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22028131? ago

I’ll leave this here:

Online trolling is the practice of behaving in a deceptive, destructive, or disruptive manner in a social setting on the Internet with no apparent instrumental purpose. From a lay-perspective, Internet trolls share many characteristics of the classic Joker vil- lain: a modern variant of the Trickster archetype from ancient folk- lore. Much like the Joker, trolls operate as agents of chaos on the Internet, exploiting ‘‘hot-button issues’’ to make users appear overly emotional or foolish in some manner. If an unfortu- nate person falls into their trap, trolling intensifies for further, mer- ciless amusement. This is why novice Internet users are routinely admonished, ‘‘Do not feed the trolls!’’.

Crensch ago

Still defending pedophiles.

Sick fuck.

22028884? ago

I am not and your name calling means nothing just shows your ignorance on the matter.

@sandhog @madworld @vindicator

Am I in the wrong for pointing out Zyklons behavior here? In turn Crensch has become a troll in his actions, seriously guys how do we turn this mess around for the sake of Voat?

Crensch ago

You are. And it's funny how all of you are all of a sudden holding out an olive branch despite 7 months of constantly bringing the situation up, only you were attacking the pedophile's victim, and attacking me for defending her.

You, personally, mostly stayed out of it until recently when you decided to have a problem with me calling out your sick fuck buddies.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

And it's funny how all of you are all of a sudden holding out an olive branch despite 7 months of constantly bringing the situation up, only you were attacking the pedophile's victim, and attacking me for defending her.

Thats not the case. A lot of of people have tried to explain to you how off the rails it is for you to take a Zyklon troll, turn it into the phrase "literal pedophile", and then proceed to brand people that disagree with you as a "literal pedophile." If you had any idea how unhinged you appear in your fantastical self appointed role of "crensch against the pedophile mob" you would be embarrased.

I tried to illustrate the absurdity of that to you by saying that you wanted to murder srayzie's kids since you think "brown invaders should be killed." If we wanted to be as absurd as you have been we could have "gone on a crusade to save srayzie's kids from crensch the LITERAL killer of brown children" but we cut you some slack.

Before you knee jerk pop off at the mouth and write paragraphs about how the two are not equivalent give it some thought. You took Zyklons words, (yes they are appalling) and turned words into an active pedophile, then painted a dozen people with the same brush.

If the same standards were applied to YOUR WORDS we could have run a multi week campaign to "save srayzie's brown kids from crensch the psychotic killer of brown children." We didnt do it, but by YOUR logic it would have been justified.

Don't start writing books. Just think about it.

Crensch ago

A lot of of people have tried to explain to you how off the rails it is for you to take a Zyklon troll, turn it into the phrase "literal pedophile"

Define "pedophile"

Define a person that thinks about raping children multiple times a day for over a month, and threatens to do it.

and then proceed to brand people that disagree with you as a "literal pedophile."

I've said you DEFENDED one.

Nice try.

I bet the rest of your comment is utter horseshit, too.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Define "pedophile"

A person that has physical sexual contact with a minor, or even stretching, groom a child to have sex with an adult? Both disgusting and and illegal. Considering that you obviously have information that these crimes have occured you should report that to your nearest police department. YOU HAVE LEFT COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF FOOT TRACKS that indicate you know of sex crimes against children.

I've said you DEFENDED one.

proof is necessary big mouth.