auto_turret ago

Mortal Kombat

This movie is so bad it's good. When it first came out, at age 10, my friends and I just HAD to see it. We thought it was the greatest flick ever.

Seeing it as an adult.. well.. wow..

Native ago

Ha, that's not quite a glowing review however...

auto_turret ago

Yet I'll still watch it if I happen to catch it.. bad movies can still be entertaining if you try lol

whipcracker ago

Romper Stomper

Native ago


telleveryoneyouknow ago

Just curious, but what criteria did you use to establish the movie’s “red pill” classification?

Also, why isn’t the Matrix on the list? It’s literally where the term red pill comes from isn’t it (someone please correct me if I’m wrong - I have never actually checked lol)

Native ago

The Matrix is on the list.

The criteria is pretty vague. The titles are added or removed based on reviews.

My definition of 'redpill' is a lot more broad..basically anything that isn't pure kike or SJW propaganda

Bottled_Tears ago

Oh, you have your own "Redpill" term.. How old are you?.. Do you understand what redpill means? Redpill is the real world. Way way more and far beyond SJW and kike shit.

Native ago

How old are you?

i'm a 9 year old

Veridic ago

Original Django (1966)

RaspberryPi ago

Liked Super 8 but didn't know why (its not that great) now I realize it was just because it isn't progressive!

Nomad61900 ago

Boondock Saints

Native ago

Is boondocks really SJW free? It's been years but all my lib friends at the time lived it which makes me question the movie

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Two regular dudes knocking off mafiosos - legit film - I vouch for it

psymin ago

N-word all over the place,and "macho" homosexuality.

TeddyJackson ago

What a shitty cucked JEW list you fucking JIDF shills.

13083385? ago

What would your list look like?

Bottled_Tears ago

After seeing most of these movies, I might have to agree with him. Sure the plot is Redpill but the little things in what they put in is very cucky and jew like.

TeddyJackson ago

Is the director/writer/producer a jew? Then it isn't on the list. Nearly every movie on their list has that combo.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Good point. They each have so much influence on the nuanced parts of the movie. Even if it’s just a subtle gesture (like some background race mixing couple, or a white dude who beats his wife, or a poor black kid who really tries... every detail is designed to paint a picture in our minds of reality)

FortniteBlitzkrieg ago

The Last Witness: torrent:

I have yet to watch it but it sounds excellent, it is along the lines of the holohoax. The Germans were blamed for a massacre of 20k Polish that was actually committed by the Russians in order to maintain the Allies morale.

Native ago

It does sound good. I've watched several Russian tv shows/movies and the production value over there exceeds Hollywood in my opinion, so this polish venture will probably be good.