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Have you ever fed them leftover chicken?

TheBuddha ago

Yup. They love it. They also love eggs.

zyklon_b ago

they are straight CANNIABLA

TheBuddha ago

That is true.

zyklon_b ago

they eat anything

TheBuddha ago

As near as I can tell, they even eat stuff that doesn't exist. They're always pecking and scratching at the ground - and then eating invisible bugs or something.

zyklon_b ago

possibly they can see stuff we cannot

TheBuddha ago

Possibly, or they're just stupid. They don't appear very bright.

zyklon_b ago

who knows maybe being stupid is what makes em successful I wonder if they is more human or chickens on earth?

TheBuddha ago

Dunno? The chickens you are familiar with aren't anything like the wild chickens they were bred from.

And, you have a license with a perfect driving record? I didn't picture that.

zyklon_b ago

I just had to unwrap and give the 4 roxis to the dude they came from cause he just left his dr and was fired and is dependent on em and he had given to me for free so I just gave em back cause he would have done it for me

TheBuddha ago

You did the right thing. It sucks but I'd technically win the bet in saying that they'd not last you to Christmas! LOL

You did a good thing.

zyklon_b ago

you won but sucks. as a table scrap I gotta used tire (truck down wit flat tire n yard) plus if I go set fish traps in ar river 2 morrow n harvest next day I git share bounty of buffloe fish n catfish. If I could just get a dr give 120 30 roxi 1 time my life be set n xmas b cool so kids member!!!!!!!! fuckin politicians n they rhetoric