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zyklon_b ago

Q raped your band dude

TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

Q raped and murdered the band in 1990

TheBuddha ago

I shall inform them!

zyklon_b ago

This is serious!!!!!

TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

Trufe!!! 1990. are you gonna take a massive opioid dose in an hour?

TheBuddha ago

No. Probably not. I already ate a bunch. I was supposed to perform today, but just for one set. So, I fortified with opiates. Sweet!

zyklon_b ago

I will in 50 minutes

TheBuddha ago

I ate 30 mg oxy and 8 mg dilaudid.

I'm doing pretty well!

zyklon_b ago

thats about right.

TheBuddha ago

Yup. I'm pretty high!

I spent so much energy getting ready today. Bastards.

zyklon_b ago

not me. i am able to jump in and out of shower and aint used a crutch or cane in a month except at pain management (i use cane for dramatic effect)

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I'm still fairly limited with my mobility. I can hobble around the house pretty well!

That's about it. I'm also pretty sore after my daily PT. That tends to mean I'm pretty sore afterwards. They still keep me stuffed with drugs.

zyklon_b ago

what if i told you that you were healed more than you realize?

TheBuddha ago

I'd say you're not a doctor.

zyklon_b ago

Ima dr dude

TheBuddha ago

No, no you're not.

I had images done recently. I know exactly how much I've healed. ;-)

zyklon_b ago

So am I right in that you are healing properly?

TheBuddha ago

I am. I'm doing quite well and my prognosis is good.

zyklon_b ago

my prognosis seems good too but still justified giving me good drugs

TheBuddha ago

I suspect I'll get drugs for life. So, there's that.

zyklon_b ago

so will i

TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

5 minuted till i dose

TheBuddha ago

Nice. I'll eat a couple with you. I'm not doing anything better and I took very few this week. I've got spares!

zyklon_b ago

its time

TheBuddha ago

Drive safe!

zyklon_b ago

i aint driving just drinkn and druggin

TheBuddha ago

It's what I say when people go on an adventure.

zyklon_b ago

only place im goin is a warm place

TheBuddha ago

That's an adventure.

zyklon_b ago

Yes it is.....i told danny the tweaker his ex wife is accusing him of attempted rape and stalkimg the freakout is hilarious

TheBuddha ago

Is she really accusing him of that?

zyklon_b ago

No he stole his grandmas car last sunday and i holed up on a mountian in tahlequa tweaked out on meth stalking his ex wife down the road. i am attmepting get him give her car back. they poor and she os stranded and 86 years old and sick

TheBuddha ago

Well, he's having an adventure!

zyklon_b ago

Yeah but a week is way too long to leave that women with no food and money

TheBuddha ago

That is also true.

zyklon_b ago

I am fucking pissed and cannot just take her food now that i have moved.. usually id give her 20 eggs and piund of sausage nd she good for a week or so

TheBuddha ago

Well, you could probably take a long drive - but you're now drinking.

zyklon_b ago

i cannot afford to drive that far for free

TheBuddha ago

How far is it?

zyklon_b ago

bout 40 minutes

TheBuddha ago

That's not too terrible.

zyklon_b ago

it is for me as i moved from that valley to this mountain to put distance between myself and the people out to get me

TheBuddha ago


I have no people out to get me. I have had some stalkers but they were just crazy chicks.

zyklon_b ago

I have peoples i have robbed, stabbed, also people want to take down a legend. even tho ima hillbilly my 6 stabbings make me a local hero around here.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah... I'm viewed in an entirely different light.

I can't say that I relate to that!

zyklon_b ago

i will get a taste of the life at ozzy!!!! thanks brother!!!!

TheBuddha ago

I'm not sure he's even going to perform now.

zyklon_b ago

it aint looking good eh!! maybe you wanna come here and kick it for a couple days. a private airport like 4 mi utes away?

TheBuddha ago

Maybe. I'm not sure how much time I'm going to have. The band is going to keep me busy.

zyklon_b ago

i can get away any time basically so easy to work around my schedule

TheBuddha ago

I miss those days.

zyklon_b ago

is all your choice bro