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Demonsweat2 ago

Squatting, nineteen ninety. Bob Saget was the offender.

zyklon_b ago

@demonsweat12 1990 you are the hero sbbh needs

Demonsweat2 ago

Post some shit on knives. I've decided to make a few myself.

zyklon_b ago

you wanna see my new pocket sword? meet you in /v/knives bro

do u wanna be a mod?

Demonsweat2 ago

A new one, cold steel?

zyklon_b ago

other one got seized by cops when i went back to jail a few weeks ago

Demonsweat2 ago

What for, it's not London.

zyklon_b ago

i was accused of robbing some spics of some meth at knife point and cuttin one of em so they took knife and sent to crime lab to test for spic dna

Demonsweat2 ago

It'll come up with nigger dna and get you attached to a tyrone. Then they'll start a gofundme to bury the fucker.

zyklon_b ago

naw dude i was just there and my buddy is one that cut that bitch.

Demonsweat2 ago


zyklon_b ago

nope was a big party next door and they took 15 of us to jail and took all our weapons and drugs

Demonsweat2 ago

So it was a live pd watch party.

zyklon_b ago

basically is was a nazi party that some messicans showed up at and got robbed n stabned up

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

Leik when 35m from a daughter and can hurt!

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

oH, dEarie. oH, dearie. tHis will not do. silEnce is tHE HardEst patH to takE.