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Nadeshda ago

Good morning :) I hope you have a good one... :)

zyklon_b ago

hey good sister. how are things? was the holidays good? back in gods country and its really nice to be around the good moral peoples and away from the homosexual niggers in florida

Nadeshda ago

:) wurked today so a bit slow in replies, feel tired as muck and working tomorrow too... I need to chill a bit. Holidays were busy! Yip I heard Florida can be pretty degenerate. Well I am glad you are glad! Country life is way better right?

zyklon_b ago

sluts and they half breed niggers will die

Nadeshda ago

I am sorry it didn’t work out over there... I guess you are not going back...

zyklon_b ago

no she abuses kids

Nadeshda ago

This is horrific and should be reported.

zyklon_b ago

I feel so used n am crying for the kids and the hurt

Nadeshda ago

Dude, I have cried so much for kids that I had to take a break and totally teach myself to de-compartmentalize it all. It’s freagin intense what (((they))) do to children. It’s awful. So did you get caught up in exposing these demonic people?

zyklon_b ago

I know a kid named jmedina that is being fed bugs. what do I do?

Nadeshda ago

Find out if there are family members who can get involved and get the kids out of that mess. The authorities in Florida as far as I know are pretty much paid for but family, friends or neighbors, churches with child outreach programs may actually be your best bet.