Demonsweat2 ago

I'll miss you. Fren

22044288? ago

Me too :(

Sn0w1 ago

Seems to be an epidemic.

Sn0w1 ago

Nothing changes because of this. We all still love you

I hope it gets better without here

22044299? ago

Thank you kind Sir! Be blessed!

22041783? ago

Much love from me!

DanglingGoatBalls ago

luv ya kat

BrennKommando ago

Would be sad to see you go, there aren't all that many level headed people left on Voat. And you are right I really should try to be myself in regards to "that thing" we talked about. I really should know better, but I'm stupid sometimes :P

I don't really know you that well, but I have enjoyed our interactions and wish you nothing but the best :)

22041705? ago

I don't really know you that well, but I have enjoyed our interactions and wish you nothing but the best :)

Same here, keep in touch and I pray all these things resolve themself over time.

Take care you!

i_scream_trucks ago

Crensch is a massive whiny fucking faggot with zero power. Ignore the cunt and your life gets much easier quickly.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its true. Not what it used to be, and will never be the same. Was ruined by various things. The only way i am here is by not taking it all too seriously. If you cant get into that cant be here.

In the end, all of us deserving of making it are all gonna make it. Your path may be such that you don't have time for voat. Once you become dead weight.

See you on the flip side Clyde!

22041763? ago

I am not taking it seriously to the point of it effecting my decision. You and I both know that IRL matters more and I am merely allowing more space for that.

I have spent countless hours here and these hrs are probably better spent in building myself up to be a more well rounded person, focussing on daily requirements and building for my future.

I love you guys and genuinely hope and want the best for you all!

Take care you!

Crensch ago

I noticed you're still here. Did you change your mind like a weak hormone slit?

You've had plenty of time to let it all settle in.

Well, at least the first stages of it. How does it feel to have friends like the one you're responding to here that straight up continues being friends with a literal pedophile?

If I had a friend that I knew was friends with a pedophile, he wouldn't be my friend anymore. But you? Nah. You're an overemotional fronthole that wants reality to change itself to fit your desires.

It never will, though, and what really happened here all this time will come crashing down around you in the next couple of weeks, if you're lucky... and stronger than I believe you are. Months, or even years, might not be enough, finally realizing your friends were morally bankrupt, and you spent so much time pretending to be a moral paragon while smiling and laughing and playing with them here.

ExpertShitposter ago

Best of luck. But you don't need luck, you gonna make it!


heygeorge ago

We’ll miss you, Nadeshda. You have frequently been a beacon of light in the dark, and I admire your kindness and tenacity, even to those who may not seem to deserve it but probably need it the most.

Stop by sometime, we’ll leave the light on.

22064629? ago

I missed this post. If you can let her know she will be missed. Please do.


22041774? ago

Stop by sometime, we’ll leave the light on.

We’ll keep in touch, send my regards to the family Sir!

Hugs and blessings sent your way! Oodles even!

VoatContainmentGuard ago

bobs or GTFO

22037061? ago

Thank you and take care. Blessings upon you and yours with much insight and love!

Crensch ago

You know what? I've been awful to you, Nadesh. I want to say this one thing before you go:

VoatContainmentGuard ago

what a dick. Why is it you bow at Buddha's feet yet talk to everyone else like dirt? Just curious

22037074? ago

Lol, okay Crensch amigo bye... !

Crensch ago

Yeah, leave it to a weak fronthole to think I was actually being nice there.

I guess sarcasm isn't something you learn about in (((SBBH))), just how to project your own faults onto others and laugh about it.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I guess sarcasm isn't something you learn about in (((SBBH))), just how to project your own faults onto others and laugh about it.

Rabbi need a mirror?

22037157? ago

Lol, you are on a roll please keep going... keep sending me pictures, it’s cheering me up!

Crensch ago

Your friends are immoral sacks of shit, and you decided to defend them. When you realized you couldn't you decided to leave this website.

Nothing you ever do will cheer you up from that.

22037338? ago

I decided to leave this site as there are things IRL I need to wrap my head around.

You are just being annoying by insisting it’s about all about you. No mate that is why I made my post, I’ll will not let you make up lies about me, just stop. I wanted to say good bye without you hijacking that moment and I should have never pinged you. My bad as you just cannot contain yourself, can you...

Crensch ago

I decided to leave this site as there are things IRL I need to wrap my head around.

Like how awful your "friends" on Voat are?

You are just being annoying by insisting it’s about all about you. No mate that is why I made my post, I’ll will not let you make up lies about me, just stop. I wanted to say good bye without you hijacking that moment and I should have never pinged you. My bad as you just cannot contain yourself, can you...

This timing is just about as perfect as it can be. I can tell you're emotionally distraught, and trying everything you can to continue being happy. All you had to do was finish our conversation to its conclusion and admit your friends are pieces of shit.

You couldn't do it, and instead tried to escape to your shitposting.

Enjoy trying to convince yourself it's anything else.

22037549? ago

Yawn getting tired of listening to you ramble along... I may stop replying dont take it personal, oh wait nevermind, it’s you, of course you are going to take it personal.

Heck if I know why of all the days we start talking today and the universe decides to throw me a curveball IRL? Dude, talking to you may be a bad thing, like a curse or something... I don’t know, sorry you don’t get my kill badge. So sorry, please don’t cry!

Crensch ago

"I'm totally not crying, and totally yawning and sleepy-posting because you're totally not getting to me! This timing, oh it's just SO AWFUL and so INCREDIBLY IMPLAUSIBLE that something would happen RIGHT as I was finally learning the truth about my (((friends)))! It's not because of that I'm leaving! Oh, no! It's something IRL that JUST SO HAPPENED TO HAVE HAPPENED RIGHT NOW."

The lady doth protest too much.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

srayzie, time for you to shut the fuck up.

22037676? ago

Lol, you do that so well! Darn sorry but you made me smile again... night night Crensch

Crensch ago

Enjoy it as the full realization of your wasted time here hits you like a brick shithouse.

You have people that pal around with pedophiles for friends.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

That's a bummer, chica. You'll be missed but not forgotten.

22037093? ago

Take care Sir and may you and your house be blessed!

Dkeere ago

Stay on chat though.


22037084? ago

I’ll try say hello fren from time to time...

Gothamgirl ago

Sorry to see you go, and if I played a part in your decision, I apologize. I just can't let someone trash me and my family, and felt like I needed to defend myself.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Sorry to see you go, and if I played a part in your decision, I apologize.

you good, but there be parasites among us

Sorry to see you go, and if I played a part in your decision, I apologize.

22036542? ago

Oh you, I don’t have personal issues with anyone here. I may not like the way they go about things though which is another matter.

Take care of you and yours as best you can.

PS: @sandhog definitely said it best, please read this:

Gothamgirl ago

You take care too, and thanks for sharing.

SandHog ago

Hold on GG. You are a part of this too and your input is going to be critical to figuring out what the hell is really going on. I think we've all been duped and set against each other intentionally. Please, help us to get to the truth in all this. Someone has been gaslighting v/pizzagate for a long time and we really need to figure this out. I'm sorry you were doxed. I had nothing to do with that. You did not deserve it. No one did. I know that you spent a ton of time on v/pizzagate doing research. I actually found some of your and Flynn's old laughing horse research as a consequence of me trying to figure out who the fuck has been gaslighting all of us.

Gothamgirl ago

All of it went to far. I don't know much about any gaslighting on Pizzagate. I stopped being there as much, once Srayzie said she wanted me to leave. I have an idea of who it could be though, before all this started, Argosciv talked shit about everyone in my inbox, trying his best to stir up conflict.

SandHog ago

Read what I sent you, it's important.

Gothamgirl ago

I just read it, thanks for sharing 😊

SandHog ago


honyot ago

yeah. i'm pretty much shut down too. you guys know its not jews, right?

22036295? ago


DanglingGoatBalls ago

you guys know its not jews, right?

surely knot?



22036102? ago

Sorry my friend sometimes these things happen.

Crensch ago

Oh, come on. You couldn't handle the truth about your (((friends))) here, and when you found your position indefensible lest you lose those (((friends))), you decided to call it quits.

Here is a nest where you started off defending Zyklon_b, the pedophile druggie and probably paid shill that threatened to sodomize many users' children.

Here is where you figured out that your position, and your (((SBBH))) people are indefensible.

honyot ago

i need a little more light over here. you mind standing next to me so I can read by your glow?

Crensch ago

1.5 hours, ccp1

Hi, Nadesh.

honyot ago

  • definitely not a doctor, spoopy ol' squirrel.

22036543? ago

You're not a doctor, you're a loony!

DanglingGoatBalls ago

You're not a doctor, you're a loony!

Dr. @Honyot we have an urgent patient. Please report to the surgery unit. @crensch needs a Full Lobotomy and I have @heygeorge on standby as ambulance truck driver

heygeorge ago



DanglingGoatBalls ago

already had a failed lobotomy? i already gave him two of those. hmmm... perhaps i should consult Dr. ESOTERICshade and see if i am doing this right.

22036084? ago

Oh, come on. You couldn't handle the truth about your (((friends))) here, and when you found your position indefensible lest you lose those (((friends))), you decided to call it quits.


Here is where you figured out that your position, and your (((SBBH))) people are indefensible.

Lies, there is more to this world then just you or Voat for that matter. There are personal things at play here and best not shared but live in your delusion because you will anyway regardless of what I say.

ExpertShitposter ago

there is more to this world then just Voat

LoL, not for @Crensch there isn't. Can you imagine anyone putting up with him IRL? That is why he is bound to this place.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

strange words for the great gasser of jews and murderer of brown children yes? expertshitposter im pretty sure crensch is getting paid to do this. luv ya buddy. its been real. if you know a crensch free zone hit my PM box.

ExpertShitposter ago

I do not. Maybe we should look for it? A....dare i space for shtposters?

honyot ago

the truth is your armor, naddy. they can not pierce it.

Crensch ago

Oh, the truth is the dagger in her heart. She just realized it, and can't cope.

22036431? ago

Oh you :) take care!

Crensch ago

Lies, there is more to this world then just you or Voat for that matter. There are personal things at play here and best not shared but live in your delusion because you will anyway regardless of what I say.

Oh, that timing is totally coincidental, I'm sure. Of ALL the times you could have done this, only now have you decided to pull the trigger because IRL?

Come the fuck on.

22036243? ago

Oh, that timing is totally coincidental, I'm sure. Of ALL the times you could have done this, only now have you decided to pull the trigger because IRL?

This is the truth Crensch, whether you believe or it. If only you had discernment. I’ll pray for your soul.

Crensch ago

I have pattern recognition above that of nigger-tier.

Enjoy your exit from the immoral fuckwits that will DM you, but will never be responded to, or will be for a little while before you fade away.

22036310? ago

Goodbye Crensch

Crensch ago

You sound sad. I would be, too, if I realized my friends were all morally bankrupt pieces of shit.

22036417? ago

I am sad right now, yes, but definitely not because of anything you said today, I just got some sad news that’s all, but keep being an arse about things, it comes so natural to you now.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Crensch.

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Crensch ago

Don't worry, if you stick around I'll be sure to point out that my not being nice to you kept you here.

If you'd just kept your stupid little nose out of things, instead of defending your kike buddies in the past few weeks, I'd have wished you well.

Now I just know you're weaker than srayzie, because at least her family was threatened by a violent convict/pedophile and her IRL doxxed. You just can't handle the truth about your friends.

22036498? ago

I am not leaving because of you, get over it.

Crensch ago

Keep putting on that brave face as tears stream down your face.

Your buddies all love to tell me how women shouldn't be on the internet anyway, and how they're weak, emotional creatures that never bring anything good to anything.

Now they have another target they can attack for being a weak woman!

And you didn't even need any of them to stab you in the back!

22036575? ago

You’re a joke

Crensch ago

Weak woman can't even wait to get stabbed in the back or doxxed first! You know, really doxxed!

The friends you made here, your entire life here, is wasted, and you just now figured it out. All your shitposting and having fun with (((friends))) is a lie, and you get to live with that for the rest of your life.

How does it feel to be an immoral, weak fronthole?

22037012? ago

You are such a sad, sad person and you are attacking me to what end? Stroke your ego? Justify your position, the very position you created in your own mind.

No once again, you are deluded and creating stories in your head. The friends I made here are very real, genuine and wonderful in many ways and have blessed me beyond your limited understanding.

Furthermore, I see you play devils advocate really well. I see you are bedfellows with him in your state of unbelief and decay. The demons are just waiting to drag you further into their grips of insanity. Stand fast or you will fall to their bidding in no time as you regularly take their council.

Maybe your job is to burn Voat to the ground? Who knows, all I know is my life is changing and the amount of time and energy it will take to help turn the ship around is not something I have to give at this moment. I hope @puttitout returns soon though.

Crensch ago

No once again, you are deluded and creating stories in your head. The friends I made here are very real, genuine and wonderful in many ways and have blessed me beyond your limited understanding.

They're immoral friends of pedophiles, if not pedophiles themselves. They don't bat an eye at doxxing people. Your friends are immoral degenerates, no matter what they may or may not believe about a god.

You are such a sad, sad person and you are attacking me to what end? Stroke your ego? Justify your position, the very position you created in your own mind.

You were having a real conversation with me, and instead of continuing, took the coward's way out and started trying to shitpost again... to smile or be happy or to find the humor or good things in life or whatever new-age nonsense you spewed about it.

You're a coward, and you seem well-loved by all the shitposters. You're acting weaker than srayzie ever did, yet they don't seem to want to pounce on and stab you in the back. They're hypocrites that will never be consistent in their actions or words.

Have the tears dried on your face yet? I noticed you're still pretending that you don't realize your "freinds" here are the subhuman scum they've shitposted about for years.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

you declared v/greatawakening a shit posting sub and now you hate shit posters. me thinks you are full of shit.

SandHog ago

Would you fucking stop for a second? I am telling you we have all been duped.


22037043? ago

You are right, but I don’t have enough information, so how do we deal with the Crensch in the meantime to convince him there are outside parties manipulating the drama? How, Sandhog? How?

SandHog ago

Sent info.

22037679? ago

Thanks received it’s late so the reply was short and sweet. Thanks for all you do!

Crensch ago

What of my claims and evidence are subject to my having been duped?

There's your answer.

This doesn't stop.

Crensch ago

Would you fucking stop for a second? I am telling you we have all been duped.

11th hour information just happened to be delivered to you?

Color me suspicious as hell.

SandHog ago

No, just been putting pieces together and trying to figure out why everyone is pointing fingers at each other. It should be familiar to you.

Crensch ago

Should it?

I'd say I'm pointing fingers at exactly the people that need fingers pointed at them. What part of what I'm doing is subject to being duped?

SandHog ago

What is the common denominator in all of the division that started this whole mess? What if someone was in a position that was capable of convincing three different pg groups to fight against each other and frame the others as shills? Who would benefit? What has happened on Voat at large? Why would someone do that? Think. Who is responsible for driving pgers off. Driving Goats off?

Crensch ago

What is the common denominator in all of the division that started this whole mess?

SBBH, Kevdude, PV, Trigglypuff, Zyklon, Gothamgirl.

What if someone was in a position that was capable of convincing three different pg groups to fight against each other and frame the others as shills?

I don't believe PG groups started this particular mess.

Who would benefit? What has happened on Voat at large? Why would someone do that?

Jews. Soros. Deepstate. Pedophiles.

Think. Who is responsible for driving pgers off.

ESOTERICshade, gothamgirl, twistedmac, carmencita, nomochomo, shewhomustbeobeyed.

Driving Goats off?