I have a "desk" job where i have some amount of free time so i sometimes voat during work as there is not much else to do. Thats why it seems like I'm on 16h per day. Its really a 1-2 hours spread throug out the 16h period in many 10minute sessions. Also, i'm on sick leave since Thursday and thus somewhat housebound so i'm on more now.
Hey_Sunshine ago
A manual tranny? Huh I'd have thought kids now days were all automatics.
On a, unrelated note, when do you find the time to sleep?
ExpertShitposter ago
I have a "desk" job where i have some amount of free time so i sometimes voat during work as there is not much else to do. Thats why it seems like I'm on 16h per day. Its really a 1-2 hours spread throug out the 16h period in many 10minute sessions. Also, i'm on sick leave since Thursday and thus somewhat housebound so i'm on more now.