smokratez ago

Your little pussy bitch ass thinks there aren't regular users who upvote me?

theoldguy ago

regular users

superstitious flat-earthers


smokratez ago

You think they would have stopped if they could have found more?

10357632? ago

Right now Putt's the one with the data and so we depend on what Putt says.

After the Port there will be more effective and stringent protections against such alt-brigading to begin with.

smokratez ago

I have shroom cloud blocked and can't even see his post, let alone down vote that retard.

Eualos ago

You're kind of a bully haha, I like it.

smokratez ago

He's some fat delusional little bastard thinking he rules over voat. He's nothing like a bully.

smokratez ago

And we only found out about this because they bragged about it.

You found out because you lied about me being fat. What other lies have you been spreading porkie?

smokratez ago

You got caught in a lie porkie. Remember that. Don't worry, I'll remind you of it all the time.

harddrive ago

He sent it to mods that's different tho

smokratez ago

I wasn't worried about you seeing my abs in the picture I send to fph to get verified. I am worried because you are a leftie piece of shit from reddit, trying to turn voat into reddit.

Why all the lies?

You were the one who said I am fat. You are the only one lying. Answer your own question. How do you feel now that it is proven you lied about me being fat?

harddrive ago

Well i read your thread and if you posted the picture before, it's very weird you wouldn't post it again, to me.

smokratez ago

All faggots will burn in hell my friend.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

ur a faget

harddrive ago

Oh now i see you sent it to mods. Yeah fuck them dude. I'm calling my parents.

smokratez ago

You are talking about getting pictures for sane goat in that thread. I'm not sane goat. You did say I was fat and that got proven wrong. You have seen the verified shitlord flair. You were telling lies about me, and got proven a liar. How does that make you feel?

smokratez ago

I'm not sane goat. I've already explained the danger of people trying to dox voaters.

smokratez ago

People have gotten fired for posting on voat. You don't think that's something to be worried about? If there's a group of people trying to get pictures of people they don't like who post on voat?

smokratez ago

Nice that all the leftie scum from reddit are all together out in the open. This is what some older voaters like me are trying to warn you about.