PrettyBigDouche ago

PaulBSmith - worst troll ever.

luigifan9 ago

I just gave voat a good look around after the final few subreddits I followed got taken over by marxists, and even thedonald and conservative are zionist shillholes. I think I'll be right at home here

Diggernicks ago

Except that many tiny dicked mods of subverses will ban you here if your post opposes their viewpoint and hurts their delicate fee fees.

fuzzysaucer ago

I enjoyed reading this so much. I totally pictured that nigger-kike-transbeast screeching all that while shaking its fists with the arm fat dangling.

Rey4 ago

Okay, all the things Paul excuses Voat is stuff the left does all the time. And his only proof is more Fake News.

c_anthony ago

I love how quickly he descended into anti-white, racist shit. Funny stuff.

fluxusp ago

The successor of JohnCStevenson.

Qchmqs ago

I agree with the commenting and posting limits shit, we should go the 4/route with no imaginary points, or imaginary points shouldn't really matter, or else it'll end up like reddit, where people echo the popular opinion for peers approval and karmawhoring

Goathole ago

Do you hear how arrogant they are?

They expect to be heard whether we want to hear them or not. If he said this to me in person I'd probably walk away, if he followed he'd probably get a bullet.

Crensch ago


Acerphoon ago

"you turn into a full-fledged fascist movement" - Oh I wish!

But then again, this guy has probably never read fascist literature and doesn't know what he's talking about.

fl3x ago

Do Tweets count?

NoisyCricket ago

Comment Contribution Points: -2575

That guy must have been trying to sell his sister on the street corner to have a score like that. What a loser.

The fact he had to delete his comments is proof this place supports free speech.

For you new pukes, free speech means you have the right to say what you want. Contrary to the left, it doesn't mean you have the right to force people to hear it or that people surrender their right to reject it. Free speech is about delcaring unpopular opinions. It doesn't mean anyone likes it or cares. The important part is that you have the opportunity to find consumers in the market place of ideas. If you can't find consumers then either you're in the wrong market place, you're not delivering your idea correctly to your audience, or your ideas are shit.

lbruiser ago

Date created 12/6/17.

Date self deleted 12/30/17.

Seems a tad bit of a troll anyways.

Crensch ago

Contrary to the left, it doesn't mean you have the right to force people to hear it or that people surrender their right to reject it. Free speech is about delcaring unpopular opinions. It doesn't mean anyone likes it or cares. The important part is that you have the opportunity to find consumers in the market place of ideas. If you can't find consumers then either you're in the wrong market place, you're not delivering your idea correctly to your audience, or your ideas are shit.

Very well written.

Optional_Reading ago

No U

CowboyXero ago

I wonder if they'll just remind me to shed a single tear for them later. I'm busy trying to find Lesbian Midget Bikers Wearing Diapers Chasing Nurses Dressed Like Smurfs and beating it raw to old-school Saturday Morning Cartoons of Smurfette.

kcamstar ago

It's amazing how many people take @PaulBSmith and @JohnCStevenson seriously.

These are two of the best fed trolls on Voat.

monkeytoe101 ago

Good Ole Paul b smith. Wasn't there another guy who was like this? Can't remember his name off hand. Oh yeah John stevenson I think it was.

Paneedleribena22 ago


So trump approval rating down to 32%?

boekanier ago

He's a nigger or a jew.

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

He forgot niggerfaggotjew...

RampancyLambentRaven ago

I'd even go as far as saying that by weaponizing technology against political factions, using tech to silence free speech and the right to bear arms and illegally violate privacy and illegally spy on people, using tech to enslave us and influence government, all your doing is proving Ted Kaczynski was right and had a point when it came to technology. Technology wasn't a mistake but it turned into a mistake.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

What is your reasoning for it not being a mistake from the beginning? And where is your dividing line between technology and not-technology?

RampancyLambentRaven ago

God SESTA/FOSTA sucks. There needs to be consequences for government and technology. There will be consequences.

Hektik ago

Savage murderbywords right there

DieselBustersYes ago

Free speech hurts, nigger faggot!

DieselBustersYes ago

Best comeback ever. <3

valk2 ago

No one is bitching mate. No one is complaining here. You made an accusation, I defended myself. You didn't back up what you stated and continue to not do so.

This was the first comment in about 3 days mate. I happened to see the post on the front page when I was going to attempt to delete this account, I thought it might be related. You can check the time stamps of the time I posted my comment and the time I updated my post about not being able to delete my account. If you notice, I have updated my post each time I have tried to delete my account.

I made a comment as a joke more than to bring attention to it. I mean think about it. I can't delete my account and neither can 3 others, the next thing I see on the front page is a comment about Puttitout, the site admin, saying he won't delete someones comment. The IRONY OF IT ALL the person who I was having issues with that lead me to want to delete my account and leave voat all together is OP of this entire POST.

That was all it was, but you took it upon yourself to try to say I did something "BAD" in order to cause this issue where I can't delete my account. I then defended myself and you have done nothing to back up your stance on the issue.

There is no IF about finding a bug. IT is a bug. The site Developers have said so, and the issue here is that you won't accept that I am right.

I wasn't looking for your advice or anyone else in this matter. I was man enough to admit I made a mistake in the post I had an issue with OP about. So far, you have skirted the issue, bragged about your technical abilities and provided nothing to back up any of your claims in regards to my account.

If you don't want to continue talking that is fine as you keep saying the same things, you don't back your claims. Have a good one.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

What a weird thread. Brand new account accuses you of: "This user did something bad and pretty much caused a global lock on their account", then makes a bunch of other wild claims of being "someone important". DeputyDog may be one to tag, and keep an eye on.

valk2 ago

I am glad I am not the only one who felt in the twilight zone on this thread. I already had PeaceSeeker back me up and flat out tell the guy it's a bug on the site right now and I did nothing wrong to cause it. Thanks for the reply and taking the time to read this deep thread.

rbuchanan ago

This guy really shouldn't post during his catamenial weeks.

Natheless, he did cite Newsweek, an irrefutable juggernaut of journalistic integrity.

AOU ago

He ded.

valk2 ago

My mistake, I had a typo:

You have already be contradicted in this thread by the people who are the developers for this site. Here is the post:

{–] PeaceSeeker 0 points (+0|-0) 49 minutes ago

There are at least three. If the third person didn't make a post to /v/voatdev about then they PMed me about it. Don't remember which, but I know that there are at least three users right now who want to delete their accounts but cannot.

It should have read: You have already been contradicted here by a site developer for voat that stated this is effecting 3 people currently and in the post it has been reported by PeaceSeeker that this is a bug. Here I will make it easy so you don't have to load up the link:

[–] PeaceSeeker 0 points (+0|-0) 3 days ago

BUG. Related report. This is the related Report.

You say you read logs and deal with people pulling shit....I think you mean in your normal job and not here for voat. (Edit: Didn't mean this as a question) Why does that matter. You keep bragging about your knowledge and wanting to help Atko and Puttitout. I mean that is nice an all but it has nothing to do with this post other than you advertising your services to them.

Let me explain: If you accuse someone of something you have the burden of proof to prove it is as you say it is. Unless you do that, everything you say is moot. You are making wide speculation. Hell, when I accused the guy when I made a mistake at least there was a link to where someone had researched the issue. Like I said I was wrong about the user name and admitted it.

Unless you can point out where I did something "Bad" then this entire thread we have going is moot. I can make wild claims too, it gets both of us no where.

You seem to keep overlooking the fact I have a site Dev telling you it is a bug.

chryseos-geckota ago

You made him delete his comment.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

And i would like some one, some where, some how, some way, to make a google photos alternative that is free of charge and allows unlimited video storage and picture storage and is censorship free and the uploads of videos and pictures are timely.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

I have a real problem with politicians, google, reddit, youtube, facebook, twitter, 4chan, FBI/CIA, mods, admins, social media, forums, comment sections, censorship, SESTA/FOSTA. We really need a internet bill of rights, an internet constitution, an internet declaration of independence.

fl3x ago

They would be ignored just like the real-world documents.

valk2 ago

You didn't provide any answers other than "Hey I am an IT guy, You must have fucked up, I don't know how or why, but YOU must have done something". This your opinion and not based in FACT at all. Look I kinda did the same thing about a month ago. I saw something, I reported it and I was wrong about it. I admitted it and pointed out that while I had the wrong user name there was still something fishy with the mod logs. I get that this can happen. You might want to rethink your accusation.

You have already be contradicted in this thread by the people who are the developers for this site. Here is the post:

[–] PeaceSeeker 0 points (+0|-0) 49 minutes ago

There are at least three. If the third person didn't make a post to /v/voatdev about then they PMed me about it. Don't remember which, but I know that there are at least three users right now who want to delete their accounts but cannot.

The Developers of the site are already aware of the 3 users that are effected by this issue.

I have provided the post where I reported the issue, it is listed currently as a Bug. The three Mods for that place are as follows: Atko [O] PuttItOut [O] PeaceSeeker [J]

Do you want to keep going against the word of the people who develop the site that this isn't a bug and it is something I did wrong? If you are then please provide proof instead of conjecture. Like I stated before, I have done something similar, we all make mistakes.

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

That was special.

MetalAegis ago

And yet 'Given name Initial Sir name' sticks around with his various alts.

YashinNashi ago

"White men are all horrible" and then calls VOATERS racists.

EvilSeagull ago

That poor bastard doesn't even know what normal is.

WD_Pelley ago

You act like this is a healthy community where people can speak there minds?

I don't even need to read the rest of it. I already know his mentality.

8_billion_eaters ago

I miss the holidays. Oh, Tannenbaum..... Silver Bells. ...SILENT NIGHT!!! Those are great songs.


What Voat has perfected is a filtering system like no other. Should we call each other GOATS and only goats, wacko leftists galore will flood and overwhelm this site, thus ending the last refuge of the truly awake and aware. But in using triggering terms of endearment among ourselves, we anger the real niggers and faggots plus all of their lefty commie friends. This language disgusts them and drives them away better and more accurately than banishment. Brilliant!

The only prior exposure to this concept was while attending lectures V-50 and V-201 at the Free Enterprise Institute back in the 1990's. I developed my own version of this by telling strangers that, "Tonight I only endorse things with which I do not agree".That was good and worked well to confuse lightweights. For those who survived that and dared ask why, I'd say that "it will make it easier fou us to talk about your beliefs and interests". Hahaha! People who would laugh became my friends, but most people started looking for the exits.

We all need a filtering mechanism to chase away lightweights and leftists, as they will waste your time or try to harm you.

rbuchanan ago

Godspeed You! Gaynigger

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

That was roo long. I rodent read it.

valk2 ago

You are saying I did something that is preventing me from being able to delete my account? How in the world can you know this at all? You apparently aren't a Dev for the site.

Well you can see all my posts at this time and feel free to tell me what you think I did wrong.

You are making accusations you can't back up. I was informed by VoatDev this was a bug with the site and not a lock on my account. I did get that much information. 3 users have this issue now.

There are more users experiencing this issue each day. The only thing I can think is that one of my theories I have posted on here is indeed correct. If that is the case than I hope to god some of them aren't correct.

Outside of that, unless the fact I use random IP's through a VPN each time I connect flagged my account, then I am a total loss for what "BAD" thing I did.

Are you really OP on an ALT maybe?

glassuser ago

Oh holy shit.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

My favorite Christmas song.

nigger_plz ago

John C Stevenson crept in my mind today. I was getting buzzed, chilling, and I thought about big tittied Stormy and her upcoming interview with the female Cooper and I was thinking about Mark "pockmarked" Warner being the new Adam Shiftless taking over the Trump collusion bullshit, and I was thinking about that nigger that got his black ass blown away in Sacto. Holy fuck Sharpton is jumping in. BTW some fine ass white blond has two butterscotch kids with that nigger, that could be bad for the nigger lottery. Anyway, this JohnCStevenson popped into my fucking coconut.

Tell you what man, don't drink because you never know what the fuck will pop into your dome.

Anyway, PaulReedSmith is a guitar and I never played one. PaulBSmith ain't got nothing on Paul Reed Smith.

To quote the great porky pig,'s all folks.



srgmpdns ago

[X] rektum

bagano1 ago

It just bothers me how childish Reddit and other websites had gotten. It's awful to see how moderators for many sites side with one group and basically get rid of you to appease them. Why the fuck do you go on the internet just to talk in an echo chamber? That's fucking boring.

I'll be honest, I'm mostly conservative, but I do not support gun rights. If I was a mod on this board, I would not fucking ban anyone for supporting guns. You have the right to your opinion. That's what this country was founded on. We're not supposed to be some tinpot dictatorship where people are executed for looking at the leader the wrong way! The problem with reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and numerous other shitty sites is that they are run by man-children who do not understand they are running a business. You're not Vladimir Putin, trying to consolidate his power and control the populace, you're running a freaking message board. When you start banning people for disagreeing with you, it's the end for your site. It's over. One day, it's an annoying troll, the next, it's some guy with common sense, the next, it's a longtime member of the board who starts criticizing the color of the template.

I can understand racism and violent comments, but nannying people for name-calling and suspending/banning them for criticizing minorities? That's fucked up and has to stop.The whole "black people/Muslims are saints who can do no wrong" is bullshit and has to stop.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I do not support gun rights.

Are you saying that you essentially support slavery?

Gimmethelolz ago

I love this site and you fuckers.. Keep being assholes and honest my friends

Phaseman ago

Newbie meltdown

NotHereForPizza ago

Remember that time you posted this 3 months ago, you dumb faggot?

Is that what you do now? How long have you been recycling old posts for more karma?

Is this Reddit?


Laurentius_the_pyro ago


Fuck off back to Reddit, nigger.

NotHereForPizza ago

see, you guys are just making this more and more obvious as I read down through all of these comments

something_went_wrong ago

Had the previous post been posted under a different username, and all comments in that old thread duplicated right here too word-for-word but under all completely different usernames, then I'd say we've reached reddit standards.

Thank your for providing the link to the repost, but I think you can calm down in this case.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm more pointing out a trend than anything else, and alerting people to Crensch and company's fishy moves.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

What is "fishy" about reposting relevant posts?

Do you throw a tantrum every time there is a new migrant wave and everyone posts the Voat filtration system comic? Or are you only saying this because you have a vendetta against Crensch and so you're looking for any benign thing to try and twist into some horrible crime?

It's not like SCP even does anything.

NotHereForPizza ago

I have a vendetta against Crensch?

Hmm, that seems rather disingenuous.

But, I suppose I'll humor you once more. It's "fishy" because of the timing and the context:

The timing matters because of the recent migration. Besides, how often does Crensch do this, exactly? Should we really brush over this so easily, considering complaints of recycled posts was much more than common on Reddit, whereas Voat tends to pride itself a bit more on producing OC? Oh, and didn't Crensch migrate from Reddit? With new people coming here, is what I'm describing something we should think about, if there's a possibility we could just be a new clone of Reddit, just with a different owner?

The context matters because it appears as though this is a new thing to new people, because Crensch has suspiciously began posting multiple times an hour, when before it was a couple posts a day at best (screams to me he's attempting to be seen more by newcommers - hence the rehashing of old content (which I have nothing against usually)), and because the new people are impressionable, which is strange, because Crensch frequently is pretty harsh with new people, as is SBBH in general, which is where it gets even weirder because SBBH bans people on a moment's notice for something as simple as a disagreement with the moderation. Isn't that pretty awkward since the context of this post has to do with not being censored?

What bothers me is that there's so many of you who would come to Crensch's defense, when I'm merely making an example out of him. Is this really about a problem with me and Crensch now, or is it an issue Voat needs to think about, and I'm solely bringing the rest of you a message? Have you ever heard of not shooting the messenger?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

complaining about reposts is quite reddit as well

NotHereForPizza ago

See, this isn't just about reposts. I still think it's weird that you guys are mentioning that.

I'm also calling in to question how often Crensch does this. Crensch is all caught up on social currency, and how much that matters, but how far would we let someone else take this? Posting new posts about posts he's already made isn't really beneath Crensch. I can give you great examples if you give me some time and express an actual interest.

Again, if it was someone else, it might make sense, but seeing Crensch getting caught double posting to take advantage of new waves ought to be suspicious to people for plenty of reasons.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

why do you care so much abbout him and what he does?

NotHereForPizza ago

Some of us like to watch, and someone of us feel obligated to step in when we notice things aren't looking right.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it just sounds like you're stalking him to be honest, that line you just gave could fit into a court case about how a stalker assaulted some guy because he wasn't right for the girl that was being followed

NotHereForPizza ago

Or, you're just not privy to what's actually going on here.

All kinds of people like to visit this place. All kinds

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

stalker is a kind of person i suppose

NotHereForPizza ago

Not so much.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

then how would you describe yourself?

DieselBustersYes ago


The_Laughing_Storm ago

Dude, it is you that is leaking the Reddit attitude. Not everyone has the time to browse Voat all the time, and a new wave of migrants just arrived? I am sure there are plenty of people that were not aware, myself included. So OP @Crensch, thank you for sharing and letting me know about this.

NotHereForPizza ago

That's exactly the narrative I'd expect to see. Curiously enough, more and more people are mentioning that, all with curiously new accounts.

Was this a good opportunity to plant new SBBH fanboys? It would really be a convenient time to make a bunch of new accounts to upvote and downvote with, considering a bunch of new faces are expected to be arriving.

DiscontentedMajority ago

I understand what you're saying here but this was passed off as something that happened as a result of the current refugees, and it was a months old cap that isn't even related.

Reposting old shit for no apparent for no particular reason, just screams "uproar whoring" to me.

NotHereForPizza ago

This is something I have yet to touch on. I'm glad other people can see what I see.

The presentation is important. Think about ways jews play their tricks - they make moves in ways that can be construed multiple ways. If the new guys didn't know any better, they would assume precisely what you've laid out, leaving the older accounts sitting around going, "wait a minute..."

TheKobold ago

Are you fucking stupid? A cap of the admin publicly refusing to censor a comment ripping into him is not relavant to a reddit wave fleeing censorship? In what way?

Sk8rminion ago

Putt doesn't spez comments either.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Do you get your panties in a bunch everytime someone posts the voat filtration system comic?

Sk8rminion ago

That comic gets me excited, every time I see it I know another wave is pouring in! Freeze Peach.

The_Laughing_Storm ago

Maybe OP could have said it was an oldie but goodie, or something along those lines.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

Can confirm. Am part of the new wave. I am finding a love for you niggerfaggots and I love free speech.

wedsa5 ago

awww, niggerfaggot... we love you too

The_Laughing_Storm ago

Welcome aboard Mud. We have a few assholes that, to be honest, are kinda appreciated here in their own unique ways, but I'm sure you'll find most people are reasonable. Just don't openly insult fat people hate since those faggots are really vindictive and don't expect the people pushing Christianity to be to open minded. The Christian people are alright though, it's kinda live and let live in here.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

Fat people disgust me.

I love Jesus.

I have found a temporary home here me thinks.

repoman ago

FACT: Reading voat is illegal in the commie dictatorships of china, north korea and UK.

licebmi222 ago

Are you getting your FAKE FACTS from buzzfeed? I'm in China, the site isn't blocked by the Great Firewall. My guess would be that voat is such a small site that maybe it gets 20 visitors from China, tops.

This is not so bad as in the US, or worse, Europe.

Maybe I'll do an IMA one day.

srgmpdns ago

Interestingly, Germany seems pretty well represented on Voat.

Monte_Carlo ago

That's because they get sent to jail/fine if they voice their opinion elsewhere haha

drj2 ago

He’s making a nazi joke

The_Laughing_Storm ago

Post sources or get the fuck out. Actually I'm pretty serious, do you have sources? I would be very interested in reading them.

repoman ago

Actually I just made that up, but it doesn't sound all that farfetched does it? Sometimes a small lie can reveal a bigger truth.


The UK will track you down and jail you for reading right wing material, aka real news. You'd know that if you kept up on UK news. As for China and NK, I don't know, they're really censored though, so there's that. Search engines are useful.

Qchmqs ago

you can always use Tor

The_Laughing_Storm ago

We all know Sweden and England are just huge experiments. As soon as (((they))) get the formula right then they will try to enslave us all.

valk2 ago

No shit:

Doesn't look like anyone's comments will be deleted if your account is over certain age. By anyone. Don't bother responding to this OP, I won't see it. First comment in 3 days. Likely will not reply to responses. I saw this by chance and made me laugh. Currently at LEAST 2 users who can't delete their accounts. Can't do anything with them actually.

AOU ago

Voatel California

valk2 ago

Indeed. Such a lovely place.

anoncastillo ago

Oh, you're limited to a certain number of posts per day until you've participated in the community a bit to prevent spammers from overrunning us? Must be hard. Harder than being banned from facebook for 30 days for pointing out that 1/3 of Muslim countries execute atheists, 1/4 of Muslim countries execute gays, and 21 of the 25 least gender equal countries are Muslim majority while none of the 50 most gender equal countries are Muslim majority. I can't even imagine how it must feel.

Feldorai ago

When you put the statistics like that, Muslims don't sound so bad. Still, they gotta go back to where they came from, they don't belong here.

freshmeat ago

i completely agree but preventing users from talking works both ways, it's not just lefties that get downvoated.

DieselBustersYes ago

You don't get censored by downvotes dumbass.

Downvotes instead of being censored is nice when you don't conform to the majority of voat. :D

Ken_bingo2 ago

WTF is wrong with executing gays? You imply this is bad policy? Gas yourself, cuck.

RobintheDungGatherer ago

calm your tits, he's just pointing out the hypocrisy

derkataIog ago

remember, folks: @crensch participates in SJW activities against free speakers on voat. manufacturing drama, infiltrating communities, harassing good mods and users off the site, downvoat brigades on free speakers and upvoat brigades for shills. @puttitout lies to the community, has banned hundreds of users without question, let voat deteriorate to a point that it no longer has chat, search, subverse transfer, in-site ads, donations, transparency... but some off-handed quip is what you cum over? get a hold of yourselves. your comments will be deleted here. with soft censorship. you wouldn't even know it if they did it to you. they do it all the time here, now. a year ago? never. they had to fight dozens of outspoken users. now? ha! they own and operate this corporation, the site it operates, they are the mods and the majority of (((content))) creators.

sincerely, sanegoat.

fl3x ago

Where does the money come from? Has that ever been answered?

derkataIog ago

@puttitout refuses to say. for a year now, @puttitout has give ZERO transparency on voat's finances. stopped letting the userbase have a say in the development/direction of voat, has openly lied to voat users on a number of subjects including hundreds of bans on people for simply upvoating comments talking about the SJW takeover of voat.

@puttitout is a paid criminal SJW shill here to control or destroy voat. whichever they are ordered to.

don't worry.

i'm making a replacement voat.

no censorship, no bans for speaking freely within the confines of the law (like gab and voat do), and none of this circle jerk trash, etc.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

1.7 years and Zero ccp? Fuck off sleeper shill account.

derkataIog ago

no, pyro. this is sanegoatiswear. my main has been soft-censored, as has this account,

so i'll now be moving to another account - - one that isn't censored by @puttitout.

BlockMe ago

Goati! What have you done to the real Derka and how did you get hold of his account?

derkataIog ago

read, nigga! this has an i not an l. it was a joke back in the day to share a laugh between ideological enemies (pooinloo leftist shill derkatalog and pro-speech anti-shill sanegoatiswear)

Rotteuxx ago

He's a copycat of @DerkataLog, a retired account, the user was actually pretty active & fun to interact with.

This account is @DerKataiog, exploiting the old faggity font "i" for an "L" trick.

derkataIog ago

every time you see @rotteuxx talk, report it for criminal activity.

@rotteuxx is PAID TO BE HERE to infiltrate, manipulate, and destroy the community.

it's a criminal paid sjw shill. report for criminal activity, downvote and move on.

Rotteuxx ago

Only in Delaware mother fucker !

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Thanks, I thought I recognized the username.

Don't these shills know that the old 'I for L' trick just makes them look like retarded children?

Rotteuxx ago

Well, they can't be that old to have an occupation like shilling on Voat... one would hope.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

2.7 years and over 17,000 CCP? Reminds me of my old Alpha account.

Naught405 ago

literally, can't imagine it XD

derkataIog ago

remember, folks: @crensch participates in SJW activities against free speakers on voat. manufacturing drama, infiltrating communities, harassing good mods and users off the site, downvoat brigades on free speakers and upvoat brigades for shills. @puttitout lies to the community, has banned hundreds of users without question, let voat deteriorate to a point that it no longer has chat, search, subverse transfer, in-site ads, donations, transparency... but some off-handed quip is what you cum over? get a hold of yourselves. your comments will be deleted here. with soft censorship. you wouldn't even know it if they did it to you. they do it all the time here, now. a year ago? never. they had to fight dozens of outspoken users. now? ha! they own and operate this corporation, the site it operates, they are the mods and the majority of (((content))) creators.

sincerely, sanegoat.

glassuser ago

I prefer Glock.

lazyusername ago

I love that this site has an influx of fresh accounts all raging in the comments. Love that they get so fuckin worked up they can't help but REEEE.

gazillions ago

It's comedy gold. They can never say why racism is bad, just that it's a cause for hysteria on their part.

VoatIsForTimmy ago

Racism seems to be when the people that make you angry turn out to be from a specific subset, like low IQ blacks. I know sandniggger Islamists aren't a race. But, fuck them anyway for being horrible at understanding the concept of getting along with others that are different. Don't threaten to kill me ISIS because I don't agree with you. Your holy book is in no way holy. The only Muslims that I personally know are from Eastern Europe and have not angered me in any way, yet.

MoneyIsTiming ago

The word racism and racist are now just insults and are now meaningless. It feels good to give up trying to appease these fruitcake Liberals. I've had enough, fuck these shit stain cock sucking niggers and the nigger-apologists.

Qchmqs ago

muslims and jews both being a terrible ideology followers are playing on the race card to look victims

DiscontentedMajority ago

But but but... Racism...

WindMillOfPeace ago

@paulbsmith why you all faggy?

NeoGoat ago

I can think of at least 1 other account named via first name, initial ,last, that was trollish. Is it a troll convention?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

John. He has a few variations of that name (12 I've sighted) and probably other names too.

NeoGoat ago

Want to list them?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Don't really remember. I think he went through a numbering frenzy one day and made them something like JohnCStevenson8 and such. Saw them all over a couple day period. That's either spelled wrong, or he since deleted them.

NeoGoat ago

I remember something like "John?Stevenson" ... there are a few users I've simply downvoated because I recognized them as shills. I don't downvoat simply because i see a liberal opinion, only if I feel someone is trolling / shilling / being asinine.

WindMillOfPeace ago

They're in here thicker than a nigger's skull lately. It'll pitter off in a while I hope, it's fun to demoralize them in the mean time.

chrisman01 ago

lol he deleted his account and ran back to Reddit with Spez's dick between his legs.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

lol he deleted his account and ran back to Reddit made a new one

WindMillOfPeace ago

It figures. I'm always a day late and a dollar short. My kikey sense ® tells me he's still around, you know they all have alts galore.

wedsa5 ago

i think the brand name is Jew-Dar™

WindMillOfPeace ago

I'm currently suing for copyright infringement. I'm working on cornering the market on "hate speech".

Maroonsaint ago

I just think it’s funny the probably not white person chose Paul smith as their name. Actually they probably are white. When the fuck did the right start censoring anything? I remeber Paul. Where are you Paul? Come fill the void in my life.

majb ago

I'm glad they took the time to write out a full response that no one could give even one fuck about.