smokratez ago

Thank you. It was mostly eating better and moving more.

smokratez ago

Says the fattie without a verified shitlord tag.

smokratez ago

Still no verification tag fattie.

smokratez ago

To all the fatties that don't have a shit lord verification, and called me fat. Look at my flair. Now go eat some more pie.

smokratez ago

Like I said, if they ban me it shows someone's feelings got hurt. I can live with that.

smokratez ago

If they ban me over this, they are babies.

baddreamstonight ago

  1. No dissent

  2. Keep the peace

  3. Keep things on topic posts must contain direct fat hate

They could ban you for being illiterate.

smokratez ago

No, if they ban me they are babies.

baddreamstonight ago

Oh, right. Nothing to do with the three rules your broke or anything. Why, that would be logical! Your little brain can't possibly comprehend something as difficult as basic logic!

Of course. The high and mighty troll, here to cry his woes over the evils of moderators, is above the rules. How could we have forgotten?

Obviously sarcasm is dripping with obvious sarcasm.

smokratez ago

Don't be a baby.

baddreamstonight ago

Is that the only comeback your tiny brain can create?

That's really just pathetic.

If you are going to troll, at least be a good one.

smokratez ago

You have nothing better to do than talk to me.

baddreamstonight ago

You are on our sub, genius. You ran to us, remember?

Also, do I have to remind you that you are hitting the "reply" button?

Once again, learn what words mean, apply them to yourself, and then you should consider them on a personal level before you use them.

smokratez ago

I am well mannered. It's only courteous to reply. I've also said that I think you guys are amusing.

baddreamstonight ago

So it's courteous to reply to others when you do, but a sign of other people having nothing better to do?

Once again, look up what words mean and then apply them to yourself.

smokratez ago

I also don't have anything better to do. You chose to get worked up over something that wasn't even an insult. That's how easy it is to push your buttons.

baddreamstonight ago

I'm not worked up in the slightest. I'm just using my mind, which I am sure is an obscure concept to you. I just keep reminding you of your word choice and how it directly applies to you. It seems that it is bothering you quite a bit, since you are projecting right now.

The only buttons of mine that are being pushed are on my keyboard. Sorry to disappoint, but you are not nearly as special as you seem to think.

smokratez ago

Prove it. Stop talking to me.

baddreamstonight ago

Why should I? Because you want to feel like you did something special?

You are on our sub. You are actually making all of us the important ones to you by your insistence on not leaving us alone. In our sub. With our mod. And our flair. Did you forget where you posted?

baddreamstonight ago

Calling someone immature while publicly pouting, stomping your feet and crying to random people because some hurt your feelings is hilariously idiotic.

smokratez ago

All I did is ask why that guy is a mod here. There was no pouting, stomping or crying.

I do find it amusing how many of you guys have this much time and interest in something as trivial.

baddreamstonight ago

There are 23,000 of us. People are going to wander in and tell you how much of an idiot you are.

You got your feelings by someone on the internet and ran to the sub that he moderates to complain about it. It's the internet. But you want to talk about other people finding things trivial?

You should probably look up what words mean and how they relate to you before you try to use them against others.

smokratez ago

I didn't get my feeling hurt. Touchan sperged out. I wondered if the people in fph know about what kind of a person it is. That is all. They rest came from you guys. Keep it going, because you are amusing.

baddreamstonight ago

I love it when trolls call people amusing. All it means it that you are butthurt- which is obvious, or you wouldn't be here- and want to look tough. It's pretty much trolling 101.

You should really learn to be more creative. So far, all you have shown is that you are illiterate, have the maturity level of a fetus, and that you have no idea how subs or the internet works.

The world much be such a confusing place to fatties like you.

@12_years_a_toucan, when you are you going to ban your little psycho stalker? He's not even a good troll.

smokratez ago

I posted my verification picture to the penis wizard. Where is your shit lord flair?

baddreamstonight ago

It's literally right next to my name. Are you seriously this stupid?

Look at the username. See that big white thing with the words "Verified Shitlady" right there?

smokratez ago

It doesn't show up in the messaging inbox screen.

baddreamstonight ago

So, you decided to question people's flair without even bothering to check?

Ahahahahaha. Wow.

smokratez ago

Yeah, why would I care.

baddreamstonight ago

Let me explain to you how an argument works.

You are trying to claim that you are not fat (which no one here believes, because of how delicate your feelings are). When confronted with this, you started demanded to see where people's flairs are (and not only my flair, you have done this multiple times).

So, you are demanding to see things that are, quite literally, in plain sight. As an argument.

Which basically equates to you being too stupid and feeble-minded to check for something as simple as a flair before freaking out about them. Just like you are unable to read basic rules in sub that you posted in.

There is this lovely thing called reality...

smokratez ago

Stop. Hammer time. We are not in an argument. I have no idea who you are, or why you think anyone could benefit from anything you are able to explain.

baddreamstonight ago

Words, what do they mean?

Argument: an exchange of diverging or opposite views

You are currently in an argument with a chunk of FPH and Toucan.

I have no idea who you are

You also have no idea who Toucan is, but somehow, that hasn't stopped you. Logic, how does it work?

I have to explain things to you because you are dense. Judging by your replies, you are confused on the very basics of how a sub, flair and reality works.

smokratez ago

I am most certainly not in an argument. I am watching people get worked up over something they aren't even involved in.

baddreamstonight ago

Your definition of an argument does not match the one from the English language. Arguments don't have to be people screaming. This is not complicated.

No one cares what Toucan did. Literally, no one but you. This has been explained to you several times. No one cares about it.

No one cares about you, either. They are commenting because you posted on their sub and they think you being hurt over an exchange in a different sub and your defense of it is hilarious.

This really is not a difficult concept to grasp.

Harry_Areola ago

Quit crying and get the fuck on down the road.

smokratez ago

I am not crying, nor do I need to be on a road.

Harry_Areola ago

Yeah, you are. Little crybaby. GTFO.

smokratez ago


12_Years_A_Toucan ago


12_Years_A_Toucan ago

Dear lord, it's fucking beautiful

Angxrs ago

Omg how hurt is your butt? Mods are only dicks if you are fat or step out of line. Otherwise the mods here are lovely people with a great sense of humour.

smokratez ago

I posted what he did. Did you read it?

Angxrs ago

Where? It was probably downvoated to oblivion.

Edit: the wall of assfuckery text? Really? I liked it, very creative! Ten points to Gryffindor!

12_Years_A_Toucan ago

You shoulda put it in your submission body. Everyone should read it

smokratez ago

I am bored of this by now. I am only having some fun with the stragglers.

12_Years_A_Toucan ago

Just pointing out how you fucked up for future corrections so the content doesn't get buried in a comment. Coulda gotten some extra butter if people brigaded, oh well.

smokratez ago

How I fucked up? Have you forgotten how you sperged out and lost your spaghetti in the showerthoughts thread about protect voat?

12_Years_A_Toucan ago

I think you have a very unrealistic view of what happened in that thread.

smokratez ago

It's obvious from yesterday that we have massive differences in opinion about the topic.

12_Years_A_Toucan ago

I couldn't care less about your opinion

smokratez ago

Neither I about yours. We established that yesterday.

Angxrs ago

Yet you keep replying on this thread.

DelusionalHominids ago

I don't give a fuck about what the mods are like personally as long as they do their job enforcing the rules and they don't abuse their positions. This isn't a weekend counseling retreat. Nobody cares about your opinions or your feelings. They care about hating fat people.

smokratez ago

I am not talking about what he did in this sub. Did you read what I posted?

DelusionalHominids ago

Try talking to someone who cares.

smokratez ago

If you don't care, why reply to me in the first place?

DelusionalHominids ago

Wow, that's probably the smartest thing ever uttered by a 6 year old.

smokratez ago

Are you still expressing how much you don't care, by replying to me?

DelusionalHominids ago

Thanks for identifying yourself.

smokratez ago

Yw? I don't get what you mean.

smokratez ago

Still no shitlord verification fattie.

smokratez ago

I posted my verification picture to the penis wizard. Where is your shit lord verification?

smokratez ago

I am likely to block this sub, seeing how many disgusting people post in here.

Googlygoink ago

Ok, that would probably solve the issue, it's not like you have to be here, it's not like you need to listen to our "abusive" (amazing) mods and I have a hunch you'll be banned anyway, so no need to block us right?

smokratez ago

Why would I be banned?

Harry_Areola ago

For being a douche nozzle that expects us to care about your little fee fees.

smokratez ago

I guess since Toucan spilled his spaghetti.

12_Years_A_Toucan ago

just for shits and giggles. The off topic thread will be returned shortly

Googlygoink ago

I love this sub, wp toucan.

smokratez ago

Off to go do charity work. Don't forget to get verified everyone that called me a fatty.

SurgicalShitlord ago

Fucking fat chicks isn't charity work. It's bestiality.

smokratez ago

I work in a book store where the profit goes to children with cancer. You turd.

SurgicalShitlord ago

The lies about your eight-pack were a lot more believable

smokratez ago

You are talking shit about children with cancer. You also don't have a shit lord verification. I smell a fattie.

SurgicalShitlord ago

Nope, talking shit about you. Pay attention. And that's your ass you smell, chubby, try to wipe better.

smokratez ago

I send my verification picture 3 hours ago. Have you send yours?

SurgicalShitlord ago


smokratez ago

Unless you get your shit lord flair, you are fat.

SurgicalShitlord ago

Now I understand why you keep repeating yourself over and over. Your vocabulary is very limited, because you can't speak the language. Autism doesn't help either.

smokratez ago

Go eat a whole cake.

SurgicalShitlord ago

Your butthurt tears taste better. A bit greasy and salty, but hey. . .

12_Years_A_Toucan ago

There's a good possibility but seeing as I was basically speaking nonsense and throwing copy pasta at him I figured I'd continue by stickying his post for some more laughs before putting things back to business as usual

smokratez ago

No one is stopping you from doing that.

smokratez ago

I am not scared to speak my mind, or down vote useless posts.

Jessee ago

You sound upset

Are you ?

smokratez ago

I am not upset. I am bored at this point. Also disappointed with this sub, and embarrassed that people I respect think this is a good community.

DelusionalHominids ago

That was a great story.

smokratez ago

Thanks buddy.

smokratez ago

You can't see if someone else downvoated someone who disagreed with me or not. Thanks for trying to call me a liar for no reason though.

smokratez ago

Where should I complain about mods of this sub?

12_Years_A_Toucan ago

I already stickied your post to air your very serious grievances to the mass public. Also try /v/FPHdiscussion

smokratez ago

You made a post that you are talking about smearing shit on people? Didn't think you would be mature enough to do that.

smokratez ago

So we both showed we are not fat then, if you are not lying. That still has nothing to do with my thread. That toucan is acting like a cunt.

smokratez ago

I don't downvoat people who disagree with me.

What is she?

smokratez ago

Posted the verification pic to the penis wizard. Is 12 years a toucan verified? Did Ham Taro post his picture like he said he did?

Harry_Areola ago

"Is 12 years a toucan verified?"

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't ya, boy?

smokratez ago

No, that's still all you.

Harry_Areola ago

In other words, you're so fucking stupid you don't even understand why that question was so dumb?

smokratez ago

Still no verification tag fatass.

baddreamstonight ago

Random attacks...weird grammar....obsession with manners...bizarre comebacks....doesn't understand rules...obsession with people using copypasta...

Does this sound like someone else we know?

Harry_Areola ago

And to downvoats on every post criticizing him.

Yeah, It's Georgi.

baddreamstonight ago

So I'm not the only one who immediately made that connection?


Harry_Areola ago

Funny how after I make this post I receive several crazy PMs from Georgi even though he wasn't called to this thread with the @. Yep, it's definitely our 13 year old Chinese spammer.

His widdle fee fees are still hurt and now he's trying to weasel his way back in here under another name. What a mental case.

baddreamstonight ago

I received crazy PM's from him, too, despite neither of us tagging him.I

But it's totallynot him or anything.

smokratez ago

I have no idea what you are talking about.

SurgicalShitlord ago

I get the feeling you say that a lot, fatty. Push away from both the keyboard and the table.

smokratez ago

Why does everyone assume I am fat? Is that all you people here can think about?

SurgicalShitlord ago

We're also assuming you're stupid, but clearly you can only process one thing at a time

smokratez ago

Lol. You sound like a retard.

SurgicalShitlord ago

Snappy comeback, brah. I'm gonna need sunscreen for that burn.

smokratez ago

No, you need a shitlord verification. Why is that not mandatory to be able to post in this sub?

SurgicalShitlord ago

We're talking about you being fat and retarded, champ, not me. Try to focus. I know it's hard.

smokratez ago

I am saying you are fat. Prove you are not, if I am wrong. It's not hard to focus at all. You sound desperate to be part of a group.

You know you can change right? You are not stupid. It will make you feel better in the end. You will get used to it. It's mostly forming new habits and giving up old ones.

SurgicalShitlord ago

No one is going to get naked with you, dude, get over it.

smokratez ago

Have you heard about projection?

Cyracs ago

is 12 years a toucan verified?

what do you think?

smokratez ago

I have no idea. From the way he was talking to people outside of your sub, he seemed like a shit head instead of a shit lord.

Cyracs ago

omg haha why are you still posting?

smokratez ago

To make a point.

baddreamstonight ago

That is beautiful.

smokratez ago

Nice meme bro. Can't think of something to say yourself?

BettieJosbeetusfoot ago

The joke


Your head

smokratez ago

What joke?

BettieJosbeetusfoot ago

toucans, mine, yourself, take your pick.

smokratez ago

What are you talking about?

eat_a_dick_por_favor ago

I happen to like Toucan.

Have you tried eating a dick?
You should try eating a dick.

gabi-r ago

Your username just makes this 10x better :)

12_Years_A_Toucan ago


smokratez ago

You seem like you have experience. How is eating a dick?

smokratez ago

I still don't see your shit lord verification. Stop calling me fat and show that you aren't fat.

smokratez ago

Who is talking about sjws? Are you in the right thread?

smokratez ago

Tell me which mod I can send the verification picture to. Since the talk to the mods button doesn't work. You said you already send your picture. Where is your shitlord verification?

Nofatpeople ago

Are you stupid?

Sandow ago

Upgoat for your name. When we work together, it's much better.

smokratez ago

To show that I am not fat. Since at least 3 separate people from your sub called me fat.

Hannabis ago

Somebody call the wambulance we got hurt fee fees over here.

smokratez ago

Not at all. I didn't resort to name calling. I am asking if you like having a mod that acts like a child.

Hannabis ago

I do very much so. And before you ask, no I won't get naked on cam with you.

LawyersPlayDota ago

hey, if I start trolling the sub, can i get some shitladies on cam to prove i'm not fat? :3

smokratez ago

More reason to feel sorry for people who I respect who post to this sub. Why would someone want to see you naked?

Hannabis ago

You keep asking everyone here to cam with you. No means no.

smokratez ago

I am denying ever wanting to cam with you. I am talking about verifying not being fat.

ObeseRedditAdmin ago

If I wanted to see tits, I'd go on Pornhub, not some fattie's webcam.

smokratez ago

Exactly. That is what I am trying to say to these people. Glad you agree that they are fat.

ObeseRedditAdmin ago


This doesn't even make sense.

If you're going to troll, please do it properly OP.

smokratez ago

It does make sense. I am not trolling.

speshul_snowflake ago

Show us on this doll where he touched you...

smokratez ago

He talked like an idiot on the internet. He didn't touch me. He only made himself look bad.

Googlygoink ago

That sounds awfully familiar...

smokratez ago

There's surely more people like him here.

shitposting101 ago

Fuck off fattie.

smokratez ago

I have an eight pack. Set up a google hangout and I will show you.

DessertFox ago

Pics or we don't believe you. Just post while holding a sign with your username.

smokratez ago

I send a picture to the penis wizard.

joeystals ago

Enough with the hangouts. You wanna show everyone your abs, take a pic with your name and put it in an edit. Until then, you are a fatty. And a neckbeard.

smokratez ago

I already posted my verification picture. I don't see your verification flair.

Jessee ago

Too obvious trolling mate, now it's not even funny anymore

smokratez ago

I am not your mod that is talking shit about people.

smokratez ago

You are the one who called me a fattie for no reason. No one cares about seeing you.

smokratez ago

No, you are fph. You get on cam now and prove you are not a fatty. I am willing to. Are you?

12_Years_A_Toucan ago


smokratez ago

Live cam show. My eight pack against yours now.

12_Years_A_Toucan ago

He doesn't catch on very quickly. Don't expect him to understand that.

smokratez ago

Because one of your mods is acting like the posts I made showed. I want to ask why someone like that is a mod of your sub.

12_Years_A_Toucan ago


ObeseRedditAdmin ago

@12_Years_A_Toucan, looks like you rustled some jimmies.






smokratez ago

There are people who I respect posting in fph. They deserve a better mod than this.

12_Years_A_Toucan ago

It's true. I did.

ObeseRedditAdmin ago

Can you sticky this one like the last one?

It's time FPH saw you SJWs for what you are!

12_Years_A_Toucan ago

Yeah I'll do that for a little bit before switching back to the off topic thread. Good idea.

smokratez ago

Not at all. Most people on the internet don't act like he does. Read his post history.