Amphiprion ago

I've been hearing a lot about you lately, Russian Hacker. I want to say it's a great honor to finally encounter you in the wild.

Thank you for all you've done to save America.

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Imagine being at a Walmart in the Bay Area where there are hundreds of people in the store and not a single one of them was born in this country.

1True_Morty ago

Cool story, indeed. Where does a non-Russkie like you or I go to find such things?

1True_Morty ago

Dramatic Woodchuck has been resurrected.

The end times are truly upon us.

1True_Morty ago

I was amped up from awesome movie juice when I wrote it. And I don't go to many concerts.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

I trust RT to tell the truth about our lies.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago


Voopin__Voopin ago

will buy or rent, thank you for the reco! :)

carnold03 ago

I'll definitely have to check it out, but it looks like we've got another addition to v/theredpill movie list.

dias17se ago

Amazing find, im sick of seeing niggers in movies and television.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Actually no, I've just always wanted to learn Russian - all the cool bad guys spoke Russian when I was growing up.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Fuck yeah AKIRA!!!

1True_Morty ago

I picked it up for $5. I'm super pumped to watch it. I haven't seen it in 18 years.

nadrewod ago

I never really learned the common identifiers for Jewish surnames (beyond "precious metals", although I know of some like Sumner Rosewood who don't fit that mold).

1True_Morty ago

Good indicators are precious metals, like you said. Also -stein, -berg- and -tz. There are exceptions, like you said.

It becomes a lot easier if you read German. I don't, I've just learned to recognize them. The reason reading German makes it easier is because a lot of Jewish names are actually pretty embarrassing in German. This was done deliberately by the German authorities when they forced them all to declare surnames way back when. There was a specific list they had to choose from. The wealthier families, though, we able to buy better names, like Rosenbaum (Rosewood). Or the ones who were in good with the nobility received the names with precious metals in them, because that was their trade, and the nobility used them often.

Baconmon ago

Why would you go to shitmart..

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Some people don't really have choices...

Baconmon ago

"They don't really care how big and evil walmart is" would be a more realistic answer than "They have no choice"..
I haven't gone to dickmart in like over a decade or more, and I am poor as fuck..
I figure that if one grocery store corporation is that important that you can't possibly live with out it, that is just more of a reason that people shouldn't be shopping there because it just makes them a monopoly even more..

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I know what you mean. Its not about the money. Its about available choices here. For instance, the only other place I know to buy epsom salt is the hardware store and target. The 2 grocery stores sell it for twice as much. At least the local economy gets sales tax when I shop at walmart versus online.

nadrewod ago

What am I supposed to notice from the production team listings?

1True_Morty ago

A distinct lack of precious metals in the last names.

Antiracist10 ago

Shut up, nadrewod.

binrobinro ago

You had me at "Wilhelm Scream".

Y2jvoek ago

Thank you friend. I've been raising my sons on Amon Amarth videos and this will fit nicely into our collection.

notyouraveragellama ago

You would like The Last Kingdom.

1True_Morty ago

I'll check it out.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Lol, that's the one I was watching.

Warmoose76 ago

Damn this was on one of the stars channels a bunch recently, now I'm kind of bothered that I didn't watch it when it was on. Sounds badass

RumpRangerRick ago

There's a Wilhelm scream

Can't do it. I've been in the industry for 25 years now, and it takes me right out of whatever I'm watching.

Fuck that fucking sample, and ruining my cinematic immersion.

Fucking Wilhelm.

Fucking Ben Burtt (... that talented sonofabitch)

1True_Morty ago

If it helps, it's near the end.

NamelessCrewmember ago

Yup, I'm with mr Rick on this one, much as it is homage to use, it also immediately destroys the immersion in the story.

Derpfroot ago

Definitely distracting...because I think Indiana Jones will be in the next shot no matter what.

LionElTrump ago

Thank you for the suggestion, was a pretty good flick!

ardvarcus ago

I'll give it a look, based on your recommendation, but I don't have high expectations. I've seen many shitty Viking movies, and only a few good ones.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

you can't spell jewelry without "jew"

1True_Morty ago



Rifle ago

How do you find these things?

fusir ago

Another one, The Congress.

It's all American actors but had to be made in a foreign studio it is that redpill. You want something with a princess? It's got the girl who played the princess bride as the protagonist.

Monsantos_Schlong ago

Seen it a few months ago, it's a great movie. I wish there were more like it.

10730805? ago

Johan Hegg is in it? If so, and I believe so that is the singer of an awesome band called Amon Amarth. I might just have to see this movie now.

1True_Morty ago

You are correct in your belief.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

I believe so that is the singer of an awesome band called Amon Amarth.

Damn, Im sold.

valk2 ago

Who the hell pays for movies anymore? Grandpa Rick would be pissed.

1True_Morty ago

Grandpa Rick can suck my dick. I've rescued his drunken genius ass more times than I can remember.

GetWithThePogrom ago

Have you ever wondered why pirating is not prosecuted? Spreading their cultural Marxism is more important than making shekels to them.

valk2 ago

I wasn't talking about pirating anything. I was talking about buying any movie at this point, and you listed one of the various reasons to not purchase them.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Watch Russian sitcoms. It's eeri - all white except the occasional Indian.

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

There’s a white Charlie Murphy?

1True_Morty ago

She's the Princess in the movie.

kneo24 ago

Where's the jews? Didn't Hollyweird brainwash you enough? You gotta have those hooked nose kikes everywhere for a movie to be any good.

theoldones ago

ty for discovering this

1True_Morty ago

You're welcome. I'm going to start following the companies involved in its production. I think we may find a number of gems in their resumes.

DeliciousOnions ago

I think this is a good strategy going forward. Finding good actors and supporting them directly not only rewards them, but it gives you a direct line on suggested new shows or movies.

yewotm8 ago

No precious metals in their names?

1True_Morty ago

Well, I'll be damned. I think you're right!

Biscuitbaiter ago

Lost me at the NO sex part.

1True_Morty ago

If you can't enjoy a great story without seeing skin, that's your loss.

BrutusMaximus ago

If it fits the story then it's fine, if it's forced diversity then the jews can fuck off.

Biscuitbaiter ago

Lol listen I'm going to take my ass to Walmart tonight and buy this shit just to make you happy. If it's any less gay then you made it sound I'm going to be really upset. Like sjw upset and it will be you that triggered me.

1True_Morty ago

I think you will be pleased.

Bromance is everywhere.

middle_path ago

I find sex scenes very rarely necessary for plot advancement.

Biscuitbaiter ago

But what about Viking advancement? Lol

Doorsopenm8 ago

Gotta breed with their prettiest daughters

Biscuitbaiter ago
