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zyklon_b ago

Can't touch this....lmao

HateCumbuckets ago

You and I have never had issues, never been close either. Some of this is shit slinging, but some of it surprised me. I'm not going to bash you to other people. I will just ask directly.

What the fuck dude?

zyklon_b ago

i aint know really i aint readin that wall of text. i post and comment this shit to get goats to laugh and entertain em. the sutuatuon is i am gettin free publicity

this is all to deflect from the real issue that was goin on being @crensch was cucked by @srayzie

the q is a kike psyop and the plan is for a greater israel.

maybe @le_squish can articulate to you better than me as to whats really goin on.


Shizy ago

this is all to deflect from the real issue that was goin on being @crensch was cucked by @srayzie

How so?

Seems like you're the one deflecting from the fact that YOU are the cuck raising another mans child! And according to you, that child is half black.

But tell us again who the cuck is?

Gothamgirl ago

Neither mine or his kids are half black, and I can't believe you fell for that one LMAO! And I have told you this before.

My kids are raised they don't need to be raised and they're fine upstanding young men, who are well educated.

Just trying to stir up more shit as always LAPDOG.

You are being silly if you believe anything he says is serious. It's not like he didn't tell you, in advance, in his bio. "THAT ALL IS SATIRE"


And for any of you claiming he posted Loli anywhere youre delusional storytelling, pos. Might as well be CNN.

Again thought this was a free speech site? So he is not allowed to question Trump or Q?
Because he asked a question when he post 1 pic of a named girl on GA. He was asking if it was Trump meaning- Ivanka

I don't agree with all he has done but you people are really ridiculously intrusive . Try applying that out in the real world.

srayzie ago

You people have turned into the thought police, and and and you threw one of your very own dedicated members away for nothing, instead of taking her under your wing and redpilling her so she could see the truth for herself.

She’s been suspected of being a shill for a while. Not just by us, several people. I thought she was sweet too but she’s playing a character I did take her under my wing. That day was the last straw.

I’ve been talking to you privately. You really should have stayed out of this. You don’t need to fight his battles. We’ve left you alone. We’ve been threatened and so have our kids. You’re acting like we don’t have a right to not be threatened. Was it satire when he threatened that he would dox you and pinged 3 pedos, and the very next day did exactly that? Was it satire when he gave your kids name and said he was abused?

And for any of you claiming he posted Loli anywhere youre delusional storytelling, pos. Might as well be CNN.

I said gore. There’s another one where someone says Loli too? He says yes.

Again thought this was a free speech site? So he is not allowed to question Trump or Q?

Because he asked a question when he post 1 pic of a naked girl on GA. He was asking if it was Trump meaning- Ivanka (it's not her)

You’ve got to be kidding me. Should things like that be posted on pizzagate? It doesn’t matter why he posted porn in our sub. He went against the rules and he knew better. He may get away with anything he wants everywhere else, but he’s not going to on GA.

He told me he’s kept us protected and that he would come after me if I didn’t unban his alt. I’m not his bitch and he doesn’t run the show when it comes to us. Period.

You should do yourself a favor and stop now. I’m being very calm. But you are now starting to defend that mother fucker. Not cool GothamGirl.

MadWorld ago

He did say to post more gore and loli:

[–] zyklon_b 0 points (+0|-0) 23 hours ago

post more gore and porn and loli un GA

srayzie ago

She wrote me and said 1990. She’s part of it all

Shizy ago

You keep insulting peoples kids and can not understand why it has been done back to you?

Insulting? What?! Threatening to kill my kids isn't an insult, it's a death threat! It's shocking that a "pizzagate researcher" would condone such a threat to kids.

But let's not get sidetracked about you claim about insulting your kids. Remember this?

What kind of a sick freak says shit like this about the woman he "loves" and her child?

He called your kids niggers and retards multiple times. He said you're nasty and you don't shower. He called you a whore. He threatened to kill YOUR kids! Would you like me to post those too?

Of course you're running around regurgitating the "all is satire hahaha" bullshit. After what he's said about you and your kids, how else can you stand to be with him or stay on voat? He humiliated you and yet you run on back like a good little doggie. That's why makes our stupid "lapdog" comments extra hilarity!

If you're mad about someone "insulting" your kids, look at him.

And funny that you show up to reply to a comment where I called @zyklon_b a CUCK! Hahahaha! Hilarity!!!

Gothamgirl ago

What part of this sentence didn't you get

I don't agree with all he has done but you people are really ridiculously intrusive .

I am starting to notice something the fire we talk Shitzy, You have some serious comprehension issues.

Shizy ago

I long ago noticed you're as dumb as a pile of dog shit.

Gothamgirl ago

Do you still not realize how much you have been set up to look like an asshole yet? All of what was said about me was planned by us back almost a year ago. It was you and Crensch who went after my kid on pizzagate after being feed a bunch of bullshit multiple times. Also got your head mod to admit she is lying about me. Ask zyklon for copies of the emails or maybe when I get the urge I will post them myself. Do you see where this going yet? Youre the cuck because you repeated lies..

So we have a bunch of compulsive liars pushing Q.

You have called my kids everything you can think of, you have doxxed my properties, the legal description, how much I paid, thtestened to steal my identity and whatever else you could get your slimy hands on. Do I give a fuck about your family being threatened by someone who posts all is satire? Just a little bit, and that was well deserved by yourself.

Do you understand what a Kilt even is?

You got cucked and maybe I should change it from lapdog to lying bitch.

Shizy ago

Do you still not realize how much you have been set up to look like an asshole yet? All of what was said about me was planned by us back almost a year ago. It was you and Crensch who went after my kid on pizzagate after being feed a bunch of bullshit multiple times.

So you admit that you two are liars and deceivers? What was the purpose of doing that? You two really have nothing better to do with your time than concoct schemes like that? That is a pretty schizophrenic way to behave. What else do you scheme about? Shady!

You have called my kids everything you can think of,

Again, your boyfriend did that. What kind of a mother agrees to allow her lover to talk that way about her kids? Even as a joke, that's pretty disgusting. You either have the lowest self esteem of any woman on earth or you're a total liar trying to save face now because he made you look so bad.

you have doxxed my properties,

Again, your boyfriend did that. If it was all a big joke, why did he put your real address and information out there? Wouldn't it I've been smarter to just make something up? I mean since it was all made up, why keep that part true? That doesn't make sense either.

thtestened to steal my identity

That NEVER happened. Total lie!

Do you understand what a Kilt even is?

God you're stupid!

Gothamgirl ago

Na actually I made it up, because you fool's will believe and regurgitate anything without proof. Plus I knew it would bother you to hear it, and I don't like you.

Why do keep deflecting about the lies you stated about me and my kids on Pizzagate? You don't even come with a warning label psycho.

If you think I can't spot your alts your a damn fool.

Shizy ago

Na actually I made it up,

Which part? It seems nothing you have claimed can be accepted as accurate since you have shown yourself to be a liar.

Why do you keep deflecting about the lies you stated about me and my kids on Pizzagate?

Lies? You mean those things that zyklon_b claimed about you and your children? How was anyone supposed to know they weren't accurate statements? You claimed you knew him irl, so why wouldn't people believe that he would know such things about you? since it was all just a big joke that ou helped make up, why are you so upset over the insults to you kids? They were your insults!

as a matter of fact you helped troll me during those posts you speak of,

Hell yeah I did! I don't like you, at all! You're a dumb cunt who writes the most pretentious, outrageous shit! You're so easy to make fun of, it's hard to resist!

Seems that if this really was all just an elaborate hoax that you were completely involved in from the beginning, you wouldn't be this upset over it now would you.

You don't even come with a warning label psycho.

You're so lame!

Gothamgirl ago

Hell yeah I did! I don't like you, at all! You're a dumb cunt who writes the most pretentious, outrageous shit! You're so easy to make fun of, it's hard to resist!

Haha whose whining and being frantic this time though? Plus you got trolled and owned much harder then I ever did 😂😆🤭

So that's an admission that you targeted me and my kids. But you want others to have sympathy when's it's done to you.

Fuck off back to Reddit you fake free speech killing POS.

CerealBrain ago


Let me just say this.

I don't care if she looks so bad that you have to shave her face and teach her to walk backwards.

I want her.

And I will destroy that @zyklon_b faggot, I will make him pay for what he did to that girl.

Gothamgirl ago

I look alot better then her that's for fucking sure.

CerealBrain ago

Send me a pic.

Gothamgirl ago

No never

CerealBrain ago

Okay maybe eventually.

Gothamgirl ago


srayzie ago

Yeah, now see who the cuck is!

Rotteuxx ago

Damn... now I fell like catching up on all the drama I ignored.

Gothamgirl ago

It's these same mods every single time.