Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

yeah your delusions are making you see amalek and sane in your cereal in the morning.

I havent spammed anything and it could easily be proven. Deleted accounts arent really deleted.

Grifter42 ago

You call everyone that disagrees with you sane. You know what, you're right. Because you're fucking crazy, and depraved. You're a fucking low life degenerate.

But I know you're Beatle.

And you're a fucking degenerate who threatens to flood people's inboxes with child porn.

Grifter42 ago

You just love to twist words, don't you?

Grifter42 ago

You were deliberately taking me out of context, because that's your typical tactics. It's the typical tactics of the SRS types.

Grifter42 ago

Hecho is a pedophile, who's said he fucks kids.

You know what that was a threat about, you fuckin' piece of shit. He was saying he'd have hecho flood my inbox with CP. That was the insinuation.

Grifter42 ago

That's the most tired character assassination tactic you people use. I only ever use this account. Unlike you, I don't use sockpuppets.

You_are_a_bitch ago

cheeselane is a fuckin retard and i have nothing to do with him.

Also dont give a fuck to spam anything anywhere. Haven't ever done and never will, too apathetic.

Empress does need to be recognized for the tranny he is tho

You_are_a_bitch ago

It's probably around. @SarMegahhikkitha @Oiseaulibre @fagnig @smokratez any of you have an archive of when Hecho spammed childporn?

This was nearly 2 years ago and it was used to get rid of an entire sub of users /v/OffTheGrid

Due to the backlash Hecho began reducing the obscenity of the CP he posted and now stays within the legal loophole that @PuttItOut allows

SarMegahhikkitha ago

You know who would have that? Discord chat I PMd you.

This /v/Linux BS is Putt using his SDBH puppets to incite terror so he can crack the whip and have everyone think he's a hero.

You_are_a_bitch ago


You_are_a_bitch ago

haha. If all you got to protect your pedo friends is shitty derailing comments then you really are fucked and you know it

You_are_a_bitch ago

ignoring the fact that they use child porn as harassment

You_are_a_bitch ago

Hecho is his alt. They spam Child Porn in places that caused all the users to leave like /v/OffTheGrid. I realize the demographic isn't stable but many people were witness to their child porn spam.

Denying would make you look even more suspicious than your own behavior has shown

You_are_a_bitch ago

he is referencing having hecho send more CP like he did to others who left

jsac ago


MadWorld ago

Aside from the Tor, it will also cripple the legitimate VPN users :-/.

jsac ago


ExpertShitposter ago

He doesn't even have anyone to shitpost with.

ExpertShitposter ago

@Bacchus_GodOfWine will be gassed by putt himself.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

he probably realizes you are driving users away

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

putt how do you feel about these e-thugs?


Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

care to even attempt to justify that accusation kevfag?

The Voat discord doesn't brigade. I've told them Trad Wives is two LARPing trannies trying to fuck with conservatives but that doesn't mean anyone in the official discord server is posting there.

If anything it's another one of your ruses to obtain subverses you don't control, like you did with Pizzagate.

You spam and make it unusable until the mods ask you to step in and provide a set of rules and harsher moderation

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

beatle (shroomcloud) saying he will send child porn to grifter

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

@ExpertShitposter It's not weird at all how every comment against you here all recieved 3 downvoats since you found the thread


ExpertShitposter ago

Dont you worry about that, putt knows what goes on under the hood of the website. If i was manipulating anything, i would have been banned by now. Just like all your farms and sane alts were.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

@PuttItOut would restore a lot of credibility to this website if he outright simply got rid of you and your pedo friends

ExpertShitposter ago

All right you bitch bois, alkohol is out of my blood stream so lets reply to your lies and bullshit.

They're circumventing the submission cap

I shitposted UP TO THE POST LIMIT. @chetmanley is not my alt. I have no alts, and i'm pretty sure @PuttItOut can verify that claim.

There seems to have been 2 throwaway alts used by someone, but that doesn't necessarily mean a legit user circumventing the post limit, it could have been a legit user simply posting with a throwaway to avoid catching any heat generated by a paper bitch boi like yourself.

Ether way, i was shitposting up to my limit therefore no rules broken you gaiboi.

upvoating one another (voat manipulation)

As for the voat manipulation, you have never been more full of shit, fabricating lies to get people banned. Clearly there were about 6 accounts posting, with the throwaways included, and clearly every shitpost has 4-7 upvoates. So every shitposter upvoted the shitposts WITH HIS ONE UPVOTE. So please tell me where is the voat manipulation you lying piece of jew. I liked all the posts because they were funny. We are not allowed to upvote what we like anymore?

(I know I just made my account, but I didn't want to get my other one brigaded.)

Fabricating lies behind a throwaway = cowardice and 100% verified jewish homosexuality.


As for why @Disappointed

The lulz thats why. @gabara made a few funposts there for whatever reason. Normally you just laugh and move on. But @SuperConductiveRabbi had to go bitch about it to PV like its some big deal and v/linux is ruined because of a few funposts. This kind of snitch bitch behavior is what motivated me to shitup the place, to piss off the boring nerds.

Its still all fun and games tho, not only did we make v/linux not boring, but, just 8 hours later, the page and a half worth of our posts is already dropping from normal posts. Boy we sure made the sub unusable. Fucking criminals! @PuttItOut better ban legitimate users for posting up to the spam limit and giving 1 upvote per post!!! BAN THE CRIMINALS!!!!

Throwthefuckerout ago

Dude, I didn't draw attention to you because of anything personal. I watched the whole event take place and it started looking suspicious near the end.

The users can moderate the subs themselves, and your free to do as you please. Its when I started to see day old accounts that I saw a red flag. I didn't want to say anything in case I was wrong but by the end I was pretty sure I wasn't. Putt can take 2 seconds and look at the logs to know exactly what happened, just like he can look at the logs and know never to listen to me again cause i got this all wrong. I know your frustrated about it, but your not gonna get banned for no reason. I thought it looked weird and presented evidence, that's it.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

@PuttItOut better ban your sorry ass

ExpertShitposter ago

Haha, not gonna happen, you know he is one of us.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

@PuttItOut is this true?

Disappointed ago

Right. Is it done now then on your end?

ExpertShitposter ago

For now yes. Tomorrow......who knows. If they have a problem with me...they can just ban me, and since i don't have alts, that will be the end of that.

Ether way i am allowed to post up to the post limit.

Disappointed ago

I am the mod on v/linux which is why I am asking. I dont want to ban you and wont. I don't want to do shitty mod things there at all. There is no they, it's me asking you man to man if you are done with the war for now. I don't even know what the fuck its about to be honest.

ExpertShitposter ago

Oh shit, thats why they were bitching! Because they have no power!! LoL Tell me, did they mass report and/or beg you to ban us?

I am done for now. But like i said.....i am allowed to post up to my limit. And v/linux is allowed to give me -30 per post like they did.

Disappointed ago

v/Linux is open to everyone and I try to let the community run it. No one has asked for a ban to me personally no. Only one person has pmed me about this to tell me there is something going on and they didn't know what, but thought I should know. People are mostly bewildered about it. Lets not get all formal about posting rights either you are a voater and so am I, I'll take your word for it and put it in the past. Hopefully everyone can do that.

ExpertShitposter ago

Thanks, maybe I'll even buy a copy of this Linux OS by Microsoft and post my experiences with it.

Disappointed ago

If you have any questions or need help with it, just ask over there.

Plant_Boy ago

Was just downvoating what was negative in v/Linux/new. I'm helping!

Disappointed ago

Sanegoat nor any of that crew have ever posted on v/linux

Disappointed ago

As far as I know @Gabara said he would knock it off and now somehow @expertshitposter is involved. I thought we were all on the same side here but now I'm beginning to wonder. What's bought all this on? v/Linux has sat there for 3 years and even the worst trolls haven't touched it so far. Why now?

Likeitirish ago

So why go after v/Linux? WTF are they doing there.


Someone is spamming v/traditionalwives earlier today as well, might still be.

Plant_Boy ago

I came, I saw, I Downvoated appropriately

MightyYetGentle1488 ago Beatle threatening to send child porn which led to that angry conversation you linked claiming @Grifter42 is sanegoat which is a lie.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

all anyone has to do is go to the original comment and see grifter was mad because beatle threatened to PM him child porn, you linked 3% of a conversation.

You look like a fool when you shill this badly

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

I'm not playing dumb you moron, they will be in this thread. No need to ping them because they have followed me around all day

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

You nerds are still defending that pedophile beatle?

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

no need they will see my comment anyways.


You shills have nothing if all you do is call people sanegoat. You are looking bad to the lurkers. Go back to your SBBH shit hole you fuckin faggot

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Grifter is a good dude, sane goat has no association with him.

Throwthefuckerout ago

You didn't comment for almost an entire year til last month. ExpertShitposter starts spamming, hits his cap and you conveniently pick up where he leaves off. If your not an alt then you act pretty fuckin shady. And there were plenty of other accounts there that seemed out of place, even moreso than you.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Expert and Gabara are the ones responsible for the spam, here is to hoping putt makes a good ban

o0shad0o ago

Just visited /v/linux/new and... wow.

ExpertShitposter ago

Pretty funny right? Now its actually worth visiting.

PuttItOut ago

I'll ban them all tomorrow

Cuckbot ago

This is still going on. Legimate posts with 6 downvotes each. Our sub doesnt have enough actives to compete with that.

jsac ago

just imagine if you were limited to no more than a set amount of accounts per IP.....

Throwthefuckerout ago

Thanks Putt.