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Drkadrka ago

You had me until the last one.

A gift for you.

oftotc ago

At least he called it a crime :-/

Drkadrka ago

But calling it victimless is the argument for it not being one. That little girl will be so emotional fucked up as she grows up that there is no way she becomes a fully developed woman with proper emotional balance. She will be clingy and emotionally unstable, and likely a slut or whore as well. I've seen far too many young women who have been through this and end up just like I describe, and often they end up addicted to drugs and alcohol as a way to numb their emotional pain.

So fuck him, with a pitchfork.

juicedidwtc ago

Prove it faggot. Find me one girl who has had a consensual loving relationship with an adult and is now addicted to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain. Because it seems like you are getting girls who have had consensual love with an adult mixed up with girls who were coerced or forced into sexual acts they didnt really want.

Drkadrka ago

My ex. She almost died from heroin before I got her into detox and therapy. She was 11 with a 27yo man.

juicedidwtc ago

Somehow I have a feeling it wasnt consensual or non-coercive

Drkadrka ago

According to her it was.

I think maybe you are just a little too rapey and are projecting your predatory nature on the male in her situation.

juicedidwtc ago

then ur probably just making up some BS story. 11 is the age most girls through most of human history start having kids, it's not going to hurt them to live the way human nature intended

Drkadrka ago

Okay. So kill yourself at 35, because that is the average age of male death through human history. We are not the civilization of 2000 years ago, we aren't even near the same place as 200 years ago.

You can't justify this with any rational thought. You will be remembered on the day of the rope.