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smokratez ago

If they ban me over this, they are babies.

baddreamstonight ago

  1. No dissent

  2. Keep the peace

  3. Keep things on topic posts must contain direct fat hate

They could ban you for being illiterate.

smokratez ago

No, if they ban me they are babies.

baddreamstonight ago

Oh, right. Nothing to do with the three rules your broke or anything. Why, that would be logical! Your little brain can't possibly comprehend something as difficult as basic logic!

Of course. The high and mighty troll, here to cry his woes over the evils of moderators, is above the rules. How could we have forgotten?

Obviously sarcasm is dripping with obvious sarcasm.

smokratez ago

Don't be a baby.

baddreamstonight ago

Is that the only comeback your tiny brain can create?

That's really just pathetic.

If you are going to troll, at least be a good one.

smokratez ago

You have nothing better to do than talk to me.

baddreamstonight ago

You are on our sub, genius. You ran to us, remember?

Also, do I have to remind you that you are hitting the "reply" button?

Once again, learn what words mean, apply them to yourself, and then you should consider them on a personal level before you use them.

smokratez ago

I am well mannered. It's only courteous to reply. I've also said that I think you guys are amusing.

baddreamstonight ago

So it's courteous to reply to others when you do, but a sign of other people having nothing better to do?

Once again, look up what words mean and then apply them to yourself.

smokratez ago

I also don't have anything better to do. You chose to get worked up over something that wasn't even an insult. That's how easy it is to push your buttons.

baddreamstonight ago

I'm not worked up in the slightest. I'm just using my mind, which I am sure is an obscure concept to you. I just keep reminding you of your word choice and how it directly applies to you. It seems that it is bothering you quite a bit, since you are projecting right now.

The only buttons of mine that are being pushed are on my keyboard. Sorry to disappoint, but you are not nearly as special as you seem to think.

smokratez ago

Prove it. Stop talking to me.

baddreamstonight ago

Why should I? Because you want to feel like you did something special?

You are on our sub. You are actually making all of us the important ones to you by your insistence on not leaving us alone. In our sub. With our mod. And our flair. Did you forget where you posted?