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Gothamgirl ago

Sorry to see you go, and if I played a part in your decision, I apologize. I just can't let someone trash me and my family, and felt like I needed to defend myself.

22036542? ago

Oh you, I don’t have personal issues with anyone here. I may not like the way they go about things though which is another matter.

Take care of you and yours as best you can.

PS: @sandhog definitely said it best, please read this:

Gothamgirl ago

You take care too, and thanks for sharing.

SandHog ago

Hold on GG. You are a part of this too and your input is going to be critical to figuring out what the hell is really going on. I think we've all been duped and set against each other intentionally. Please, help us to get to the truth in all this. Someone has been gaslighting v/pizzagate for a long time and we really need to figure this out. I'm sorry you were doxed. I had nothing to do with that. You did not deserve it. No one did. I know that you spent a ton of time on v/pizzagate doing research. I actually found some of your and Flynn's old laughing horse research as a consequence of me trying to figure out who the fuck has been gaslighting all of us.

Gothamgirl ago

All of it went to far. I don't know much about any gaslighting on Pizzagate. I stopped being there as much, once Srayzie said she wanted me to leave. I have an idea of who it could be though, before all this started, Argosciv talked shit about everyone in my inbox, trying his best to stir up conflict.

SandHog ago

Read what I sent you, it's important.

Gothamgirl ago

I just read it, thanks for sharing 😊

SandHog ago
