Rotteuxx ago

It happens once in a while in my trade for various reasons.

  • A critical piece of hardware didn't come in on schedule.

  • Something happened on the night shift or over the weekend.

  • Maintenance schedule got shuffled for some reason.

  • They somehow forgot we were scheduled and nothing is prepped or accessible.

  • They ran out of money on that budgetary item but didn't call to push back the job.

Except for #1, it's just plain shitty management and it's becoming more frequent as boomers are retiring en masse. At 4 hrs minimum × X amount of welders + traveling & rental equipment, they're expensive fuck ups because we have no sympathy for troubling us needlessly. amateurs ?

TheBuddha ago

I dunno. I've already got the deposit. That covers everyone's wages and the expenses. They still owe me the rest.

Their admin office is closed, of course. I'm doing my best to not be too grumpy about it.

Rotteuxx ago

Well hopefully none of your crew put off anything important to be there, you can decide to be grumpy aboot it when you know what's up.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, no. The entire crew is devoted to doing just this very thing. All, except the folks we call roadies, make their living exclusively from their musicianship.

This is their only job, except some of them are also giving lessons.

The roads are shitty today, with a wintery mix of snow, ice, and rain. Fortunately, most of them are going south or east. The two that have to come up into the mountains live here and should be home sometime soon. They're in a Jeep. They'll be fine.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh, cool. Nothing was lost for anybody then.

Are studded tires legal out there ?

TheBuddha ago

Yup. They're legal.

17128452? ago

Cunts. That's who.

TheBuddha ago

They were on site for about two hours, some of them.

It's above freezing, most places. So it shouldn't be too icy, except for two people who must come north into the mountains.

17128514? ago

They need fur coats and hot chocolate with vodka, STAT!

TheBuddha ago

They're all on their way back to their respective homes.

17128590? ago

You didn't helicopter them home!? Jerk.

TheBuddha ago

We don't make that much money. They are called starving artists for a reason!

17128763? ago

I thought they were starving cuz of all the cool jet plane and helicopter rides!

drstrangegov ago

Duterte helicopter rides?

17128819? ago

Musicians ain't Commies! Bah!

TheBuddha ago

Nope. We're not fancy.

I do kind of want to get a limo for the band to show up in. Before you assume that's fancy, see the price on used limos.

17128802? ago

FANCY!!!!!! lol

TheBuddha ago

I've been watching an ad for a 17 passenger stretch Navigator. I am waiting to see if it goes down to $8k. They want $12k for it. It was $12.5k.

17128977? ago

Oooh! But can ya put snow tires on that?

TheBuddha ago

I could, but I'd lower it and have a wrap put on it. I'd only lower it by putting low profile tires on it with big fat tires in the rear.

gabara ago

Sorry. I'm a monster.

TheBuddha ago

While true, you're not responsible for this.

gabara ago

See if it was me, I'd punish the band by marketing them to tweens.

TheBuddha ago

We are pretty niche. We do cover some more modern stuff, sometimes.

gabara ago

You should cover PewDiePie's "Bitch Lasagna"

drstrangegov ago

he's the voice of....somebodys generation.

gabara ago

Tweens and Teens right now, and old aspies like me.

TheBuddha ago

I can assure you I will not.

gabara ago

BREAKING NEWS! @TheBuddha support T-Seies. CONFIRMED!

TheBuddha ago

I don't even know what that means.

drstrangegov ago

and there are over a billion people in india. how bout that?!

gabara ago

There's over billion white people in India? Where are they hiding them? Is this a new holocaust?

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Hitler said they were Aryan, even though they are now brown, they used to be not brown.

gabara ago

They weren't Aryan either. The word is a linguistic variation on "Iranian". Aryans are Persians that invaded Norther India and took over. It's why the "sacred" Hindu Vedas are written in Sanskrit which was brought to India by while people.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

They do serve my coffee so I have no quarrel with them. They haven't tried to make me into a vegetarian or anything so far. A few polite offers for marriage, par for the course. I give them tips and they give me extra bacon, (which they don't eat,) on my bacon sandwiches.

drstrangegov ago

not white people. brown people.

gabara ago

I don't understand what a brown people is. Is that like a white person with the last name Brown?

TheBuddha ago

I ain't clicking that.


You know the youtube channel Vevo that has all the music videos and stuff? T-series is like the Vevo of India. Pewdiepie has long since been the channel with the most youtube subscribers but T-series has been getting close to catching up in the past few months. There has been a meme'd competition/campaign to get people to sub to pewdiepie so he stays in 1st.

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. I will probably forget that, but thanks!


What did they do, just hang a notice on the door?

TheBuddha ago

They didn't even do that. Not one reprentative even showed up where we were to perform.

ilikeskittles ago


TheBuddha ago

That is my immediate guess, but it might just be sheer incompetence.

I probably won't know more until the client's admin office opens tomorrow.

I'm less than pleased but don't want to jump to hasty conclusions. They don't get their deposit back and they now owe me more money. It may be a bitch to collect that, but we have a lawyer.

ilikeskittles ago

This the venue you play at a lot?

TheBuddha ago

Only once before and that was smooth as silk.

It's a commercial client. We were to do a private event.

zyklon_b ago

Q raped your band dude

TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

Q raped and murdered the band in 1990

Gravspeed ago

This seems like the most likely scenario

zyklon_b ago

Thanks i believe so too

TheBuddha ago

I shall inform them!

zyklon_b ago

This is serious!!!!!

TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

Trufe!!! 1990. are you gonna take a massive opioid dose in an hour?

TheBuddha ago

No. Probably not. I already ate a bunch. I was supposed to perform today, but just for one set. So, I fortified with opiates. Sweet!

zyklon_b ago

I will in 50 minutes

TheBuddha ago

I ate 30 mg oxy and 8 mg dilaudid.

I'm doing pretty well!

zyklon_b ago

thats about right.

TheBuddha ago

Yup. I'm pretty high!

I spent so much energy getting ready today. Bastards.

zyklon_b ago

not me. i am able to jump in and out of shower and aint used a crutch or cane in a month except at pain management (i use cane for dramatic effect)

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I'm still fairly limited with my mobility. I can hobble around the house pretty well!

That's about it. I'm also pretty sore after my daily PT. That tends to mean I'm pretty sore afterwards. They still keep me stuffed with drugs.

zyklon_b ago

what if i told you that you were healed more than you realize?

TheBuddha ago

I'd say you're not a doctor.

zyklon_b ago

Ima dr dude

TheBuddha ago

No, no you're not.

I had images done recently. I know exactly how much I've healed. ;-)

zyklon_b ago

So am I right in that you are healing properly?

TheBuddha ago

I am. I'm doing quite well and my prognosis is good.

zyklon_b ago

my prognosis seems good too but still justified giving me good drugs

TheBuddha ago

I suspect I'll get drugs for life. So, there's that.

zyklon_b ago

so will i

TheBuddha ago


drstrangegov ago

they want to get hooked, the take them away so you go on heroin. then they give you fentanyl.

zyklon_b ago

5 minuted till i dose

TheBuddha ago

Nice. I'll eat a couple with you. I'm not doing anything better and I took very few this week. I've got spares!

zyklon_b ago

its time

TheBuddha ago

Drive safe!

zyklon_b ago

i aint driving just drinkn and druggin

TheBuddha ago

It's what I say when people go on an adventure.

zyklon_b ago

only place im goin is a warm place

TheBuddha ago

That's an adventure.

zyklon_b ago

Yes it is.....i told danny the tweaker his ex wife is accusing him of attempted rape and stalkimg the freakout is hilarious

TheBuddha ago

Is she really accusing him of that?

zyklon_b ago

No he stole his grandmas car last sunday and i holed up on a mountian in tahlequa tweaked out on meth stalking his ex wife down the road. i am attmepting get him give her car back. they poor and she os stranded and 86 years old and sick

TheBuddha ago

Well, he's having an adventure!

zyklon_b ago

Yeah but a week is way too long to leave that women with no food and money

TheBuddha ago

That is also true.

zyklon_b ago

I am fucking pissed and cannot just take her food now that i have moved.. usually id give her 20 eggs and piund of sausage nd she good for a week or so

TheBuddha ago

Well, you could probably take a long drive - but you're now drinking.

zyklon_b ago

i cannot afford to drive that far for free

TheBuddha ago

How far is it?

zyklon_b ago

bout 40 minutes

TheBuddha ago

That's not too terrible.

zyklon_b ago

it is for me as i moved from that valley to this mountain to put distance between myself and the people out to get me

TheBuddha ago


I have no people out to get me. I have had some stalkers but they were just crazy chicks.

zyklon_b ago

I have peoples i have robbed, stabbed, also people want to take down a legend. even tho ima hillbilly my 6 stabbings make me a local hero around here.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah... I'm viewed in an entirely different light.

I can't say that I relate to that!

zyklon_b ago

i will get a taste of the life at ozzy!!!! thanks brother!!!!

TheBuddha ago

I'm not sure he's even going to perform now.

zyklon_b ago

it aint looking good eh!! maybe you wanna come here and kick it for a couple days. a private airport like 4 mi utes away?

TheBuddha ago

Maybe. I'm not sure how much time I'm going to have. The band is going to keep me busy.

zyklon_b ago

i can get away any time basically so easy to work around my schedule

TheBuddha ago

I miss those days.

zyklon_b ago

is all your choice bro

AndrewBlazeIt ago

It was me.


TheBuddha ago

No... It wasn't you. I know who did it. Well, didn't do it.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

But are you certain who did it isn't me?

TheBuddha ago

Yup. You don't have enough money to pay our deposit.

i_scream_trucks ago

what if i told you who did it wasnt not me but i did do something else that may look like i didnt do that thing that i might have did. that totally wasnt that either. that was a different thing.

did you get that thing that i sent ya?

TheBuddha ago

You sent me something?

i_scream_trucks ago


TheBuddha ago
