DanglingGoatBalls ago

The fact that the IG report had nothing in it that brought justice to our world has nothing to do with Voat. Ya know? Unless you believe srayzie is somehow known to the D.C. world?

Connecting srayzie to the IG report, as you try to do, is pretty silly.

argosciv ago


I look away for a figurative minute and miss this?

Crensch ago

Basically, yes.

argosciv ago

Fuck man...

I tell ya, I would not have had the energy at the time, but what a shit show – would have been interesting to watch live.

Crensch ago

The interesting parts are coming - don't worry.

Building up anticipation

argosciv ago

I'll keep an eye out, as always. Even if I end up 3 days late to a party xD

Crensch ago

I figured you might.

argosciv ago

Yeah probably a good thing it came to my attention after the fact. Because reasons.

Anyway, I'm pretty drained mate, I gotta take a step back before I get sucked into rabbit holes of any kind.

Crensch ago

Sounds good.

argosciv ago

Some salty douchewad ran through downvoting us in the last hour or 2.


moderator99 ago

Things changed on voat in the past few days.

Pages are fucked up when you download them, unlike before./

Never trusted the people running this place to begin with. Would be foolish to.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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MudPuddlePie ago

"Banned for Quoting Q in Q-Subverse. No slurs. No Insults. Not Off-Topic. Just quotes (!) of Q (!!!) with timestamps."

Ahahahaaaaaa....man, you live rent free in their heads. Awesome!

(Waaaaah, @Crensch, Q, muh free speech porn, reeeeee joos, etc.)

You must be doing something right. LOL. :)

Thank you for keeping this place swept clean of these asshats.

numina18 ago

I don't understand any of this. Sorry.

Crensch ago

Tl;dr: in the day of the IG report, Shareblue types went nuts and tried to dox me. Many of the same usernames showing up for this as when they doxxed the previous owner.

This could get Voat deplatformed - removed from the internet.

Crensch ago

lsdflkoi ago

I'm with you, none of this thread makes any sense, I'm probably missing something.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @am-i-me.

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DickTick ago

I'm still really failing to see how the supposed doxxing of a single moderator out of many many many moderators that moderate many many many subs and yet that is somehow supposed to be "an atempt to deplatform voat"..... That makes absolutely zero sense... I can almost see it if it was the actual owner of the entire website being outed, but even then I'm still not sure how that would supposedly an attempted deplatforming....

Crensch ago

I'm still really failing to see how the supposed doxxing of a single moderator, out of many many many moderators that moderate many many many subs, is somehow supposed to be "an atempt to deplatform voat"

You have a problem with there being two related subjects in a submission, don't you? Either you can't recognize it, or don't want to.

This is an extension of their previous hijinks, but somehow that doesn't register - it all must blend together in the way you like it, or it's false.

Get your shit together.

DickTick ago


I know everybody likes to pretend like there hackers and that they can go around and haxxors anybody that leaves their Facebook logged in... But that's not how this shit really works.

If all they had to do to find your personal information was do a general search for your goddamn name on here then that's not fucking doxxing, that's called "doing a fucking normal search that anyone can do" and a person who gives a shit about their privacy should have never had their name on here connected to anything in their personal life anyway, period.....

Doing a fucking search on Google is not doxxing....

Now, if you could somehow find out a picture of me, my name, or any personal information that would be fucking doxxing because there isn't one misplace binary zero or one that connects this account to absolutely anything in my real life... Just the way I want it. So if they come out and showed anything personal on me that would mean they actually gained it by some sort of real hacking/doxxing.. not by doing a simple search on the internet that any 5 year old child could do.... and from what I see here that's exactly what this looks like.

That's the same as the people around here that use the same username on Twitter but they also use their own personal pictures on Instagram and Twitter as well... and then have the audacity to get all butt hurt when somebody supposably "doxxes" them by simply finding the same or very similar username on multiple platforms... That's not doxxing, but there is a name for it..... it's called "Fucking Shitty Operational Security".... And I don't see how anyone who cares about their privacy lets something like that slip... I don't even log in to my more secretive private accounts on the same device that I log into my personal life stuff... Those devices never touch, are never connected by bluetooth, or anything else.... and I sure as shit don't log into personal accounts and non personal accounts on the same phone at the same time. I would be willing to bet money thatt not even an actual hacker could connect my two sets of accounts or even tell me what my first name is or even what state I live in.... If you're not at minimum running a good trustworthy VPN at all times then you're simply a fool... It's also very foolish to pretend to care about personal privacy but then leave bread crumbs all over the internet connecting your personal life to this one..... You can't complain about a personal lapse in security when other people are simply pointing out those security flaws, regardless of whether they have good or bad intentions. In reality, they are only doing you a favor by pointing out the obvious flaws you need to fix if you actually care the way this post seems to insinuate you do....

MudPuddlePie ago

Purposefully obtuse and a logical fallacy, DT. Your argument doesn't hold water.

We have a user name here but since we use our real names in other places then, according to you, it's okay to "find" someone and put out personal information. (That argument is so stupid is hurts.)

If a person wants to be private in one place and public another, doesn't mean that they lose all privacy, everywhere.

Nice try.

These people are stupid - Q

IamJulianAssange ago

yeah but wot do u expekt from a blood sucking schlong faggot parasite?

MudPuddlePie ago

DT has an agenda here on GA.

Crensch ago

Doing a fucking search on Google is not doxxing....

Way to miss the point and focus on some semantic point that is pretty irrelevant to the overall idea being communicated.

Maltherian1 ago

We both know you’re secretly highlypaidorgypro. Don’t deny it. I’m on to you and your filthy butt plug fetish.

DickTick ago

And why exactly would the main moderator of a single sub brush being doxxed somehow take the whole site down? That really doesn't make very much sense at all..

Crensch ago

What happens when a site is painted as being used to ruin some female or some handicapped dude's life? What happens when these people go legal?

You're dense.

zaakir1 ago

Crensch buddy, you're right... but your delivery isn't winning you anything

Crensch ago

Yeah, been worked to the bone irl, but I needed to get the info out there and keep them buzzing.

I'll clean it up later and put it in a nice little easy to digest pill (or pills) for consumption.

Nodabunaga ago

i honestly think the most "ultra right wing", antisemetic comments are from undercover lefties/Antifa soros paid shills.

Despite the fact that this behavior is far away of all ethic and moral standarts, I absolutly have no idea how to prevent this exept to block everyone who is linking private accounts of people to members on voat like it happened to you

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Not to mention that the fucking pigkikiniggernog EsotericShit has his alts trolling these parts and starting shit with people and carrying on about a ship and jews. As if. We already know this mantra. But they can't get anyone worked up over it, and when anyone mocks them they get all fucked up and angry rage mad and start exposing their fat asses.

theoldones ago

speaking of timing, why is it @heygeorge picked now, out of all times to make a second run at me on SBBH?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

speaking of timing, why is it @heygeorge picked now, out of all times to make a second run at me on SBBH?

Because you are very important in the New World Order scheme. heygeorge is a high level operative with a lot of classified information. He understands that you must be taken out because of how important you are in the hierarchy of the New World Order. You are watched very closely, theoldones, very closely.

Crensch ago

Guessing he's after anyone with any fight left in them against himself and his zyklon-pedo crew.

crocJT ago

Avalanche gaining speed.

Crensch ago

No kidding. They're pulling out all the stops, bringing back usernames that have been gone for months (@virge) to try and legitimize their consensus-cracking.