@JoeMontana confirmed as myg/sane/amalek alt in one picture. We already knew it, but its fun to make him drop the ball. (imgjar.co)
submitted 7.5 years ago by ExpertShitposter
ExpertShitposter 7.5 years ago
Exposed...as....FUCK! Now its tiem for buckethead. And soon for alkehol.
Sure thing amalek, we make an alt, make 750+ comments/posts in your style during 2 months, all to then discredit our own alt. What the fuck kind of sense that makes? Nice try tho.
@kevdude @Disappointed we've gots a live one!!!
ExpertShitposter ago
Exposed...as....FUCK! Now its tiem for buckethead. And soon for alkehol.
ExpertShitposter ago
Sure thing amalek, we make an alt, make 750+ comments/posts in your style during 2 months, all to then discredit our own alt. What the fuck kind of sense that makes? Nice try tho.
ExpertShitposter ago
@kevdude @Disappointed we've gots a live one!!!