what they do and causing chaos for chaos' sake and piling on. Some of it was people over-reacting; at least to the outside observer. And then there was also some...entity, let's call it that for lack of a better term atm, that was absolutely acting with malicious intent and had been for quite some time going back to v/pizzagate. All this stuff combined to form a perfect storm.

A long while ago some folks were trying to dox me, PMing me poison links. One of them is still active.

That is the type of thing that Voat should be made aware of. People like that should not be permitted on Voat.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/disabled comment by @Nadesh.

Posted automatically (#84637) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@SandHog: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Nadesh)

22036375? ago

You are so right sandhog and I am sorry I haven’t been able to be the person you need me to be here. I genuinely want to help Voat even though goats are notoriously stubborn.

Who was this external entity stirring the pot? Can we join forces and put our energies towards that instead of biting each other to death? I am not so sure.

SandHog ago

You are so right sandhog and I am sorry I haven’t been able to be the person you need me to be here. I genuinely want to help Voat even though goats are notoriously stubborn.

It's ok, nobody is perfect! I know I'm certainly not. I try real hard though! :) I think we all want the same thing. The problem seems to be that everyone is working off of different data sets and information and some of it appears to be conflicting.

Who was this external entity stirring the pot? Can we join forces and put our energies towards that instead of biting each other to death? I am not so sure.

That is what I am hoping for and trying to determine here. For that to actually happen we have to compare notes and figure out what is true and what is not. Likely both sides are half right but the truth will only be found when we combine our knowledge. Otherwise everyone is working off of incomplete information and jumping to false assumptions and then acting on them. That is why I believe there is an external force at play here. There is evidence of that but I don't have enough information to nail it down. I don't think anyone does. That's why we need to talk honestly and remove all the emotion because the emotion is what is clouding everything.

Crensch ago

How does Crensch know this?

It was stated by "shitposters" that were revealing real life info. No reason to take it as a joke.

Even if they didn't, maybe someone took that info and ran with it?

Crensch ago

Again, not the point.

The first three there are a small portion of what was actually posted and directed at me, if I'm the wheelchair guy.

A lot has been deleted (evidenced by the first and third actually being deleted on Voat), some were more thorough and deleted from searchvoat, too.

In that link, @heygeorge talks to triggly like nothing is wrong after she makes a joke about who she thinks is me.

Whether or not the guy in the wheelchair is me, his entire identity was doxxed on /anon, and his professor alerted to his possible connection with this username.

All jokes? All fun? Some guy that can't walk has his Jew professor breathing down his neck over being associated with this account now? And for any argument "what's he doing in JewSchool anyway? What the fuck else is a cripple going to do?

As for the instagram woman, it appears you all scrubbed that very nicely, but it was all over the place for months. Here's one @QualityShitposter forgot to remove:

QualityShitposter ago

Didn't forget. Just don't give a shit.

If you're the instagram thot, you deserve whatever google image search of your "oh so highly coveted online @crensch identity" you get. If you're larping as the instagram thot, you're both responsible for what she gets. Her for being a famefag, and you for being a miserable cunt to people while using her name.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

No way is Crensch a woman. The writing and personality is not a match to a female.

QualityShitposter ago

Have you noticed the verbosity? No man I know jabbers that much.

Crensch ago

We "deserve" to be doxxed.

@nadesh @heygeorge @sandhog @madworld

Never once seen this user admonished for trying to link this username to a real world identity. Not by any SBBH user.

QualityShitposter ago

Doxxing is releasing personal information. I linked you to a twatter handle that's the same as your name here. Grow a set of balls, or maybe take some midol.

SandHog ago

I always thought you being labeled as the instagram fatty was just a lazy potshot. I had no idea that someone seriously thought that lol. Can we all just take a deep breath and ignore the resident retard and try to navigate a way out of this mess? Please?

Crensch ago

Explain to me how my behavior looks anything like the following:

Online trolling is the practice of behaving in a deceptive, destructive, or disruptive manner in a social setting on the Internet with no apparent instrumental purpose. From a lay-perspective, Internet trolls share many characteristics of the classic Joker vil- lain: a modern variant of the Trickster archetype from ancient folk- lore. Much like the Joker, trolls operate as agents of chaos on the Internet, exploiting ‘‘hot-button issues’’ to make users appear overly emotional or foolish in some manner. If an unfortu- nate person falls into their trap, trolling intensifies for further, mer- ciless amusement. This is why novice Internet users are routinely admonished, ‘‘Do not feed the trolls!’’.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Explain to me how my behavior looks anything like the following:

22029685? ago

So what is you purpose with all these posts? To what gain?

Crensch ago

My purpose is my own to know.

Now explain to me how calling out bad behavior and using evidence to support my claims is trollish behavior.

22030052? ago

If your purpose is unknown how can one bring evidence to the table with someone who is not willing to be open and honest for the sake of the greater good?

Okay perhaps that summary of Zyklon’s behavior didn’t include other forms of trollery, in your case other forms are definitely present.

  1. The Insult Troll

  2. The Persistent Debate Troll

  3. The Grammar and Spellcheck Troll

  4. The Forever Offended Troll

There are examples of you falling into these categories dear Sir if you are honest about it.

So what’s your objective with all this? Did you make a promise to someone and you are merely honoring it? Are you prepared to burn Voat to the ground to achieve it?

Crensch ago

Do you think I am insulting in order to troll? Do you think I am persistent in order to troll? Do you think my grammar and spell check responses are in order to troll? Do you think I am forever offended in order to troll?

Is it trolling to want to hold people accountable for their actions?

Crensch ago

I don't understand what you knowing my purpose has anything to do with bringing evidence to the table.

I don't understand why my not telling you my purpose makes me dishonest.

Feel free to explain.

Crensch ago

You are. And it's funny how all of you are all of a sudden holding out an olive branch despite 7 months of constantly bringing the situation up, only you were attacking the pedophile's victim, and attacking me for defending her.

You, personally, mostly stayed out of it until recently when you decided to have a problem with me calling out your sick fuck buddies.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

And it's funny how all of you are all of a sudden holding out an olive branch despite 7 months of constantly bringing the situation up, only you were attacking the pedophile's victim, and attacking me for defending her.

Thats not the case. A lot of of people have tried to explain to you how off the rails it is for you to take a Zyklon troll, turn it into the phrase "literal pedophile", and then proceed to brand people that disagree with you as a "literal pedophile." If you had any idea how unhinged you appear in your fantastical self appointed role of "crensch against the pedophile mob" you would be embarrased.

I tried to illustrate the absurdity of that to you by saying that you wanted to murder srayzie's kids since you think "brown invaders should be killed." If we wanted to be as absurd as you have been we could have "gone on a crusade to save srayzie's kids from crensch the LITERAL killer of brown children" but we cut you some slack.

Before you knee jerk pop off at the mouth and write paragraphs about how the two are not equivalent give it some thought. You took Zyklons words, (yes they are appalling) and turned words into an active pedophile, then painted a dozen people with the same brush.

If the same standards were applied to YOUR WORDS we could have run a multi week campaign to "save srayzie's brown kids from crensch the psychotic killer of brown children." We didnt do it, but by YOUR logic it would have been justified.

Don't start writing books. Just think about it.

Crensch ago

A lot of of people have tried to explain to you how off the rails it is for you to take a Zyklon troll, turn it into the phrase "literal pedophile"

Define "pedophile"

Define a person that thinks about raping children multiple times a day for over a month, and threatens to do it.

and then proceed to brand people that disagree with you as a "literal pedophile."

I've said you DEFENDED one.

Nice try.

I bet the rest of your comment is utter horseshit, too.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Define "pedophile"

A person that has physical sexual contact with a minor, or even stretching, groom a child to have sex with an adult? Both disgusting and and illegal. Considering that you obviously have information that these crimes have occured you should report that to your nearest police department. YOU HAVE LEFT COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF FOOT TRACKS that indicate you know of sex crimes against children.

I've said you DEFENDED one.

proof is necessary big mouth.

22029904? ago

Hate me all you like if that makes you feel better. I have been watching and lurking and both sides have relevant points.

I just want this to end somehow... not sure how or what to do about it. Surely this is not good for Voat, right?

I don’t trust many people here but the ones I do are purely responding to your outbursts in the only way they know, even on your side of the fence.

Does this make it all right? Oh heck no, definitely not all of the time. I just don’t understand your posts in how you have to constantly beat a dead horse over and over again. Is this pride I sense ?

I think the best option is for people to just block those who are spewing this constant drama. If one is certain of oneself what another one says becomes totally irrelevant.

If you come back to me excluding an ad hominem reply I will truly be surprised as this seems hard for you to do lately.

Crensch ago

There was no ad hominem attack against you in the previous comment.

I called you a sick fuck for defending your buddy in a comment before that. If you want to get technical, yes that is ad hominem but it is not a fallacy because I did not base any argumentation off of that.

Given what happened, only one side has relevant points.

Did you see my latest submission?

Maybe you should ask yourself where it goes from there. Maybe you should ask yourself how you come back from that as a forum.

Who is going to feel safe here? Who has felt safe here for the last seven months? Only your sick fuck buddies.

And only now, now that they're not having any more fun, because I am constantly calling them out, are you wanting to talk about how to move forward.

22030621? ago

Did you see my latest submission?


Maybe you should ask yourself where it goes from there. Maybe you should ask yourself how you come back from that as a forum.

Are you saying all is lost?

Who is going to feel safe here? Who has felt safe here for the last seven months?

I don’t think anyone has ever truly felt safe here.

Only your sick fuck buddies.

What does this even mean an no I don’t tjink so why would you even say that? Who are you specifically referring to here?

And only now, now that they're not having any more fun, because I am constantly calling them out, are you wanting to talk about how to move forward.

I don’t think your calling out anything will change peoples perspective on how to deal with life. Voat is mostly separate to peoples IRL day-to-days. A lot of folks that I have known merely came here to break away from normality and they role play I guess as a form of escape.

Crensch ago

I don’t think anyone has ever truly felt safe here.

Some did, and now they no longer post here. And no new posters aren't going to be interested in having fun and not being so on guard with any information they might share because they might get doxxed.

What does this even mean an no I don’t tjink so why would you even say that? Who are you specifically referring to here?

Every shitposting buddy you have that cannot respond to this submission. Every single one. Not one of you publicly called out anyone doxxing me.

A lot of folks that I have known merely came here to break away from normality and they role play I guess as a form of escape.

Everyone that comes here comes here as an escape. You and your ilk stole that from many people now.

Constant doxxing, harassment, threats...

And your targets feel alone and attacked from every side because every last one of you seems to be fine with that kind of behavior. Most partaking.

SandHog ago

I think zyklon's behavior went far beyond simple trolling and anyone that was paying attention should recognize this. This seems to be what Crensch is demonstrating.

Setting that aside for the moment, people need to start talking honestly about the problems here and be willing to work towards some actual solutions. Things can't continue the way they are. It's why I reached out to you in the first place.

22029225? ago

Some of the words Zyklon said was outrageous and horrific in many ways. This is true.

Setting that aside for the moment, people need to start talking honestly about the problems here and be willing to work towards some actual solutions. Things can't continue the way they are. It's why I reached out to you in the first place.

We have to move on, he is no longer here and we do need solutions, I wholeheartedly agree. This constant bickering and finger pointing has to stop and to what gain is it anyway? Solutions based discussions indeed the way forward.

SandHog ago

Solutions based discussions are indeed the way forward.

I agree. I would very much prefer that the community work together and seek solutions as opposed to any drastic changes from the admin level. The first step in doing that is to identify the problems. I don't think anyone is happy with the state of Voat outside of the shills. What do you think of my reply to you farther up in the thread? Does that seem accurate to you? Am I overlooking anything or do you see it differently?

22029915? ago

Crensch is calling me names and stuff, hold on getting back to you. On a phone and typing is

SandHog ago

Haha, no worries.