10512760? ago

Yup- someone linked this in another post somewhere.

10511966? ago


greycloud ago

no it's not, it is content that was created by a studio that was determined in court to have created CP. hollywood has a problem with pedophiles, does that mean that every major hollywood blockbuster is CP?

Womb_Raider ago

Don't you agree with my point, though? You've said the exact same to me before.

Korean_Fan_Death ago

Fuzzy is a tranny and you are an enabler

Korean_Fan_Death ago

nice try bitch

MightyYetGentle1488 ago


MightyYetGentle1488 ago

why the fuck did u show up here just now. You in the discord with the rest of the fags?

ExpertShitposter ago

I enjoy a good rant

That wasn't a good rant. That was just the sound of @ICweiner squirting sand out of his mangina.

We are the light and we are the night. Without shitposters voat has no purpose.

Patchouli ago

You can't believe there is more than one guy on voat who can see through all your bullshit huh fattie.

Patchouli ago

It's still a down vote brigade even if it's done by more than one account butt boy.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

it's factually incorrect.

i have one account, and i rarely ever come back to voat, really just for lies like OP's.

this place is entirely censored beyond belief. r/ shitredditsays took it over. voat's censorship (there may be more, this is a few months old) https://archive.fo/DbONp

heygeorge ago

great, content creating users that just abandoned this place because of pv/sbbh

Name them.

ExpertShitposter ago

@ICweiner eats peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches except the peanutbutter is actually my diarrhea and the jelly is menstrual blood from @smokratez .

In other words...jews are gonna jew......they cannot be helped.

BlockMe ago

@guinness2 is an exemplar faggoat.

@theodorekent? Literary faggoat.

@cancel-cat-facts? Feline faggoat.

HPOP? Mysterious faggoat, now in goat heaven. With 72 butt plugs.

Womb_Raider ago

If you're accusing me of using alts to punish you, you have me mistaken.

Edit: in fact, based on the sudden wave of downvoats on my comments, I would argue you're actually doing this to me

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Fuck; alright but I feel like there's an obligatory: nice job, faggot. I mean, it's almost-tradiiiiiiiition!

10352802? ago

Don't call people "weeaboo" or other insults if you want to be taken seriously.

wtf. anyone who can identify a weeb and call them out properly gets +1 respect imo. if you disagree, then don't talk to me or my waifu ever again.

jerry ago

everyone who calls me a nigger is a SHILL

smokratez ago

You are the one instantly downvoting my comments. You're the one who can't control their emotions.

goatboy ago

Forgot the (((coincidence))) detector explanation. Most newbs don't get that for some reason.

10351923? ago

^ It's really common unfortunately.

myfaceisntallhere ago

Dumb dumb dummy knuckleeaters!

smokratez ago

Go jerk off to some more tranny porn and leave the adults alone.

smokratez ago


Here's some more handy tips. Gabara is srs and will try to dox you.

Eualos ago

You watch squidbillies?

jinbnters ago

This pretty gay, someone should fix this up and remove the pozz because this guy is some sort of niggerfaggot

wtf is this shit?

We are a meritocrazy first and foremost, and libertarian if and when we get around to it.

Not everyone here is a nazi, but we all reserve the right to say nazi stuff because you don't have free speech unless you regularly practice free speech.

smokratez ago

He's a leftie tranny lover from reddit. What do you expect?

Skankhunt1 ago

Wtf is this bs. This site is turning to fucking reddit... Its really sad. You r really smoothing to the fags and niggertrannys.

NotHereForPizza ago

How about one individual doesn't decide what we all believe/adhere to.

Smells like astroturf.

wtfeva ago

Wow, this is exactly what I did NOT expect from Voat. Silence anyone who isn't licking your assholes by trying to lump them up as a single dissenter?

How very disappointing...

Womb_Raider ago

That's SBBH. Surely if you've been here as long as me you realize what they are

wtfeva ago

I "try" to be nonpartisan in shitty little politics. It's like.. Voldemort. Giving it a name gives it power.

Plus, then other users feel that they have to choose a "side". I'm often a jackass, but wouldn't want a new kid to choose some side that they think I'm against just because I offended them.

I know that brigading and suppression exists and that some users have a tendency to act that way. I also know that some seem to have responses more in line with SJW or Antifa. However, they have right to free speech too as disconcerting as it is.

Right now, I prefer to hate everyone equally on this site and see them as individual assholes rather than acknowledging some faggotass group.

Womb_Raider ago

I understand that perspective but they're very much a group... to each his own I suppose. Either way stay frosty, stay hateful, and chase liberty.

TrumpSucksWorstPrez ago

I reported you for racist words

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

SRS is ShitRedditSays which evolved into a larger group that operates on sites like twitter,, youtube, insta, voat, and reddit.

They are radical homosexuals pretending to be right-wing so they can steer the narrative on this site exactly like this post is. Many users were seeing users like Gabara, Heygeorge, Shroomcloud, ExpertShitposter, Kevdude, Empress and a few others are reddit shills trying to subvert conservatism. Look at them like internet versions of Milo. They operate on dishonesty and spent a lot of effort this year into turning this site into a T_D 2.0.

T_D was taken over by srs and reddit admins and turned to shit intentionally to cull the spreading of right-leaning support and to showcase Trump voters as insane. i made a post pointing it out once

Basically Gabara and the rest i named are the same people who ruined T_D and have ruined many subs on Voat including /v/PizzaGate and /v/OffTheGrid. They even attacked Linux last week and now make this post saying don't attack linux, because it caused a shit storm and showed their true colors.

xenoPsychologist ago

its like my dad always said: " |------------------------------| this is six inches."

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

False mr 17 day old alt account. I'm guessing you are beatle. I've made more posts pointing out shill activity on Voat in 2 years than pretty much anyone else. This post is desperation because people are starting to see users like OP and all of the subs he listed are liberal left-wing SJW's LARPing as conservatives and center of right.

smokratez ago

You are Gabara.

digitalentity1497 ago

Nice one gabara. You are now unblocked XD

smokratez ago

Nice try Gabara alt.

smokratez ago

Gabara calls everyone that points out the he's a fat srs piece of shit sane goat.

Womb_Raider ago

Of a total of 625 submissions, 215 are to SBBH. 1/3 of your total contribution to voat is SBBH content. You're one of them. It's laughable you're trying to deny it.

Womb_Raider ago

You're a 17 day account - how do you even know who Sane Goat is? He hasn't really made appearances on voat in a good while... you're not who you appear to be.

Why are you using an alt?

smokratez ago

I keep saying leftiepol too. Who warned you about me? What did they say I was going to do? Expose all the reddit trash that is trying to take over voat?

smokratez ago

We are calling out the same srs fat pieces of shit. Why are you standing up for srs?

Womb_Raider ago

That acc is 17 days old. It's one of them.

smokratez ago

Yeah. This is getting boring. Can we start a new voat somewhere without these srs retards?

heygeorge ago

Can we start a new voat somewhere

I think your retardation would make this especially difficult.

Patchouli ago

You hate white nationalists?

heygeorge ago

You specifically are retarded.

@puttitout check this account out

Patchouli ago

When ever someone is exposing shit reddit says you start crying. Why is that?

ExpertShitposter ago

Smokey might as well be myg.

Patchouli ago

I heard he was a gabara alt.

theoldguy ago

Well you're a smoky alt, pot, meet kettle.

Womb_Raider ago

They'll follow. They crave attention and control.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

lmao. Basically you just begged the community to ignore all your manipulation like this exact post that contains total horseshit.

Nice SRS post you kike. Archived instantly, you just made a post trying to get brownie points. Also Empress and Le_Squish of Trad wives are trannies literally. Don't be fooled by this kike OP trying to do damage control. This post should be called "Damage Control 101"

@Oiseaulibre Get a load of this jewry

oiseaulibre ago

lol, still putting up a good fight fam.

uvulectomy ago

Doing the Lord's work, son.

BeHereNow ago

It's ok, you have passed the day-of-the-rope test with your OP.

Go in peace, ye olde goat.

smokratez ago

Your mom, you fat bastard.

smokratez ago

You are calling everyone that calls you out as srs sanegoat, fattie.

JohnCStevenson ago

A Trump supporter casually spewing racism and bigotry? It's no wonder that Nazis across America flock to an incompetent, illegitimate president like Donald Trump. Hopefully, impeachment will come soon so that people like you will no longer feel safe sharing your bigoted views.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

John are you that fucking retarded that you want Mike Pence as our Pres?

10351624? ago

We'll just have to come to your house and share them with you personally, John. :)

xenoPsychologist ago

incompetent? you dont pay attention.

illegitimate? you dont troll very well.

xenoPsychologist ago

you are our uncle and you didnt offer candy? no wonder he forgot you!

LDIP ago

Oh it's alright just suprised

BeHereNow ago

If you don't use night mode you are a niggerfaggot that is beyond saving.

Click the little light bulb, or we have extra rope saved just for you.

jerry ago

• Gabara is a nigger and doesn't speak for anyone but himself

smokratez ago

Here's Gabara calling 2 others sane goat.



Here's a post where he lies about doing that.


Starting to see a pattern?

21Characters ago

I don't know much about Discord but my understanding it can be used to do nasty things to you.

Elaborate? Source?

Malayar ago

Meh, I'll just lurk less. Shouldn't take long.

Malayar ago

Boo hiss I don't have enough points.

smokratez ago

I hate lazy people, racetraitors, faggots, lefties and fatties amongst things. You're 5 of the things I hate. Did you see the verified shitlord flair?

Anoxim ago

I dunno man. My gay friend just wants to drive long haul, shoot guns and work on his old Chevy. Also fuck dudes I guess. I think you can me gay with out being a faggot.

Malayar ago

What is this voat chat you speak of and how does one take part?

smokratez ago

You can find what you are looking for by clicking on my profile you lazy fat leftie retard. Lol.

smokratez ago

I gave up somewhere around that sentence.

Womb_Raider ago

215 submissions to SoapboxBanhammer

Womb_Raider ago

Yawn. I wonder how many voaters think you're a laugh.

goat404 ago

eveyone who doesn't agree is sane

Womb_Raider ago

Reminds me of liberals calling everyone a Nazi.

"Your argument doesn't matter because YOU'RE A SANE!!!"

Grifter42 ago

Hey, am I too late to get called Sane for disagreeing with those astroturfing SBBH cunts?

Womb_Raider ago

That tactic gets tiring, doesn't it, SRS?

Womb_Raider ago

You're too smart to think that will ever work on me.

smokratez ago

He's been calling me sanegoat recently too. I guess he's going retarded.

wtfeva ago

To 'go' retarded means he/she has to be unretarded at some point..

smokratez ago

Good point.

Womb_Raider ago

Gabara is fake news. Discord is still up, voat users converse there all the time. It's strange that you guys attack discord so often for security concerns, yet you ignore the fucky things about gab.ai

You guys make it very obvious you have an agenda

Womb_Raider ago

Triggly, why are you pretending like you're not a part of their club?

Womb_Raider ago

@gabara, if you're willing to admit alts are frowned upon, why do you look the other way when your friends employ them?

Womb_Raider ago

Handy tip to new voat users: /u/gabara is a part of SBBH, or SoapBoxBanHammer. They are a group of voat power-users that have infested the site since I got here, perhaps before.

They try to use sockpuppet accounts to manufacture consensus and are generally a malpresence.

They always pull stuff like this, trying to speak for others or attempting to be in some way a voice of authority. Don't fall prey to their influence.

Anyone who tells you specifically to do X, Y, or Z is probably not as embracing of Voat's ideals as they claim. Stay frosty goats, this is a glorious place.

wtfeva ago

Especially the tactic of maybe a touch of good advice and then only to tell people how they should post and act towards certain users and subverses. Definitely a fucking cancer.

smokratez ago


You replied to him calling him Sanegoat. Do you ever not lie?

smokratez ago

So did you see sanegoat posting in this thread at the same time I was posting in it? Are you still going to claim I am sanegoat?

10348782? ago


smokratez ago

Your bible is the talmud?

smokratez ago

The bible is like crack to jews huh.

smokratez ago

She has done so much to support traditionalism, and you want to hang her for nothing.

"she" is srs or leftiepol trying to turn reddit into voat. You don't have to believe me. I at least get to say I told you so, when I will be proven right in the future.

Womb_Raider ago

Smok, Trigglypuff is one of them.

smokratez ago

Yeah, I know.

smokratez ago

Feels like it's only 3 or 4 older goats who even know or care.

lxbb ago

This should be a welcome message for every new user

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Bullshit it should. This is SBBH welcome message and they are SJW's and radical homosexuals roleplaying as rightwingers and lolbertarians.

smokratez ago

So what is it? I'm Amelek, Sanegoat, myself or you've lost?

smokratez ago

You said you don't remember me. Last time I checked I'm a someone and not a something. Or are you going to claim I am inanimate next, when no one will buy your claims of me being Amalek and sanegoat?

wtfeva ago

Fuck that. I didn't come here for fucking etiquette. Who the fuck made you the official Miss Manners?

xenoPsychologist ago

you are free to not make use of your human etiquette book, but making intelligent use of it has many advantages.

smokratez ago

If you don't remember me, why do you keep making claims like me being sanegoat or Amalek? You either do remember me, or you are lying. Again.

smokratez ago

I agree, girls should. What they shouldn't do is keep the leftie talking point of all men being rapists alive.

Also whenever I argue with Garbara, Empress shows up and forgets to act like their rp on voat.


I think that's weird.

smokratez ago

You guys made a thread about it. You, shroomcloud and expertshitposter were falling over yourselves claiming I was Amalek. About 2 weeks ago. You don't even remember things you've done?

uvulectomy ago

Oh yeah, juice is a raging pedo/pedo apologist. See here, here, and here

Also, I'm not clicking on a goddamn thing on aged's account....The titles alone are enough to make me sick.

smokratez ago

So all the times you guys claimed I was Amelek you've been lying? How fun that you are admitting this. I thought you were trying to convince people I was sanegoat? Are you getting confused by your own lies?

smokratez ago


would a trad wife keep the all men are rapists leftie talking point alive?

10348201? ago

Nothing about having to hate Niggers and Jews Kikes?

10348198? ago

/v/voateastereggs. Been quiet for a while. And yeah some new ones would be neat!

smokratez ago

The rules on fph are that you need to include your name and a date and time stamp. Try again fatty.

Why do you have a random picture of a naked male voater? Oh nevermind, I get it.

uvulectomy ago

"At some point someone will accuse you of being a pedo and/or sending them dick picks. This is the final Boss of Voat and your ultimate shit test. I can't help you with this one. You need to reach deep down to counter this the right way."

Meanwhile, @hecho, @greycloud, and @juicedidwtc are degenerate pedos, and should be ignored/shamed as you see fit.

Also, @JohnCStevenson is a giant cock-smoking niggerfaggot of the highest order (you'll find out soon enough).

And finally, because it's tradition, @HenryCorp is a shilling faggot mcshekelnigger.

juicedidwtc ago


JohnCStevenson ago

Also, @JohnCStevenson is a giant cock-smoking niggerfaggot of the highest order (you'll find out soon enough).

You have been reported for slander and bigotry. I'm sorry that my facts are inconvenient for fragile Trump supporters such as yourself.

uvulectomy ago


Reported, you say? Oh teh noes. What ever will I do?

KYS, etc. You know the drill by now.

irwinglumles ago

Nice tips :)

smokratez ago

I've got a screen shot. He did so the other day, so it's still in my posting history. Empress is srs.

10347982? ago

Used to be a rick roll built into Voat search. All the search easter eggs are still on the preview site; search "rick roll" in the search bar there.

Welcome_fags ago

I think they exist, but can't back it up.

Satan are you testing me?!

Mad_Dog91 ago

Also, donate if you like this place

Thisismyvoatusername ago

It IS okay to downvoat or upvoat every comment in a particular thread if you feel like it. Some will complain and make a big deal of it, but it's not breaking any rules. We think of the up and down arrows as "more of this" and "less of this". It's not a judgement on your character or your political views, except when it is.

This, while perhaps accurate nowadays, makes me sad. It used to be the ethos that upvoats were given for posts that furthered discussion and downvoats were almost never given with the exception of illegal content and true spam. Unpopular opinions may not have been upvoated, but they weren't downvoated, either. I miss those days.

Now get off my damn lawn!

Slayfire122 ago

I feel like I'm the last Goat that refuses to downvoat anything. All my downvotes were against he-man-woman-haters and /u/Amalek spam. My last downvoat was around 2 years ago and I wish I could take them all back.

smokratez ago

Do you know shroomcloud has been pm-ing new conservative accounts on voat telling them that they are under investigation for childporn? Garbara has admitted my claims about him or it being srs leftie pol already. If Empress was a traditional housewife they wouldn't have the time they put into voat. Nor would they talk like a teen when they forget to play their role.

LDIP ago

How don't you know much about discord?? Seriously

smokratez ago

It's not about the subs. It's about srs and leftiepol trying to take over voat.

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, SBBH faggot. You can pretend to be some neutral party, but to everyone in the know, you're just a fucking shill, using a tactic of mixing some small truths and some big lies in order to try and get those who don't know you and your organization as the pieces of shit you are.

You're just continuing your campaign of infiltration.

SBBH is a fucking conspiracy, you're Mick's butt-boy, and you think you're a big shot because of it.

Fuck you, fuck Empress, fuck Mick, and fuck Puttitout.

On the subject of alts, your fucking organization knows damned well that Putt enforces said bans selectively, or he'd have done something about Beatle and his fucking dozen or so alts.

To any new members of the site, check people's accounts, and see if they mainly post to SBBH/SDBH. It's essentially the SRS of Voat, and exists only to brigade and subvert the site. Gabara is one such person.

In before I'm vote brigaded down into oblivion.

Mick ago

+1'd for entertaining me.

smokratez ago

I love how you are unable to tell basic human emotions.

smokratez ago

I don't feel a need to do what you tell me to do. I win by not being a beta like you. You lose by being a control freak fat beta who doesn't get to have his way. If you want to find it, it's in my posting history. Are you too fat and lazy to find it yourself?

You win nothing and at nothing. I bet you live in your parents basement. In Toronto.

NeoGoat ago


Welcome_fags ago

The paper author: "It’s important to stress what I didn’t find. I did not prove that homosexuality is genetic, or find a genetic cause for being gay. I didn't show that gay men are born that way, the most common mistake people make in interpreting my work. Nor did I locate a gay center in the brain."

Got another paper?

smokratez ago

Don't be lazy. Go find it yourself. You can use the workout. Even if it's only your fingers.

You haven't posted any proof for all the things you claim about me either.

So you won't say how you can afford shitposting on voat all day? I didn't expect you to.

10347424? ago

You act like a fat. Pretty sure you're a mayodumpster.

smokratez ago

I'm a verified shitlord. Why are you pretending to be a traditional housewife? If you were and had a family, you wouldn't have all this time you are putting into posting on voat.

10348630? ago

My house is tight and I don't have children.

smokratez ago

Your house is tight? Is that the new way to avoid saying you are fat?

Why are you friends with shroomcloud who has pm-ed new conservative accounts that they are under investigation for child porn? Is that the kind of person a traditional housewife should befriend? He's also pro the opioid dealing subs on voat. Again, why are you friends with someone like that?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

I'm generally more interested in murderous cartoon ghosts and the jewpacabra.

smokratez ago

Let me guess. It was done by a jew.

Welcome_fags ago

Don't know, the author is openly gay tho and his partner died of AIDS. (blessed be the fag killer)

smokratez ago

Seems hardly like a trustworthy source then.

Welcome_fags ago

Funny thing is his paper leans more to the fact that its a choice than anything else. Gabara BTFO'd his own degenerate narrative.

Paper author:

"It’s important to stress what I didn’t find. I did not prove that homosexuality is genetic, or find a genetic cause for being gay. I didn't show that gay men are born that way, the most common mistake people make in interpreting my work. Nor did I locate a gay center in the brain."

smokratez ago

That's humorous. Garbare is a fat leftie tranny worshiper. So I wouldn't expect him to deliver anything fact related.

Welcome_fags ago

That is pretty evident.

He probably thought i would accept his "evidence" and not read into it. I'm very open to information, but unlike him; I enjoy processing the information first.

Its the first time i have encountered him, so i won't judge him as a "leftie tranny worshiper" just yet. You can probably message me in a few months and go "told ya so" but until then he is just another user to me.

Good talk.

smokratez ago

Have you ever heard anything about a research that concluded that homosexuality is a sexually transmittable disease?

Welcome_fags ago

I have not.

smokratez ago

I'm a verified shitlord my rotund amigo. How do you have so much time to post on voat anyways? Welfare? Still living with your parents?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

It stands for Super Really Serious.

smokratez ago

I am not sanegoat you fat retarded leftie faggot. We don't even talk about the same things. Is this the best you can do? Try to make people think I am sanegoat? I know you can hardly think because of your fastfood addiction. I still expected more.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Also - be wary of the perimeter - it is a high lethality area, complete with electrified barbed wire, minefields, alligator filled moats, quicksand traps, automated machine gun posts, with over flights by both laser and fragmentation weapon equipped combat drones, as approved by our numerous dedicated military specialists - all the while monitored and patrolled by the Goat Militant equipped with infrared night vision glasses and high velocity, heavy caliber, sniper and anti-armor weapons.

The fields in the perimeter are strewn with the rotting corpses of numerous dead shill nigger faggot infiltrators and reditfugees... and although you can approach this side of the wire in relative safety with an authorized escort - you do take the risk of catching some disease drifting in from those corpses.

In times of crisis the Goat Militant have been known to surge in force to the point of any perimeter penetration, and unfortunately sometimes collateral damage does ensue.

Discussion for the installation of a higher border wall is underway - especially if we can get (((Reddit))) to pay for it.

VoutGuy ago

Well, a few jokes are fine. Spamming the whole sub for a couple days, ain't.

10347190? ago


Ribena580 ago

Quality shitpost

novictim ago

Again, you are confusing Leftist with Liberal. Try to break this association. I gave you the historical reasoning for why this confusion exists, right?

Liberal combined with Authoritarianism is what we have today and we call them the Alt-Left because they're shit people.

You are talking about the Authoritarian Left as opposed to the Liberal Left. Today's Left = Authoritarian Left with Antifa being the most extreme version of this.

Authoritarian is in opposition to Lberal.

Left (state power, centralized control) is in opposition to Right (individualism, distributed democratic power).

These are broad categories and manifest in somewhat contradictory ways at times.

But Liberal does mean Liberty/Freedom, not "Left"

VoutGuy ago

What was your linux joke?

itsnotworthit ago

That categorization of news sources is cringeworthy. https://voat.co/v/news/comments/1315115

Ars Technica = Corrupt
Daily Mail = Ethical

novictim ago

An interesting question is why the notion of "Libertarian Nationalism" has not surfaced and been promoted.

I think it is that the nature of Libertarianism is fundamentally "universalist" as in being espoused to cover all people everywhere. It thus lends itself quite easily to a "Globalist" vision rather than a "Nationalist" vision. Why? Because ideologies tend to strive for a universal voice, a set of dogmas that transcend all limitations. They try to mimic a mathematical universality because that simplifies the "Rules" that then spill forth from the dogma.

Libertarianism is thus IDEOLOGICAL and not Practical or amenable to the needs of expediency.

But ideology should always give way to empirical evidence and facts. Libertarians tend not to accept this.

Womb_Raider ago

Libertarians want small government and to be left alone. They're not globalists at all, they're the antithesis.

novictim ago

Libertarians become Globalists when they project their ideology to all people regardless of nationality or borders.

Many Libertarians endorse Neoliberalism, for instance.

Womb_Raider ago

Globalism is bigger government, less competition. Libertarians frown on that, or they're supposed to based on their ideology.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

(He was a Drama Teacher before we elected him because we liked his dad (if you're a heterosexual male)

Why are you guys so fond of Castro?

Germ22 ago

you wrote down the unwritten rules of voat... how dare you :o

Artooweaboo ago

Or you could say lurk more? But I'm sure some will appreciate the more detailed summary.

Artooweaboo ago

Consider Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

novictim ago

Don't get Liberal and Libertarian mixed up. Libertarian is just the opposite of Authoritarian. Liberal is the opposite of Intelligent.

Wow. You had better get your facts straight.

Liberal = Freedom, Democracy, Liberty, Free Speech/Assembly, Rule of Law, Justice based on Personal Responsibility/accountability, Equality of Opportunity, Truth>Ideology, Reason, Evidence, privacy, etc

So what you have done is confuse "Liberal" with Leftist. Why? You watch too much TV, maybe? For instance, Sean Hannity routinely gets this wrong, confusing Leftists with "Liberals".

History: Liberal and Leftist became synonyms during the Protest era over civil rights and antiwar-movements on college campuses. Why? Because, AT THAT TIME, the Left wanted the right to peacefully assemble and state viewpoints deemed to be in opposition to the official government policy. Yet the Left found their rallies broken up and disrupted by State/local and University security forces. They thus became known as "Liberals" because they advocated for their protected rights under the US Constitution.

HENCE Liberal = Leftist. --> But that is of course a wrong shortcut to take.

The association of Left with Liberal is long since broken. Now Liberal does not equal Left. Left is opposed to Liberal Principles in the same manner in which Stalin would reject Liberalism.

Liberalism is what MOST Voaters accept as being the basis of a Free Society: Bill of Rights. Liberalism is that set of principles that are embodies in this portion of the US Constitution.

Meanwhile, Libertariansm is a diverse ideology that incorporates such notions of limited government, the supremacy of the individual and individual rights, "Free Markets", limited laws that emphasize personal liberty. This manifests into the notions of Open Borders advocacy, the notion of unfettered corporate power, legal marijuana/drugs, etc.

I hope that was helpful. I do appreciate your efforts in your list. It is 99% excellent.

Thrus2 ago

To be fair documenting it wouldn't work as many of the triggers change.

Yeah I'm ignoring the lurk around advice as I have managed to forget my old password for a year plus account, even calling myself out on that in my bio.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

/v/CouncilOfShitposters, /v/RidersoftheReich, /v/SoapboxBanhammer, /v/ShitpostersTavern, /v/JuiceTown, /v/Niggers, /v/MemeMagic, /v/MemeTemplates, and /v/SoapdoxBanHammer and some other are all shitposting subs and if you don't understand shitposting, just block them

What're you talking about? All those subs are srs bidness

Welcome_fags ago

i think we are both right

We cannot be when we are disagreeing. Homosexually is a choice, none of this "hurr female brain in a male body"-pseudo-science crap. If you can point to a peer reviewed and respected science paper that backs up your claims, i'll be happy to read it.

Have a good day.

Edits: just formatting.

smokratez ago

My account is older than sanegoat. You retarded fat leftie faggot.

10346807? ago

Your moms must be so disappointed in how you turned out.

heygeorge ago

Probably not, as I imagine she is also retarded.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Ironic, your mother probably supported your transition.

smokratez ago

My mom thinks I am amazing. Why are you trying to insult me though?

FattyWhale ago

As observed in the comments in that news list thread, that post should be taken with a grain of salt. Also worth noting how dated it is (The most notable example for me being the WSJ listed under "ethical" after the PewDiePie fiasco). The corrupt section is pretty dead-on, though.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

  • Use Amateur Voat Enhancements userscript/browser extension for infinite scolling, custom user tagging, custom themes.
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novictim ago

No, VOAT is not "Libertarian". There are libertard-Voaters here, for sure, but there as many nationalists or more. Libertard Open Borders ideologues are not the majority.

smokratez ago

It's leftiepol and srs trying to tell people that they are only harmless shitposters and that tranny empress is not a tranny, but a respected woman. I'm getting bored fighting against them on my own. Why are none of the other older goats doing anything?

Womb_Raider ago

I try too. It just gets tiring. These guys have to be paid to do this shit, otherwise I don't see how they find exorbitant time.

smokratez ago

It gets tiring because we are always facing them as individuals while they are working as a group. It does get tiring. I come here to read the news and sometimes say fuck the jews. Not to fight with fat retarded lefties who think they are making the world better by silencing conservatives.

Womb_Raider ago

Yeah, well, good luck stopping them. All we can do (from my perspective) is educate the 'normie' voaters who aren't up to speed on the meta and keep them from having as much influence. The more we make them attack with the same message, the more obvious we make it that they're a group working together to push character defamation campaigns on anyone who dare oppose whatever view they want to push that week

smokratez ago

They aren't hiding it either.


They talk about wanting to dox sanegoat, thinking I am sane goat. It got 11 upvotes.

Womb_Raider ago

Haha. Their favorite attack strategy. I love how gabara's response to you catching them lying was "Why all the lies?" ... without addressing [his?} own lie you just pointed out... that's rich

smokratez ago

He never answers anything truth fully. I do get to call him a liar about it for the rest of time though. He's mad about that. Lol.

Womb_Raider ago

Keeps him from taking the authoritirian, "I am correct, listen to me" highroad he's apparently accustomed to

smokratez ago

He's a total control freak. That's why I never do what he tells me to. He can't deal with that.

Womb_Raider ago

Either way, good on you for opposing them. Not enough goats do anymore.

smokratez ago

I always seem to get dragged into it somehow.

Not enough goats do anymore.

Lots of old ones left and the new ones don't know. All they see Garbara as is someone who posts pro white nationalist articles and comments. Same with Empress. All people see is someone who seems to care about traditional values. Or how about Kevdude. They think he's someone who cares about protecting voat. While they are all reddit lefties trying to change the culture on voat.

Womb_Raider ago

Bingo. Kevdude really seems to dislike me these days... all I said was he never points out the nasty behavior from his friends, and that really struck a nerve with him. He hates being associated with the people he refuses to demonize.

And he does along with their narratives every time.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

I try

smokratez ago

You do. Thanks man. Nice to see someone else still cares about voat.

smokratez ago

More tips. Garbara, Shroomcloud and Empress are srs and leftiepol faggots and trannies trying to take over voat.

Welcome_fags ago

Homosexually isn't something you are born with, its a choice.

Cheesebooger ago

Good stuff. Someone should sticky this to the front

HarveyKlinger ago

Great post. You're doing God's work, son.

Germ22 ago

God's job is to post on Voat?
I got it wrong all these years thinking his job was giving cancer to babies. /s

HarveyKlinger ago

God's job is to show others the way. Giving cancer to babies is what Monsanto does with the help of democrats.

Eualos ago

God eats babies, that's the honest truth. Or was that Satan, one of them definitely ate babies.

theotherotherone ago

hoping someone more savvy answers. it took me forever to finally get a steemit acct & i'm not too familiar with that site, but maybe there could be a voat channel or something there

10346335? ago

This is a terrific tip /Voat etiquette post. Have saved it to give to my friends when they join- a few of them were bopped on the head when they didn't learn the landscape first. Thanks for writing this up and you're spot on about the AAA mod of v/traditionalwives. <3

ExpertShitposter ago

Posting your favorite porn again?

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

eat asbestos nigger

ExpertShitposter ago

My favorite thing is how you replied to this thread with 5 different alts in an attempt to make it look like there is some anti-consensus, but all of voat already knows all your alts and just downvoats you instead. Meanwhile the thread is 110/22 Suck on that jew.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

i do not deny my alts, it's due to censorship for being botted into negative by your radical homosexual friends

ExpertShitposter ago

Fucking liar. You could have written all complaints against OP in one big post. Instead you chopped it up into multiple smaller reply's to make it look like there is a group of people disagreeing, while in reality its all you. Buy a hooker you small dick jew virgin.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

good morning JIDF

BlockMe ago

Goats and Dogs rule.

Cats belong on fucking reddit.

If you're gay but okay, we're gonna call you faggoats.

Oh, and dogs rule.

myfaceisntallhere ago

Cats are eating your parents right now.

xenoPsychologist ago

dogs are food!

whisky_cat ago

Cats bro.

individualin1984 ago

We getting another wave, or are you just being proactive?

smokratez ago

He's telling people that srs and leftie pol subs like /v/CouncilOfShitposters, /v/RidersoftheReich, /v/SoapboxBanhammer, /v/ShitpostersTavern, and /v/TraditionalWives are nothing to be worried about. He's manipulating people and almost no one sees it or cares. It's weird. Wouldn't people want to protect voat from becoming reddit?

ExpertShitposter ago

Yo smokey whats up? Sounds to me like you need a drink smokey. You're kind of cranky today. Pour the beer down your vagina and squeeze to squirt it out. It will wash out the sand and make you feel happy again for a while.

Womb_Raider ago

I've disagreed with you many times in the past, but you're on the money here. SBBH is a hive of pests.

ExpertShitposter ago

Heloo niggerfaggot!! Hows discord you amaleks anus licker?!!?

Womb_Raider ago

It's going pretty well... you enjoying downvoat brigading?

ExpertShitposter ago

Nice fake news narrative myg.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm the genuine article, friend. You won't get fake news from me. You and beatle, however, have an extensive history of lies.

Calling me MYG is a good example.

ExpertShitposter ago

Well myg is scum of the earth. And if you talk and act like ,yg..might as well be called myg...

Womb_Raider ago

I don't talk or act anything like mighty does.

You lot just have a nasty habit of deciding anyone who dissents against your actions is some lone wolf enemy, and you attempt to label them as such. You've done it to me, smokratz, Grifter, and I'm sure dozens of others here. It's obnoxious and childish, and you know very well what you're doing. And then you have the fucking nerve to call me fake news.

ExpertShitposter ago

Scum friends = scum your self so it doesn't matter if i miss the one person who might not be myg. So im sure you are myg alt, and even if not, it doesn't matter because you're the same kind of boring inbred idiot.

Womb_Raider ago

That's faulty logic. @kevdude this guy is saying you're scum for being friends with him, what say you to this?

I don't think he appreciates being dragged down to your low standard, and I don't appreciate you treating me that way either.

You're astroturfing to destroy my credibility and it's a real shame. I hope voaters are smarter than you give them credit for.

ExpertShitposter ago

You're the faggot that was complaining when i called Michele Obama and many others a myg alt. You were claiming that they are legitimate users. Then myg released a photo him self proving me right. So fuck you, my accuracy is at least 90% + in calling out myg alts. And you're a myg alt faggot. And you're boring and you're scum.

Womb_Raider ago

You're making shit up.

Womb_Raider ago

That doesn't address the claim you just made against me. We're not talking about fucking myg here. You just made a direct claim against me. Prove the things you claim or sit the fuck down.

ExpertShitposter ago

Pictures prove that i'm 90% accurate in my predictions. So there is 90% chance i'm right about you. And if i'm wrong it doesn't matter since you+re the same kind of trash.

Womb_Raider ago

That's logical fallacy. You're a moron.

ExpertShitposter ago

k myg

Womb_Raider ago

Whatever you say kimosabe. Quit downvoat brigading people, it's classless.

RoBatten ago

/v/traditionalwives is leftypol? I don't think so . . .

smokratez ago

Do you think if you were a traditional housewife with a family, that you had the time Empress puts into posting on voat? Disregard the other things. Only think about that in a logical manner.

theotherotherone ago

nice summary. but i'm skeptical of gab due to the venture capitalists funders firing the guy who started it when he came out pro-Trump.