carnold03 ago

Put Clint Eastwood in a film with a gun in his hands and you guys get giddy like school girls, now don't you? There's nothing obviously red pill about Gran Tourino beyond Kowalski's interactions with and reflections upon his failings with his family. The observations he makes of the Lor family make him aware of their own active disconnect from their children reflecting his own. The time he spends on his neighbor's kids, while appreciated by them, is time he looses with his own family. The odd thing is that the Hmong elders notice the two kids connecting with this old white man, but don't engage him to gain perspective to engage their children. That would've been red pill. Beyond that, the film is multiculturalist propaganda. Soft propaganda, but propaganda nonetheless.

@Soygoy makes a fair point in bringing up Ann Coulter's "Adios, America" to keep you jokers from humoring unrealistic fantasies about immigration. That said, this flick does have its exciting moments and I would recommend it for those with the ability to engage in closer scrutiny of what's presented to them. I won't lie, the Hmong neighbors leaving food on his doorstep after the tussle with the neighbors gang-banger cousin was comical. It was like they were feeding a lion hoping he wouldn't go after them too.


Native ago

Put Clint Eastwood in a film with a gun in his hands and you guys get giddy like school girls, now don't you?

Ha! Fair n'ough.

Although, in my mind Hollywood has become so (((propagandized))) that a movie that doesn't have in your face anti-western program in my opinion is 'red pill' enough to fit the list. IE Just a whole some movie like "The Incredibles" doesn't necessarily have any direct 'red pills' but is just a fun family movie and should be put on the list. Then again anything 'wholesome and family oriented' is a red pill these day. I just don't want to narrow the definition of 'red pill movies' to much because if we do, basically everything is unwatchable.

And on second thought after the discussion and the additional comments this may not be a suitable 'red pill movie' even with Clint Eastwood.

If we break down the plot, Clint is basically a complete Boomer Cunt that has alienated his entire family (despite them trying to reach out to him) with his shitty self indulgent attitude and then afterwards he gives up his legacy the only thing he is proud of the Grand Torino (code word for America) to 3rd world immigrants. IF that isn't a black pill on America I don't know what is.


I will probably still put this on the list with this thread as a qualifier.

bman0321 ago

What are all you fish heads talking about?

Waiyu_Dudat ago

I love the shit of of this movie even though it has undertones of multiculturalism. "Your white families will abandon you for hedonism, only brown/yellow people value family anymore!"

Hmong are interesting people though for sure. Very spiritual culture.

Definitely one of my favorite movies because of the language though. Zipperhead, gook, fishhead. Haha so good.

ReddittRefugee ago

One of the great movies. All about the theme of how boys need a man to teach them how to be a man . . .

Rollo Tomassi would approve.

Beast-mode-freak ago

Fantastic movie. Clint is old school and a refreshing counterpoint to the incessant leftist bullshit from Hollywood.

soygoy ago

Spoiler alert: until reading Adios America, I didn’t realize that Hmong men actually do rape the shit out of every woman they encounter. Model minority!

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Yeah, but all of Clint Eastwood’s awesomeness couldn’t make up for the terrible acting, casting, and writing imo

Karbuster ago

It's a wonderful movie with a great ending

RobLoblaw ago


Native ago

Great freaking suggestion! I saved this and will add it to the list.

Native ago

Great idea!