10400754? ago

I made a comment. By that logic you're guilty too.

Eualos ago

I vote don't dox anyone.

ExpertShitposter ago

I compared. Its not the same. Smokey sounded like he was ether from Mexico of Spain.

ExpertShitposter ago

I got the amalek one: http://picosong.com/download/89mR/

Smokey wasn't that interesting. Just some Mexican sounding dude reading voat headlines and asking for donations to make more podcasts where he just reads voat headlines.

10357572? ago

Smokey wasn't that interesting. Just some Mexican sounding dude reading voat headlines and asking for donations to make more podcasts where he just reads voat headlines.

Not sure why I found this so funny, but heh.

ExpertShitposter ago

Apparently he talked about it and was dead serious about becoming some big time pod caster via the voat audience.

heygeorge ago

Yes, but also going to be a better artist than anyone you ever met!

heygeorge ago

Homer says it didn't happen. Maybe they are memory-holed.

heygeorge ago

DAE remember when Amalek was going into the arts? Damn that was gold. We never got to see that finished sculpture.

heygeorge ago

@homersimpson is beyond reproach. Although I think the fph verifications leaked less than 2 years ago?

HomerSimpson ago

Also I wasn't doing verification 2 years ago. Tpw or gollum were

heygeorge ago

Damn, time flies! You would know, though. Besides, the meme is that TPW = you whether or not valid. :D

HomerSimpson ago

Verification has never leaked.

heygeorge ago

I thought user photos got out into the ether? I'm not extremely well versed. Was it more of a hack?

HomerSimpson ago

More of images uploaded to slimgur were put on the public gallery which included verification. Not sure if that would be a leak though.

heygeorge ago

Right, now it's all coming back! Nice to see you about. Unfortunately I don't think your sub-eating flair is currently active. I'll see if I can find it.

Edit: Found and flaired.

heygeorge ago

All gold, this is one highlight:


ExpertShitposter ago

In all honesty, i don't believe smokey or 9-11 to be amalek.

I do however believe myg = sigs = amalek.

@gabara triggly has posted the pic