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22028131? ago

I’ll leave this here:

Online trolling is the practice of behaving in a deceptive, destructive, or disruptive manner in a social setting on the Internet with no apparent instrumental purpose. From a lay-perspective, Internet trolls share many characteristics of the classic Joker vil- lain: a modern variant of the Trickster archetype from ancient folk- lore. Much like the Joker, trolls operate as agents of chaos on the Internet, exploiting ‘‘hot-button issues’’ to make users appear overly emotional or foolish in some manner. If an unfortu- nate person falls into their trap, trolling intensifies for further, mer- ciless amusement. This is why novice Internet users are routinely admonished, ‘‘Do not feed the trolls!’’.

Crensch ago

Still defending pedophiles.

Sick fuck.

22028884? ago

I am not and your name calling means nothing just shows your ignorance on the matter.

@sandhog @madworld @vindicator

Am I in the wrong for pointing out Zyklons behavior here? In turn Crensch has become a troll in his actions, seriously guys how do we turn this mess around for the sake of Voat?

Vindicator ago

It might not be your intention, Nadesh, but yes, IMO your responding to documentation of Zyklon's fuckery with a definition of trolling as if it is some innocent "archetypal" fun is actually wrong, as is your characterization of @Crensch's continued exposure of it as equivalent "trolling".

I agree with @Sandhog: Zyklon went far beyond trolling.

Trolling implies mere hi-jinx, a detachment from direct gain (other than simple amusement) from the destruction of the target. It minimizes the evident facts of what Zyklon and behind the scenes, Kev, did. In essence, it says "Crensch is the bad guy here because he's making a mountain out of molehill."

Justice is rendering to each his due. Zyklon, Kev and all who helped them need to have their behavior fully exposed and condemned. Those who participated who have not shut down their accounts need to take responsibility for doing so and apologize. Those who exposed it, need to be recognized as having been correct instead of being scapegoated as the problem.

If you want peace, work for justice.

Crensch ago

I bet the upvotes she's getting make her feel better about herself.

22032156? ago

I gave you one, feel better?

Crensch ago

Nice deflection.

We all know my morale isn't tied to your group's voting bloc.

22032375? ago

Dude, it made me smile, have another, I genuinely hope you feel better soon. I am sorry there are those who doxxed your personal information, I had no idea.

Do you know who did it?

heygeorge ago

I agree with @sandhog and @vindicator that zyklon went way off the rails, and I know you do, too, @nadesh.

I genuinely do not take the @Crensch wheelchair dox seriously, and maybe that’s something I could give some more thought to. Concurrently, I also wonder why someone who so clearly espouses their unorthodox (for lack of a better term) views would use their first initial and last name on this website? This leads me back to not taking it very seriously, which I could perhaps mediate on.

his professor alerted to his possible connection with this username.

How does Crensch know this?

A long while ago some folks were trying to dox me, PMing me poison links. One of them is still active.

SandHog ago

That doxing stuff is cancer. Once it gets started it will only escalate. That's the only outcome that can happen. Posting some poor innocent sap's real information here and associating it with a Voat account they know nothing about is bad. Posting someone's real identity and threatening them with the sole intent to drive them off the platform is even worse.

I just want all this stuff to stop. Everyone should if they really give a shit about Voat. Look what it has done to this place. Nobody trusts anyone enough to even speak to each other without slathering it with vitriol. Nobody wants to generate any real content or even comment and get some good discussion going. It's all just Q, or bitching about Q or this person did this or that person did that and it really fucking sucks. If that effort was channeled by all the people complaining about shit, myself included, into generating interesting content or discussion Voat, things would be 1000x better. We can't undo what has happened. Perhaps there are amends that can be made and perhaps not. I don't know. What I do know is that people need to start talking in earnest and try to set aside all the emotion and figure out a path forward and a way that we can make sure something like this doesn't happen again.

As far as the shitstorm itself, there were several moving parts involved in as near as I can determine. Zyklon aside, some of it was shitposters doing what they do and causing chaos for chaos' sake and piling on. Some of it was people over-reacting; at least to the outside observer. And then there was also some...entity, let's call it that for lack of a better term atm, that was absolutely acting with malicious intent and had been for quite some time going back to v/pizzagate. All this stuff combined to form a perfect storm.

A long while ago some folks were trying to dox me, PMing me poison links. One of them is still active.

That is the type of thing that Voat should be made aware of. People like that should not be permitted on Voat.

SearchVoatBot ago

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22036375? ago

You are so right sandhog and I am sorry I haven’t been able to be the person you need me to be here. I genuinely want to help Voat even though goats are notoriously stubborn.

Who was this external entity stirring the pot? Can we join forces and put our energies towards that instead of biting each other to death? I am not so sure.

SandHog ago

You are so right sandhog and I am sorry I haven’t been able to be the person you need me to be here. I genuinely want to help Voat even though goats are notoriously stubborn.

It's ok, nobody is perfect! I know I'm certainly not. I try real hard though! :) I think we all want the same thing. The problem seems to be that everyone is working off of different data sets and information and some of it appears to be conflicting.

Who was this external entity stirring the pot? Can we join forces and put our energies towards that instead of biting each other to death? I am not so sure.

That is what I am hoping for and trying to determine here. For that to actually happen we have to compare notes and figure out what is true and what is not. Likely both sides are half right but the truth will only be found when we combine our knowledge. Otherwise everyone is working off of incomplete information and jumping to false assumptions and then acting on them. That is why I believe there is an external force at play here. There is evidence of that but I don't have enough information to nail it down. I don't think anyone does. That's why we need to talk honestly and remove all the emotion because the emotion is what is clouding everything.