Crensch ago

You sure like to defend them.

Crensch ago

Another user that can't English.

Learn to write from a 5th grader then come back.

Gothamgirl ago


Gothamgirl ago

Hey Dial 😊 I hope all is well with you.

Crensch ago

How's the white-knighting going? Does she let you touch her 80 year old spider-web hair yet?

Gothamgirl ago

At least I am not married with a head of kike kinks.

Crensch ago

You're not married at all and have subhuman garbage for offspring.

Gothamgirl ago

I know I am not married., just the way I like it.

My offspring could destroy you in a NY minute in real life, and they are much whiter then your flappy fantasy freak.

Crensch ago

Immoral. Just the way you like it.

Bestiality. Just the way you like it.

Your kids could audition for section ape and get it before handing the paperwork to the nigger behind the desk.

Gothamgirl ago

I am not into bestiality you fucking freak. My kids cant play Srayzie's husband.?! You already beat them to it.

Crensch ago

Do you understand how English words work, cave troll?

And yeah, you are into bestiality. Your kids are half taconigger. They're low-IQ subhumans. You let some tacoslug use your disgusting single-mother hole to make offspring.

beefartist ago

@crensch is a fag

FridayJones ago

He's actually Mobility Mary.

xenoPsychologist ago

women are basically children. we should be keeping them disciplined, but theyre running rampant, trading implications of sex for favors from men, which they then inflict on other men. its quite a shame.

Crensch ago

Hey, @heygeorge @clamhurt_legbeard @Rotteuxx @ExpertShitposter

You're welcome, guys. I know it's tough sometimes to find these wounded gazelles out here in the wide world of Voat, but I figured I could do you a solid just this once.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

holy fuck dude you're like a super bad guy villain in a movie

Crensch ago

Oh, you're RIGHT! My bad, I need a jealous fronthole like @Trigglypuff to get after it so her betas will follow and white-knight for her!

Hey @Trigglypuff, @Nadesh is hotter than you are!

Is that what you meant, @VoatContianmentGuard? I was missing something like those bad guys in a movie?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Do you do an evil laugh after every post?

Crensch ago

Oh, wait, are you saying these guys won't be consistent, or something? Stab her in the back? Reveal personal info to get her doxxed? Plaster her pic all over a subverse? Call her a weak woman that should know better than to get on the internet?


Rotteuxx ago

Was she stupid enough to reveal personal info to strangers?

Was she stupid enough to use her pic as a social media avatar?

With the same username on multiple platforms?

Talking about consistency...

Crensch ago

Was she stupid enough to reveal personal info to strangers?

She's so weak she doesn't need to.

Was she stupid enough to use her pic as a social media avatar?

She's so weak she doesn't need to.

With the same username on multiple platforms?

None of which would have led any of you to her IRL without @kevdude leaking info given in confidence.

Also, @Nadesh is so weak she doesn't need to.

Talking about consistency...

Your friend @Nadesh was lamenting about the state of this site. So was @heygeorge.

You're such a beta white knight for triggly that you still don't understand why Voat is the way it is today.

Define 'high-trust society'.

Crensch ago


After you define 'high-trust society', reconcile with your words.

Rotteuxx ago

As if I'd jump on your command, lol.

Keep on reeeeeing in your bubble world of self righteousness.

Crensch ago

Apparently, you can't even do this simple task in your head, in a fraction of a second.

You are the cancer that your own people are looking to find a solution to. Enjoy knowing that going forward.

Rotteuxx ago

I told you, idgaf what you ask, I don't jump through hoops for you mental illness.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#85958) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Rotteuxx: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Crensch ago

I know that your mind did it automatically anyway. I didn't actually want an answer, it was rhetorical.

How does it feel to be the cancer that has pushed voat to this point?

Rotteuxx ago

You tell me, Mr drama all day every day.

Crensch ago

Are you butthurt that I'm finally responding to six months worth of constant pings and drama from you and your buddies?

Trying to be clever doesn't change the fact that you are the reason that voat is a low-trust society that nobody wants to contribute to.

Rotteuxx ago

I pinged yo twice 7 monghs ago and 7 times in the past 2 weeks,m agter you started your tantrums and pinged me into them.

Stop projecting

Crensch ago

Try again, liar. Multiple instances of you pinging me before I finally started to respond.

Rotteuxx ago

How many of those comments are direct replies to you ?

Crensch ago

Not many, but you can see that just fine all on your own.

Crensch ago

Nobody cares about you, guntpiggy.

Gothamgirl ago

Ha! Even less care about you. Well have a great night Crensch. I guess the block button on the site doesn't work right or something cause I still see you whining all day long.

Crensch ago

You see it because you stalk my comments like a hungry fat fuck watching a donut shop before it opens.

Gothamgirl ago

1990 1990 1990 1990 1990

1990 1990 1990 1990 1990

1990 1990 1990 1990 1990

1990 1990 1990 1990 1990

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#84656) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Gothamgirl: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Crensch ago

Is that the year of Anencephaly, genetic failure?

22036592? ago

Stroke your ego mate that’s all you got.

Crensch ago

Even if that were true, it's more than you have right now.

22037124? ago

Lol, you have no idea but keep cracking jokes.

Crensch ago

The real joke is what you thought was your life for the past few years on here.

All your "friends" don't actually care about innocent people, or Voat. Some part of you knows this. THEY killed Voat.

THEY made it what it is. THEY teamed up with a literal pedophile to attack his victim.

Those are your friends. The ones you've spend all this time thinking were good people to share your experiences with.

Crensch ago

Women shouldn't be on the internet, right? They're weak, and fragile, and stupid, and they only bring problems, right?

Her fault for being a woman, and all that? Hell, she wasn't even doxxed or stabbed in the back by one of you!


BushChuck ago

I'm going to need you to kill yourself now.


Crensch ago

Anyone else enjoying the mood?

Gothamgirl ago

Couldn't be happier 😁

Crensch ago

Is it the anencephaly that keeps you happy?

Crensch ago

1990 anencephaly isn't ticking.

Gothamgirl ago

It wasn't 1990. And youre not 1990 quality. Your not a shitposter, your a Streetshitter, and after reading some of the 2 possible doxxes on you, it's clear you need depends, for you ass and your mouth.

There is one thing that Germans make, very well and are very known for. Which I own a few. Here's to thinking about you Pro Nazi 🀣

Crensch ago

Your daughter isn't 1990 material because she couldn't anencephaly her way out of it.

Now there is no Tick Tock from her. It's all your fault. If your fat hadn't squished her skull, she would still be here.

Gothamgirl ago

I was 105lbs when I got pregnant, there you go again thinking I should be 90lb kid, sick freak!

Crensch ago

We both know your face shows that you're nothing but a butter Golem. The combination of fat and prehistoric genetics caused your daughter to choose suicide.

BushChuck ago

Tell us how you're gonna do it, and we can start celebrating.