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TheBuddha ago

LOL I guess that's one way to look at it, but I'm not sure anyone believes you do fewer drugs.

Ain't nobody believing me, either. They all know I'm chomping opiates. Imma do some 'skiing' this weekend, that much is pretty certain.

zyklon_b ago

i am goin skiing monday!!!!

TheBuddha ago

I'm going tomorrow. I might do some practice runs tonight, but I kind of want to make sure I get plenty of sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day for me and my leg.

zyklon_b ago

seroquell kills skiing

TheBuddha ago

Not adequately, for me. Trust me. I've tried!

zyklon_b ago

sounds like good shit. enuff seroquel even kills meth and is 50 times stronger than skiiong

TheBuddha ago

Don't forget, I've huge insomnia issues.

zyklon_b ago

2400 mg seroquel seems to in 39 minutes stop all stimulants n psychedelocs but is a lot

TheBuddha ago

For some reason, doubling 'em up doesn't do much for me. After 2, there's no benefit from taking more. I suspect my brain chemistry is altered.

zyklon_b ago

that is weird. at 3 or 4 i lose balance and is hard to walk

TheBuddha ago

Anything more than 600 mg seems to have no additional impact.

zyklon_b ago

60,040 ccp congrats

TheBuddha ago

I better get a damned parade!

zyklon_b ago

may not make it till thread am drawnk

TheBuddha ago

All good. It'll be there tomorrow - though I won't be here much tomorrow.

zyklon_b ago

u will

zyklon_b ago

makes zero sense n i neurologists and psychkatrists

do NOT take 2400 mg unless u talk to a real drPLEASE. U very easily can fall n fuck up femur

TheBuddha ago

I have pretty serious sleep issues. I've tried monster doses before, multiple times. It may well be because I don't actually have a serotonin imbalance. So, there's a limit to the efficacy.

zyklon_b ago

i gots lots of neurological/psychological type issue. was born a crank baby n in incubater n sheeit to get me off quaaludes n meff